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Do you ever Google old friends names?


Active member
i have alot of current friends that are either pretty major famous or semi famous for whatever reason...most are pro BMX riders, a cpl musicians/bands, and a cpl that have been on various TV shows or in movies, and a cpl that started and run a major magazine.

as for the question i often look up peoples names that i knew back in the day, people that made an impression on me 1 way or another....sometimes i wish i hadn't looked.

so today i google a dude i knew for a while...went fishing w/ all the time, he introduced me to Metallica in JR High, he was always in trouble, and bottom line i always looked at him as a "bad seed"

when i moved away from the area we didnt stay in touch

my perceptions back then were right tho:



Lammen Gorthaur
Man, I came from the land of the inbreds. I freely admit I have a debilitating mental illness but that doesn't mean I'm a nut when I say I go an extra mile not to remember where I came from. Shit, in my house if you couldn't run faster than my father, then you were pussy that night - an experience I could have done without at the tender age of four. People like us throw off a real bad vibe that other people pick up on and think of as bad seed - "somethin's not right about those people..." That's what you would say.

And the surrounding community was no better. Women and children were property. You didn't interfere with a man's god-given right to stake one of his kids out on the lawn for the day if that was what turned him on. If he beat the fire out of his wife in front of everyone in the Chinese restaurant, he was just doing something to aid his digestion.

And when my wife said she was ready to live in Texas I was like this will be heaven after living in hell.

And I was right.

Fuck them people in the past. I had to pay them to be my friends. How good could they have been?

Wait, I have to pay everyone of my friends... Hmmm... I wonder if this is a trend?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
An occasional business associate was recently convicted of murder. He wasn't a friend but, we'd met, done business, had lunch. The idea of having dined with a killer is kinda' strange.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
forget friends-have you ever googled yourself? you might be surprised.....shit man, you know what i do for a living, and i been doin it awhile, it popped up all over the net! haha and it wasnt just work stuff......


Active member
I googled myself and found archived Google Usenet postings from me from around '92 talking about the advantages and disadvantages of smoking devices. That took me back a-ways. Most of the friends I used to have back in the day are just living day-to-day, paying bills. They've mostly turned into people that I don't have much in common with.


I have a couple of pro hockey player friends on various teams, but I usually don't google that. Although I recently found out a girl I went to high school is now a bikini model on my friends tip to google her name lol

Cone Head

A year or so ago I heard a name on a news report that got my attention. It was a guy I was very close mates with in primary school, sort of new him first year or so of high school and then lost contact. Been about 10 years since I've seen him but it turns out he got a job as an underworld heavy, beat a guy to death because he owed some money to some bikies (bikers as known in North America I believe) and he is now serving 10 years for murder.


Registered Med User
Nope, just my self and no strings. Im bout to google some fools i knew now tho....


I googled Haze and something else(don't remember what) and pics from my IC gallery popped up on the first page.
my maiden name used to bring up some college soccer player chick with my name....my married name brings up some artist chick which is interesting because I'm an artist too. She was even showing something on my birthday...wierd.

hard rain

I have googled a few people from my past.

One was a major pot dealer when I first went to university. He's now a mega rich CEO. Arsehole.

I also googled the best grower I ever knew and got an obituary notice. No idea how he died but he would have only been 44. R.I.P. Trevor, I will always remember those purple buds from the '81-'82 season, and the wild partying.

I don't google past friends, aquantences or girlfriends anymore. Too disturbing.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Just googled my wife's name up pop a tombstone with my wife's name on it and died in the 1800's:yoinks:

MY wife is a ghost:1help: