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Goodby MMJ.......


Game Bred
If you believe me wrong then show me proof where it's a big issue on the national stage to motivate the White House and Congress to do anything meaningful about.
count the med states 5 years ago
count the med states
count 'em next year

tell me that as we approach a majority of states it is a non issue.

just because you dont hear it on CNN dont mean people dont care.

but you will disagree.
i wont take advantage of your handicap


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ok, I am having a better morning today, yet you calling me moron is ok too. I will attempt to give you benifits of the doubt.

So you say mmj is not up for debate, this is true, but only at the political level, I ask you then what is this site for? Why is every one from Oliver stone, Tommy Chong, Marc Emery, and the millions of ppl who voiced concern over these issues like all of us here, we are the ppl right? Dont we the ppl have total control, or at lest spose to? As far as making money for our economy, I have personally seen not only citizens, but big govt make loads of money without a sustained law that will continue it. So I am wrong, and a moron for saying mj would jump start the economy?

Okay the first thing that needs to happen to get us on a better track communication wise is for you to stop reading your own interpretations into my words. I did not nor would I ever say that MMJ is not up for debate. I said it's not a big enough issue on enough peoples minds to get politicians working on it right now given the other problems the country is facing. That's what I meant by calling it small potatoes. Like it or not politicians respond to two things, the people that give them the most money and the issues that the most voters that might elect them care about. Sure Oliver Stone, Tommy Chong, Marc Emery and the millions who have voiced concern over the MMJ issue are part of the people that make up "We The People" but they are only part, not all of we the people so no, those people don't have control. Who has control is the majority, that's how things work in a democracy. Also keep in mind that while there are many people who enjoy marijuana not everyone within that group want things to change. There are those within our community that are perfectly happy with how things are right now because they're making big money. That's why some in our community want full out legalization of marijuana and others only want it to be decriminalized.

Far as the Korean video thread, I guess I am a moron when I researched the Korean war, which all facts show it was a sease fire, no winners, and I asked you to name a war we won with the stature of our oh so powerful military. You said we won the Korean war. So either I trust in just your words, or you could post something that would enlighten me to your facts of what you said, but you did not, and something so easy that I can get my kid to do it, and hey, in his report he even found that the U.S did not win that war.

Okay well technically you are right in that it wasn't a win or a loss but a cease fire. But the Korean war wasn't your typical war. Actually our role in it had us describing it as a police action. I call it a win though because we walked away from it with us having what we wanted from it mre or less which is a strong South Korea based on Capitalism. Basically though all that came about because you asked me the question about what wars we've won and then proceeded to rule out certain wars because of how you personally felt about them. It was all part of your objection to me pointing out that the US is a super power. Apparently in your mind being a super power is all about what wars a country has fought and whether they've won or not. There is far more to it then just that. Anyway since you felt perfectly comfortable for excluding certain wars because they didn't fit your definition of a war I felt it was only fair for me to declare the Korean War a victory because it doesn't fit my definition of a loss.

If I am right on just that fact, why call names, why get into any other facts, why not just say hey your right, and we can move on? Why is it that lets just say 5 ppl trying to inform you of a flaw, do we get grouped up in a heep of ignorant fools just because you say so? Just not productive. I am not here for agreement, I am here to give out info, for others not to believe in but to research themselves, and make their own choice of whats right.

You weren't really right though. You asked me to name one war the US had won since WWII, I named several not just the Korean war. As I pointed out above though, you went and ruled out certain wars (Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom) because of your opinions about why those wars happened in the first place. As for name calling, I didn't start with the name calling, you did. So I just treated you the way you were treating me. If you don't want people calling you names then you should show them the same courtesy. I too am just trying to give out information for people to decide on for themselves yet there you and Poopy were telling me I'm just buying into propaganda and my views are all wrong and I need to open my mind and see it your way. Which is also not productive if your goal is for people to study things and decide for themselves.

Far as the native ppl response, well I dont think you made a good choice of words when speaking for ppl, or a process that worked a genocide on a ppl, still to this day, with lack of care of anyone reading your words to be affected by the statement. My kids are the world to me, and I am minority, so are they, I teach them as much history, and heritage that I can, and in no way did I ever hear natives willingly gave land away for "trinkets", unless you asked the white man of how he saw it. But we dont ask murderers, and evil ppl their reasons, their actions speak for itself.

