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First Autoflower Grow


So I decided since my first bagseed grow turned male I want to try out ordering seeds online with known genetics and feminized. So I decided to pop in 2 Double Diesel Ryders and 2 Easy Ryders, both feminized, and they are now in my new grow area ready to go. So now that its about a week since the first popped up and 4 days since the other two I got some pics.

So now that its about a week since the first popped up and 4 days since the other two I got some pics.

New setup, using a 27w CFL right now, switching to the HPS in one of the next few days.

One week old, does it need a transplant already? Those are roots reaching the bottom of the 16oz cup already.

Same plant (Double Diesel Ryder).

Easy Ryder (there is another Double Diesel that's the same size that popped on the same day so this is a pic for both). These are just 4 days old, but some roots are visible in the cup.


I would say yes go ahead and transplant pretty soon as they are showing nice roots for their size.

I say transplant for another reason as well, the see through cups are not quite as ideal for starting because of roots being exposed to light. I mean it is not going to just flat out kill them, but I do not think they will get the full potential. Also it looks like they have a bit of stretch going already so the sooner they are under more power the better. Oh, and the taller the container the better for future ref when starting out.

Good luck with your grow. I think the biggest problem you are likely to have is how deep this hobby will set its hook into you. Fortunately there are lots of folks on here with huge amounts of knowledge to help you along in your development.



I say transplant for another reason as well, the see through cups are not quite as ideal for starting because of roots being exposed to light.cheers

Check out mdanzig thread about "extreme raised transplanting." A picture of two there seem to actually destroy the "clear cup myth."


I did have his plantings in mind when I was writing my response actually..... kinda wondering on it a bit.
Not to mention just how many of the roots get exposed when he transplants.... shrug. Been reading his stuff for a while now on other boards and he seems to have a real liking for the 44oz travel cup, but results sure seem to speak for themselves.
I have tried in the red cups and clear ones and I get better results in the red. Then again I do a little bit of vertical lighting which may have more impact on the roots based on the angles involved.


i use clear bottles, and i know it probably isnt good for the plants but i cant see it being bad. my plants are extremely healthy so i dont see a problem


So since these flower regardless of the lighting schedule, me running the lights for 4 hours and then having an hour off to control the heat from the 400w HPS shouldn't stress or hermie them right? Running it this way keeps the temperature alot lower, running 24hr like I was kept it over 95f.


So since these flower regardless of the lighting schedule, me running the lights for 4 hours and then having an hour off to control the heat from the 400w HPS shouldn't stress or hermie them right? Running it this way keeps the temperature alot lower, running 24hr like I was kept it over 95f.

I wouldnt do that. Im still prety certain this would stress your plants too much. Could be wrong tho.


So since these flower regardless of the lighting schedule, me running the lights for 4 hours and then having an hour off to control the heat from the 400w HPS shouldn't stress or hermie them right? Running it this way keeps the temperature alot lower, running 24hr like I was kept it over 95f.

i wouldnt advise that either. if you have heat issues you shouldnt use an hps. the plants would have the 4 hour light then when its dark they think its night so they go to sleep but then all of a sudden its day again then a bit later its night again for a short space of time. imagine somebody doing that to you, you'd get stressed to right?


Well I stayed with flouros until yesterday when it finally cooled off enough outside to run it and stay under 85f... the Easy Ryder is a female and I'm pretty positive the Double Diesel aren't autoflowers. They haven't even shown preflowers while the Easy Ryder has been flowering for about a week.


I'm pretty positive the Double Diesel aren't autoflowers. They haven't even shown preflowers while the Easy Ryder has been flowering for about a week.

Let us know how the DBL Diesels go, im interested in the Saghmanta seeds, thats what u´ve got right? They have some nice crosses going and feminized as well, but if their not stabalized its out of the question...

Cheers, Mr S


I'm pretty positive the Double Diesel aren't autoflowers. They haven't even shown preflowers while the Easy Ryder has been flowering for about a week.

Defo keep the updates coming my friend. I was seconds from ordering the double diesel when i noticed this post. Think ill wait for more updates on this strain before i do. Thanks


They are Sagarmatha, I wish I had read about it more and found out they haven't bred them into full autoflowers yet. I've seen a few people saying theirs did autoflower, but the majority of reports I've found have said they don't auto.


They are Sagarmatha, I wish I had read about it more and found out they haven't bred them into full autoflowers yet. I've seen a few people saying theirs did autoflower, but the majority of reports I've found have said they don't auto.

Give it time. Your EasyRyder has only been flowering 1 week. You might be pleasantly surprised in a few days time.:joint:


Hey Duts.
Just wanted to know what light schedule your on? If your dbl diesels dont Auto on 24h of light you might want to take it down to 20h to give em a couple of hours of darkness a day to see what happens.. Maybe they just need a bit of a kick in the ass to start producing..

Good luck with everything and keep us posted.
//Mr S


The problem with the clear cups is that the roots will do whatever it can to avoid the light so it will curtail its growth. In the future you can just tape some dark paper around your cups. They are ready to be transplanted AF's seem to put out roots like mad.


I've been running 18hrs (down from 24) of light since the 2nd and still not a sign of preflowers on the Double Diesel... the Easy Ryder is starting to have white hairs coming from the top where the newest growth comes from instead of just the nodes so will it continue to stretch or does that mean its at its final height?