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Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
AS just a FYI...over at home depot and sometimes wally world have a much smaller jar called roottone or biotone...it is very similar to what I use except the active ingredient of Indole 3 butyric Acid is .3%...a lot cheaper too...about 5 bucks vs what I use is like 25 bucks...I like to buy in bulk for some reason :dunno:

Ahhhh WB shes good but not top notch plus she isnt the real The White as I have grown the real The White...sounds so crazy LOL and thanks for the compliments but it really isnt that clean...pics are deceiving I guess...the only cleaning really done is in between harvests


exactly what i've been using with great results lately ! you know the problems i've had with cloning recently Huey ...... the wicking mat , RR plugs & the Rooting Hormone ( its label name ) made by Biotone from HD ..... & my cloning is working great again .


La Vida Loca
Yup you got it WB Krome's The White had so much fricken frost...and the kief she produced :yoinks: wish I wouldnt have lost her :shucks:

Im with you Dan...I love the cloning powder...Im so glad things are back on track for you...I love the fact that the powder is cheap too and lasts quite a while...beats buying new gel each time you clone to be sure its fresh

Well Im going to need to get these Sour Bubbles up potted and clones taken so I can get these gals in the flower room to see what we have in them...hopefully some fire :dance013:

need these gg's to take root so I can get them veggin and try to get them ready for the Under Current and the remaining ladies will be put in coco so I may compare their growth :ying:

Hopefully good things to come next grow :D



Active member
ICMag Donor
what a fucking show! :good:

Awesome pictures and some happy as can be plants.

Good idea prioritize GG#4. seriously, i don't see point in growing anything else :moon:


La Vida Loca
Hey LyryC :wave: thanks for the kind words :D

Yeah GG went straight to the top...the VIP is in the house so it was a no brainer lol...hopefully I do her justice

Well temps are dropping so I am going to convert the flower room to a passive air flow and save on some electricity...need to get those sour bubbles up potted and ready for flower...need a few cuts from them as well...waiting on the young gg's to take root...need them ASAP



AI Glitch
Guess it was Lucid's thread...


Had to look her up :biggrin: Lets everyone have a few tokes and a gander :laughing: The r33l White.


La Vida Loca
Nice WB thanks for posting that so others can see the difference and understand what Im talking about...I should try and see if I have some pics some where

On a growers note I have been looking overall what I have been doing as my yields should be much better...I believe its due from me not working these gals to have more tops...so I will be working on that and looking elsewhere in my process for some improvements

This morning I up potted 4 phenos of Sour Bubbles that Im going to run for Duck Doi...just kinda worked out this way so I will flower them to see what we have...

nice size stalks


nice root system


and a few pics of them






nice huey, pity we couldn't chew on the leaves like koala bears. I got that blue lab.


La Vida Loca
Yeah that would be great cause these gals are bushy...I think some people juice them or something similar...I myself cant handle the taste ...not sure if you have had canna milk :puke:...wish I could take out that taste

Oh yes sir...glad you were able to get the Blue Lab...Im so happy with mine...Im sure you will be too buddy :D glad you were able to save $$$$ too :yes:



AI Glitch
I bet...I need a kief box or some bags, aint gonna do the QWISO anymore. Gonna have a lot of damn fine trim here soon. :biggrin:

& on the keeping up...Just make your own ;) I'm getting ready to chuck all my BOG dudes at everything. Gonna make a trip out to LB for clones here soon. That reminds me I need to hit the pollen storage thread. TO THE MOON! :tiphat:


La Vida Loca
WB I havent tried the QWISO method...bad experience? besides bags have you seen the washing machines...I was thinking of getting one but so many other things take priority

LOL to the moon...yeah the seed thing Im going to leave to the Duck...seems thats his passion



AI Glitch
Well if you do cheap QWISO ($1.99 91% rubbing alcohol) it's got a denaturant in it which can be anything that renders it undrinkable, from a lil gasoline to some kind of way out chemical. Needless to say, this shit burns your throat :laughing: I've yet to try some 190 proof everclear but I heard that stuff is the shiz.

