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Goodby MMJ.......

Dagna all due respect there is reality and there is alternative reality; it's not just a disagreement over politics here. You are plainly wrong if your view is that Repubs and Dems have traditionally been the same on this issue.

Almost every single smudge of progress the legalization/MMJ movement has ever gotten has been from Democrats. Literally almost everyone one.

I can copy and paste evidence but surely everyone who pays attention to politics with an objective view will view that statement as uncontroversial.

If you want to say that both sides are against us too often and that the Dems don't speak out enough as a party to make it worth voting them in, fine. That's reasonable enough. But to ignore the fact that almost all our friends or potential friends are clearly on the left side of the aisle is a tactical mistake.

If you grow pot for a living, you should be voting democrat or not voting. But hey, poor white people in the South who live on food stamps and medicaid and welfare always vote Republican. Clinging to your chains in the voting booth is an American past time.


Game Bred
It is my fundamental belief that this president(leader of the party)and the current incarnation of the dem party are the worst on mmj since the first law was passed.
HK do you agree?
Now I'm going to be a prick to you. This is not a matter of opinion it's a matter of fact and law. The CDL program I administered by the DOT. And DOT says "medical exemption is no excuse for THC in pee. I am a prick to people who piss in my face and tell me it's raining. If you don't agree with my original premise, that's fine it's just opinion. But if you come in here saying stuff that is jut plainly false like you can legally have a CDL and a mmj rec I am obligated to set you straight. Now run along and tell your mom that someone was mean to you on the Internet.

Nah, I am a mom myself and don't run to anyone. Ah yes. It's called being an adult. Some of dees peeps might want to try it sometime.

Seamaiden and I are women, yes. There are a bunch of us around here, actually. But whether you are right or wrong (or both, which, by the way, you probably are 99% of the time), you need to be humble and respectful on a forum. Especially one where intellectual discussion is going on. Don't really care if you act like a prick on the Adult Swim forum. :dance013:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It is my fundamental belief that this president(leader of the party)and the current incarnation of the dem party are the worst on mmj since the first law was passed.
HK do you agree?

I don't have enough info to agree or disagree. Like which law are you specifically refering to and in what way are you defining worst? I mean if by worst you mean has done nothing to advance the acceptance of MMJ I could potentially agree with that. If you mean worst as in has done more to prevent the acceptance of MMJ I don't think I would agree with that. I see the position of the current President and incarnation of the Democratic party as not having any real position for or against marijuana.

I tend to evaluate Presidents with a bigger view though. Like in this current term of Presidency I don't care who is sitting in the Oval Office, Dem, Repub or Independent I would not have expected much of anything. To you or I the prohibition of marijuana is a very big deal but in the bigger picture of all the current political issues the nation has faced these past 4 years MMJ and/or marijuana prohibition is small potatoes and anyone pursuing to change the Federal Governments position on Marijuana would only be giving their enemies a good shot at insuring a one term Presidency. I mean I can just imagine the field day the republican's would be having on the campaign trail if Obama had tried to do anything positive for MMJ but otherwise had the same success/failures he's had with everything else. There are much bigger fish to fry right now and although more people favor marijuana legalization now then at any other time in history it doesn't appear on most people's radar as an important issue for the President to focus on. We here on this site like to think the issue is more important to more people then it is but the simple fact is it is not.

I also find it particularly hard to judge the current President because he has met more resistance from the opposition then I can recall any President having to deal with. Even to the point of career politicians risking their standing (as evidenced by the historically low approval rating of Congress), just to prevent the current President from having any success. In spite of the fact that the current President has risked his own standing within his own party in an effort to do the right thing and compromise with the Republicans. Hell they've even shot down policies they once approved of and supported just because it was him and not them putting it forth.

I'm also not comfortable with discussing Obama specifically because your refusal to acknowledge how he's had the deck unfairly stacked against him (compared to past Presidents) and your willingness to attribute the actions of GWB to Obama simply because he took over while some of those actions were still being played out (TARP) suggest to me that your opinion of the current President has little to do with actual performance.
poor obama its everybodys fault but his

republicans bush congress racists tsunamis lions tigers and bears OH MY

hes no friend to marijuana no matter how much you want it to be true


Unfortunately, this isn't about Obama & Mittens.

IMO, the problem is that the federal government is way to big and intrusive. The only way out of it, would be through a smaller fed.
If we continue on the path that we are on, we are all going to know the meaning of totalitarianism.
Now totalitarianism in and of itself is not necessarily bad, but sooner or later a viscous and evil leader will come to power. Then all hell will break loose. Just look at history.

The only sure way to get MMJ unregulated/legal is to shrink the federal government to such an extent, that it will not have the will or the power to pursue it any more.
This also means taking the money out of the fed as well. The politicians and special interests are not going to like this at all.

