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Hightimes 2014 AMS


grats to all the winners!

hope to still hook up Biomehanica, will head to GH in a bit.

lol Sam gave me his ebola, voice gone AGAIN! seems to happen every time from the darn CS weed.

Big congrats to truecannabliss, i'm glad one of our Euro guys managed to compete and win. these legal growers in the US surely have it much easier nowadays, lol.......
Yeah but unfortunately my train was at 13h18 so I'm already in france at this time :/
I work tomorrow so I couldn't stay more time in the town !

Last stop was at Voyagers to grab some Tangie in souvenir

But I'll be there for the 420 on april, so no prob to see you there !

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone

Thanks for a awesome week
good to put a few names to faces and really good to meet up with some old and new friends

I'll be putting up a report from the week
Some very funny stories to tell from swimming lessons to the g funk era

Just on my way to the who gig to rock out with some karma og



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hey ga,,,,
great to hear you had a good time,,,be looking for your "report" later on in the week,,,,,,
would be nice if you could make it over for the breeders cup /spannabis and even better if you make it over for ic,,,,,
we are gonna try to get a large apartment on harlemstratt so we can have mates over who maybe are a little further out who just want to chill before getting out and about again or whatever,,, ,
enjoy your gig mate,,heard there still killing it live,,,
peace and regards 944s2:tiphat:
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Seems like you´re having a great time! Would love to be there with all you guys! See you in April!!



Registered Non-Conformist
Yeah, You guys have to remember to wash your hands everytime you can. It;'s real easy to get sick in Amsterdam, touching all those common surfaces on trams, sharing pipes and bongs, hugging all and sundry.. etc... Staying inside mostly due to cold temps.. Having truck with "strange" women. Dude, keep your hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes, and I never put my lips directly on any pipe or joint. No offense. I make a cone out of my hand. But I don't get sick that way..! I found if I don't, I DO get sick.

And I have a seriously healthy immune system.


Active member
Had a blast. Great to meet some of you face to face and share a joint or two. Thanks especially to mack as he was my main point of contact, was always loaded with amazing gear and seemed to know everyone :) Hope to make more friends at the 420 :tiphat:


Active member
Hey everyone

Thanks for a awesome week
good to put a few names to faces and really good to meet up with some old and new friends

I'll be putting up a report from the week
Some very funny stories to tell from swimming lessons to the g funk era

Just on my way to the who gig to rock out with some karma og


yes , i agree , we should start with the story of sam bougart being chatted up by a hot milf from west coast saying he looks like orlando bloom........no thats shit was funny .....

Sam Bougart is now known as Orlando Bloom everyone ......


Active member
Let the HTCC 2014 comedy stories proceed

Let the HTCC 2014 comedy stories proceed

Hey everyone

Thanks for a awesome week
good to put a few names to faces and really good to meet up with some old and new friends

I'll be putting up a report from the week
Some very funny stories to tell from swimming lessons to the g funk era

Just on my way to the who gig to rock out with some karma og


yes , i agree , we should start with the story of sam bhogart being chatted up by a hot milf from west coast saying he looks like orlando bloom........no thats shit was funny .....

Sam Bhogart is now known as Orlando Bloom everyone ......lol :tiphat:

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
nice to meet you!

nice to meet you!

Hi Orlando/Sam/Gius/GA/Karma - Nice to meet up you at the GH. Thanks for popping by Karma. Was a pleasure to meet you.

We popped down to de Pjpe and visited Katsu/Media/de Graal

Had some really enjoyable Tahoe OG at Katsu in particular and the super cream was good and cheaper than normal at de Graal.

The 'cup winner' for me that week was the Kamarado OG from Karma.
Wow. Might have to pop a few of these here beans.....

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hi Orlando/Sam/Gius/GA/Karma - Nice to meet up you at the GH. Thanks for popping by Karma. Was a pleasure to meet you.

We popped down to de Pjpe and visited Katsu/Media/de Graal

Had some really enjoyable Tahoe OG at Katsu in particular and the super cream was good and cheaper than normal at de Graal.

The 'cup winner' for me that week was the Kamarado OG from Karma.
Wow. Might have to pop a few of these here beans.....

