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Can't tell if you have root rot or the brown slime algae, come on in ?!


Active member
Exactly how you felt?

UHHH... your the one that told me how to use it and not to continue use because of health risks...
Which is it?


Active member
Exactly how you felt?

UHHH... your the one that told me how to use it and not to continue use because of health risks...
Which is it?

I clearly remember the conversations. You told me the guys weren't going to change the grow method. I told you it wasn't the best idea to treat it the way that you were but I had no other options. I wanted to start the whole treatments from a fresh source of plants but you were set on doing it on a specific crop that was already growing (I think it was being done with The White). I told you that because of the way that you are growing, that the pathogen can build up a residence to the antibiotic and make things much worse. I suggested you try this out in a RDWC system or a DWC bucket as a test. I also told you that I would send you a system if you wanted one. I also clearly said many times that I did not want to talk about this subject in an open forum because I don't want anyone getting the idea that it's ok to use antibiotics on food grade plants. You continued talking about it in the open even when I said to keep this only between you and me. It's not ok. Because of conversations like this, other growers will start to use it. There's already enough harmful chemicals that people are using on their human consumption plants and it's not cool. The process was never intended to be used in the future. It was a test that was being done to figure some things out so we can get you onto a new program. The same thing was going on in the Chlorine bucket test.

I'm also 99% sure that if you used my treatments the way that I wanted you to use them in specific systems, that it would kill your pathogen. It was only to show you that we were on the right path. That's why I suggested the single DWC bucket as a test to show you it would kill it. Top feeding my formulas or flooding on trays wouldn't be the way to kill the pathogen and keep it down because the solution needed to be saturating the roots, medium and solution 24 hours a day. I think that we're in agreement that you may possibly have a Chlorine Resistant problem. That's why you had to go another route. The Chlorine test that I tried to give you wasn't done in the manner that I would have done it to learn what you needed to learn from the data. I clearly remember wanting to pull the hair out of my head at the time. I even wanted to come down there and do all the testing for you because of what you were saying.
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Active member
Thats pretty incredible bro... You must be outta your fucken mind.

What ever man, you see it the way you want... and to say i kept talking about it in open forum? wtf is that shit? first show me one instance, thats absolute garbage..

Sorry man for going off a bit.. but you just seriously touched a nerve..

unbelievable man.. you know im not an ass hat... why would you even say some shit like that?

My buddy did not want to change to your system because the bleach had no effect on the pathogen, not because he did not want to change systems.
When i mean open forum, I'm talking about my profile page. My profile page is one of the most viewed user pages on ICmag. I sent you PM's multiple times expressing you to not talk about it and you kept saying what's the big deal. If you look at my profile page, you will see multiple times where I had to delete your posts. Here is my proof. Are you saying that I never told to keep this private? I know you know I told you not to say this. This all came up because richyrich posted a picture of the product and was asking what you did with it. How would he ask those questions if no one told him you were using it? See what I mean. I'm not saying that you are an ass hat. I'm just saying what happened now that it's all out there in the open.


Active member
WOW... yes you " asked " me not to discuss it publicly which i did not after that, why you asked me not im still not clear on... you had to delete on your home page? ok,lol

I dunno man, you mention some top secret shit you have to cure slime in all of the problem threads... whats so secret if your gonna advertise you have a cure all and tell me anyways?
I see it was not such a secret topic in RR's thread back in 09.. is this maybe why?

I dont get it man, lotta crap you just said has me scratching my head, i know your going threw a rough patch but wtf?
I never advertised anything. LOL! You aren't reading things right. I asked you not to discuss it because there are many chemicals that growers use that are not supposed to be used for food grade crops. In the product that we are specifically talking about, there are more chemicals involved in the product besides antibiotics. At least one of them is a known carcinogen. It affects everyone. I stated via PM in the past that there is more than antibiotics in that product. I told you humans have died from ingesting it instead of going to the hospital for antibiotics. Sites like ICmag make it seem OK to use harmful chemicals because certain other growers are using them and treating the topic very lightly. There are many chemicals being used on cannabis that should in no way ever be used. Promoting the use of those chemicals, including antibiotics is a poor moral / ethical choice for the community. Now lets stop talking about this and get richyrich to fix your problems. We will just agree that we disagree with how things went down.
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Out of the slime, finally.
I take it you two have some history. We are all human and things like this happen. Don't let it get to you. Take some words of wisdom:

