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Red Eggs?



Okay I have something I'm not used to seeing..

BSF's are white AFAIK what are red?

All I have seen are BSF and Ants.. Sure there has been House flies but the BSF make quick work of them as the eat them I understand.

So here is a shot in the dark that is a bit out of focus.. Shot at night.

It reminds me of earth worms but I don't have any in there AFAIK.
Small red eggs in BSF bin.jpg

I'm not sure if this should go into the BSF thread or not.

Here is a better picture and notice the fungus around the lemon..

Gotta love organic soil!

View attachment 24033


Active member
What color is a bsf chrysalis? Pardon my lack of entomology knowledge if it's not called a chrysalis.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

The earthworm cocoons that I've purchased last spring were much smaller and were round. The color was a pale yellow - almost translucent.




:wave:Hey jack. From what I can see it looks like a fresh fly pupa, not sure which species, should darken up in a couple days.



Not earthworms for sure..

The BSF are alive and eating when they are as big as those eggs.. Maybe house fly but I don't see any of them coming out.

I'll have another look today since I want to inspect the new coffee and pasta layer to see how my population of BSF is doing..

No cockroaches around here thankfully.. At least not the house kind.. That's weird I remember cockroaches and no there aren't any around these parts.
I hadn't thought about that. I guess they weren't missed.

I'll see what i can today. I am keeping a close watch on the unit to learn all I can.

Thanks everyone.. It's an interesting mystery... The uniform but spaced out distribution under the top layer of "soil" was one of the weird parts of the mystery.. Maybe the ants are doing it?

Could be ants? they have been acting like they are farming in there. They don't seem to be carrying anything out nor are they really moving in.

Huh! It's much larger than the ant tho..

is there anything ants milk or manage? I saw something like that once.. Idono..


What color is a bsf chrysalis? Pardon my lack of entomology knowledge if it's not called a chrysalis.

The eggs are really small for BSF too small to see with bad eyes for sure..

I'll see what I can see.. Mystery.


I have a thick layer of coffee in there nowand I dug down and found a small house fly hatched.

I thought BSF kept them down. I have to reevaluate that assumption now..

So Bingo.. flies.. That just didn't compute since I read BSF keeps the flies down..

Thanks everyone... Mystery solved..


can i just clear up that they are not eggs, fly eggs are minute, they then become maggots, which inturn become casters, which then become the flys.

i used to make my own magot collection for fishing.


uh theyre like a cacoon asuch for a catterpillar turning into a butterfly.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Maggot cocoons, my husband used to leave the bloody things in the fridge, disgusting!


I'm just looking for the scientific term for next time it comes up.

Maggots moult twice during their development and can grow from 2 mm to 20 mm in length in four days. Having acquired the necessary nutrients to make a fly, they retire into their puparia where the transformation occurs.



Active member
Why google when I can check the thread?

Thanks. I am using a phone not a computer these days, and research is annoying.

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