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Green Haze 19 A5 feminized limited edition


ACE Seeds Breeder


Green Haze 19 A5 takes its name from its highly distinguished lineage. A cross between our best Green Haze mother (#19) from the Oldtimer's Haze line, and the elite clone of A5 Haze (NL # 5 x Original Haze male A) from Nevil, resulting in a hybrid of almost pure Haze expression with renewed vigour, combining legendary old expressions of green Haze (19, similar to the old green Colombians and Colombian Gold) and brown Haze (A5), both very incense and of excellent quality, which recall some of the best Colombian sativa expressions of the 60s and 70s.

The Green Haze #19 mother clearly dominates in this hybrid with her tropical sativa character, both in growth and flowering traits as well as in her psychoactivity. The powerful A5 Haze brings plenty of vigour and yield, and its distinctive classic Colombian Haze aromas which, together with the aged and exotic terpenes of Oldtimer's Haze, come together to create a bouquet, personality and effects that will excite the most purist of Haze hunters.

The extremely stable pure Oldtimer's Haze genetics provide uniformity to the highly heterozygous F1 NL Haze, fixing its tropical nature and pure Haze traits so that the influence of Afghan indica from Northern Lights is, in this case, so recessively relegated that it disappears from the phenotypic expression of the final hybrid.

The flowering times of Green Haze 19 A5 are long, as you'd expect, and they fall just halfway between A5 Haze and Oldtimer's Haze. The late harvest is compensated by an overwhelming quality and undistorted true Haze character, and by a good yield that rarely suffers losses due to the excellent genetic resistance to cold, rain and botrytis-type fungi.

Breeding our best incense parentals of pure Oldtimer's Haze with Nevil's most powerful and also incense Haze hybrids allows the union of 2 mythical incense Haze lines of incredible quality, reputation and influence (Original Haze and Oldtimer's Haze), bred separately for decades to now finally merge into this genepool dreamed of by all Haze lovers.

A feminized limited edition, available while stocks last.

We’d especially like to thank Karma and Yo Sammy for rescuing and sharing the A5 Haze mother,
and to Montuno for testing and for sharing so many pics for this release.


90 % SATIVA / 10 % INDICA
LATITUDE: 0º-40º
THC: 15 %
CBD: Null
CBG: 1.60 %
Terpene profile: It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: very high amounts of beta mircene, and moderate amounts of trans ocimene and alpha pinene. Without relevant presence of sesquiterpenes.

GENETICS: Green Oldtimer's Haze #19 x A5 Haze (Northern Lights #5 x Original Haze male A).
STRUCTURE: Elegant, very well-branched and flexible Sativa, with narrow leaves and medium-long internode spacing.
BOUQUET: Ripe mango, cured wood, incense, lightly spicy and metallic notes from Green Haze #19, with the unmistakable meaty background and decaying flowers of A5 Haze.
HIGH: Highly cerebral: clears the brain. Sensory perception is sharpened and amplified. Soft start, which progressively rises and rises, becoming very energetic to take off on time, from then on it becomes more powerful and crazy, although always very clean, being warmer, happier and more expansive than its Purple Haze 23 A5 stepsister.


It can be grown indoors with strong light intensity and with enough space for its development.
We recommend to switch her into flowering after 15 days from seed, or starting from clones rooted for at least 7 days. We recommend 11 (light)/13 (darkness) photoperiod for the flowering indoors, in order to boost the flowering, and to avoid reflowerings or excessive stretching in early flowering.

Very suitable for SCROG, horizontal or network growing due to its excellent yield in the lateral branches and its vigorous reaction to pruning.

Outdoors, it is especially suitable for outdoor cultivation in tropical or subtropical climates, although it can be cultivated with very good results in warm coastal climates of mild autumn (similar to the Mediterranean) up to latitudes close to 40º.

We recommend low-moderate levels of nutrients for the whole cycle.

Click image for larger version  Name:	image_2102390.jpg Views:	189 Size:	63.3 KB ID:	18041156 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno outdoor cola 12th November5.jpg Views:	153 Size:	164.6 KB ID:	18041295 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno outdoor cola finishing early December6.jpg Views:	152 Size:	178.9 KB ID:	18041296 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno outdoor bud finishing mid December resin detail.jpg Views:	152 Size:	173.0 KB ID:	18041297 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno outdoor bud finishing early December5.jpg Views:	152 Size:	182.4 KB ID:	18041298 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno outdoor bud finishing early December2.jpg Views:	154 Size:	216.8 KB ID:	18041299 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno harvested bud resin detail4.jpg Views:	154 Size:	130.0 KB ID:	18041300 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno harvested bud resin detail.jpg Views:	152 Size:	252.1 KB ID:	18041301 Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno harvested bud resin detail6.jpg Views:	153 Size:	222.4 KB ID:	18041302
Green Haze 19 A5 análisis de cannabinoides.jpg
Click image for larger version  Name:	Green Haze # 19 x A5 Haze Montuno outdoor cola 12th November5.jpg Views:	153 Size:	164.6 KB ID:	18041295


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  • Green Haze 19 A5 análisis de cannabinoides.jpg
    Green Haze 19 A5 análisis de cannabinoides.jpg
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...como el Son...
En cuanto el espacio internodal, y más teniendo en cuenta el tipo de sativon que me salió, me pareció incluso corto para este tipo de sativas de larga floración (lo que explica su gran productividad), como podéis ver en la última de las fotos citadas :

As for the internodal spacing, and more considering the type of sativon that I got, I found it even short for this type of long flowering sativas (which explains its high productivity), as you can see in the last of the above photos:

18-Diciembre / December-18

Hoy coseche lo que restaba, la parte más baja de la planta:

Today he harvested what was left, the lowest part of the plant:

Cortísimo espacio intermodal para una planta tan sativa (Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze):

Very short intermodal space for such a sativa plant (Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze):



...como el Son...
Sobre su resistencia a plagas/hongos: yo solo la pude tratar con aceite de neem y B.T. hasta el 10 de Octubre; entonces tuve que prácticamente abandonarla en guerrilla hasta el 7 de Noviembre, y cuando regresé la floración estaba demasiado avanzada para estos tratamientos.

Sobre sus margenes geográficos/climáticos de cultivo : yo la cultive en el interior de España, en la vertiente norte de la Sierra Morena de Castilla-La Mancha a más de 800 metros de altitud sobre el mar (y a unos 400 km de la costa más cercana) y unos 39° N. En verano soportó hasta 45°C (113°F) a la sombra (por supuesto vegetando), y durante la segunda mitad de Noviembre una borrasca polar prematura le dejó lluvias y granizadas, y heladas nocturnas, llegando a mínimas de hasta -3°C (26'5°F) con sensación térmica de -6°C (21°F).

On its resistance to pests/fungi: I could only treat it with neem oil and B.T. until October 10; then I had to practically abandon it in guerrilla until November 7, and when I returned the flowering was too advanced for these treatments.

About its geographic/climatic cultivation: I grew it in the interior of Spain, on the northern slope of the Sierra Morena of Castilla-La Mancha at more than 800 meters above sea level (and about 400 km from the nearest coast) and about 39°N. In summer it endured up to 45°C (113°F) in the shade (vegetating of course), and during the second half of November a premature polar squall left it with rain and hail, and night frosts, reaching minimums down to -3°C (26'5°F) with wind chill of -6°C (21°F).


dubi thx for releasing those gems. Can't wait to sprout this strain:D.
How is the stretch compared to killerA5haze and golden tiger 3.0?

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Really nice guerrilla grow, Montuno. I’ll hopefully have some pure green OTH out this year, but the A5 has really chunked her up. I like your descriptions of lemon, liver and incense from the other thread.


...como el Son...

Te pongo al día, por si es interés, de como cómo está el tema ahora, tras algunos dias en los botes de vidrio:

Al abrir el bote, en el olor a limón dominante, el limón fermentado domina sobre el limón dulce o limonada. Con un fondo cárnico muy agradable como a higadillos o paté; este olor no aparecía antes.

Al trinchar el cogollo, es el olor limón dulce/limonada el que domina, hasta el punto de casi no distinguir nada más.

Al fumarla en joints (con boquilla echa con un trocito de cigarrillo de tabaco liado), junto a la mezcla de limón fermentado y dulce, ya os comenté cómo aparecía un sorprendente sabor catedralicio a incienso, totalmente ausente hasta la combustión, con la misma intensidad que el alimonado. La novedad es que el olor de fondo a higadillos/paté que aparece de fondo al abrir el bote, también aparece ahora (antes era inexistente) como sabor de fondo al fumar.