Get mad, then get over it. ~Colin Powell

If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot. ~Korean Proverb

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. ~Ambrose Bierce

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ~Buddha

You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. ~Buddha

Resentment is an extremely bitter diet, and eventually poisonous. I have no desire to make my own toxins. ~Neil Kinnock

To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee. ~William H. Walton

Ecclesiastes 7:9
Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

2 Peter 1:5-7
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.


Out of the slime, finally.
I dont believe i will ever be able to rid the spots of the pathogen completely.
I think the only solution is to find something that will hold the pathogen off and work in conjunction with the plant.

Something that is stronger than the pathogen that will not allow it to take over.

Your belief is correct. The plan in a nutshell is to do an extreme sanitizing of your entire grown room and all the equipment; EVERYTHING!

Then air management becomes critical to control the spores/cysts that may still exist.

Third, water management to control spores/cysts entering the water even if it hasn't happened yet. Insurance if it were to happen later out of no where.

Fourth, protect the plants and their roots at all costs. Since you have a mutant pythium strain, you require a super duper hydro tea to make a root shield. Any bad microbes and the already present pythium will not be able to get a foot hold.

The pythium will not be able to take over when the beneficial microbe shield is in place and is strictly maintained. One failure to add hydro tea as scheduled to the rez to increase the beneficial microbe colony will be the doorway for the bad microbes to get in and take over and your grow might become toast.

Fifth, utilize isolation techniques when introducing new clone and plants to your grow room. One screw up here, and game over.



Out of the slime, finally.
I don't know if or what else there may be in the API E.M. ERYTHROMYCIN. I couldn't get the MSDS sheet to come up at API's website. I'm not sure that the plant uptakes the antibiotic. I'm assuming that it doesn't, but I have to research this. So, initially I'm thinking there is no major concern with the end product.

In general, antibiotics are not good for constant use because the bugs build up resistance over time. That's why the medical field for has problems nowadays with so many drug resistant bugs. Yes, antibiotics as a last resort.

I would recommend the same treatment for a rez as done when treating a fish tank.

For each 10 gallons of water use 200mg.
Repeat dose after 24 hours.
Wait another 24 hours then change 25% of the water.
Repeat this treatment for a second time, for a total of 4 doses.
Then make a final 25% water change.
Treatment may be repeated, if necessary.
Note: This medication will cause a slight discoloration of water.
Four doses are required for full course of treatment.

Remember that this will only be effective during the course of treatment. Afterward, the antibiotic is done from the water and bad microbes can and will come right back. You need to shield the roots. That's why I still firmly advocate my original hydro tea or one of my custom blends for mutant strains.

Secondly, you can go with UV sterilizing lights properly placed in strategic locations which I had proven also work back in the slime club thread. This is not fail proof when dealing with a mutant strain. And, you are not going to have the hardiest plants and the largest yields unless you use beneficial microbes from a hydro tea. Roots need their beneficial microbes for the symbiotic relationship they share. The roots feed the beneficial microbes and the roots enjoy protection and increased nutrient uptake. Its the order of mother nature and that's the way to go. Sterile does not provide this.


Out of the slime, finally.
Im not saying we would not change mediums, I have ran cubes in this same system with excellent results, hydroton also, which i happen to have a ton of from yrs ago.
Im not a fan of coco, i know it grows well, my real good bro is running it now, canna i believe.. the end quality is just not to my liking, he runs the exact same strains we do, but in my opinion and any of my people.. its not even close.
If you have ran wool, perlite, coco at one point or another you would know exactly what im talking about.
Perlite is so damn easy and forgiving.. the end product is as good or better than i have ever seen.
Also helps that my friend is the manufacturer of Perlite and i can get truck loads for peanuts! lol
I dont see what the coco would have that the perlite would not, as far as curing the pathogen?
PLZ explain
I have also eliminated the water source as a contaminant. i have bottled it up and used it elsewhere, plus not all the spots where on the same water source.

RR... Im extremely happy that you are willing to stick this out!

I know the difference myself. I have run just about everything. I also used to set up grow rooms for people. I've built a lot. Coco is easy and works, but it's just not the same as hydro like I state above.

