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bobblehead v5.0 1800w flip pods. Time to get serious.



Sup Bobble (and friends)

I just ordered 30 mini inline on/off valves and a shit ton of tubing, ready to get my "mini" pod going. Still tryna figure out how I should make my shelves, but once I get that down I'll be on the road to chron...


why? The power bill? or available electricity?

Adding/upgrading circuits is really easy... You just buy the circuit, run some wires, and plug it in.

As far as power goes... A larger unit (AC or Dehuey) could use LESS electricity b/c it doesn't have to run as often, b/c it's not struggling to keep up. I say could, b/c chances are they could use more electricity to keep your environment on point... b/c your smaller units couldn't keep up with the demand... and in the end that means a better harvest... So to me it's a win/win situation.

I don't have many financial obligations, so I can throw a little extra cash at my grow to better end results... You're situation might be different. I understand people have families and what not... But my advice to you is if you're going to do it, do it right. Don't risk total crop failure and lose your investment. If running less light means you can keep your environment under control, then do it.

The main reason is the electricity load, I will be renting so i don't want to go about upgrading the box. This will be a personal grow until i have antiquate space for anything more.

I do have a few obligations but nothing that isn't handled. I can put aside money for my project, just cant go with to much equipment in my rental. I wont be in good enough shape to get a house for 6 months - a year. Unless I find something just right, I am actively looking.


Active member
lol... Root rot isn't going to happen in coco, or at least I've never heard of it. The substrate is colonized with beneficial bacteria. Root rot happens when anaerobic bacteria get out of control, normally in a fast hydro setup... Anyway, since the beneficials are living in the coco already, there is no place for the anaerobic bacteria to grow, and if they do grow, they get eaten. I spent a semester in a 5 credit microbiology class looking at these little guys under a microscope... Once I got my staining technique down anyway...

FYI, the best defense against infection in humans is healthy skin, b/c our skin is colonized with beneficial bacteria already... You want to keep the bacteria on your skin happy, and they'll keep out the invaders.. :blowbubbles: We're not so different from our plants.

That's pretty much my growing philosophy... Nurture a child give them food, shelter, clothing... and you watch them grow into a person. Do the same for your plants, and they'll reward you, over and over... Now I'm not promoting kids here... ha ha... Cause I'm not making any babies anytime soon... But just give your plants the best environment possible, and they'll be the dankest plants you've ever smoked. You don't need to have SFV OGK, LVPK, ChemD, ECSD, Headband, The White etc... They all came from a seed that somebody grew, in a room in their house. The reality is that most grows aren't on a warehouse scale. Rezdog doesn't have some amazing breeding palace with gold plated flood tables... ha ha... It's not out of anyone's reach to be an excellent grower, you just have to do it over and over.

i agree with u here ...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor

What is your opinion on "root accelerators"?

I saw some today at the hydro whore shop.



Active member
Sup Bobble (and friends)

I just ordered 30 mini inline on/off valves and a shit ton of tubing, ready to get my "mini" pod going. Still tryna figure out how I should make my shelves, but once I get that down I'll be on the road to chron...

If I were you, I would make an octagon if using 600's, or a hexagon using 400's... 16 racks gives me lots and lots of space for the plants, but untill I'm actually growing 3-4oz bushlets, it's not gonna make a difference... I think you could fit 2 plants per level and train the plants to get the same results. That's my plan when I'm ready to setup the next pod.

That, and 1 main feed ring around the ceiling, with 1/4" drip tubing coming down to each rack, with a split going to each plant, and of course, a mini inline shut-off valve at the end of each split.

Do it up Chris1. You have my mistakes to learn from, so you had better come up with something nice. :D

The main reason is the electricity load, I will be renting so i don't want to go about upgrading the box. This will be a personal grow until i have antiquate space for anything more.

I do have a few obligations but nothing that isn't handled. I can put aside money for my project, just cant go with to much equipment in my rental. I wont be in good enough shape to get a house for 6 months - a year. Unless I find something just right, I am actively looking.

lol... well for a personal grow I don't see why you would need more than a 250-400, maybe 600w ballast tops, if you don't flip/flop the smaller one... You wouldn't have any need to upgrade anything for a "personal" grow. If you're growing in excess, then it is what it is... you either are or aren't.

If you want to run 2 600's I would suggest you unscrew that panel, turn the circuit off, pull it out, unscrew the wire, attach it to a 20A circuit, plug the 20A circuit in the same slot , and flip it on... lol

Nobody is going to look to see that you spent $5 to add 5A to your circuit. Good luck to you.


What is your opinion on "root accelerators"?

I saw some today at the hydro whore shop.


