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hush's new hidey hole — I'm growing for one, now!


Señor Member
La pequeña NepJam:



Señor Member
Day 42 for the Bubba Hash plants.


Some bud shots:




The buds directly under the light are starting to run, from being so close:



Señor Member
Thanks, friends.

Think she'll go 10 weeks?

I certainly hope so. That's my ideal flowering time for a heavy indica. I can't imagine it going longer than that, but I suppose based on how I've detected that they're just starting to slow down their drinking, in the 7th week, I'm pretty sure they will at least make it past the 9 week mark. I'm filling up the res tonight, going on vacation for a week, and when I come home I'm expecting to see some ripening flowers. :biggrin:


New member
Thanks, friends.

I certainly hope so. That's my ideal flowering time for a heavy indica. I can't imagine it going longer than that, but I suppose based on how I've detected that they're just starting to slow down their drinking, in the 7th week, I'm pretty sure they will at least make it past the 9 week mark. I'm filling up the res tonight, going on vacation for a week, and when I come home I'm expecting to see some ripening flowers. :biggrin:

Thats the beauty of ebb and flow! I finally got my DIY ebb and flow table built in my 3x3 around mid December. I had started some cuts in the 4x4x2.5 grodan cubes (hand watered) and moved them into 2L rootmaster pots filled with grodan croutons. Flooding goes up to about 2/3 of the way on the cube but soaks all of the croutons. After the transplant I was out of town for a week, returned to change the res, and then left again for almost a week. Returned to find the garden banging and ready to be flipped. The info on this thread was really helpful in getting this all going.



Señor Member
Well I just got back from vacation, peeked into the tent, and was greeted with this:


So I'm happy. :biggrin: I'll try to take pics in some white light tonight if I can. The flowers are frosty as fuck, with the Bubba phenos being the absolute frostiest ones. The hash plant phenos are slightly behind them in maturity. I saw some purple and red coloration on some leaves while I was peeking, but I don't know which plants they were attached to.

I'll try to come back later...


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~

I thought they’d bulk up a bit more but I guess there’s still time..


Señor Member

I thought they’d bulk up a bit more but I guess there’s still time..

Well, the bubba phenos are quite rock solid. I don't know if it's coming through in the pics, but I think the one with flash on kind of shows it. The hash plant phenos have the structure of like early 90s skunk, so it's not rock hard, but the buds are pretty thick and have enough weight to flop. Also, I think the looks are deceiving because of how I trained these plants that would have otherwise been solid columnar colas, you know what I mean? So that might be affecting things, I don't know. :dunno:


Señor Member
The res in the 3x3 needed to be filled so I went ahead and did so with straight water. That means the flush is on now. The bubba phenos are probably gonna be done in a week, while the hash plant phenos could go a week or two more, so I'll just cut in another couple of weeks probably.

When I opened the tent this evening I was punched in the face by a strong, earthy, coffee aroma. Upon sniffing individual plants it was clear that the coffee punch came from the bubba phenos. The HP phenos smell somewhat fruity. Still pretty pungent, and loud, but friendlier and sweet. I didn't take any pics but it's getting harder to do that anyway with how little negative space there is in there now.

I just love that coffee smell. I wish I didn't have to use carbon filters sometimes.


Señor Member
I think it's day 60 in the 3x3. I tried to get a representative bud shot from each of the 4 plants. Best I could do since I don't have much room to work with in there. Can't get any artificial light in there for photos. Anyway...

This is a bubba pheno, and it's the most crystally in the tent. It looks like it will yield well. I can't smell it directly, but something still smells strongly like coffee in this tent, and I suspect it's this plant. Also, it appears to be done.


This next one is a hash plant pheno that has a very sexy look to its bud structure. Reminds me of some of the very first varieties I began growing from seed, from Dutch seedbanks. That doesn't mean it with necessarily be a keeper, but it's an old school look, and I like it. It was the branchiest of the bunch too.


This one is a bubba pheno, doesn't look like it will match the other one in yield or trichomes, but this one I can reach to smell it, and it smells like earthy fruity dankness, but not so much like coffee anymore. It's deep and loud. Also, it's almost as done as the other one, but looks like it's maybe a couple of days behind.


This last one is a hash plant pheno, not as branchy as the other one, slightly different bud structure, not as far along in flowering, and it smells like, well, hash. There's some fruity skunkery in there too.



Señor Member
Ugggh. I'm sick AF right now with the flu, but I will start chopping the plants beginning tonight. I'll work at it over the course of the next 4 days or so. I'll do my best to take pictures. Stay tuned.


Señor Member
Just a brief update...

I'm still recovering from the stupid flu and I've only harvested one complete plant so far. Three more to go. But interestingly enough, I got a note from my landlord yesterday asking me to come see him, and he informed me that I'm stinking up his shop, downstairs. Whoops! He thinks I've been smoking it, and he doesn't know I grow. But still, it was a wake-up call that I should be turning up the fan on the carbon filter when I'm chopping. Anyway, when I realized he just thinks I've been smoking it inside my apartment, I just told him that sure, I would stop immediately, and that he will never smell it coming from my place ever again. All I had to do was turn the fan controller up and the problem was gone. But it did make me realize that I should probably not grow such stinky varieties anymore, at least until I'm compliant. Live and learn.

So yeah, this is a stinky variety! I don't even expect that this first plant was the stinkiest, either. I just need to keep the door to the closet closed while I'm in there chopping, that's all.

I'll try to finish up over the next 2 days and hopefully snap a few pics.


Active member

“Right” ...!!!...

I’ve done that before... your in your spot doing whatever your doing and walk outside to go somewhere and bam...!!!... the smell smacks you in the face...!!!...

Or hopefully a friend or family member tells you they smell it before someone we don’t want telling us does...!!!...

We just get used to that smell sometimes to ya know...

Nice plants too :tiphat:...


Señor Member
So it looks like I was able to take two acceptable photos of that first plant... Here they are.



I've already begun sampling, because I left one of the first branches I cut nearby the furnace. The high is deep, introspective, and strong. Because I've been sick, I can't comment too much on some of the qualitative aspects of the high, but one thing I can safely say is that it's narcotic as fuck. I was already sleeping upwards of like 12 hours a day, and so it was hard to get more sleep when really that's all I wanted was to sleep through it all... My body just wouldn't let me. But when I vaped on this stuff, it knocked me out after about a half hour or so and gave me another 2 hours of sleep. This morning was the first time since getting sick where I woke up feeling like I'm over the worst of it, and feeling noticeably better... But because of all the sleeping I did while sick, my internal clock is all off, and I woke up at like 4 o'clock, which is unacceptable. So packed a small bowl of this stuff and sure enough it put me back to sleep again for another couple of hours. I *need* medicine like this in my life.

Anyway, my sense of smell hasn't quite returned yet, so I'll save those details for later when I'm back to 100%, but it's clearly a stinky strain, and it is LOUD. There's no stealth with this variety! If I can smell it through the nasal congestion, I can only imagine what it smells like with a clear nose. It also tastes the way it smells. It's very strong. But yeah, I'll update more qualitatively after the last vestiges of the virus are gone for good.