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Fucking Busted Hardcore........

Fucking Busted Hardcore........

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Hmm, I don't mean to further troll or flame however... mrbomdiggity doesn't seem to realize this is all of our culture here further ICM is our community and KB is a very respected part of this community and kicking him while he is down is not a very good idea... where I grew up a person that outwardly acted as mr.bd did wouldn't be heard from again in a while and when or if you were seen again you had the whole community watching you like hawks. I make no threats I just think one might treat others with a higher degree of respect when its demanded or otherwise you take your chances alone...

So far KB your pinch seems to be going over well, don't think youre outta the woods yet but you'll see light soon homie. By the way don't give up your skill especially if you're passionate about it, I know I would try to grow while inside prison man, food for thought always masticate first.


Where did you grow up, Nazi Germany?

Believe it or not, but about as many people that disagree with my opinion agree with it.

Grow inside prison? Come on man.

Was this post a joke?

Zen Master

yeah I'm not so sure about that whole growing in prison thing either.... something about the lack of photoperiod control, odor, having absolutely nothing to grow with unless you start a little compost pile of TP in your cell. Oh and catching a non reducible felony for cultivating, plus possession of narcotics in a detention facility.

lets turn what amounts to little more than slapping ones wrist into a full on vacation at the Greybar Hotel.
No. Did you grow up in Candyland? And from what I gathered about 75% + disagreed. Further nothing I said was a joke it's about respect when you seem to have none. From most of your posts I've seen mostly peanut gallery comments about subjects you don't seem to even care for or bother to make a real point on to contribute to the subject. Take your finger and point it up your ass, KB doesn't need any further negativity at this point especially with ridiculous comments about things only he really knows about in his own life.

It's a play on the idea of opression no need to take it so seriously. I just meant the harder they try to bring you down the more you resist. Some of you just go too far...


yeah I'm not so sure about that whole growing in prison thing either.... something about the lack of photoperiod control, odor, having absolutely nothing to grow with unless you start a little compost pile of TP in your cell. Oh and catching a non reducible felony for cultivating, plus possession of narcotics in a detention facility.

lets turn what amounts to little more than slapping ones wrist into a full on vacation at the Greybar Hotel.


Active member
KB doesn't need any further negativity so why did you drag any up?

Come on man, the last thing he needs to hear is that he should keep growing, even in prison.

And excuse me when I said half agreed and half didn't, I was only judging by those little green and red squares.

You're probably right, its more like 80% and 20%.

Please stop bringing my tasteless posts up. I'm trying to stay on topic. You're gonna get me banned.


What is the proper etiquette for a consult with a lawyer? Say someone wanted to pay for a few hours time to discuss ones local MJ laws with an attorney...do you call up and say just that? Do you need to retain council before a discussion takes place so its legal/confidential? Obviously one wouldn't just call up and say, "Hi, I grow MJ, got a few questions for ya".

If you are paying the lawyer, then I'd think lawyer-client privilege applies and you can be honest with the lawyer about anything. Don't forget, bunches of them smoke weed too, and bunches also do all sorts of shady things for their clients, or themselves.

Anyway, just say "My friend/relative who I care deeply for is growing and..."

Zen Master

It's a play on the idea of opression no need to take it so seriously. I just meant the harder they try to bring you down the more you resist. Some of you just go too far...


so the 'play on ideas' is voiced as

"By the way don't give up your skill especially if you're passionate about it, I know I would try to grow while inside prison man."

sometimes I wonder if people are just retardedly high, being that this IS a cannabis site and all, but sometimes I wonder if we need to start sterilizing.

edit: yeah I get it, we all make jokes, but I'm not laughing, merely scratching my head wondering what the fuck? I mean I shouldn't assume everyone is a retard OR joking right?


And if you're only getting 2k or 2500 per pound, mistakes will hurt twice as bad as they would somewhere where pot sells for twice as much.

Hypothetically, if your costs were 1.5k, 2k sale means 0.5k profit, while 4k sale means 2.5k profit. 5 times as much profit.

I guess it's hard/impossible to calculate "how many times as bad", but clearly the east coast seller has more money in his pocket to absorb occasional losses.
I THINK that the comment about growing in prison maybe means still having a spot that a friend or relative runs while you're in prison. I don't think it meant to set up a grow inside the prison. But who knows? :)
For fucks sake...whatever to the rest of you take it how you want nothing I say will be good enough for you.

KB take care homie I wish nothing more than freedom and fields of green for you.

You're intellect not only impresses me but your ability to stand out from a flock of morons is outstanding. Seriously.


I THINK that the comment about growing in prison maybe means still having a spot that a friend or relative runs while you're in prison. I don't think it meant to set up a grow inside the prison. But who knows? :)


Active member
I just read some of the thread and some of you are crazy to have the comments that you have when a fellow grower got caught. It's because of us risk takers that the masses have trees to smoke when they want to smoke. Maybe your lives are so bad that you feel the need to take out your frustrations out here but it's no excuse. There's so many people on this site that I can't stand but if one of them got arrested, I would honestly feel bad for what they are dealing with and be nice to them. Maybe it's jealousy cause he can live a life that some of you wish that you could live cause some of us have the balls to do what we choose. You can't control every aspect of this business so we are all subject to the same thing as KB. You all need to take your drama somewhere else cause it just makes you all look like dicks. I'm sure most of us want the best for KB and have a lot of respect for him and wish him the best. We are all on the same team.

