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Bud rot setting in- Cut 'em or leave 'em?


Hey ICMager's

Well, I've got some bud rot just starting to set in, and I'd say I have a few weeks to go... I'm never sure at this point if I'd be better off cutting my losses and harvesting, selective harvesting, trying to cure the buds of the rot, or just letting them go. So my question is: what should I do?

Here's some pictures, the rot is not shown very clearly as it is really early onset, but it is in picture number 2 if you look closely.

Thanks in advance for the help.



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Well-known member
we have found that there is no cure for rot... we have cut out early rot, sterizlized the clippers, but the shit keeps coming back...

do u cut early, or continue the grow...thats the million dollar question...


we have found that there is no cure for rot... we have cut out early rot, sterizlized the clippers, but the shit keeps coming back...

do u cut early, or continue the grow...thats the million dollar question...

I don't know about $1 million, but still... :D I think I'm going to take it on a "week to week" basis, starting with next weekend...


imho the things really aren't going to pack on much more and I would have pulled when I snapped those pics, but your mileage may vary. I'd like to see an update pic in a week if you run them.

Weather predictions plays a big part.


imho the things really aren't going to pack on much more and I would have pulled when I snapped those pics, but your mileage may vary. I'd like to see an update pic in a week if you run them.

Weather predictions plays a big part.

Indeed. The weather looks like "50% chance of perfect, 50% chance of pure shit" for the next week... love that, don't you?

Thanks for giving me the green light to cut 'em, though... really. I needed to hear that. :p

P.S.- I will take an updated pic- for you and for my own peace of mind.


listen to argoagro. once the crud sets in, plant growth also slows. if you're on the fence on whether to harvest, cherry pick your good buds so they get no further damage and then sit back and watch the little buds a bit. peace-biteme


nice pic, can't tell either way but damn it's looking good.

FYI predictions have been bad for me but then get switched up, it's been great lately, but pure shit will be coming I'm sure. I like doing accuweather.com AND weather.com, 9 x out of 10 I prefer weather.com


when I start seeing the first signs of mold, I know I can clip it carefully from the bud and buy myself another week of so of flowering time before the mold becomes an even bigger issue, but after that it can take hold fast.


Yeah, argoagro, I like weather.com too... everyone else seems to just go for "doom and gloom" and figure people will be happy if they are wrong.

.clunk, that's pretty much the conclusion I've come to... there really is no stopping it. (Or preventing it, for that matter- or so it seems.) The only thing I've had any success with is something called Daconil by Ortho, decidedly inorganic, but effective. You need to stop spraying it when the flowers start, as you definitely don't want to smoke it. I've been getting more and more into organics (in fact, this batch is 100% organic), but the rot might force me back to the dark side.

Thanks guys.



we have found that there is no cure for rot... we have cut out early rot, sterizlized the clippers, but the shit keeps coming back...

do u cut early, or continue the grow...thats the million dollar question...

there is a cure.. make sure to keep plants dry at all times make sure the conditions are right! its alot of work but it can be done!


Nynexx, not if you're on someone elses property. I don't think there would be any brighter red flag than if someone erected a nice big ass tent on my property, May as well ask them if you can grow on their property before you plant haha!.
If you had small 3' plants that you could easily cover... yeah, but then fly overs would break your cover. Anything that's growing over native vegetation, you're SOL.
If your plants are in planters or pots, you could move them into a partially shaded area and then tarp them that way, but still, your cover would be blown by anyone who might be in a 1 mile radius of your grow spot. If you tarp your plants and expect to be able to grow in the same spot next year; you're kidding yourself. You might be able to tarp your plants facing the south with still soak your ladies. I think most of us are forced to grow near a population of people, unless you know a farmer, that typically means you're a city dweller and you'll need to grow in parks or on a farmers property. All of which are near people :(.

best of luck man! Mold is something straight out of hell.


Nynexx, not if you're on someone elses property. I don't think there would be any brighter red flag than if someone erected a nice big ass tent on my property, May as well ask them if you can grow on their property before you plant haha!.
If you had small 3' plants that you could easily cover... yeah, but then fly overs would break your cover. Anything that's growing over native vegetation, you're SOL.
If your plants are in planters or pots, you could move them into a partially shaded area and then tarp them that way, but still, your cover would be blown by anyone who might be in a 1 mile radius of your grow spot. If you tarp your plants and expect to be able to grow in the same spot next year; you're kidding yourself. You might be able to tarp your plants facing the south with still soak your ladies. I think most of us are forced to grow near a population of people, unless you know a farmer, that typically means you're a city dweller and you'll need to grow in parks or on a farmers property. All of which are near people :(.

best of luck man! Mold is something straight out of hell.

My immediate reaction to Nynexx was: you do realize this is in the outdoor forum, right? :p I mean, I've never had bud rot indoors, because you can control those variables... but if you think I'm dragging a whole bunch of 10 gallon pots out of the bush every night to avoid the dew...well, I guess you're right, I don't want to do that much work.

And, as microgram said, tarps are just too obvious, from the ground or from the air.

I dunno, it seems to me it's just a fact of life- anyone else want comment on this?


New member
forgive me if i am wrong, but all i see is immature bud. let her grow! i would rather have a little ripe bud than a lot of unripe bud!


Well-known member
My immediate reaction to Nynexx was: you do realize this is in the outdoor forum, right? :p I mean, I've never had bud rot indoors, because you can control those variables... but if you think I'm dragging a whole bunch of 10 gallon pots out of the bush every night to avoid the dew...well, I guess you're right, I don't want to do that much work.
I dunno, it seems to me it's just a fact of life- anyone else want comment on this?

agreeeee... never/ever seen rot indoors... but outdoors every single grow... i have tried early strains/late strains.... the only strain that did not rot was some of sammy's beans... but they probably would need 150 days to flower... about 80/90 more days then i can expect under otimium conditions...

its the fukin dew overnite that settles in the buds, and as the season gets later, the sun has to cut thru the fog, so u usually dont see i till 9.30/10am...


forgive me if i am wrong, but all i see is immature bud. let her grow! i would rather have a little ripe bud than a lot of unripe bud!

Thanks, I appreciate the input, but I just looked at the weather forecast for the week, and now (all of a sudden) I see nothing but rain... I think if I don't do it next weekend, there won't be anything left worth smoking. If by next week I feel I've gained more than I've lost, well then, that will change things. :D



Figured I'd check in, nothing but pure shit coming for me, I decided to hold tight on one though I might harvest some in the rain, we'll see, I just snatched two of her cola's though. No mold yet but the weather is not looking good for the next few days.


Figured I'd check in, nothing but pure shit coming for me, I decided to hold tight on one though I might harvest some in the rain, we'll see, I just snatched two of her cola's though. No mold yet but the weather is not looking good for the next few days.

You must be in my neck of the woods :) Also, the temp is supposed to get down to near freezing where I am this weekend... I am going to let my Homegrown Cheese ride it out, no rot on her yet and she's got a few weeks to go... at least with one plant I can pay closer attention to her, what with frosts/freezes, etc looming for me.

At least you don't have any rot yet! I wait until it starts, at least, before making my decision... Good luck!



I went out to my spot sunday and there was mold on some of my plants. i cut some branches that were molding and tried to clip mold spots off of other branches. All my plants need about 2 more weeks left at least. for the next 10 days there are 4 days of rain. i think i am going to let them stay out


Same story this side of the pond. I've got a week of rain, 90%+ RH and we've already had temps fall over night to near freezing.

My untrained eyes have not detected rot, but I'll be keeping an even closer eye from herein.

Maybe nature's just flushing them for me?