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GoldDiggin' chicks?? Wtf are up with girls these days!?!?



and who the fuck cares about womens lib? this isnt the 60's or the 1800's... I would have no problem staying home with the kid, but I'd still want to work, even if from home... I think its a generational problem, this whole new world is trying to get women to be free with themselves... ugh this subject pisses me off. I think women learn from their parents as well as males do how to treat a partner, they see it in the parents that raise them. If they have no modeling, they are just going through life, ending up in the same shitty life as their parents..... and to the douche that said sarcastically that its cool to lie & cheat.. where the fuck did I say that. I said she got you because he got played. did I say that was fucking cool? I think hes remedial for even letting her walk all over him. so miss me with that shit.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I know it's cliche, but doesn't the phrase, I'm going to "be the bigger person" ever ding dong around in that brain of yours.

You got crapped on. It happens. Attempt to figure out what you did wrong and try and fix yourself.

There is a reason that, Fuck that! I'm going to "be the smaller person," is not cliche.


If she gives you a child she will take it away in court and demand large sums of child support.

If you give her a house she will take it away in court.

If you give her groceries she hopefully will make you a meal, some women arnt capable of that anymore.

Last couple are somewhat accurate but you don't have to give crap to receive tons of shit, its better to not give a crap when you receive tons of shit, they want you to react but if you shut off the power or kick her out she very well might start pleading.


Hmmm....lemme see....

My ex-is an asshole-such an asshole that I'd rather have starved than take a dime from that rotten motherfucker, so ya know what? I turned down alimony. Walked away from the house. Money isn't everyhting. I also had to fight HIM for the kids in court-he had the gold for a better lawyer, so he won. (sort of)

This shit about women taking men for a ride during divorce is a bunch of shit, and I'm living proof of it. Some of us have enough self-esteem and pride that we don't want or NEED to take a man to the cleaners-we just sit back and watch them do it to themselves.

Funniest thing about it all? He's been remarried twice, has had 3 live in "girlfriends," and has been taken to the cleaners. He's flat fucking BROKE. Never has been able to live on his own, always has to sponge off of a squeeze's income as well to make ends meet. Drives him freakin' nuts that I do it on my own.

I wonder why he has so many problems? Hmm...perhaps its because he's EARNED THAT! Sure is nice to see Karma come flyin' in before someone's even dead. HA!!!

I for one don't need "women's lib." I'm fine just the way I am.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
respect to you ou8...i wish my X had 1/2 the class as you...i do everything for her that i said i would without having to be court ordered...i pay my support and i buy all the clothes and pay for all the sports and other activities on top of it...she still aint happy,she was when i was not dating but now that im moved on shes going out of her way to be spiteful...oh well sorry about her luck she lost this time...no get backs.
:respect: to all the REAL women out there.


Active member
Terrible ratio of money:girl

jesus his tits are almost as big as hers.

that's cool he bought himself a young hot girlfriend. hopefully he lawyered up and got a great prenup.

he should be good to go. too bad he is morbidly obese and will probably die before he can spend it all or enjoy it. i wonder if he can see his dick. i'd rather be poor and thin, than have 181 million and be that fat.

and he is living proof that many women are gold diggers. definately not all or most, but many.

more are just "dinner whores" or freeloaders.


respect to you ou8...i wish my X had 1/2 the class as you...i do everything for her that i said i would without having to be court ordered...i pay my support and i buy all the clothes and pay for all the sports and other activities on top of it...she still aint happy,she was when i was not dating but now that im moved on shes going out of her way to be spiteful...oh well sorry about her luck she lost this time...no get backs.
:respect: to all the REAL women out there.

Hey man, thanks so much!!!! I truly mean that!

I'm sorry yer stuck dealing with that. It just isn't right most of the time. There are assholes who deserve it, and mine was one of them. But-no thanks-I let the next several chicks do that instead.

Ya know, you mention court orders. His is SO freakin' easy to follow it isn't funny. Tell me where my (one remaining juvenile) kid is regularly... If you move, inform me and give me the address. Give me the current cell phone number. Put (juvenile) kid on the plane to come see Mom, and pay for half of his airfare. And he can't even do THAT. Unfreakin' real....