There is only one large group in America that thinks like this. The tea party and maybe the Ron Paul supporters.
There are problems with this too, but the only way to get the government out of your business (read health care) is to make it uncontrollable with available resources.

And by the way, Obama Care is just the type of legislation that totalitarian governments use to sort and identify, lets say malcontents, dissidents, and undesirables.

Now what they do to you is open to conjecture.
Looks like today, maybe if you smoke MMJ, your health care is going to be, adjusted a little bit?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
poor obama its everybodys fault but his

republicans bush congress racists tsunamis lions tigers and bears OH MY

hes no friend to marijuana no matter how much you want it to be true

That's just as riddiculous a statement as saying it's all Obama's fault. The fact is no one man or even branch of the government can get things done.

As for marijuana I agree, he is no friend to marijuana and if every one was listening to what he said rather then hearing what they wanted to hear they would have known that before he was elected.


Game Bred
Exact same conversation we have had before..

We fundamentally disagree.

Sorry you dont like it.

But yes this would be the same convo all over.


Active member
Exact same conversation we have had before..

We fundamentally disagree.

Sorry you dont like it.

But yes this would be the same convo all over.
I feel you bro, I mean at times ppl will disagree, but this guy, or kid rather makes things like arguing with a 16 year old. We all should be able to disagree without getting to the point of where he takes it. I mean does he go back and read the many post, and many ppl who given him the things needed to at least say, "well thats how you feel" and move on- No he purposly gets under the skin of just bout everyone. But funny thing is he will attack ppl who really got great info, and great points, no matter how much he will appear an ass.

Just keep up the great info man, it aint bout just us today, it about ppl who are really lost, and really searching for info, they who really want truth will look at his path, and others, and I guarantee they wiil see his false, just as the Korean war he said the U.S won- its as easy as google and the many sites who explain why we did not win, but hey some ppl really think others will hang on every word they say, I always say never believe in me but in yourself, and your research. I laugh tho as your handle name is exactly how I feel dealing with this joker-Dag-nabit! lol


Active member
Jesus I hate it when someone tells me what I think. "We here on this site like to think the issue is more important to more people then it is but the simple fact is it is not." What an ego. The fact is that MMJ is NOT "small potatoes" when considering all the far ranging effects from the legal system and prisons to the health system and overall wellness of the population.

I'm going to shut up because you pissed me off and I can't think rationally when I'm pissed. ...Another thread ruined by some hijacking, know-it-all, blow hard, good one.


Jesus I hate it when someone tells me what I think. "We here on this site like to think the issue is more important to more people then it is but the simple fact is it is not." What an ego. The fact is that MMJ is NOT "small potatoes" when considering all the far ranging effects from the legal system and prisons to the health system and overall wellness of the population.

I'm going to shut up because you pissed me off and I can't think rationally when I'm pissed. ...Another thread ruined by some hijacking, know-it-all, blow hard, good one.

Heh, that shit happens to me all the time, too. I had to put a book down that I've been reading because I got too pissed off.

I also hate it when someone just presumes to know anything about me, and then proceeds to be quite rude in conveying what it is they think they know about me.

Which has NOTHING to do with how the federal government of the United States of America has become a corporatocracy, something I NEVER imagined when I was a young and eager Libertarian. It's caused an even bigger shift in my political paradigms than I thought possible when I turned 18 and was so eager to get out there and vote.

Since then, I've run for a seat in local government, witnessed a few vote counts, and said, "Never again."


Active member
WOW, has anyone seen this news report? Just wow, the amount of effort the ppl against mmj do is equal to what good things that arent being done. I mean really, does this seem like a person who supports mmj to create a situation where the drug arguement goes out the window, to allow this plant to be grown without law, or does it seem it is a way the govenment can get rid of all current mmj smokers, by saying its no longer an arguement, now you just want to get high if you dont accept it?

I personally think they want all mmj users to look like drugies, wanting nothing more than to get high. As their whole stance has been just that, ignoring true medical evidence that contradicts such feelings. Even if the plant they created has no THC, we still are in the same boat with their claims anyway, by not knowing how healthy this plant is over any amount of study, plus the mold, and faulty growing tech. that can harm you.

I just say this, God created this plant, and millions of others, messing with nature, ie plants humans, and our planet is ridiculous, in just that action shows a ill regard, and disrespect for mother earth, let allone God, if one chooses not to believe. I say boo.... Down with fake dope, up with hope! I will keep fighting for current mj, and current fights, for at the least decriminalization.

Heres thelink-http://news.yahoo.com/invented-marijuana-doesnt-high-123000534.html


Unfortunately I agree with Hempkat that mmj is small potatoes in amount of issues we're dealing with right now. The biggest issue is the economy if we can fix that then we can concentrate on social issues. I seem to agree with Hempkat on a number of issues, I am a libertarian but I will be voting democrat come this fall.

