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moving from basic fox farm to advanced nutes



I use the basic fox farm 3 (grow big, tiger bloom and big bloom) and I think i'm ready to move on to the more complicated world of advanced nutrients.

I really have no experience with them, but it seems like everyone with a decent sized yield is using them, so i might as well join on that bandwagon.

So my question I guess is what do I get? it seemed so simple with fox farms.

Is there a nutrient feeding schedule put out by Advanced nutes?

thanks guys


AN sucks giant donkey balls, any other nute is better, just dial in your stuff. Keep it simple, dont overdo it.
Good Luck

El Vexilix

AN tend to be very expensive but have to use less because it's more concentrated . IF used property, like any brand, it can work nicely but i hate that this stuff has no date of any kind. Try going with Botanicare, i feel its the "other" step up from FF.


i just saw the new feeding schedule for AN

and may i say "fuck that"

maybe i'll just get the FF solubles and call it a day


You can save yourself time, hassle, and money if you just buy a quality 1 part nutrient like GH FloraNova or Botanicare CNS17.
The ingredients in all of the nutrients are almost exactly the same.
No reason to pay top dollar.


Yes fox farm is great and so is PBP,they will both produce fine results.I use PBP for veg and tiger bloom to flower.I've used both and they are fine ferts.


New member
I switched from the FF big 3 to the House & Garden soil lineup. Hasn't gone through a whole cycle yet, but i love that i don't have to adjust the ph anymore. FF would put the ph between 4 and 5. Sounds small but it has saved me a lot of time.

What about the new stuff AN is coming out with? Auto ph'ing and such. Seems like they add more of their nutrients together to simplify/ improve things somewhat.


I too want to switch from fox farm to something nicer for soild outdoor. Any ideas?? Age Old?? I need tons! Fox farm had a salt build up. Suggestions from the pro's would be great, peace


I use GH FloraNova products (grow & bloom) with Floralicious Plus, FlouraBlend compost tea and KoolBloom.......they have been working great!


Hi nwdub, I'm switching to Advanced Nurtrients, too, so I am here on the forums searching for more info about the formulas people run. Their website has a nutrient calculator...you plug in your reservoir size and the units and the phase you are in. But, I have found that people on the forums have lots of good advice about using the powder vs. liquid form of certain nutes (powder is cheaper in the long run) and where you can substitute certain things or reduce the amount used to save $$$$.

So, yeah....if anyone out there has a personal Advanced Nurtrients formula to share...or more advice on what is good and bad about their website nutrient calculator...hit me up. I'm reading and taking notes but it seems soooo expensive to do Advanced Nutrients by trial and error so I hope I get a good plan.



I to use fox farm nutes. Whats the reason you want to switch? Have they not treated you well? Do you feel that there is a better regimen for greater yields. I feel like they are great but i been thinking of changing to solubles for a while now. nwdub let us know what your choice was or is, for i know i would love to see what you think.


New member
I use AN 3 part along with a couple of their additives. (voodoo, bud blood, big bud, overdrive)

at my local hydro shop, the AN tech was there one day and the exact words out of his mouth "the nutrient calculator is fucked up"..don't expect to do exactly what the calculator says and get a great result, in fact, you'll probably get burn. the costs of my feedings hasn't really increased because i use less of the nutrients compared to other brands.

for the 3 part, i use about 75% of what the calculator says, but i would say star at 50% and read your plants. also, imo, if you want to step your crop up to the "next level" it's time to start adding enzymes, humic & fulvic & kelp and also inoculate (mycorhizae and other beneficial microbes).

for example, i use:
cannazym (enzyme)
diamond nectar (fulvic)
liquid humus (humic)
seaweed extract (kelp)
roots organic (mycorhizzae and other beneficials)

my formula is nowhere near perfect and changes a lot, but i hope that it helps.
I've tried a number of nutrients... the one thing I have learned is that nutes (whatever brand) won't and don't take you to the next level. Like some one said earlier, DIALING your grow in is the key. Learn your plants, the meduim, the science, the water, and your room. Nutes are not magic... and most contain the same things. Get your stuff on point and the results will follow.


Here's a link to a custom AN schedule from M0nkey that works well, the post contains a lot of useful information about dilution rates as usage of the different products. If you don't want to use so many products you could omit the Tarantula, it's a bit redundant if you use both Voodoo Juice and Piranha, and the Barricade.

M0nkey's custom AN schedule

As mentioned earlier, it's important to be in tune with your plants, you'll have the best results when every parameter is dialed in for your grow. The schedule is a good guide but don't be afraid to deviate from it if your plants tell you that they need more or less food. Make sure that you just give just plain pH'd water regularly too.