En cuanto a su psicoactividad, ya os comenté que de potencia, estará entre 7 y 8, en una escala de 0 a 10. Tarda bastante en subir: puedes estar acabandote un joint entero, cuando empiezas a sentir de que va la psicoactividad. Así mismo, el efecto va ascendiendo y tomándose un tiempo (para mí sorprendente) en llegar a su pico. Es por tanto un efecto muy duradero; ya os comentaré con el consumo diario sobre es aspecto de la tolerancia.

Y ahora más tarde entraré a comentaros, más allá de ya descrita potencia, sobre el tipo y calidad de su psicoactividad ahora mismo (recién embotellada), por qué si no excedo el límite del traductor (...)


I'll update you, in case it's of interest, on how the subject is now, after a few days in glass jars:

When you open the jar, in the dominant lemon smell, the fermented lemon dominates over the sweet lemon or lemonade. With a very pleasant meaty background like livers or pate/foie gras; this smell did not appear before.

When carving the bud, it is the sweet lemon/lemonade smell that dominates, to the point of hardly distinguishing anything else.

When smoked in joints (with a mouthpiece made with a small piece of rolled tobacco cigarette), together with the mixture of fermented and sweet lemon, I already told you how a surprising cathedral incense flavor appeared, totally absent until combustion, with the same intensity as the lemony one. The novelty is that the background smell of livers / pate that appears in the background when opening the pot, also appears now (before it was nonexistent) as a background flavor when smoking.

As for its psychoactivity, I already told you that its potency will be between 7 and 8, on a scale of 0 to 10. It takes quite a long time to rise: you can be finishing a whole joint, when you start to feel the psychoactivity. Also, the effect is ascending and taking a time (for me surprising) to reach its peak. It is therefore a very long-lasting effect; I will comment with the daily consumption on this aspect of tolerance.

And now later I will comment, beyond the already described potency, on the type and quality of its psychoactivity right now (just bottled), because if I do not exceed the limit of the translator.

...Actualizando sobre el olor/sabor en combustión al fumar: a veces el alimonado parece llevar un leve final metálico refrescante (recordad que no me gusta nada el sabor metálico; pero ahora es mucho más refinado, sutil y refrescante que el olor metálico de su primera etapa de floración).
Al mismo tiempo, yo diría que el nuevo y apetitoso olor/sabor cárnico (despierta el apetito hasta a mí, que soy más de comer pescado), es más hogaditos que foei-gras o paté... Eso sí, la mezcla de limón fermentado, limonada dulce, e incienso de catedral, sigue siendo dominante con mucho en el olor/sabor al fumar.

...Update on the burning smell/flavor when smoking: sometimes the lemony seems to carry a slight refreshing metallic finish (remember I don't like metallic taste at all; but now it is much more refined, subtle and refreshing than the metallic smell of its first flowering stage).
At the same time, I would say that the new appetizing meaty smell/flavor (it whets the appetite even for me, who am more of a fish eater), is more fried livers than foei gras or pate.... Mind you, the mix of fermented lemon, sweet lemonade, and cathedral incense, is still dominant by far in the smell/flavor when smoking.

Como única novedad y actualización sobre el sabor: ahora al trinchar el cogollo, ese limón dulce/limonada parece adquirir notas de frutas menos cítricas... aún difíciles de definir (mango?) Esto es solo en el trinchado; todo los olores/sabores descritos anteriormente para las otras fases (antes de trinchar, y en combustión), las sigo percibiendo igual.
​​​​​​As the only novelty and update on the flavor: now when carving the bud, that sweet lemon/lemonade seems to acquire news fruity less citrusy fruity notes... still difficult to define (mango?) This is only in the carving; all the smells/flavors described above for the other phases (before carving, and in combustion), I still perceive them the same.
Foto con el flash del móvil / Photo with cell phone flash:



Foto sólo con luz natural diurna / Photo only with natural daylight :




ACE Seeds Breeder
Gracias compañero Montuno :yummy: que ganas tengo de incarle el diente a tu dama después de tantos meses admirando sus flores.
Most of you already know, but worth to mention for future reference, here's a lovely outdoor grow report of this strain done by Montuno in a not so suitable continental climate of cold fall, yet achieving great results: https://www.icmag.com/forum/icmag-vendor-forums/ace-seeds/17881345-green-oldtimers-haze-19-x-a5-haze

There are indeed individuals of quite short node length like Montuno's plant, but most usually have longer nodes as stated in the description.

dubi thx for releasing those gems. Can't wait to sprout this strain:D.
How is the stretch compared to killerA5haze and golden tiger 3.0?