Zen Master

I'm going through the same shit KB is right now, I realize its a big pain in the ass but people are acting like its their mother that got popped or something.

I think there is prime troll bait in this thread, thus invoking some responses, the people that are on the nuts seem to think KB deserves nothing but good vibes and while that may be true for them. Having to go through the legal system and have my friends and family get dragged through is my choice via my actions. My risk for my reward.

but when someone says this

"now, i tripping because im fucking legal! california approved me! how the fuck can they raid and charge me? im legal , you assholes!!!!!!!!??????"

promptly followed by this in the sig.

"I DO NOT want marijuana legalized........"

you kinda lose all of my sympathy.

we both know what we were doing, and we both know the risks.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Flower Felon

New member
Sorry to hear about your misfortune KB. I hope things will turn out favorable for you.

I don't think it's right to kick a guy when he's down. Nobody, regardless of view, deserves to be labled as a felon because of cannabis. Unfortunately, I know all too well how that song and dance goes. On the other hand, I think there needs to be some clarification on the legalization aspect. If KB doesn't support Prop. 19, I think that's fair and he shouldn't be slaughtered over it. If, however, he's against legalization as a whole, which one can easily interpret based on his signature, then I can understand the bitter remarks by some.

This situation should be a learning experience for the entire community here. Both of what not to do, and also, things that should be done. Some of the best advice given is to have a lawyer on retainer. If the need arises, then you are already taken care of and don't have to worry about coming up with the required funds to lawyer up. This should be seen as no different from picking up any piece of equipment for a grow. If you start without it, you are simply scrimping by unnecessarily and will ultimately pay a price for it.

This brings up a question maybe someone on here can answer as I've often thought about this......What is the proper etiquette for a consult with a lawyer? Say someone wanted to pay for a few hours time to discuss ones local MJ laws with an attorney...do you call up and say just that? Do you need to retain council before a discussion takes place so its legal/confidential? Obviously one wouldn't just call up and say, "Hi, I grow MJ, got a few questions for ya".

Legal counsel cannot advise you on how to break the law, but they will tell you what can happen in any given situation. Simply ask what can happen if a person cultivating got busted. Talk in hypotheticals and you'll be fine. They know what's up, but they also want your money. Everything you say during a consultation is protected, so be honest and upfront and you'll get honest and upfront feedback. This step is just as, if not more, important as lighting or nutrients. Don't shortcut yourself on this step, pay the retainer NOW, not after you're busted. Your money may get pinched by LEO or the price of counsel may go up if you wait.

Good luck KB!


New member
If you are paying the lawyer, then I'd think lawyer-client privilege applies and you can be honest with the lawyer about anything.

In a pure and wonderful world, perhaps, but in this world, an attorney is under pressure to recuse himself, or report, ongoing illegal activities of his clients. Most do not but...:comfort:

Nonetheless, the attorney-client privilege is fragile, and is subject to breach when the content, not details just the content, is disclosed to a third person with no legitimate need to know the information. Even in some instances where the disclosure is accidental (overheard conversations, emails that have been viewed, etc)

A breach can also occur where the communication takes place in public, or in some less than secure environment (the assumption of being overheard).

Don't forget, bunches of them smoke weed too, and bunches also do all sorts of shady things for their clients, or themselves.

True. Would you want this person to represent you in a court of law where you very freedom is at stake.

Not me.


Active member
Grow from prison?

So let me get this straight.

You're in jail.

You're gonna have a friend or relative, do what you did to get into jail?

And you weren't making profits when you were growing for yourself?


New member
Some of the best advice given is to have a lawyer on retainer.

Would seriously disagree.


If you must go this retainer route, make sure your retainer is escrowed, you are absolutely certain this is your attorney of choice, an firm rather than a single attorney (in case he dies or gets infirmed) and that the Retainer Agreement is reviewed by a civil litigation expert. Especially clauses regarding the reimbursement of the retainer on demand.

Everything you say during a consultation is protected

No, it is not. Consultations are not typically privileged.

..so be honest and upfront and you'll get honest and upfront feedback. This step is just as, if not more, important as lighting or nutrients. Don't shortcut yourself on this step, pay the retainer NOW, not after you're busted. Your money may get pinched by LEO or the price of counsel may go up if you wait.

The price of counsel is not stuck in time-concrete because a retainer is paid.

Keep in mind, paying a retainer does not guarantee counsel either.


Active member
It's because of us risk takers that the masses have trees to smoke when they want to smoke.

Man, every time one of these big grows goes down thats what the mob cries out.

Its just not true.

These are the grows that give LEO something to brag about in the news.

I'm not siding with LEO.

My position this whole thread was about the silence placed on a very related topic which I can't mention that goes hand in hand with the discussion about having lawyers on retainer and being careful about how you transport, and know the condition of your vehicle.

They'll all very related and very important, which is why I couldn't understand why one specific thing was being censored.

Now I realize without the censorship, thats probably all that this thread would have been about.
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