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Eagle 20 PM Killer, Cancerous?

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Aparently the perlite I bought today is "known to the state of California to cause cancer" so I guess I'm not to concerned about the eagle 20
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avant gardener


fuck the nanny state.


Back just before Proposition 65 was passed I was pregnant with my first boy and working at a wedding thermographry shop. I was in the warehouse, packing. And we used the leftover lead stamps from the foil-stamped custom napkins to weigh down the paper so it wouldn't fly away as we were packing the orders.

I was handling that lead with my bare hands, 8mos pregnant, EVERY DAY. Then, the company officials came with papers they wanted me to sign, saying that they had done no wrong. I thought, "Huh? Why do they want me to sign these?" I refused, and was fired.

My son was born autistic.

Nanny state? Yes, to a certain point. But a balance must be struck.


Back just before Proposition 65 was passed I was pregnant with my first boy and working at a wedding thermographry shop. I was in the warehouse, packing. And we used the leftover lead stamps from the foil-stamped custom napkins to weigh down the paper so it wouldn't fly away as we were packing the orders.

I was handling that lead with my bare hands, 8mos pregnant, EVERY DAY. Then, the company officials came with papers they wanted me to sign, saying that they had done no wrong. I thought, "Huh? Why do they want me to sign these?" I refused, and was fired.

My son was born autistic.

Nanny state? Yes, to a certain point. But a balance must be struck.

I Must spread some around.

I Agree that some 'slippery slopes' we really have no choice but to get on and push. The 'balance' is where all the struggle takes place


Registered User
but DUUUUUDE, we like, need, like, the government to protect us from things like wood dust, PM spray, and gambling!

i'd just like all the real data/info... pretty sure that would scare the fuck out of most all of us.

at that point, it's risk/reward for each person to make their own adult decision about... with all the info openly disseminated. pay should be comensurate w the risk... and people have the right to choose... liberty & all.

but yeah, it would be nice to have someone out there on our side... too bad it isn't the gov't... they help lie in order to keep the wheels turning. most of the work force wouldn't do thier jobs if they knew the risks... or the companies would have to start offering real compensation, in order to get the work done. gov comes out & just enforces osha, for example w what we already have, would shut down a lot of industry in the states... let alone the rest of the world. not really arguing for osha control & all... but that much of what we have is diluted & misguided & even deliberately so.

does anyone here really not wonder about the potential long-term effects of all the chems around us? we don't even have perspective really... and won't for a few generations.


Active member
Here's your FACTS
Page 18
Do not use treated plant material for food or feed

How much clear could that be?

Page 2
Hazards to humans and domestic animals info.
Did you read that?
Still think its safe?

What about the restricted entry interval?
Still think its safe?

Use it on maple trees the directions say "treated trees may not be used for syrup"

Use it on sunflower the directions say "seeds from treated plants may not be used for feed."

Its not a safe product for human consumption
Read the directions.


I feel the thread title is misleading, so my question is this--does it have to cause cancer to be bad?

E20 is known to cause resistance, especially if proper IPM isn't practiced. People are using this stuff as a prophylactic treatment and I most certainly don't recall any directions for that (of course, I'm happy to go over labelling again) and that's the surest way that I know of to make damn near any microbe evolve resistance.

Is cancer the very worst illness we have out there? Not in my world, there are plenty just as bad, if not worse.


aka "Doc"
Seamaiden...I can not think of a single fungicide that does not have some kind of resistance issue; Eagle is not unique--hence the experts suggest a rotation of fungicides of different "modes of action".


Active member
so your smart enough to research lemmings and read about nitrification but did you read the manufactures data sheet or product use instructions

the product is not meant for leafy greens that are to be consumed and its ingredients cause cancer, reproductive disorders AND birth defects

its in the data sheet but im sure you know that but have no other agenda than to troll me


cause your a pathetic fuck who want to justify your shitty ways by demeaning those who aren't like you

its ok I know by the context of the response the magnitude of your being

when you have something real to bring the adults table then you can sit at it

until then get back with the children where you belong

The MSDS is just the basic facts, it's like the front of a movie poster telling you what you're going to get, stars and director etc... It's nothing to base such wide claims on. You need cited research and peer reviewed studies to make such claims.

You can't just say

its ingredients cause cancer, reproductive disorders AND birth defects

I'm sure you're taking that from the California little placards that they make a killing (no pun intended) putting up everywhere. Almost everything in Cali that does anything of note is [known in California] to cause cancer, reproductive disorders and birth defects. Even a straw farmers-hat has that label on it, a parking garage has that placard plastered everywhere because cars operate in it... but you're not going to get cancer from walking through there, and breathing in whatever exhaust fumes are lingering around.