Thanks chilliwilli :) Green Haze 19 A5 is certainly taller and wilder than Killer A5 Haze, harder to tame than most GT 3 too.


...como el Son...
As for my GREEN HAZE 19 A5, its smell/flavor continues to evolve (very positively for my taste and judgment) and to gain in complexity (I remind you that the live plant had to be rolled almost with the nose to perceive its aroma, and that this has nothing to do with its current complexity and intensity)...

Now, in the bottles, the dominant smell is a mixture in equal parts between the previous lemony (fresh lemon/lemonade/fermenting lemon) and the new fruity tone whose appearance was the previous novelty: something between not quite ripe mango, and peach, perhaps (?).
A light and pleasant background of pâté or sautéed livers (?) follows.

This new fruity tone (peach/mango) also appears in the carving, where until now the mixture of lemons was an olfactory bomb that erased any other tone.

In combustion, also this mango/peach tone, mixed with the previous lemons, constitutes the fruity/citrusy part of smell/flavor, now.
It continues to co-dominate with the cathedral incense that only appears in combustion.
And in the light background, likewise, the appetizing meaty pâté/foie gras or livers.


ACE Seeds Breeder
thanks chilliwilli so cute :gaga: Your support is much appreciated, make sure room is clean of mites as much as possible. Eager to follow her development under your green hands ;)

Glad yours is improving a lot with the curing Montuno :) Oldtimer's Haze and its hybrids like Green haze 19 A5 really need a good curing of at least 2-3 months to start to shine, to improve combustion, etc ... takes more time to lose the chlorophyll in these sativa genetics than for example for all the modern Kush strains, which curing peak is much earlier.
I'm delighted reading the descriptions of its terpenes :yummy: sounds pretty complex: a combo of loud church incense with citrics and ripe tropical fruits was the terpene field i wanted to play with with this new yet classic Haze hybrid.


...como el Son...
As for my GREEN HAZE 19 A5, its smell/flavor continues to evolve (very positively for my taste and judgment) and to gain in complexity (I remind you that the live plant had to be rolled almost with the nose to perceive its aroma, and that this has nothing to do with its current complexity and intensity)...

Now, in the bottles, the dominant smell is a mixture in equal parts between the previous lemony (fresh lemon/lemonade/fermenting lemon) and the new fruity tone whose appearance was the previous novelty: something between not quite ripe mango, and peach, perhaps (?).
A light and pleasant background of pâté or sautéed livers (?) follows.

This new fruity tone (peach/mango) also appears in the carving, where until now the mixture of lemons was an olfactory bomb that erased any other tone.

In combustion, also this mango/peach tone, mixed with the previous lemons, constitutes the fruity/citrusy part of smell/flavor, now.
It continues to co-dominate with the cathedral incense that only appears in combustion.
And in the light background, likewise, the appetizing meaty pâté/foie gras or livers.

The flavor in the glass jars of my specimen continues to evolve:
The main novelty is that the coodominant odor/flavor in combustion to cathedral incense, is softening. On the other hand, the other co-dominant part in combustion, the fruity/citrus flavor (something between not very ripe mango, peach and lemon) is now dominant over incense.
Still present is a meaty end point (sautéed livers?) but it also seems to be more subtle with the passage of time.

I do not know if it is a normal curing process, or due to a bad or not optimal curing at least, because what I usually experience is that the sweetest and fruitiest flavors are the ones that fade before and more easily... In short: the flavor is losing complexity in general nuances, but gaining those in the fruitier/sweeter nuances.

The psychoactivity remains more or less as in my last update: only that after smoking a minimum of 10 joints a day since the beginning of the year (except exceptions), I would downgrade its potency rating from 8 to 7 out of 10, which means that it does not develop much tolerance.

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ACE Seeds Breeder
She is really wild, but i'm sure you are also going to tame this one well ;)
The pistils are very Mexican sativa like, that's the first thing that came to my mind looking at the second pic.

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