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How much to tip pizza delivery guy?


Active member
First of all, im in UK and tipping pizza delivery dude is unheard of here.

Yet i try to hand few spare quid whenever i have coins in me packet. 1 - 3 pizas - 2 - 3 quid really

Last time pizza delivery took 2 hours to get here and i didnt tip the guy and he didnt seem to mind...

How much do u tip take away deliveries?


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Just curious.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
5-10 dollars, usuaully somewhere in the middle. I like tipping well, I call it "spreading the love". If I am doing well then I spread it around it a bit hoping one day it will come back to me. Also, I love the service of people bringing me stuff, throw some bacon and sausage in the mix along with cheese and now my stoned ass is really appreciative of your troubles. One pizza place by me in this new town I live in already said I was their favorite, small family owned businees with bomb ass pizza. My average order is $30, and my average tip is probably 7 dollars+.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor

Everytime I go into IC chat the topic is weed but it ALWAYS quickly turns to food. I propose a forum section dedicated to and titled, MUNCHIES. There we can post up food porn and share recipes and the experiences of dialing in the proper spaghetti sauce. lol


Active member
i have delivered for many years...and am still doing it for a few hours per week for beer money and shit.

I average around 10% of the order. Some people are just great tippers...and some people don't tip at all. sometimes great tippers tip like shit...and sometimes shitty tippers throw money at you...you just can never ever count on shit in this line of work.

I think..regardless of the order size...a $5 tip is just the perfect amount. when you figure in gasoline/car insurance....$5 is not really a lot of money today. $3 is the average tip...

I hardly ever get delivery...so when I do get it..like once per year or so...i tip $5.00. The delivery guy is happy...and $5 aint shit....when I spend $20 to feed my fat face with garbage food.

Usually the great tippers make up for the lousy ones.




Well-known member
My pizza people are always in shock and awe with a $5.00 tip.One guy was so thankful I had to ask if he was being sincere.
I guess yuppie's stiff the pizza drivers regular around here.I always tip 5+ for the guy bringing the food.
Cash money


when I was in college in VT I'd always just toss the delivery driver a nice little nug as a tip...never got any complaints

Mr Pengra

I'm currently a pizza delivery driver, and I'll give you a reference:

$20 order, $4 tip, $35 is more like $5-$8, and $50 or more and your lookin at $9-$12 bucks for a decent tip. EDIT: AND ALWAYS GIVE WEED!!! AT LEAST ENOUGH FOR 2 BOWLS OR A BIG BOWL FOR TWO!!

But don't tip well if the guy is super late or forgets a side order, thats just bad business practice and you'd be rewarding somebody for being lazy and unorganized at their work.


Well-known member
I gotta admit that I get a lil pissed off when the pizza's here and I tip the human well and ask for condiments and they tell me I have to order them.
I always suggest they come prepared next time.


Well-known member
How much do u tip take away deliveries?

minimum/standard tip is $20 USD - order is usually $30-$40 range. (i get good service)

Not having to drive to go get the stuff .... priceless.