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Goodby MMJ.......

soo...are we talking about health care, hiipa, medical insurance, commercial drivers license, or california drivers license???


soo...are we talking about health care, hiipa, medical insurance, commercial drivers license, or california drivers license???
lol I know man. CDL, Confusion drivers license.
I went off railing on hippa and insurance plus some people thought it was regular CA DL.
I don't know that Obamacare will eliminate MMJ. It might if there were patients that were getting their HMOs to pay for MMJ costs (but I don't think any will).

Reason.com says there are 3 big takeaways: http://reason.com/blog/2012/06/29/3-essential-takeaways-from-the-obamacare
1. Government [power] is still unlimited.
2. Mitt Romney is still lame.
3. Health care costs will still soar.
Personally, I think Obamacare will be repealed by this time next year. It's too unpopular. Senators, Congressmen, and the Presdiential candidate (4 years from now) will not risk their political careers on a well-intentioned but deeply flawed piece of legislation.

That being said, it's rare that government actually undoes what it has previously done. Generally, if the law gives the government more power and authority they don't want to lose that power and authority.

Government agencies are always created and seldom disbanded; they're just reorganized. The ATF was originally tasked with the alcohol prohibition, but after prohibition was repealed they retasked the ATF. When was the last time you heard of a big ATF bootlegging or alcohol smuggling bust?


Dont they have the "do you use any illegal drugs" question on a cdl app?
If so holding a rec and answering no would be tantamount to perjury.
So like a ccw the law does not say a rec precludes the ability to hold a permit but unless you plan to perjure yourself....
It's been a while, at least five years since I've had to take a written test. The only reason I had to was because I got my M1 motorcycle endorsement. Yes, I am that good a driver.

I honestly don't recall that question being on the paperwork I filled out for the DMV. However, were it to be there I would answer, honestly, NO, I do not use any illegal drugs (or legal drugs illegally). MMJ is not illegal, and the California DMV is not tasked with enforcement of federal law, they fall under state laws.
soo...are we talking about health care, hiipa, medical insurance, commercial drivers license, or california drivers license???

All of it! The gamut! The whole shebang! We don't really have "health care" in the United States. We apply bandages.


Active member
Well looks like the party is over. With the courts blessing fed run healthcare is here. Now what does that mean for MMJ? Well if the past court rulings are any indication, it means the end of mmj. Why do I say this you ask. It has been established several times in that the Feds position of mmj having "no medical value" is supreme. Your employer can still fire you if are a mmj patient. You can't have a CdL if you are MMJ. The logical situation shoul follow that if the Feds now run healthcare and according to them there is no such thing as MMJ, that they will either deny you care or deny you MMJ.

I would love to Hear from the naieve who think this isn't a certainty.
I fucking agree, I sat in many govt buldings, dealing from ssi, to foodstamps, and let me tell you, once you depend on govt, you lose period, and yes if they have a say so you aint smoking shite, hell look around, even today our current news is showing the current attacks on legit card holders, and ppl who harm no one, plus fuck the feds, they Keep no stats of child crimes, so fuck em if they think they can make mmj worst than fuckin a kid!

I fucking trust no one involved in the Franklin cover up, and the feds were all over the case, more to make it go away than do thier frickin job, same with the sandusky case, so yes if they want control over health care, lets see how healthy this will be! Keep it up lost, I would vote helpful but cant already got my days worth in. But you are one of the few who actually thinks outside the box, with logic to your seroundings, and current events that speak so loud, how do ppl not see?:tiphat:


Freedom Fighter
It's been a while, at least five years since I've had to take a written test. The only reason I had to was because I got my M1 motorcycle endorsement. Yes, I am that good a driver.

I honestly don't recall that question being on the paperwork I filled out for the DMV. However, were it to be there I would answer, honestly, NO, I do not use any illegal drugs (or legal drugs illegally). MMJ is not illegal, and the California DMV is not tasked with enforcement of federal law, they fall under state laws.

This is where it is a bit of a problem for Commercial Drivers tho--
Even tho the test is administered by DMV, it is a DOT application, so it is Federal--
Ya got to lie, plain and simple--
My buddy is a truck driver, and he has his Rec mainly to cover him for growing-- He keeps synthetic urine in case of a test-- But this only works in a State where you don't have to Register yourself as a Patient...not sure if there are any other ones besides Cali-- :tiphat:


I love my life
they had a case in CO where they were trying to force a person to either choose a cdl, or their mmj license, not both... don't know what came of it though...?

here, they just ruled that mmj still qual's under the zero tol policy of dui's... so if a trooper smells it, or your eyes look glazed over, or you show them u'r mmj card... they can force a blood draw, and if you even have metabolites in your system (which we all would)... zero tol policy is put into effect.

just off the top of my head... fuckers.

