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How much to tip pizza delivery guy?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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Idea's for a new hubbleman threads...

how many squares of toilet paper is enough?

does smoking make me look cool?

what side of the bed do you sleep on?

my waitress was sweet on me... does she like me?

is anyone else afraid of the dark?

anyone see the latest disney pixar flick?

depends on the poo.

depends if your cool

bed? seriously I have two queen sized beds and I sleep on the couch. the living room is cooler at night. also discovering it has good back support.





Active member
I used to own a Pizza place and our business was 75% or more delivery. I would have kids come in and work and say.. 'nobody tips' 'this sucks' etc etc.. these kids had no idea what service was about.. they expected people to just throw a tip to them because they were entitled to it somehow. I would often go out for 2 or 3 hours worth of delivery on a friday or saturday night and come in with 50 to 75 bucks in tips.. these kids all accused me of putting my own money in to make it look better.. I didn't.. I just delivered pizza with a very upbeat, friendly, personable manner.. and people paid me for it.. anyway.. if a kid comes to the door and acts like a 'i dont give a shit' type of attitude.. I'll wait for my change! if he comes in and has some sort of chutzpah, I'll give him a 5.. sometimes more if they show a reason.. I'm the same way when i go out for dinner.. 'tips' is an acronym for 'to insure proper service'

mgk :tiphat:


How much to tip guy?

How much to tip guy?



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

vhat a smuck.......

10-15 yrs ago while in NY you tipped great & got your pies hot, $7-10 typically for 2-3 pies.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I delivered pizza for a couple of years about 15 years ago. When I worked it was about 2 bucks minimum for smaller orders up to about $20, larger orders had tips adjusted upward depending on order size. Never saw any kind of a standard percent tip like ya do in restaurants.

Here is why it is important to tip your food delivery driver. Firstly, if you are a regular customer from a pizza joint or the like, you will be remembered by the drivers and you will have a reputation. There are always some notorious non-tippers, and when their orders come up for delivery, believe me, all the drivers are aware which ticket it is....nobody fucking wants to get it! So, your pizza is now on its way to your home, all alone with this driver who knows you and your rep...10-15 minutes all alone, a potential victim of food abuse.

I never did anything to anybody's pizza, but I can't vouch for some of my co-workers who may not have had the same ethics as myself. I did see one driver actually spit on a pizza one time, it was this drivers last night on the job, and they got the ticket of a well known stiffer. Dropped a juicy loogy onto the cheese....blended in perfectly in about 20 seconds. And this was a woman driver!

The other reason you want to tip these folks nicely is that the good tippers get their food faster. On a slow night the drivers typically go leave the kitchen with 2 orders at a time, just for efficiency sake. So, they always have to make a decision on which to deliver first. Normally, the closest address gets delivered first...unless one of the orders is a known good tipper. On busy nights like the weekend drivers will leave the kitchen with 3 maybe 4 orders at a time, and this is when it really makes a difference. The last pie that gets delivered has been sitting getting cooler for 20-35 or more minutes. Good tippers get there pies fastest


if something costs $5 i'm happy to pay $5 for it. If there's a delivery surcharge i'm happy to pay that, but just paying the deliverer a tip simply because everyone else does? how is that a reason? Their employer pays them for that service, so why should you as a CUSTOMER also pay them? It's a financial transaction, there shouldn't be this vagueness that results from tipping.


Active member
Yeah man, tipping is not very popular in EU and Australia (where u from right?), its more of a US thing


When Im paying with big bills I just usually leave the whole change for him. Some times it costs 16$ and i leave 4$ maybe the next time its 18$ and i leave 2$. Personally I see it as doing good. Maybe the person will be in a better mood and treat people nicer which in result could change the world, just by giving some extra change! :thank you:

But then again it is rare for me to order.


Active member
I also do believe tipping might affect rate of "pizza pollution" - adding nasty contaminants to non tipping customers


If you're at a restaurant chances are you'll be tipping the waiter(ess) $5 just for carrying a dish from their kitchen to your table ... pfffft. Why do you like this???
Sorry, but I think their employer should be paying them for their work - not the customers, and especially when it's so vague - some people won't pay anything, others will pay $20, so it's an easily exploitable system where the honest pay $20 for having a waiter bring them their meal from the kitchen to their table, and the dishonest get away with $0 tips.

Tips are supposed to be about giving a bonus to somebody who has served you beyond what you expected ... yet in the US it's basically COMPULSORY to give a tip, even if the service was shithouse. Again, if you want to sell me something I want for $5 i'll give you $5 for it! If you want an extra $5 just for handing it to me then I feel sorry for you and anybody else who is a fan of the tipping system.
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I guess people in the uk are stingy hahaah no im just joking, but the way I see it not every country is the same economically so maybe in the UK people get payed very well for delivering pizzas compared to countries with a weaker economy where people get payed the lowest possible wage so they make more money from tips.


TPIMP: I'm not in the UK i'm in Australia, the minimum wage here is just over $15/hr - the employer pays that. If somebody orders a pizza and it costs $20 they pay $20. They're more than welcome to pay the delivery driver a tip if they want, but he's already being paid for his service, and he probably had nothing to do with making the pizza anyway so you'd just be paying for his amazing driving skills :) Anyway you're happy with giving away your money to people who've done bugger-all to get you your meal, so that's all that matters :))


TPIMP: I'm not in the UK i'm in Australia, the minimum wage here is just over $15/hr - the employer pays that. If somebody orders a pizza and it costs $20 they pay $20. They're more than welcome to pay the delivery driver a tip if they want, but he's already being paid for his service, and he probably had nothing to do with making the pizza anyway so you'd just be paying for his amazing driving skills :) Anyway you're happy with giving away your money to people who've done bugger-all to get you your meal, so that's all that matters :))

Thats good enough for me if he got here fast. and 15$/hr is quite a lot not even close to what they pay people here. But its also about the good emotions that you are transmitting to other people. You know what they say god giveth and god taketh so if you got enough to give then why not?

*also if i was in Australia I probably won't tip people either, but it just proves my point about different countries and economical level


20% and ask then if they smoke weed because one of your old friends came to visit from out of town and left a joint and you don't smoke and are scared to take it and throw it away somewhere...or some other fable to cover why you would have a joint you needed to get rid of but not be a pot head...lol