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GoldDiggin' chicks?? Wtf are up with girls these days!?!?



so...OU812...You sound like my kinda Gal;)...How do you feel about long distance relationships:)


Moldy Dreads

Active member
So if your young its ok to be an asshole or a bitch? :dunno:

Not at all, but these girls in the USA are so materialistic nowadays and string guys on like it's a joke. I really think there are more guys than girls too in the US, that doesn't help, let alone the army of fat chicks in our country, leaves very little hot ones for the pickins. What are they putting into "food" nowadays..:hide:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I have most definitely found that my independence is at first admired and respected, but then becomes a threat for some reason?

From my personal experience, insecurity is the most common and toxic disease for a relationship. It's hard to love someone if they don't love themselves and no matter how much you love them, it won't change the pre-existing image they have of themselves.

Insecurity and weakness is attractive to a lot of men because they can't handle the thought that "their woman" is better equipped to provide than they are.

That's like the male lion going to hunt while the females sit around all day. It upsets their instinct and the natural reaction is to try and bring the girl down to his squalor, instead of trying to pick himself up. Lazy and insecure is a poison pill for any relationship.


Active member
Well, it certainly is refreshing to see some real men in here talking-men who don't just "circle the wagons" around other guys just because they're guys.

The woman bashing I can understand to an extent-if the ratio of women here was a lot higher, you'd most probably be seeing more of "the other side of the story."

There ARE a lot of hoochie mamas out there, and it gives guys the impression that we're all like that. News Flash-we aren't.

I have most definitely found that my independence is at first admired and respected, but then becomes a threat for some reason? That's when "the way I am" is suddenly no longer acceptable. That's when the insecurities surface, the criticism starts, and I'm suddenly the one to blame.

I cannot wrap my head around why this happens. I mean, why become freaked out six months or a year into a relationship because a woman can pay her own bills, fix what's broken in the house, and takes care of her own business? I'd think that's better than having to wait hand and foot on a Barbie doll who can't fight her way out of a paper bag? Someone who is needy and helpless (and IMHO a pitiful excuse for a woman?)

I've also seen the other side of the coin-men who will latch on because they can't handle life on their own-I've seen several of those comin' my way, and I avoid them like the plague. My ex was (and still is) one of them. Doesn't take me twice to learn that kind of a lesson...

I've been divorced about 10 years now-and lemme tell ya, if I ever do find someone, he's gonna have to be one righteous, secure man. Could I have remarried before now? Sure, but why should I? Not going there if I have to deal with that sort of crap.

It drives the ex half insane that I don't need to have a "sugar Daddy" living with me-or a man on my arm. He once told me that he was more man than I could ever begin to handle. (And after I stopped laughing) I told him that a MAN stands on his own two feet, without having to sponge off of some 'ho who hasn't figured him out yet. That I am more MAN than he'll ever dream of being-not only because I don't pull this crap, but because my word is my word-and THAT is all we truly have at the end of the day.

It isn't always easy, but I have to look at me in the mirror. Although my accomplishments are small in comparison to a lot of other people, they're mine, and I will not let anyone take them from me. I'm perfectly happy to be on my own-and hey, I even grow my own meds. LOL!

Scary independence scary. You run circles around people that's scary you must spend more time naked making sandwiches.
I guess to set the record straight we are referring to:


Women from another generation are literally from another world. I'm not saying it in a bad way, there was a once upon a time where a lady was a lady. She had respect and morals and we're losing more and more of that as time passes. It's becoming a "me, me, me" society and we're all a little victim to it, but some take it to a much deeper extreme.

What are the main reasons for divorce? Cheating and finances. If cheating is not present, or the lust for another, then it ALWAYS has to do with some form of bickering over money issues. That's just the way things are. If you have money, and you can take care of a woman, she is willing to choose you over another guy. The other guy might be better looking, she might "love" the other guy, but love fades away in 10 years when - AGAIN - you fall financially to money woes.

A woman (25 or under) can tell me that I'm wrong, and that she's not shallow, and she's different, and this and that, but read what the hand says -


Your only fooling yourself.......