No need to change right now. Good to know you can get perlite like that because you are going to toss out all of the old perlite. Toss the old stuff out in the garden soil in the backyard or something. It will aerate the soil.

The coco or even using perlite would work by going drain to waste. The infected nute water wouldn't be recirculating and infecting and infecting every feeding cycle. Don't get me wrong, the crop could still get infected but most likely wouldn't.

We might still want to treat the incoming water supply as a precaution since you already have the equipment. Why not cover all bases.

About your boys crop in progress. If you want to try the antibiotic, run it in the rez. Run it as directed above in my post. It's okay to use with the plants in. That way it will kill whats on the roots. Though, once the treatment is done the system must be flushed with clean water before introducing a hydro tea. If not you will kill the tea. You must be 100% sure there are no spores/cysts in the water supply. If there are, you have to run RO water with the final stage being an inline UV sterilizing light. Then you need to provide for a root shield. That would be from a hydro tea. We already know zone, sm-90, h2o2, etc. are not going to work. Last, in his grow will be spore management. I will instruct on that coming up.

I'm still around. I've been researching. I'll be giving you your first instructions today on the first things you need to buy if you do not already own them and step one will commence which will be complete sterilization of the grow room.


Out of the slime, finally.
(this is copied from the original slime club thread as it is relevant here too)

http://skunklabshc.com Not sure if ur suppose to put links in here or not though. Read through the info page and i saw some pics of it on the facebook page. I will prob try it out also.

It's all good posting anything beneficial for the community here.

I took a look at the product root assist. Those tea packets look too small to me. What you begin with is what determines what you end up with. More initial material used equals many more microbes. Something such as the brown slime algae requires a massive microherd army.

I should know, I'm the one who battled the unnamed at the time snot slime without any information to be found on the internet anywhere. I researched it for years. I discovered its name, origin, and how to deal with and slay it. This slime club thread documents the journey and is one of if not the most epic threads in any mj website forum.

That company producing the root assist appears to be just another company attempting to profit off of what they discovered here thru my work. When I see things such as: add to rez every 3rd day, fridge for up to 10 days, use a funnel and cheese clothe, use GH Ancient Forest, etc., I know it's all bitten from my work here documented years ago.

Adding to the rez every 3rd day is what I figured out was best through experimentation and observation under microscope. Same with fridging it up to 10 days. Those directions were found no where else. In addition nobody was making teas specifically for hydroponic systems when I developed a tea recipe that anybody could gather the ingredients from available products on the market and make it themselves for FREE.

Don't be fooled guys and gals by all the plagiarism elsewhere from my work done here in the slime club thread. My hydro tea recipe has been mistakenly been going around by the name Heisenberg Tea at rollitup.org. No doubt it was lifted from this thread and the post was started over there in 8/2010 after this thread died down. My tea was documented here in 2008. The RichyRich Hydro Tea Recipe and Instructions name was attributed to me by members in this thread when I gave the hydro tea recipe to the community for FREE.


What is Plagiarism?

Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense:

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means

to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
to use (another's production) without crediting the source
to commit literary theft
to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward. Plagiarism is the passing off of another person's work as one's own. The key is that a person claims credit or appears to claim credit for writing done by someone else.

Plagiarism is theft of another person's writings or ideas. Generally, it occurs when someone steals expressions from another author's composition and makes them appear to be his own work. Plagiarism is not a legal term; however, it is often used in lawsuits. Courts recognize acts of plagiarism as violations of Copyright law.

Plagiarism is taking the ideas of another and using them without giving proper credit. It is a form of stealing and a serious academic offense.

Plagiarism is unethical behavior that can generate various forms of social punishment such as loss of reputation, failure in a course at a school, loss of a professional job, recall of a book, or forfeiture of a license.

To avoid plagiarism, give credit to previous researchers, and make your own significant contribution.

By correctly citing other people's works and ideas, a person has also agreed to engage in the kind of scholarly communication that is part of academic life. Citing another person's words is a way of giving credit to that person, and of acknowledging the importance of that person's work to one's own ideas. After all, you wouldn't want someone quoting your words or using your ideas without giving you credit, would you?


You don't need to buy anything else from anybody except for my hydro tea recipe. Unless, you have some mutant nasty microbe that is resistant to the tea. That is what I have been working on the last 5 years since I made the first hydro tea recipe. If you have experienced the slime, nobody should have to suffer thru it when the information is here for free. Nobody should be holding out the information from our fellow growers for profit or praise.