Please stop insulting people, and present your argument in a more concise and mature manner. I'm even inclined to agree with you, but I don't dare take your side in this thread after reading what you've wrote.


3rd-Eye Jedi
The MSDS is just the basic facts, it's like the front of a movie poster telling you what you're going to get, stars and director etc... It's nothing to base such wide claims on. You need cited research and peer reviewed studies to make such claims.

You can't just say

I'm sure you're taking that from the California little placards that they make a killing (no pun intended) putting up everywhere. Almost everything in Cali that does anything of note is [known in California] to cause cancer, reproductive disorders and birth defects. Even a straw farmers-hat has that label on it, a parking garage has that placard plastered everywhere because cars operate in it... but you're not going to get cancer from walking through there, and breathing in whatever exhaust fumes are lingering around.

Please stop insulting people, and present your argument in a more concise and mature manner. I'm even inclined to agree with you, but I don't dare take your side in this thread after reading what you've wrote.

so the potential of insulting people is more of an issue with you than the potential of poisoning people

good to know how your logic works

now if you read the thread from the begging you'd see insulting after i was attacked but whatever no skin of my sack and you would also see that i gave many arguments but lets follow were it has been continued


you should have linked the whole of the article

Precautionary Notes

Myclobutanil can become airborne as a dust. In high concentrations, it can become an explosive mixture in the air. Burning myclobutanil may release toxic fumes (MSDS).
its not the only thing in eagle20 is it?


that's the MDSD YOU linked in this post http://www.cdms.net/ldat/mp6DG001.pdf

one of the other ingredients is naphthalene which is a known cancer causing agent, in a concentration that is recognized to be hazardous

now remember you guys don't test your weeds for any of the toxins that are in eagle20 because i called the test facilities the dispensaries use


so regardless of how you slice it your using a product made for outdoor turf ornamentals and vine fruits and your using it on soft tissue plants in closed environment

you did bother to read this in the toxicology report right?

Myclobutanil is environmentally mobile. It has been found in surface water and in rain, suggesting a potential for atmospheric transport. Due to its persistence, myclobutanil may accumulate in soil with multiple applications (EPA).
you can only guess that it dissipated in a dissimilar environment against the products directed use

you have no way to tell if YOUR meds are free from any of the chemicals in eagle20, scientific or others wise

unless of course you do not use it

:thank you:


3rd-Eye Jedi
ironic that majority of those using eagle20 are cali med providers whose medicine crosses the lips of those with compromised and stressed immune systems


Active member
so the potential of insulting people is more of an issue with you than the potential of poisoning people

good to know how your logic works

now if you read the thread from the begging you'd see insulting after i was attacked but whatever no skin of my sack and you would also see that i gave many arguments but lets follow were it has been continued


unless of course you do not use it

:thank you:

I don't mean any offense, Weird. There are some growers here that are at least ten times greater than I am. That includes you and YosimiteSam, I take my hat(s) off to you.

I'll hop on over to the other thread and see what's going on, I've found some good info in here. I know that harsh chemicals are not the way to go. Just curious as to what's you're favorite growing method/what was the strain of choice that you were able to eradicate the PM with?


<giggle> Back then no one had a chance to live long enough to die of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. We should go back to livin' those times, eh? Wimmin dyin' in childbirth (hell, the cord can't be cut anymore, gotta bite it off). Forget dentistry altogether. Ayup, the timing is awesome because our population is seriously out of control. I mean, we now live in the Anthropocene age! (sp? Anthropocene, or anthropicene?)

Seamaiden...I can not think of a single fungicide that does not have some kind of resistance issue; Eagle is not unique--hence the experts suggest a rotation of fungicides of different "modes of action".
Thank you for picking up what I was putting down there. The experts (eck spurts?) also state fairly clearly that physical barriers should be included in your IPM rotation. I've found that I can rely pretty heavily on JMS Stylet oil and OxiDate for PM control, and neither presents the issues that products like E20 does. There has only been one time I wasn't able to eradicate PM entirely, that was on girls who'd been through the wringer with root aphids and couldn't fight off a thing. One girl came back with PM a week after Tx with E20, so at that point I said I'm done (plus, I decided at that time I was going to go fully organic and stick to it, I'm also a market gardener and can't have those chems possibly contaminating the foodstuffs).

Same thing with mites, especially spider mites, except that they have special powers of mutation. They're better than bacteria! And that's something important to consider as well--I don't think it has to cause cancer to be bad.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
but DUUUUUDE, we like, need, like, the government to protect us from things like wood dust, PM spray, and gambling!

Lol so true.......( hugs his Eagle 20).......that was for weird....appropriate handle
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