Garden Nymph

I dunno what kinda women you meet Socalismoker and antimatter, but I for one, am NOT what all your negative statements are describing. Of course, my parents are not really "Westernized," so I guess I grew up in a different way compared to the average 21-year-old who was born in the USA.

Change your standards and where you meet your gal pals. Maybe you'll meet some refreshing women who are ladies.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Money is everything in this world. Like it or not. It separates the haves from the have not's. It can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery more palatable.

If you have the power to provide, which is the greatest power of them all, you will be target for leeches and they will come out in droves. Male and Female.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
So much grudge in this thread.

That's what happens when you played. You get jaded.

My relationships are a fuck load better and more frequent now that I'm jaded though. Girls are better and there is no lie in the relationship either because they are more independent and stronger.

I can't really complain.


Active member

I dunno what kinda women you meet Socalismoker and antimatter, but I for one, am NOT what all your negative statements are describing. Of course, my parents are not really "Westernized," so I guess I grew up in a different way compared to the average 21-year-old who was born in the USA.

Change your standards and where you meet your gal pals. Maybe you'll meet some refreshing women who are ladies.

u mad I don't respect the white women?


From my personal experience, insecurity is the most common and toxic disease for a relationship. It's hard to love someone if they don't love themselves and no matter how much you love them, it won't change the pre-existing image they have of themselves.

Insecurity and weakness is attractive to a lot of men because they can't handle the thought that "their woman" is better equipped to provide than they are.

That's like the male lion going to hunt while the females sit around all day. It upsets their instinct and the natural reaction is to try and bring the girl down to his squalor, instead of trying to pick himself up. Lazy and insecure is a poison pill for any relationship.

Well that certainly makes sense....LOTS of sense.
I guess I was more looking at it like...why is the way I am admirable at first, but then later on, it's like a curse?

Insecurity makes a lot of sense. And yes, you're so right, it's pure poison.


i have no idea why my post was removed!? It provided links for people to educate themselves.... theres a lot of ignorance going on in this thread.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Of course, my parents are not really "Westernized," so I guess I grew up in a different way compared to the average 21-year-old who was born in the USA.

I went to high school overseas. American girls, and men for that matter, are on another playing field. We are very different or maybe I'm just more aware now that I'm older.

There are tons, and tons, and tons, of great women in the US. It's great, but you have to sift through an even bigger pile to find the ones that have a strong mind and can stand on their own two feet. Sometimes, I find the hotter they are they more problems and insecurities they have. Not always and it's not readily apparent until you get to know them better. :dunno:

I'm sure it's the same thing for a strong minded girl looking for a decent dude. Needle in the haystack sometimes, right?


Ya, all the old farts over 40 in this thread have no clue what we are talking about, the world is very different nowadays LMAO!

NOT true at all. I'm in my mid-40's. Have a son in his 20's, and believe me, it was the same game when I was his age-it's been that way for longer than some of you have been alive, believe that.

When I was in my 20's-Barbie dolls (and Kens too) everywhere-the attack of the plastic people! The ME ME ME ME thing has been around for a looooong time. This is not a generational issue, it's a morals and values issue. All those Barbies and Kens grew up, had kids, and now you're dealing with their children...where do you think they learned it from?


Garden Nymph
I went to high school overseas. American girls, and men for that matter, are on another playing field. We are very different or maybe I'm just more aware now that I'm older.

There are tons, and tons, and tons, of great women in the US. It's great, but you have to sift through an even bigger pile to find the ones that have a strong mind and can stand on their own two feet. Sometimes I find the hotter they are they more problems they have.

I'm sure it's the same thing for a strong minded girl looking for a decent dude. Needle in the haystack sometimes, right?

So true Spastic.

Getting harder to come by nowadays. Not that I'm looking for a girlfriend LOL

Which brings me to my next point....

It's LICKING HOLE = Mouth.
And I dunno if it's YOUR Mayonnaise Mama. hehehe