What a MAN I was married to, wasted 13 years of my life on that schmuck, but it certainly was a learning experience! Got two beautiful kids out of it, and that's all I care about. The oldest (23) has figured out Dad for what he is, SO sad that he has no respect for his Dad at all-but-Dad earned that too.


A foot without a sock...
Hey man, thanks so much!!!! I truly mean that!

I'm sorry yer stuck dealing with that. It just isn't right most of the time. There are assholes who deserve it, and mine was one of them. But-no thanks-I let the next several chicks do that instead.

Ya know, you mention court orders. His is SO freakin' easy to follow it isn't funny. Tell me where my (one remaining juvenile) kid is regularly... If you move, inform me and give me the address. Give me the current cell phone number. Put (juvenile) kid on the plane to come see Mom, and pay for half of his airfare. And he can't even do THAT. Unfreakin' real....

What a MAN I was married to, wasted 13 years of my life on that schmuck, but it certainly was a learning experience! Got two beautiful kids out of it, and that's all I care about. The oldest (23) has figured out Dad for what he is, SO sad that he has no respect for his Dad at all-but-Dad earned that too.

Like T said OU812, much respect for being a stand-up person, although the real winner is you.

The pay-off for having integrity, pride, self-worth and self-reliance is an awesome life :)

Keep on keepin' on :joint:

SSM :smokeit:

p.s. There are some REAL men still out and about :whistling:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Drives him freakin' nuts that I do it on my own.

I for one don't need "women's lib." I'm fine just the way I am.

So nice to see a strong girl stand up on their own. There is absolutely nothing sexier than a girl who is confident and happy with herself and doesn't need to be be validated every two seconds. Great to hear!

Neediness is such a turn off. That applies to guys too.

That sound of money flying out the OP's wallet is called desperation and women can read it on you like an open book.


women's lib? don't need no steenkin womens lib.

i like my wimmin strong and independent... never understood why men are intimidated by that. i think the men who are cannot understand let alone enjoy THEIR own freedom - too busy trying to keep the little woman down y'know... what a f'ing burden...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
So nice to see a strong girl stand up on their own. There is absolutely nothing sexier than a girl who is confident and happy with herself and doesn't need to be be validated every two seconds. Great to hear!

Neediness is such a turn off. That applies to guys too.

That sound of money flying out the OP's wallet is called desperation and women can read it on you like an open book.

Great post Gramps, and there are always exceptions, but young chicks do this crap to guys alot.


I think its important for people to realize that strong ideas that have taken tons of hard work from social movements against oppression are often scooped up by the corporate system then the spin doctors have a go at it and by this time we are receiving a mixed message.

Gender roles is actually a fascinating subject and one that requires people to confront themselves in a way that is often scary. We like to think we got it all figured out and that we are in control of our thoughts we dont we. hahaha.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." --Goethe

I am going to put foreward a series of video links that will provide insight into the subject at hand.... It is up to you to and your capacity for experience to take from it what you will. as they say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink.

start with this 2 minute awareness test.

Do you care what other people do?

Discovering Psychology: The Power of the Situation
^This link shows how TS made her into the "golddigger" by his actions then blames her....chump.

Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising's Image of Women

Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity

I Am A Man: Black Masculinity in America

The Story of Stuff

Merchants of Cool

The Persuaders

"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." :ying:


New member
Hey man, thanks so much!!!! I truly mean that!

I'm sorry yer stuck dealing with that. It just isn't right most of the time. There are assholes who deserve it, and mine was one of them. But-no thanks-I let the next several chicks do that instead.

Ya know, you mention court orders. His is SO freakin' easy to follow it isn't funny. Tell me where my (one remaining juvenile) kid is regularly... If you move, inform me and give me the address. Give me the current cell phone number. Put (juvenile) kid on the plane to come see Mom, and pay for half of his airfare. And he can't even do THAT. Unfreakin' real....