Hey reg

I thought you were M.I.A after the wake n bake sampling my personal headbanger ,
and the karmarado that was in town ! Lol

Say hello to your guest you had with you for this trip another really sound person I got to know this week,

Hopefully see you at 420 should have a few more karma strains for you to sample

And that sour power of yours reg was the best sour power I seen and sampled all week


mack 10

Well-known member
well god dang it, what a week!
My throat is hammered!

Where to start, first off Big ups True! Well done bro,Should of been first my friend
great samples,
(i mean this guy rolls with 2 cookie stackers stuck back to back lol)and dabs for days.

Had an absolute blast over there. So many friends with good samples, we for sure had
better weed, bubble and Oil than any shop, ic maggers reppin it.
Thanks to OJD for the samples which where so nice. cookies, Triangle,Grandaddy Purps etc etc...you name it.
An he gave buds to everyone.
Karma also knows how to impress. Dr P came back from karmas with bag full of killer samples for us ic heads to enjoy, all top cola chunks in these silver pots with stickers to match strain. Killer stuff.

Jah hoover, too short this year my bro. next time i'm a smoke you out.

Mahoosive big ups to all my bros who i'm a try to remember and bless up everyone!

~ 74, Dr P, Ras Ras, Jah hoover, Dimodz, Gauis, Van Hazeing, Moppel, OJD, True, Garden Angel, Sam BHo, Sam seed ( yo bro!) LSG crew, Austrian crew, Grocroc~sick bubble!,
Zamzia, aojiki (spelt wrong) Team Voyager, Greenhouse crew, bonglord, Dampkring gallery, DJ and the Dank genetics /Canna Colective crew, Strandvasker and his good lady and everyone else who has slipped my mind, Big up yourselfs! you all rock.
See ya all on 420!
I've got a load of glass pics and some buds if anyone's intersted?


once again it was amazing fun to meet so many like minded friends new and old. best part of the whole event. high times did us a favor by fucking it up with the expo, that way some of the breeders actually had time to chill out at the different coffee shop meet ups.

was great to catch up with peeps and for once just enjoy the time in Ams with no responsibilities or chores hanging over my head. just hang out and go where the current takes you, lol.

i did test the waters, so to speak, with a couple coffee shops, asking if they would be interested in entering the ic 420 cup if we would do a coffee shop category for them and it sounds like at least Voyager, GreenPlace, GreyArea, GH and the Prix would be up for it. we could for sure get enough of them to have an added category if we wanted to. judges would be happy for sure, lol.
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Well-known member
Just got back...had a blast with my crew...in spite of high times dropping the ball and then spending the week blaming everybody but themselves for their problems. The HT staff should be ashamed of themselves. No expo, cancelled panel discussions, also what happened to deltron and action Bronson? I feel that HT should be on the hook for at least a partial refund of the ticket price and I hope that in the future the coffeshops and vendors who invest in this event give some serious thought about dealing with these dinosaurs again. They are clearly out of their league in regards to event planning.


Just got back...had a blast with my crew...in spite of high times dropping the ball and then spending the week blaming everybody but themselves for their problems. The HT staff should be ashamed of themselves. No expo, cancelled panel discussions, also what happened to deltron and action Bronson? I feel that HT should be on the hook for at least a partial refund of the ticket price and I hope that in the future the coffeshops and vendors who invest in this event give some serious thought about dealing with these dinosaurs again. They are clearly out of their league in regards to event planning.

word man, well said! i can't believe the breeders and coffee shops are still putting up with the antics of hightimes and then even paying a fortune for the privilege. they didnt even do one thing to make it up to pass holders, let alone the vendors etc. i mean not even a free drink or something for those 250 dollar passes. seems like they just came on over, bagged all the loot, had fun smoking all the weed for a week and then told us who the winners are and bye bye till next year....lmao

oh yeah, read the really really small print; no refunds!

sad really, it could be such an amazing time, if they just did a couple of things to show they care and are not just there to cash in. it wouldn't even have cost them very much, just buy every pass holder 1 free drink per evening, couple of little tid-bits like that and folks feel that HT actually care, the way it went down this time it did seem to be a bit of a fu to all the people who spent good hard cash on those laminates.

