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Colorado House Bill 1284


New member
No, it seems our reps have forgotten this is supposed to be about patients...not big business!!!

Why wouldn't the patients like the lower cost associated with larger grows ? Most of the truly sick patients I deal with could care less about botique/elite strains. They care more for good quality, clean, and low cost. The "stoners with recs" on the other hand, only buy the latest top shelf elite.

Why wouldn't the patients like to know where their meds actually come from, instead of whatever gets dragged in through the back door ?

Why wouldn't the patients like to know all the chemicals and pesticides included in the processing of their meds ?

Why wouldn't the patients enjoy knowing that their meds can be purchaced in a secure, monitored, and safe enviromnment that is legal, on the up and up, and conforming to state guidelines?

Honestly, I am not hearing patients complaining about this. However I am hearing felons, overage hawking caregivers, dispensaries without grows, and basement blackmarket growers complaining that they can't run a "400k" year business from their house.

You won't have to be as huge as people are claiming in order to get licensed. But you will have to be licensed. You will have to follow the rules outlined by the state. I guess going black market is your other option.

Maybe spend less time name calling and complaining, then spend more time writing a business plan. After all, you are running a business aren't you ?


New member
Thanks Warren !

Thanks Warren !

I agree with what you are posting. Just because some people don't want to hear the truth, they claim it to be awful, mistruth, shit, or whatever they can sling.

Don't let the haters prevent the ones that really care from hearing what needs to be heard.

Thanks for what you do. Some of us appreciate it anyways :tiphat:
They can write laws to define it, w/o an amendment. Think "Freedom of Speech" this has been "re-defined" by law, w/o an amendment. It started out covering only speech & writing, broadcasting, the internet have all brought about changes w/o Constitutional Amendments...we still have bills being "redefined" all the time, as society advances, the laws will progress


Long haired country boy
Being a patient and a care provider myself, I can honestly say that patient absolutely 100% do care about the quality of strains. Lets be real the really special plants don't preform well in commercial set-ups. I truly believe plants feed off their keepers energy, when that energy is greed or profit driven it's not going to produce the quality that a small medicinal garden will, Fact.

I see day in and day out what these so called commercial operations are bring to the table and let me tell you it's far from medicinal. It is the equivalent of generic mass produced dutch garbage( same strains to for the most part). These large ops will run into problems with pests and the quality of medicine will go down..TRuth

With all the problems in our country I really keep asking myself why is pot such a big deal?? Oh yeah a lot of people stand to lose or make a lot of $$$$$$$$$

God Bless America, where corporations make the decisions for the masses..


Well, it's been 10 years and the industry has not done it on it's own accord now has it ?

The "industry" you describe didn't really exist until last year, outside a few early folks in 2008. Give it some time to settle in and oh maybe wait until the court cases come in before you declare that you need legislative protection.

I get all of the things you mentioned, safe cheap effective meds, already. Didn't take a giant bureaucracy sniffing up my caregiver's britches either. His history isn't relevant to our current relationship.

Nice the way you denigrate home based caregivers, patients with excess, dispensaries not vertically integrated, and caregivers with criminal records. What a spin you're putting on things!


Long haired country boy
Honestly, I am not hearing patients complaining about this. However I am hearing felons, overage hawking caregivers, dispensaries without grows, and basement blackmarket growers complaining that they can't run a "400k" year business from their house.

Some of us Felons are only such because we were providing care to people long before it was acceptable to the state government.. You really don't think that all these marijuana strains materialized as soon as mmj laws were passed? They came from somewhere, and someone stuck their freedom on the line to preserve this sacred herb to be available for you to use for your aliments..

LEts get real this bill is just about keeping the arrest quotas as high as they need to be, keep the jails overflowing still with people with problems, not criminals. It keeps the lawyers in court making money litigating, Keeps big business in business, am I missing anything else ..