I haven't been in the forums for a few years and I have come to see how wildly successful my hydro tea recipe has become. Every mj website has people plagiarizing my work and many offering products for profit. Even retailers are taking advantage.

That's how incredible my tea recipe is. I'm sure tens of thousands of crops have been saved by now. Before and still, no product available at a hydro store can produce the results of my original hydro tea recipe.

Don't buy anything except what is needed to make your own RichyRich Hydro Tea that is below in my signature.

If you think you may have a mutant microbe infestation, you may be interested in my two other threads. Start off by going to the Rot Club thread. It's all about root rot and other root problems. It's going to be just as epic as this thread is. Link below.

Can't tell if you have root rot or the brown slime algae, come on in ?!

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Active member
I don't know if or what else there may be in the API E.M. ERYTHROMYCIN. I couldn't get the MSDS sheet to come up at API's website. I'm not sure that the plant uptakes the antibiotic. I'm assuming that it doesn't, but I have to research this. So, initially I'm thinking there is no major concern with the end product.

In general, antibiotics are not good for constant use because the bugs build up resistance over time. That's why the medical field for has problems nowadays with so many drug resistant bugs. Yes, antibiotics as a last resort.

I would recommend the same treatment for a rez as done when treating a fish tank.

For each 10 gallons of water use 200mg.
Repeat dose after 24 hours.
Wait another 24 hours then change 25% of the water.
Repeat this treatment for a second time, for a total of 4 doses.
Then make a final 25% water change.
Treatment may be repeated, if necessary.
Note: This medication will cause a slight discoloration of water.
Four doses are required for full course of treatment.

Remember that this will only be effective during the course of treatment. Afterward, the antibiotic is done from the water and bad microbes can and will come right back. You need to shield the roots. That's why I still firmly advocate my original hydro tea or one of my custom blends for mutant strains.

Secondly, you can go with UV sterilizing lights properly placed in strategic locations which I had proven also work back in the slime club thread. This is not fail proof when dealing with a mutant strain. And, you are not going to have the hardiest plants and the largest yields unless you use beneficial microbes from a hydro tea. Roots need their beneficial microbes for the symbiotic relationship they share. The roots feed the beneficial microbes and the roots enjoy protection and increased nutrient uptake. Its the order of mother nature and that's the way to go. Sterile does not provide this.

Wow, you must be joking. Plants roots can take up antibiotics and with a little research, you would see that. This is a great way to ruin the cannabis community! Great! Just a quick search on google would show you plenty of studies that show that plants can take up antibiotics in the soil. Sites like ICmag make it seem OK to use harmful chemicals because certain other growers are using them and treating the topic very lightly. There are many chemicals being used on cannabis that should in no way ever be used. Promoting the use of those chemicals, including antibiotics is a poor moral / ethical choice for the community. Great job!

How can you recommend a treatment that you have never done?


Out of the slime, finally.
Wow, you must be joking. Plants roots can take up antibiotics and with a little research, you would see that. This is a great way to ruin the cannabis community! Great! Just a quick search on google would show you plenty of studies that show that plants can take up antibiotics in the soil. Sites like ICmag make it seem OK to use harmful chemicals because certain other growers are using them and treating the topic very lightly. There are many chemicals being used on cannabis that should in no way ever be used. Promoting the use of those chemicals, including antibiotics is a poor moral / ethical choice for the community. Great job!

How can you recommend a treatment that you have never done?


You are insinuating a lot from my post. Here is an excerpt from what I posted:

"I don't know if or what else there may be in the API E.M. ERYTHROMYCIN. I couldn't get the MSDS sheet to come up at API's website. I'm not sure that the plant uptakes the antibiotic. I'm assuming that it doesn't, but I have to research this. So, initially I'm thinking there is no major concern with the end product.

In general, antibiotics are not good for constant use because the bugs build up resistance over time. That's why the medical field for has problems nowadays with so many drug resistant bugs. Yes, antibiotics as a last resort.

I would recommend the same treatment for a rez as done when treating a fish tank."


First, I went to the trouble of going directly to the manufacturer's website to get the most critical document about the product, the MSDS. I wanted to find out the active and inactive ingredients. There site is acting funky right now though. I've been still trying to get it.