I had a great discussion with an ICmager the other day. It seems we should all get Marinol scripts. Then if we are EVER pulled over we DENY DENY DENY cannabis consumption and ANY matabolites are there because of the LEGAL Marinol and the cops can go fuck off.

The should fuck off anyway, but with a Marinol script they can't fuck us with fake cannabis UI's.

FUCK'EM all.



Freedom Fighter
I had a great discussion with an ICmager the other day. It seems we should all get Marinol scripts. Then if we are EVER pulled over we DENY DENY DENY cannabis consumption and ANY matabolites are there because of the LEGAL Marinol and the cops can go fuck off.

The should fuck off anyway, but with a Marinol script they can't fuck us with fake cannabis UI's.

FUCK'EM all.


Unfortunately, they can determine this if it goes for an analysis vs a dip test-- Marinol has no CDB's-- :tiphat:


I love my life
Perhaps, but my understanding is that they don't test for THC or CBD but only metabolites. Additionally CBD is a non intoxicant so having CBD's in one's system is not evidence of intoxication.

The whole weed UI thing is a crock of shit and should be defeated by any means necessary. A marinol script should stop the pigs in their tracks.

In point of fact I don't care about them or their laws. I refrain from stealing and murdering, not because it is illegal, but rather because it is against MY ethics.

This great society that thinks its laws are superior to my ethics doesn't impress me.



Active member
The word they used, "recommendation", was wise. Usually that means suggestion. There must be people who have been recommended mj but do not partake so they can have a CDL. Kinda screws the argument.

But the gov't can access medical records? When did this happen? That's fucked. I really don't see that ever happening in the US.


Freedom Fighter
Perhaps, but my understanding is that they don't test for THC or CBD but only metabolites. Additionally CBD is a non intoxicant so having CBD's in one's system is not evidence of intoxication.

The whole weed UI thing is a crock of shit and should be defeated by any means necessary. A marinol script should stop the pigs in their tracks.

In point of fact I don't care about them or their laws. I refrain from stealing and murdering, not because it is illegal, but rather because it is against MY ethics.

This great society that thinks its laws are superior to my ethics doesn't impress me.


Don't get me wrong...I absolutely agree with you!!
Was just pointing out that they "can" tell the difference...altho I don't think it goes that far in every case--
I'm just trying to be fair to the Thread, and discuss both sides of the coin--:tiphat:


Yet here we've just learned that certain baby care products can produce a false positive. If that's the case, then how is it that "they" can't tell the difference there?


Freedom Fighter
Yet here we've just learned that certain baby care products can produce a false positive. If that's the case, then how is it that "they" can't tell the difference there?

They can--
They concluded: “We have identified commonly used soap and wash products used for newborn and infant care as potential causes of false positive THC screening results. Such results in this population can lead to involvement by social services or false child abuse allegations. Given these consequences, it is important for laboratories and providers to be aware of this potential source for false positive screening results and to consider confirmation before initiating interventions.

Most labs will first do a dip test for screening-- If you fail that, they "may" do a full analysis to confirm--
The thing with using Marinol to thwart a test, is they simply got hip to that...and can now determine if it was Marinol or Cannabis, since Marinol only uses THC--

BTW...I do realize that I am kind of playing Devil's Advocate...A Marinol script will work, prolly 90% of the time for pre-employment screening and such-- But for instances of like a serious accident where someone is hurt or killed...they can and will determine if you have Cannabis in your system-- Even tho I don't feel that being high in itself should be used as an automatic "Guilty" for an accident...unfortunately "They" don't agree with me--:tiphat:


The thing is, legally speaking, it doesn't matter if you were 'high' on Marinol if you caused a life-ending or debilitating accident--you're still responsible and would still be charged with a DUI. It's a moot point.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
hey guess what california courts and institutions are getting their balls back today. go read all the news.


Active member
hey guess what california courts and institutions are getting their balls back today. go read all the news.

seen it, thats beautiful.

see how state law supersedes city ordinance. the same is also true with fed law over state law. i don't agree with it but thats the precedent.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^..........and personal moral code exceed any law. I know what is right and what is wrong. the government's laws have no say over what I do with 90 percent of things. I will simply just bypass the law like the flimsy paper that it is; and so will most people if they are not controlled by fear propaganda.

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