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Fireknot farm 2016


Nice that looks proper. I'm ordering my soil soon. Remind me what compost did you go with for the coots?

Always work to be done, looking good so far
Yup I'm waiting for them to call me it shipped with the form yesterday. Doing old soil and water test too. I checked the box for suggestions/recommendations. They didnt ask what crop its for yet though I assume that must happen over the phone. I am very curious to see the results!
Uh, I got tens of thousands of views on this thread in a couple days, wtf, is that accurate?

Quick update: Wettable sulfur thru the atomizer destroyed the broad mites. Wish I used it sooner. I haven't lost any more plants but there was some definite stunting on some. I've been rotating between pfr-97 (even though RH is 65% max) and the buildasoil essential mix daily and it seems very effective the new growth looks vigorous and unhindered. I considered azamax too but my a. Swirskii are supposed to be here soon and I don't want to kill them...I don't know if they're even hurt by it but playing it safe just in case.

Officially fuck the poisons I'm seeing better results with organics 'nuff said!

Feeling more confident about seed sprouting on March 8th.

I would ask: Can I use my coot's mix for seedlings?---but I'm aware this answer most likely depends on the incoming soil analysis...


Thats weird with the thread views. Maybe google sent a bunch of people here or something? Never seen that happen before


Active member
Loving this tread, I wish I wasn't living in a god for saken desert, with an outdoor ban. I have never done anything outside.


Active member
I considered azamax too but my a. Swirskii are supposed to be here soon and I don't want to kill them...I don't know if they're even hurt by it but playing it safe just in case.

Officially fuck the poisons I'm seeing better results with organics 'nuff said!

good call on scratching the azamax. Scott's bought out General Hydroponics, who shills for monsanto... I'd rather have mites than give my coins to companies with absolutely no conscience.
You're right, stoner moment, fuck azamax, for some reason I hadn't pieced this together in my mind even though I knew that. I guess I'll try the neem thing then...from a more ethical company...thanks for the reminder.

Thanks packerfan! Pains me to see all these outdoor bans in light of the dawn of what is allegedly decriminalization.


thought ,i,d drop by ........ looks like the games about to start soon :)

best of luck , man .
My swirskiis have shipped and should be here in two days. I've been spraying pfr97 and the essential oil mix rotated every "morning" (their night) and rain is coming so 70%RH should be doable.

Can HL45 or anyone advise me on an effective protocol for handling these beings? Should I not spray before and during deployment? How long do you think I'll be safe to not spray, or should I be monitoring their populations with a scope? (I'll try to see if I can see them with mine. I have never seen a bm just eggs.) Any insight is appreciated.

It doesnt look like I really need them but having them on board for clean up crew does bring peace of mind. I know they make swirskii food but I'm too broke to consider the ethics here. :) Now I feel kinda bad.


Stop spraying. Take a look at them so you know what they look like and release them onto the leaves. If there is nothing for them to eat, you win and they die.