Second, I said I'm not sure if the plants uptake the antibiotic. I next said it was my presumption that they did not but I still had to research that. And, I said another presumption that I initially thought there would be no major concern with the end product.

Third, the definition of presumption:

[pri-zoom] Show IPA
verb (used with object), pre·sumed, pre·sum·ing.
1. to take for granted, assume, or suppose: I presume you're tired after your drive.
2. Law. to assume as true in the absence of proof to the contrary.
3. to undertake with unwarrantable boldness.
4. to undertake (to do something) without right or permission: to presume to speak for another.
verb (used without object), pre·sumed, pre·sum·ing.
5. to take something for granted; suppose.
6. to act or proceed with unwarrantable or impertinent boldness.

Fourth, I have not finished up researching it along with the other list of things on my plate and I would of come back and edited my post if need be.

Fifth, I pointed out that using antibiotics is a problem because of built up resistance to repeated use.

Sixth, I stated antibiotic use as a last resort.

Seventh, why would I recommend? Let's see, first I was expressing opinion rather than recommending. There is a difference between the two.

I have used that same product and others in my reef tanks in the past and logic alone dictates that the same procedure and protocol would most likely work for plants. It's not the fish or plant that matters. It's the microbe versus the antibiotic that matters. Additionally, it's logical to recommend the use of antibiotics based on your work which has been successful for you.

The only recommendation I made was in the last line which stated to use it as used in fish tanks. That being based on the fact that one may have already decided to use an antibiotic reading about it elsewhere, perhaps in one of your threads. Everything else was expressed with terms: I don't know; I'm assuming; and, I'm thinking, are expressions of opinion, not recommendations. Not one place was I promoting the use.

Perhaps, correcting me and saving me the time to research would be more productive than taking an adversarial approach in responding. I understand your concern for the use of it, another perhaps, maybe you should edit your posts speaking of such treatment and keep it strictly private message for those whom you are trying to help. Just a thought.

No hate brother/sister, one love and light!


Active member

Fourth, I have not finished up researching it along with the other list of things on my plate and I would of come back and edited my post if need be.

Perhaps, correcting me and saving me the time to research would be more productive than taking an adversarial approach in responding. I understand your concern for the use of it, another perhaps, maybe you should edit your posts speaking of such treatment and keep it strictly private message for those whom you are trying to help. Just a thought.

No hate brother/sister, one love and light!

Perhaps it is better for you to do research before posting information that can potentially be harmful to the community. So you just post whatever you want and when you figure out one day when you are wrong, you just edit it at will? How many other growers will see that information before your edit? How many other people will your information hurt in the process. One simple google search which takes 10 seconds would have spit up articles that show you that plants can uptake antibiotics. You also said you couldn't even find the full MSDS to see the other products in there but you are recommending a specific treating schedule for the antibiotics without knowing what else is in the product. No hate either. I'm glad that you are trying to help people but it seems there's also something else going on as well.

Here is my complete first post in my thread about treating systems with Erythromycin, not plants. You will notice what I say in bold at the end of the original post:

Get rid of “The Slime” aka “Brown Slime Algae” aka “Cyanobacteria”!

"I’ve seen the slime many times throughout the years and have tried many things to eradicate it and now I found the secret. The Slime is known as Brown Slime Algae but don’t be fooled by the name because it is not an algae. People have thought for many years that it was an algae but electron microscapy has shown that it is actually a Cyanobacteria. Anyone who has had to deal with this slime knows how nasty this stuff is and it multiplies like crazy within 24 hours. The Slime comes from your drinking water and can be very hard to get rid of. Some people can get rid of it with a good Bleach or Physan20 but I’ve had the slime for years in 3 of my EZCloners and no matter how much Bleach or Physan 20 that I use, it just keeps on coming back stronger. Every time I get the slime I have to resort to going to the grow shop and buying a new easy cloner which is why I currently have 5 ezcloners. I believe that if you have the slime and you tried to clean it with Bleach or Physan 20 and it didn’t work, it is because the specific slime that you have has built up a resistance to chlorine. There are organic approaches in keeping the slime at bay but it is still there waiting for the opportunity to take hold of your plants.