What a MAN I was married to, wasted 13 years of my life on that schmuck, but it certainly was a learning experience! Got two beautiful kids out of it, and that's all I care about. The oldest (23) has figured out Dad for what he is, SO sad that he has no respect for his Dad at all-but-Dad earned that too.

Great post Ou8...there are assholes in both genders!....some people are just spiteful and mean sprited. I guess because there are a much larger ratio of men to women here we get alot of these woman bashing theads.Too bad there arent more of the postive then negative sides to ALL relationships. :dunno:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
but young chicks do this crap to guys alot.

Straight up. My dad was gone most of the time when I was little. I was raised the quintessential "nice" guy by my mother. I don't regret it one bit, but it took me a while to learn that what girls say they want and what they really want is two completely different things.

All lovey dovey shit aside, getting girls is a game. They all say they want the nice sensitive guy to take care of them, but then they use him and go fuck the asshole.

Nice guys get used. Honestly, it's really no different from the corporate world. If you are "nice", you are going to be abused.

Being confident in yourself is the only solution IMO. Love with every beat of your heart, but don't take shit from anybody and nobody gets a handout.


Well, it certainly is refreshing to see some real men in here talking-men who don't just "circle the wagons" around other guys just because they're guys.

The woman bashing I can understand to an extent-if the ratio of women here was a lot higher, you'd most probably be seeing more of "the other side of the story."

There ARE a lot of hoochie mamas out there, and it gives guys the impression that we're all like that. News Flash-we aren't.

I have most definitely found that my independence is at first admired and respected, but then becomes a threat for some reason? That's when "the way I am" is suddenly no longer acceptable. That's when the insecurities surface, the criticism starts, and I'm suddenly the one to blame.

I cannot wrap my head around why this happens. I mean, why become freaked out six months or a year into a relationship because a woman can pay her own bills, fix what's broken in the house, and takes care of her own business? I'd think that's better than having to wait hand and foot on a Barbie doll who can't fight her way out of a paper bag? Someone who is needy and helpless (and IMHO a pitiful excuse for a woman?)

I've also seen the other side of the coin-men who will latch on because they can't handle life on their own-I've seen several of those comin' my way, and I avoid them like the plague. My ex was (and still is) one of them. Doesn't take me twice to learn that kind of a lesson...

I've been divorced about 10 years now-and lemme tell ya, if I ever do find someone, he's gonna have to be one righteous, secure man. Could I have remarried before now? Sure, but why should I? Not going there if I have to deal with that sort of crap.

It drives the ex half insane that I don't need to have a "sugar Daddy" living with me-or a man on my arm. He once told me that he was more man than I could ever begin to handle. (And after I stopped laughing) I told him that a MAN stands on his own two feet, without having to sponge off of some 'ho who hasn't figured him out yet. That I am more MAN than he'll ever dream of being-not only because I don't pull this crap, but because my word is my word-and THAT is all we truly have at the end of the day.

It isn't always easy, but I have to look at me in the mirror. Although my accomplishments are small in comparison to a lot of other people, they're mine, and I will not let anyone take them from me. I'm perfectly happy to be on my own-and hey, I even grow my own meds. LOL!


I think the OP is talking about the younger crowd in todays world. Imo people today are a lot different than they were in the past. Things have changed, and so has things like morals and values.. I think what were seeing is that people are beginning to be viewed more and more as a commodity or an object rather than an individual.
I'm pretty young myself so I know a lot of people who have grown up in and lives in this world of internet, cellphones, myspace, etc.. I get the feeling that this age group sees people as competition, potential resources, objects etc.. just someone who they can "add" to update their friends list on facebook or something, or someone they can "use" temporarily in exchange for luxuries and goods. Theres a lot of influences like from pop music, television, the internet where people are pressured to "get ahead" most probably though some material means like more money, possessions, etc.
I dont know but this has probably existed all throughout history, but I think its just getting worse today because imo there are a lot more powerful influences like tv and the internet, which portrays people as commodities or resources that one could use to further their own means...
I hope i make some sense..

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I think the OP is talking about the younger crowd in todays world.

Ya, all the old farts over 40 in this thread have no clue what we are talking about, the world is very different nowadays LMAO!