Yes, Obama has been the worst president when it comes to mmj but I think Mitt could potentially be a disaster on the issue. As mmj expands you'll see more federal government activity so I don't really consider it fair to look at what Obama's done so far as the worst.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Exact same conversation we have had before..

We fundamentally disagree.

Sorry you dont like it.

But yes this would be the same convo all over.

Not really, similar to other conversations perhaps but still different. One thing I'm wondering though is if you're so sure and familiar with how this conversation would go as to not want to really pursue it, then why did you intiate the conversation in the first place with the snarky ...

sure cuz them dems have been sooooo good for MMJ

comment to something I said to someone else? Who by the way replied with...

To be fair I'd say I pretty much agree with this post.

I mean surely you knew what I would say to that comment if we had this exact same conversation before?

As to caring about whether we disagree or not, I'm not the one seeking you out to intiate conversations I believe that I know how they'll go and then trying to bow out of it for that reason. I'm not the one claiming I could go back and cut and paste together the same conversation from a whole bunch of old posts. I wouldn't even know what threads to look in to accomplish such a pointless feat. Hell I doubt I would have even come up with such a pointless claim in the first place. That's how much I care about our past disagreements. You have an extremely inflated opinion of the importance you play in my life. :rolleyes:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I feel you bro, I mean at times ppl will disagree, but this guy, or kid rather makes things like arguing with a 16 year old. We all should be able to disagree without getting to the point of where he takes it. I mean does he go back and read the many post, and many ppl who given him the things needed to at least say, "well thats how you feel" and move on- No he purposly gets under the skin of just bout everyone. But funny thing is he will attack ppl who really got great info, and great points, no matter how much he will appear an ass.

Just keep up the great info man, it aint bout just us today, it about ppl who are really lost, and really searching for info, they who really want truth will look at his path, and others, and I guarantee they wiil see his false, just as the Korean war he said the U.S won- its as easy as google and the many sites who explain why we did not win, but hey some ppl really think others will hang on every word they say, I always say never believe in me but in yourself, and your research. I laugh tho as your handle name is exactly how I feel dealing with this joker-Dag-nabit! lol

Yeah he butts into a conversation I'm having with someone else who agreed with me on the point I made to criticse my opinion and yet I'm the one attacking people for no reason :rolleyes: You should try acting like you have a clue about whats going on before you open your mouth. You wouldn't prove what a moron you are so much.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Jesus I hate it when someone tells me what I think. "We here on this site like to think the issue is more important to more people then it is but the simple fact is it is not." What an ego. The fact is that MMJ is NOT "small potatoes" when considering all the far ranging effects from the legal system and prisons to the health system and overall wellness of the population.

I'm going to shut up because you pissed me off and I can't think rationally when I'm pissed. ...Another thread ruined by some hijacking, know-it-all, blow hard, good one.

On a nation wide level it is small potatoes thats why there are no voting polls that even show marijuana as an issue. The top concern in the nation is the economy and jobs. That's a fact. Now on the level of this site it's a whole different matter. On the level of this site it's of huge importance and even on the level of every MMJ patient in the US it's a huge issue. But like it or not the part of the voting population we represent is too small to even get us on the radar right now. were even below gay rights as far as what politicians are worried about. If that pisses you off fine, it pisses me off too but it's not my ego that's saying that it's the facts. If you believe me wrong then show me proof where it's a big issue on the national stage to motivate the White House and Congress to do anything meaningful about.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Unfortunately I agree with Hempkat that mmj is small potatoes in amount of issues we're dealing with right now. The biggest issue is the economy if we can fix that then we can concentrate on social issues. I seem to agree with Hempkat on a number of issues, I am a libertarian but I will be voting democrat come this fall.

Yes, Obama has been the worst president when it comes to mmj but I think Mitt could potentially be a disaster on the issue. As mmj expands you'll see more federal government activity so I don't really consider it fair to look at what Obama's done so far as the worst.

No need to feel it's unfortunate, you recognize I'm speaking the truth as does everyone here whether they'll admit it or not. That's not to say you necessarily agree with me 100%, which is fine. I do appreciate another voice recognizing the same things though.


Active member
Yeah he butts into a conversation I'm having with someone else who agreed with me on the point I made to criticse my opinion and yet I'm the one attacking people for no reason :rolleyes: You should try acting like you have a clue about whats going on before you open your mouth. You wouldn't prove what a moron you are so much.
Ok, I am having a better morning today, yet you calling me moron is ok too. I will attempt to give you benifits of the doubt.