Here's a couple of pictures of some cuts that have "The Slime":

Here are pictures of new cuts that came from the same EZ Cloner that was covered with Slime after I gave my Erythromycin treatments for 6 days (cuts were in the cloner for 10 days):

The slime looks like clear, brown or yellow snot. In this post, I will explain how to get rid of the slime forever. The first approach that I would suggest that you do is to quadruple the dosage of bleach or physan20 and run your cloner or equipment for 24 hours with the bleach or physan 20 after soaking the lid or equipment in the bathtub for 6 hours with bleach. If you continue to get the slime after that, then you will know that the slime that you have has become resistant to chlorine and you will have to take the more extreme measure.

Here is a picture of the Erythromycin product that I use:

The extreme measure that you may need to take is an antibiotic treatment and the antibiotic that I’m talking about is Erythromycin. If you must take this extreme measure, do not take this lightly. You do not want this slime building up a resistance to Erythromycin and becoming a Super Slime. You will also want to wear gloves, goggles, a mask and long sleeves so that you don’t inhale or get any erythromycin on you. You can buy Erythromycin at a store that sells exotic fish. You will need to give at least 4 treatments over 4 days and you will want to finish all 4 treatments so that the slime isn’t able to build up a resistance. If you are trying to clean out your cloner, it is important to take out the sprayers and clean out the inside of the manifold. I was surprised to see that inside one of my manifolds, there was slime everywhere. Take the manifold to the bathtub and fill it up with hot water and just keep shaking out the dreaded slime. You should know when it is all gone because when you fill the manifold up with water and turn it upside down, you will see water coming out of every hole where the sprayers were. If you still see a clog then that will be a sign that you still have slime in there. If the slime is stuck inside one of the sprayer holes, you can use a toothpick to stick in there to release the slime back into the manifold and then continue filling it up with hot water and shake the rest of it out. After you are done with washing everything out, you will want to unclog any sprayer and screw them back into the manifold and fill up the Cloner or equipment up with just water and add your first treatment of Erythromycin. You will continue to add your Erythromycin every 24 hours for at least the next 3 days but to be safe I would continue treatments for a total of 6 days. Make sure when you are treating your cloner or equipment that your pumps are turned on so it will clean the inside of the pump and manifold.

When you are done with your treatments, make sure that you throw out your neoprene collars and buy new ones to avoid possible contamination and also because the collars can hold the Erythromycin. You should also throw out any filters, tubing and air stones and replace them with new ones. Next you will want to dump out all of the water / Erythromycin solution and thoroughly wash out your cloner or equipment with water including the pump and manifold. Make sure to run your pump when you are cleaning it with water. Now you will be bacteria free and The Slime will be gone forever. From this point on, you should also consider using bottled water or boiling your water for 20 minutes on the stove and letting it come back to room temperature and only add back that water to the cloner to avoid getting another case of the slime.

Although I did my testing with clones in the cloner, it was just to see what the results were. I was amazed that the clones made it but I took all the clones and put them into the trash. I do not advise anyone to use Erythromycin on plants. It is up to us to make sure that our patients smoke quality products that contain no harmful products."
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Out of the slime, finally.
How many people are going to get the idea to use antibiotics in the rez with their plants just like I did by reading your posts? I did it so easily, so will many others I assume. My .02.


Active member
How many people are going to get the idea to use antibiotics in the rez with their plants just like I did by reading your posts? I did it so easily, so will many others I assume. My .02.

I will end this with a quote from you:

Like I said, had you not been lazy and shilling, took the time to read the thread .....

Unlike you, I make all my important posts for my process's in the first post of a thread because normal people don't sit down and read 100 pages to look for the information. I also clearly state the very important issues in bold to avoid people from making a big mistake as seen here in the first post of my thread:

Although I did my testing with clones in the cloner, it was just to see what the results were. I was amazed that the clones made it but I took all the clones and put them into the trash. I do not advise anyone to use Erythromycin on plants. It is up to us to make sure that our patients smoke quality products that contain no harmful products.

Now again maybe you should take a break and think about things a little more when your mind is clear. Here's the last quote from you and then I am done:

Be gone shill.

Sa Da Tay!


Out of the slime, finally.
You just like to argue end on end don't you. Unlike me, you don't even attempt to counter all of my points because you can't. You just cherry pick one if you can or rely on logical fallacies.