To stand in a position as a white man and say such remarks is uncaring, and bias, and very much a lie to utter where others can learn from, which I am fine with you saying now, as we need ppl who think, and say things like that to really see truth, as your words arent the only one ppl will hang on, either are mine. You must remember the natives were treated like so.....
If you own your home, and just some joe smo comes into your house, kicks you outside, and your looking in the window of your house, and the men who took it over are fighting in the kitchen over the food you bought in your frig, in your house, and they let the home owner starve, have sex with his wife, teach his kid of the ways you just did to his parents, and this is being nice?

19-50 million aborigianal people of this contenent have been wiped out! BY LAWS MADE BY U.S GOVT to do exactly that. I picture my dead kids in my arms over words men say that argue with this fact period, and that my friend is not good for peace. I would be Geronimo, and live my life with his Aztec understanding til the day I die. As for your white man words of all knowing, what do you suggest Yale skull, and bones wanted by stealing the remains of Geronimo, and holding them for rituals? Why was this done, by ppl who run this country Like Bush family, is this saying to the masses that they respect, love, honor, and care about natives, let alone Geronimo?

Yeah, so your words were like coming from this group Skull and bones, hurtful, and meanings not attached to truth.

Well actually my words were coming from History, I even provided you a link to the particular historical account I was talking about. The point I was making is that the Indians didn't consider themselves as owning the land. So when they accepted "Trinkets for the land we now call Manhattan Island they thought they were getting over on the White Man. To them it was like if you were standing on a piece of land you didn't own and someone came up and offered you money for it and you said sure and took their money. They had no idea though what all that was going to lead to and had they known they surely would have never made that deal. Like it or not though the indians did trade land for "Trinkets". Keep in mind to though that that was one particular tribe, in one particular incident and for one particular piece of land. You then trying to tie all that up with everything else that happened to all the Indians is a distortion of history, a distortion of what I was saying and a distortion of the point I was making. The fact that one tribe traded land for "Trinkets" in no way excuses all the atrocities committed against the Native American peoples but it still doesn't change that it happened.

So dude, if we go anywhere from here, lets pray its with insight to others not just you, lets make it a arena to voice, and communicate, not hurt, and vent, and throw names, I wont do it again to you, I feel you get my anger, and I hate being angry, so peace, and lets move forward- sorry for blowing up, I protect my kids with my knowledge, my kids are all I have, all the world has, and I am a pitbull when protecting them, from words, and ppl who think the slaughter will continue without at least me saying something.

If you don't call me names I won't call you names. If you do though, if you start calling me names and half assed threaten violence against me like you did twice because you misunderstood what I was saying and put words in my mouth, then I'll give it right back at you. I'm not someone that is easily intimidated or bullied into going along with someone. Life has taught me that you always stand up for yourself and fight back, even if you think you might lose because at least people will respect you for standing up for yourself and think twice about messing with you the next time.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What the fuck are you even talking about. You and I have had disagreements? You must think yourself much important.

I was talking to dagnabit, you were only referenced in that because things started between me and him when he commented on something I said to you and was pointing that out by quoting your reply. Maybe learn a little fucking reading comprehension before you go spouting off at the mouth again.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
it is on a different day so it must be different :rolleyes:

Nope you also framed it as a conversation we already had before which was a first. Although it wasn't true, the truth is we've touched on elements of this conversation as they came up in reference to other conversations but we've never had this specific conversation with your fundemental opinion of the current President and democratic party as the topic of the conversation.

that is the extent of what i wanted to say...
why else would i have said it?

Hey if you don't know what motivates you to do and say the things you don't what makes you think I'm going to know? You clearly had an objective beyond simple saying that or you would have no basis upon which to say I did not fail to deliver. If I did not fail to deliver one could fairly conclude your motivation was to get me to respond the way I did. I'm trying to get at the why but apparently you have no clue as to why you do and say what you do, at least if we take your words here at face value. Plus if that's the extent of what you wanted to say then why are you still talking?

you did not fail to deliver

Good to hear then at least one of us was satisfied with the results of the conversation.

your observational,cognitive and memory recall skills must be sorely lacking. i am truly sorry for ever having taken advantage of your handicap.
i will try to remember you suffer from these maladies in the future...

My observational, cognitive and memory recall skills are just fine, you're just too insignificant to me to waste energy trying to recall discussions we've had months ago. I mean I'm flattered but at the same time creeped out that you spend so much time and thought on me and hang so much on my every word as to be willing, ready and able to try to cut and paste a new conversation together from a bunch of old conversations but just because I'm that important to you doesn't mean you're that important to me. The average person can't remember what they ate for breakfast the previous morning. You and your opinions are far less important and relevent to me then what I ate for breakfast yesterday. So see it's not a question of handicaps it's a question of your lack of relevence.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
count the med states 5 years ago
count the med states
count 'em next year

Okay which part of national stage did you not understand?

tell me that as we approach a majority of states it is a non issue.

I didn't say it was a non issue I said it wasn't a big issue right now that there is not enough people clamoring about it to get the attention of the President and Congress in a way that they feel motivated to do something about it. There are currently 17 states that allow MMJ which is far from a majority of states. When we actually do have a majority of states favoring MMJ maybe then it will be an issue on the national stage? Although probably not even then if Republicans are in control since alot of what they support is colored by their view of morality more so then what their constituency actually wants.

just because you dont hear it on CNN dont mean people dont care.

Actually CNN covers MMJ in a favorable light quite frequently. Especially after they got rid of the conservative Lou Dobbs

but you will disagree.

Only when you're wrong.


Active member
Im not going to call names, or even reply, its a no win, no brains, no respect, no getting pass this type of person. I mean you remind me of our Government right now about the MMJ movement or any movement for that matter. No matter what is said, its going to be your way, no matter how its said, your going to abuse it to fit, no matter what someone says you said wrong, you will explain it away, you know I really feel like following this type of person, I mean his principals just make me want to go out and be someone, and change the world-NOT!!!

I feel disgusted in myself, and my day goes to shit reading hemps post, I mean sometimes he make good points, but those are over written by his continued post made of just garbage, which changes to appease him I guess. I mean after reading him make you feel like where am I going, or what was I going to do, its not meaningful,or helpful but to him, I have yet to follow once ounce of wisdom from him, and its not like I am trying not to, I just get to the point of really not wanting to even say anything to you, and waste another day on some marry-go round.

You made your points loud, and very endlessly explained, well its like I feel when talking to a cop, talking with you, theres no winning, if it were a contest, but to just explain my point you refuse, so thats what I will do just leave those things said by fustrating ppl alone, at least I know which one, and funny when he post something, threads get off topic, and ppl go to other threads, wonder if he will ever catch on to that fact? His next post will answer that wont it, come on lets hold our breath!


Y'all need to get away from your computers....if it bums you out so much. Go smoke some weed...look at the green trees or something. I'll never understand why peeps chose to depress themselves with rhetoric...


Game Bred
seems like we fundamentally disagree still there HK

i guess im wrong all the time ;)

like i said i already have one i dont need two..

it's funny i really dont need one who is LITERALLY stupid enough not to agree to disagree!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
seems like we fundamentally disagree still there HK

i guess im wrong all the time ;)

like i said i already have one i dont need two..

it's funny i really dont need one who is LITERALLY stupid enough not to agree to disagree!

I'm perfectly fine with agreeing to disagree, I'm not here trying to change your view. I'm perfectly fine with you wanting to believe Obama is the worst President for MMJ ever. It doesn't upset my belief that he just doesn't really care about it enough to address it right now. In fact I'm inclined to believe he will never address it because he's too worried about his legacy.

All that still doesn't change my belief that started this all though. That Democrats have been, are and will likely continue to be more favorable to MMJ then Republicans. Will they be favorable enough to satisfy members of this community anytime soon? Probably not. Then again not everyone is looking at it from an MMJ point of view. Like GetUpStandUp over there, he's outraged because someone made a medical strain that retains many of the medical benefits but doesn't get you high. He sees it as sacrilegious because he has this romanticized view of marijuana and could care less that some people want the medical benefits without the high.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Im not going to call names, or even reply, its a no win, no brains, no respect, no getting pass this type of person. I mean you remind me of our Government right now about the MMJ movement or any movement for that matter. No matter what is said, its going to be your way, no matter how its said, your going to abuse it to fit, no matter what someone says you said wrong, you will explain it away, you know I really feel like following this type of person, I mean his principals just make me want to go out and be someone, and change the world-NOT!!!

I feel disgusted in myself, and my day goes to shit reading hemps post, I mean sometimes he make good points, but those are over written by his continued post made of just garbage, which changes to appease him I guess. I mean after reading him make you feel like where am I going, or what was I going to do, its not meaningful,or helpful but to him, I have yet to follow once ounce of wisdom from him, and its not like I am trying not to, I just get to the point of really not wanting to even say anything to you, and waste another day on some marry-go round.

You made your points loud, and very endlessly explained, well its like I feel when talking to a cop, talking with you, theres no winning, if it were a contest, but to just explain my point you refuse, so thats what I will do just leave those things said by fustrating ppl alone, at least I know which one, and funny when he post something, threads get off topic, and ppl go to other threads, wonder if he will ever catch on to that fact? His next post will answer that wont it, come on lets hold our breath!

Keep holding it.