Gardening Angel

Active member
hey everyone

while my memories of the week are fresh I thought id do a report on my cup week


I wake up knowing Amsterdam is only a day away I set off for work get home around 5pm i drop the dogs off to my friend and pack my bag,
its 3am before im finished setting the garden on autopilot for the week and my fingers are crossed that everything will be ok

shortly after 3am sam bhogart1st arrives or orlando bloom as he is now known a smoke out and strong coffee we are on are way to the airport during the earlier gardening session i notice one of my strawberry banana cream plants was a boy so he was planted on the roadside near the airport good luck fella ill be back to check on you :laughing:

check in and boarding was uneventful until a group of lads were being to loud for the cabin crew i believe Es was to blame for the lads behaviour they were ok just wiped out from the night before.
once we landed the captain announced the doors were staying closed until the dutch police boarded i thought they could be coming for me and what was stored below but it was too take the lads off the flight

once i cleared passport control my bag was waiting on the carousel nice one !
within 20 minutes i was in voyagers i went for the lemon bubble a few joints and catch up with other members we headed over to amnesia to register,
we then headed to barneys to see the entry and was surprised when they handed me all entrees a drink and vape balloon for free we didn't stay as the place was packed out as we were up that way we called into greenhouse to pick up the entry once again the place was packed out.

I was pretty tired at this point and wanting to get out of town and down to the dabbing dungeon aka the DD so before we got on the metro i called into the greenplace to see what was on the menu as the greenhouse and barneys entry weed didn't smell or look good
i choose the sour tangie at 15 euro

a very nice orange diesel probably one of the best coffeeshop weeds smoked this trip,
once i finished my purchase i headed for the door when i heard i familiar laugh i was karma g he was relaxing with friends and the Manchester seed bank crew (what up !)
we had a quick chat and arranged to meet up later in the week as i was tired,
while a fist bump happened into my other hand some karmarado appeared from nowhere i love those karma fairies :tiphat:

once i arrived at the DD checked ic and the mail and i had a few hours sleep before my other friends started to arrive
they were wanting to go out for the night and i knew i would not see much of them this week because of the cup
by half 11 i was done for the day i called into the greenplace to pick up some more sour tangie as i did not get to smoke the gram i bought earlier as it was smoked while i slept !

i headed to the back of the greenplace to roll up a smoke for the walk home after the metro this is when i bumped into the LSG crew from the point me orlando and the LSG crew went up in flames talking about growing smoking and what jah has planned for next year the conversion and session continued til around 3am
where i called it a night and went home im not sure what time they went onto
big shout out to jah for making an ic member feel like one of the family
The taxi home was quick for a change as the driver let me roll him and i a joint and he even knocked 5 euro off the journey once i was home a quick dab and it was lights out.


Gardening Angel

Active member
hey everyone,

Day 2 sunday 23rd

woke up around 10am put the kettle on after a few dabs,coffee and a shower i was ready to start my day.
I arrived at the expo around 1230 where nothing was going on inside but the breeders were giving out all there promo stuff outside the melkweg,

As not much was going on i took this as my coffeeshop crawl i called into the grey area to pick up there entry
the greybone was a top smoke but the buds were no good and the grey crystal was the worst i seen it and the smoke was not much either and gauismarius will no doubt mention also.

second stop was the dampkring the weed entry was pre bagged and not up to much smell wise i passed but i did pick up there nederhash entry dabbie harry a very nice piece of "hash" 15 euro for 1/5 g ! crystal clear with a ruby red colour.

third was the greenplace to see what the og reekin was about again a nice smoke but for 15 euro im not sure

fourth stop was voyagers where it ended up my final for the day ended up catching up with friends ic members and other forum members felt like cheers that afternoon,
i left voyagers and headed for the DD got in had dinner shower got changed for the night gig at the melkweg.

im not sure what time i left the gig or if it was this particular night but on my way out a seen a person splashing about in the water outside the melkweg the more he splashed the heavier the puffer jacket he was wearing was getting heavier causing him to go under again
im not going to out this icmember as im sure he or someone else mite do the job but what a way to see a fellow ic member for the first time lol

got home usual routine dab bed


mack 10

Well-known member
Wish i had seen the splash outside melkweg, could of possibly been the funniest thing ever.
He even had to buy new shoes!
Shout to that member.