Why wouldn't the patients like the lower cost associated with larger grows ? Most of the truly sick patients I deal with could care less about botique/elite strains. They care more for good quality, clean, and low cost. The "stoners with recs" on the other hand, only buy the latest top shelf elite.

Since you directed this at me, I will attempt to answer...
I guess you are another moron that has no idea that certain meds/strains don't produce alot of THC, but do produce alot of CBD's and CBN's that are good for pain, like the True Blue I am growing.

Why wouldn't the patients like to know where their meds actually come from, instead of whatever gets dragged in through the back door ?

My patients know where their meds come from...and most of the (I did say most) dispensary owners I know, are very particular about what they buy, and from who...

Why wouldn't the patients like to know all the chemicals and pesticides included in the processing of their meds ?

I will gladly tell you I grow organically and use no pesticides...and I will allow the State to verify this...

Why wouldn't the patients enjoy knowing that their meds can be purchaced in a secure, monitored, and safe enviromnment that is legal, on the up and up, and conforming to state guidelines?

My patients have all of this...

Honestly, I am not hearing patients complaining about this. However I am hearing felons, overage hawking caregivers, dispensaries without grows, and basement blackmarket growers complaining that they can't run a "400k" year business from their house.

No, you have selective hearing...you are hearing some people convicted of a crime complaining that they are being selectively not allowed to own a business after they have completed their punishment....

You won't have to be as huge as people are claiming in order to get licensed. But you will have to be licensed. You will have to follow the rules outlined by the state. I guess going black market is your other option.

If passed, HB1284 will force growers to partner (calling it "vertical integration") with a dispensary in order to pursue their career choice...a grower cannot be just a grower and a MMC cannot just supply meds from outside sources. The bill says you can only purchase 30% of your inventory from outside sources and you can only buy from another dispensary that is also forbidden from selling more than 30% of their inventory to another MMC.

Maybe spend less time name calling and complaining, then spend more time writing a business plan. After all, you are running a business aren't you ?

Sounds to me like you are another Cali "immigrant"....Maybe you should get to know the people you call out...the same thing happened the last time you trolled here and called out Mr. Dank. I am 100% legal and will survive HB1284...but I know folks who won't and it's those people I am speaking up for. None of us wants to go back underground...but if we have to....


Active member
Being a patient and a care provider myself, I can honestly say that patient absolutely 100% do care about the quality of strains. Lets be real the really special plants don't preform well in commercial set-ups. I truly believe plants feed off their keepers energy, when that energy is greed or profit driven it's not going to produce the quality that a small medicinal garden will, Fact.

I see day in and day out what these so called commercial operations are bring to the table and let me tell you it's far from medicinal. It is the equivalent of generic mass produced dutch garbage( same strains to for the most part). These large ops will run into problems with pests and the quality of medicine will go down..TRuth

With all the problems in our country I really keep asking myself why is pot such a big deal?? Oh yeah a lot of people stand to lose or make a lot of $$$$$$$$$

:thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you::tiphat:

Cannabis IS NOT TOBACCO!!!! Treating it like tobacco is NOT going to do anything good for patients. Stoners and big business will be happy... but the patients are going to get screwed... more than they already are.


New member
Since you decided to single me out, I will answer you....
#5. I'm sorry, but this is the second time you come on to the site and go after someone you know nothing about, tghe last time it was Mr. Dank....maybe you need to quit trolling...

Sorry if you feel that it was a personal attack, it wasn't. I'm not singling you or Mr Dank our as individuals. I'm only responding to statements posted on an internet DISCUSSION forum.

I have great confidience that you are doing things in the right way. However I don't feel that this bill is really addressed to people like you.

Look at what the reps are seeing. :
-Giant freaknig neon pot leaves on broadway.
-More dispensaries than starbucks.
-"1000 new applications a day" [that's BS by the way]
-Shady dispensaries that I wouldn't send anybody I know to.
-People like our movement leader Berkowitz that's pulling 400k from his house next to an elementary school.