So you say mmj is not up for debate, this is true, but only at the political level, I ask you then what is this site for? Why is every one from Oliver stone, Tommy Chong, Marc Emery, and the millions of ppl who voiced concern over these issues like all of us here, we are the ppl right? Dont we the ppl have total control, or at lest spose to? As far as making money for our economy, I have personally seen not only citizens, but big govt make loads of money without a sustained law that will continue it. So I am wrong, and a moron for saying mj would jump start the economy?

Far as the Korean video thread, I guess I am a moron when I researched the Korean war, which all facts show it was a sease fire, no winners, and I asked you to name a war we won with the stature of our oh so powerful military. You said we won the Korean war. So either I trust in just your words, or you could post something that would enlighten me to your facts of what you said, but you did not, and something so easy that I can get my kid to do it, and hey, in his report he even found that the U.S did not win that war.

If I am right on just that fact, why call names, why get into any other facts, why not just say hey your right, and we can move on? Why is it that lets just say 5 ppl trying to inform you of a flaw, do we get grouped up in a heep of ignorant fools just because you say so? Just not productive. I am not here for agreement, I am here to give out info, for others not to believe in but to research themselves, and make their own choice of whats right.

Far as the native ppl response, well I dont think you made a good choice of words when speaking for ppl, or a process that worked a genocide on a ppl, still to this day, with lack of care of anyone reading your words to be affected by the statement. My kids are the world to me, and I am minority, so are they, I teach them as much history, and heritage that I can, and in no way did I ever hear natives willingly gave land away for "trinkets", unless you asked the white man of how he saw it. But we dont ask murderers, and evil ppl their reasons, their actions speak for itself.

To stand in a position as a white man and say such remarks is uncaring, and bias, and very much a lie to utter where others can learn from, which I am fine with you saying now, as we need ppl who think, and say things like that to really see truth, as your words arent the only one ppl will hang on, either are mine. You must remember the natives were treated like so.....
If you own your home, and just some joe smo comes into your house, kicks you outside, and your looking in the window of your house, and the men who took it over are fighting in the kitchen over the food you bought in your frig, in your house, and they let the home owner starve, have sex with his wife, teach his kid of the ways you just did to his parents, and this is being nice?

19-50 million aborigianal people of this contenent have been wiped out! BY LAWS MADE BY U.S GOVT to do exactly that. I picture my dead kids in my arms over words men say that argue with this fact period, and that my friend is not good for peace. I would be Geronimo, and live my life with his Aztec understanding til the day I die. As for your white man words of all knowing, what do you suggest Yale skull, and bones wanted by stealing the remains of Geronimo, and holding them for rituals? Why was this done, by ppl who run this country Like Bush family, is this saying to the masses that they respect, love, honor, and care about natives, let alone Geronimo?

Yeah, so your words were like coming from this group Skull and bones, hurtful, and meanings not attached to truth.

So dude, if we go anywhere from here, lets pray its with insight to others not just you, lets make it a arena to voice, and communicate, not hurt, and vent, and throw names, I wont do it again to you, I feel you get my anger, and I hate being angry, so peace, and lets move forward- sorry for blowing up, I protect my kids with my knowledge, my kids are all I have, all the world has, and I am a pitbull when protecting them, from words, and ppl who think the slaughter will continue without at least me saying something.


Active member
Not really, similar to other conversations perhaps but still different. One thing I'm wondering though is if you're so sure and familiar with how this conversation would go as to not want to really pursue it, then why did you intiate the conversation in the first place with the snarky ...

comment to something I said to someone else? Who by the way replied with...


I mean surely you knew what I would say to that comment if we had this exact same conversation before?

As to caring about whether we disagree or not, I'm not the one seeking you out to intiate conversations I believe that I know how they'll go and then trying to bow out of it for that reason. I'm not the one claiming I could go back and cut and paste together the same conversation from a whole bunch of old posts. I wouldn't even know what threads to look in to accomplish such a pointless feat. Hell I doubt I would have even come up with such a pointless claim in the first place. That's how much I care about our past disagreements. You have an extremely inflated opinion of the importance you play in my life. :rolleyes:

What the fuck are you even talking about. You and I have had disagreements? You must think yourself much important.


Game Bred
Not really, similar to other conversations perhaps but still different.
it is on a different day so it must be different :rolleyes:

One thing I'm wondering though is if you're so sure and familiar with how this conversation would go as to not want to really pursue it, then why did you intiate the conversation in the first place with the snarky ...

comment to something I said to someone else? Who by the way replied with...
that is the extent of what i wanted to say...
why else would i have said it?

I mean surely you knew what I would say to that comment if we had this exact same conversation before?
you did not fail to deliver
I wouldn't even know what threads to look in to accomplish such a pointless feat.
your observational,cognitive and memory recall skills must be sorely lacking. i am truly sorry for ever having taken advantage of your handicap.
i will try to remember you suffer from these maladies in the future...