Did you ever think I couldn't make all my points in the slime club thread because the whole thing was a huge work in progress over years the entire time. You should know, besides me prior to 2007-2008 who else discovered that the slime was a cyanobacteria unless you read thru the my work in the slime club thread. Or, perhaps you read it from another that picked up there.

Where did you learn that from to make it a point to put that forth in the first paragraph of your slime thread. Where are your posts from 2007 and 2008 talking about cyanobacteria. Now that I think about it, you take pride in your work for your slime thread and you can't take due credit because portions of it are unoriginal work. No wonder why you are trolling so hard. Your pride has been hurt.

BTW, I took an immense amount of time to consolidate the whole slime club thread and carry the tea recipe in my signature with only one jump link to the information.

I'll just state an objective fact here. I know my work has helped and saved more crops than you can ever imagine. I bet you are burning up right about now from that line aren't you? I take satisfaction knowing that I have helped endless amounts of people and those to come. Pride ain't worth a damn.

Unlike you, you carry all of your thread links in your signature and go around promoting it saying use MY PROCEDURE then get all worked up when people talk about it. Take your freaking thread down if it bothers you so damn much. Keep "YOUR" procedure private message like I suggested earlier.

But, no you like praise. You seek it. That is why anyone else seeming to get praise, seemingly seeking, or taking claim bothers you. You are one of those. Doneit called you right. You just read things wrong or I would say just a strange personality. That was just yesterday you got into an argument with doneit and here you are in another one and another in the slime club thread. That's what trolls do instead of just moving along and not giving a damn. Can't just move along by saying who give a F***, but must get involved and stir up things and make people have to defend themselves endlessly.

Praise from the internet is a joke and worthless.

I've been here a long time and you will find me in no arguments. Unlike you Ultra Current who had to reinvent himself a new handle.

The only way to handle trolls is to ignore them, so, I say be gone and ignored troll, lol.


Active member

I've been here a long time and you will find me in no arguments. Unlike you Ultra Current who had to reinvent himself a new handle.

The only way to handle trolls is to ignore them, so, I say be gone and ignored troll, lol.

Snype came before Ultra Current. Snype was banned for a few years for similar reasons of going back and forth in threads to make a point. I started Ultra Current after Snype got banned. Get your facts straight. Do you understand how many informative members got banned from the site or left the site because they were right about their information and no one cared and was spreading poor information. One day you will realize what I'm saying. They gave me my Snype handle back not too long ago after being banned for years. You may be right about some things and you might be wrong as well. The fact is that ICmag doesn't care who's right and who's wrong. This is a business for them. They just don't want people going back and forth all day no matter who is correct. I'm sure you will find out in time but people have known about Cyanobacteria in drinking water for many years before you. You're acting like you are the discoverer of Cyanobacteria. It's a joke. Get your information right. It is not my job to search for things for you. If you want to learn the information that I am saying, look it up yourself. I don't know why you are so fixed on this. Call me a troll or all the names that you want but the community know how much information I have given and how much I've helped over the years. Plenty of thread in my sig to see that. This is a public form and it's not about you. If you want it to be about you, start your own site.
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Out of the slime, finally.


If you make it thru all of that useless glory seeking and bantering, here we go. Luckily I type fast and it didn't take much time away devoted to your issue.


For spore control you are going to need an inline fan and a hepa filter in each room; mothers, veg, and bloom. You need these before sanitizing so the spores don't get kicked up while cleaning and settle back down after cleaning.

You are going to run them free air with the hepa filter on the incoming side. You will place them mid level in the rooms in a place that will receive maximum circulation. Somewhere on a wall is fine. You do not want any dead air spots. I would advise a speed controller for each fan.


3 of each. 1 in each room. 4 inchers will work.


1 atomizing sprayer.


Your bottle of Physan20 and a bottle of unscented regular bleach. Your sponges, scouring pads, nylon bristle brushes, brass bristle brushes, towels, and a large tote to dunk things in.


The ac/heat vent you have in the room is going to be an issue. I know you are not going to be able to clean out all of the ducting, so some how you have get get a filter on that vent coming into the room. A typical ac/heat air filter will do. I know there is one on the incoming vent of the ac/heat system. But crap grows in those vents regardless, so you need to catch any crap before it gets into your grow room.


Let me know when you have these and they are set up. You do not want to clean without these !!!