I want the kief box because I scraped my little knott's berry farm travel jar once and the mix of all the different kief flavors was probably the best thing i've ever tasted but it was like half a hit when I was out...Now if I could get a Gnome-sized bowl going (check POTM) of a host of strains. That's some chiefin :biggrin:

Edit: And I need "indicating dessicants" :good:


La Vida Loca
WB I have become very fond of honey oil myself...still practicing how to make it

the 190 proof has become very hard to find...I tried making tinctures...but anyway the taste of honey oil can be really tasty if done right...I need to fine tune my temps without damaging terpenes

yeah the kief boxes are very nice...some have a humidor to store your bud and grinder...I think they get pricey though :shucks:



AI Glitch
Bevmo has the 150 proof, still pure just gotta evap the water out too. Kief box is worth it for the once a year kief harvest of such incredible tastes. A lil taste of every strain you smoked all year? Priceless :laughing:

I wanna get into bags for hash, the right techniques can still get 60%. Using a sprayer wand on em to push more of the water-soluble particulate through gets it to full-melt status so it's been brought to my attention. (thanks Elements :tiphat:) Gonna just throw all the trim in an epic batch of cookies this round, I'll get the bags for the next one cuz I'll have enough leaves on that one, for sure. :biggrin:


La Vida Loca
WB so whats the sprayer wand...Im not familiar with it...when you do it I would love to see what you do...or perhaps you have a link

Ill have to check Bevmo...they just finished building one here...not sure if its open yet I'll have to check it out...thanks for that tip...I may just try to make a tincture again...first time didnt work so well



AI Glitch
No problem and I'm not sure myself on the sprayer wand. I just picture a pesticide-sprayer type thing but distilled water instead of pesticide. :biggrin: I'll have to ask him more.


New member
Is it me.. or is does your garage seem to get bigger and bigger...lol.. Im scratching my head wondering where the extra room is coming from...lol .... Is that the same garage I broke a branch on and your lady freaked out on me, and started cursing is some language I could not make out...hahahah... Ohoooo... the good times.... With the coin you should be getting from these monster crops.. you could have built a few add on rooms by now... :)
And just for your info.. if you post one more pic of that damn RC Car.. Im coming over there and throwing that dang crap car away!.. Post that crap on a different forum... your fking up my read man...lol

I also see that AS is following your thread.. which is good, cuz I like what he did on the so called side by side LED grow.. that just turned into and LED grow using Advanced LED and the HGL LED - And sense im using all leds this round I found his thread informative... yet everyone is getting free lights but me... go figure??? I went with Advanced - but they recalled them on me... more on that and why later.. (when I rip them a ned one, and give the people my experience) So now Im using 2 of the new Kind LED K5 series. which gives me a super boner every time i see them... lol.. and so far kicking @ss and taking names.... names like BayBHuey!!!! I saw you depict a difference between the UC and Coco.... which way do you lean on that and why? I can do either next round and wanted your input.... also you can come by and help my scrog out these White Buffalo. I went the string route instead of the bungie.. but hay it works. I also was gonna pop up on you last week but since is was after 6pm I knew the old man would be sleep... hahahha


La Vida Loca
Just got back from a 3 hour road trip to the docs...what fun I didnt have lol

Cool WB let me know if you find out :tiphat:

Whats crackin cheffz...hows things your way? And my shit is packed in this little box of a grow space I have...nahhhh I gotta increase my yield...plus you know me trying shit...I was born a "what if" person :dunno:

You know since you said dont post r/c pics that I will lol...whats so bad about my r/c...wish I would have went for these things they call crawlers...Im I drinin you nuts with the r/c talk hahaha...back to being serious

LEDS are very nice but it depends on your style of growing and space...the leds arent quite up to what the DE's are doing so you gotta weigh out the pros and cons...the leds are getting better all the time though so its something to keep on the lookout for

Now the UC to coco...I dont want to tell you...hahaha JK my friend...from what I see but take in consideration the conditions are slightly different...but the coco is growing a much more green lush plant...buds look more abundant...might be frostier too but :dunno: plus the uc buds are like 2 weeks ahead...I will have to get pics of both...so you can see what Im talking about

I believe coco provides extra phosphorous and potassium which is something I need to look into...see if I can beef my numbers up for the uc...it maybe time to start dialing in my nutes to a certain profile for the uc but you know me...gotta do testing lol...mad scientist I like to play lol

hydro is much less work for me...but it depends on setup cause my coco I hand water...if it was more automated I would go COCO...I may change my mind after time so dont get mad later lol



Active member
Huuuuuuueeeyyyyy! Whats good dudemanbro? I see you have been busy posting away....things are chuggin along nicely over in your parts! Sour dub the same thing Dan n those guys are runnin over in the bike thread?

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