This is the shit that they are seeing. The people that are doing it right don't make the media. It's the small percentage that are fucktards that screw it up for the large percentage that are doing it right.

But the bottom line is this. The industry needs SOME regulation. In the interest of doing things how our government does things, they will bloat the legislation with a bunch of unnecessary crap.

No matter how much of a dick you think I am, or how wrong you think Warren is [he isn't], legislators will pass this bill.

If you are running a small 5 patient caregiver service, then you can carry on. If you are larger than that, you probably should be a commercial business in a C, I, or M zoned area and be legit enough to survive inspections.

I mean really, what have I stated that is so far off the bubble ?


Long haired country boy
according to this bill I won't be able to even work at a mmc , I have no desire to own one..

I enjoy my daily interactions with other patients, I don't think any of them would consider me of bad moral character, but according to this bill I'm not worthy enough to help other people because I was convicted of a marijuana felony before I was a patient/"legal" (whatever that means) caregiver. I would be unable to provide for other people that have sought me out to be their caregiver including family.. That my friend is utter bullshit..


New member
"If passed, HB1284 will force growers to partner (calling it "vertical integration") with a dispensary in order to pursue their career choice...a grower cannot be just a grower and a MMC cannot just supply meds from outside sources."

If you are a grower you can only do it one legal way. Have patients assign you as their caregiver. At that point you are a caregiver for patients that sells off the overage to dispensaries. [caregiver to caregiver, probably not legal]

Some growers work under dispensary contract. Based on Clendenin's impact, I am not so convinced of the current legality of that. But if you are under contract, this bill would actually legitimize the grow since it is now part of the dispensary. The dispensary would have to pay $1k for an offsite license. It will, however, now be opened to inspection. That is the part that nobody likes.

Like I say, there is good and there is BS. But you can bet that it is coming down the line.

And no, I'm not a Cali transplant. An no, I'm not personally attacking you or anyone else. It's a discussion forum.... Discuss things?
Did you not just spray with Azatrol or Azamax, then with Neem? Those are pesticides my man..

I have never used Azatrol or Azamaz...don't know where you got that. Neem is an oil that comes from a tre and is all natural. It is a "pesticide" so I misspoke, but it is all organic. The other thing I have used is Pyrethium, which comes from orchids, an again...is organic.

On my thread it was suggested I use Azatrol or Azamax for a small SM issue, but I conquered (I hope)the BORG with the above-mentioned methods.
according to this bill I won't be able to even work at a mmc , I have no desire to own one..

I enjoy my daily interactions with other patients, I don't think any of them would consider me of bad moral character, but according to this bill I'm not worthy enough to help other people because I was convicted of a marijuana felony before I was a patient/"legal" (whatever that means) caregiver. I would be unable to provide for other people that have sought me out to be their caregiver including family.. That my friend is utter bullshit..

My point exactly!!! There are those in the industry that want to be involved where they feel they can do the most good....
^^dont forget your non-organic clone gels/powder

Earth Juice Rootstock Gel (1.5 oz.)

Rootstock Gel (.02-0-.1) may be used for most soft-stem and semi-hard wood cuttings. Rootstock is the ONLY organic cloning gel. Made from soybeans, kelp meal and sulfate of potash.

Sulfate of Potash is a naturally-occurring, mined mineral. Sulfate of potash available and is approved for organic gardening.
These are new defenses so they do not interfere with the Amendment. The 5 patient requirement on the "caregiver" will effect the Amendment. The person who appeals that issue will have to also go through the rigmarole of proving that the Amendment authorized for profit sales. Of course that person will still have to abide by city retail sales tax license requirements as well as zoning issues. Ie. having to get the city permits and be in a building zoned for commercial production, no flood plain, ect. It ends up being such a hassle, it will be interesting to see who challenges it. Won't be the MMC's because 1284 will be so much easier to deal with than a20. The grower would probably have trouble challenging it due to the questionable nature of the caregiver to caregiver defense.