I think that they're mostly a gimmick... I've read the package, and it all a bunch of bacteria and enzymes, and some fertilizer... Well the bacteria are there naturally, so why am I going to buy them? I do use pond enzymes... But the most important thing is to keep the root zone happy... So that's lots of oxygen, the correct pH, and ppm... Free of bugs i.e. root aphids... and the roots are going to grow themselves w/o an accelerator. Maybe add some molasses to give the bacteria something to eat and have a population surge... But you don't need to buy them from the hydro whores.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Thank you for your opinion, I have never had root aphids ever so maybe just a little molasses for the beneficial bacteria to eat might be good.


lol... well for a personal grow I don't see why you would need more than a 250-400, maybe 600w ballast tops, if you don't flip/flop the smaller one... You wouldn't have any need to upgrade anything for a "personal" grow. If you're growing in excess, then it is what it is... you either are or aren't.

If you want to run 2 600's I would suggest you unscrew that panel, turn the circuit off, pull it out, unscrew the wire, attach it to a 20A circuit, plug the 20A circuit in the same slot , and flip it on... lol

Nobody is going to look to see that you spent $5 to add 5A to your circuit. Good luck to you.

I didn't know it was that easy, you don't need to run larger gauge wire?

Of course growing with 2 600's will produce more than enough for a typical persons personal stash but I'm aiming for a little experience with this set up before its use it on a bigger scale. I like a healthy stash of extracts and bud so 2 600s should be just right.

I think I mentioned im in planning stages, wont have the location ready for 2 months. I need a basic plan about going about this once ready, I like to have something to go bye from your construction and my own thoughts so this thread will be a large part of my build. Thanks Bobble, DHF and the others who contributed to the great info here.


Active member
I didn't know it was that easy, you don't need to run larger gauge wire?

Of course growing with 2 600's will produce more than enough for a typical persons personal stash but I'm aiming for a little experience with this set up before its use it on a bigger scale. I like a healthy stash of extracts and bud so 2 600s should be just right.

I think I mentioned im in planning stages, wont have the location ready for 2 months. I need a basic plan about going about this once ready, I like to have something to go bye from your construction and my own thoughts so this thread will be a large part of my build. Thanks Bobble, DHF and the others who contributed to the great info here.

110v and 220v can run on the same wire(12 guage to be specific). You just have to get the appropriate 110/220v 20A circuit. You'll see just how easy it is yourself when/if you do it. Pull the circuit, take it with you to home depot, buy the bigger one, take it home, plug it in...

I hear ya on the experience level... W/e you do, don't get too caught up on the flowering stuff, until you have everything setup for veg. You'll have plenty of time to build the flowering area while the plants are vegging. That was my #1 most critical error.
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If you want to run 2 600's I would suggest you unscrew that panel, turn the circuit off, pull it out, unscrew the wire, attach it to a 20A circuit, plug the 20A circuit in the same slot , and flip it on... lol

Nobody is going to look to see that you spent $5 to add 5A to your circuit. Good luck to you.

Wow! I never thought I would hear advice this bad come out of bobblehead's screen name. Bobble I have a lot of respect for you and love watching your grows but this advice is SCARY. Suggesting that someone run a 20a breaker on 14g wire is awful. This is the reason grow houses burn down. If you are comfortable doing it at your place that's one thing but suggesting to a stranger that he does it is irresponsible to say the least. He and or his loved ones could be killed... house fires are no joke.

I didn't know it was that easy, you don't need to run larger gauge wire?

Its not that easy. To switch to a 20 a circuit you must also switch the wire to 12/2 and upgrade the outlets to 20a units.

Stay safe...
110v and 220v can run on the same wire. You just have to get the appropriate 110/220v 20A circuit. You'll see just how easy it is yourself when/if you do it. Pull the circuit, take it with you to home depot, buy the bigger one, take it home, plug it in...

I hear ya on the experience level... W/e you do, don't get too caught up on the flowering stuff, until you have everything setup for veg. You'll have plenty of time to build the flowering area while the plants are vegging. That was my #1 most critical error.

You posted this after I stared my reply above...

I think you are really confused and maybe shouldn't keep giving out wiring advice. These mistakes can and do kill. You can replace the 110v breaker with a 220v breaker if there is an additional slot open next to it but it would still be a 15a circuit. You NEED 12/2 in order to run a 20a circuit.
i quickly glanced the last three pages, and i did not see any mention that jgrow had 14g wire in the walls. Most places come with 12 gauge installed on power circuits, its the older houses that used 14 gauge on lighting circuits.

if he kept a 15 amp breaker for both 600's it should be alright, however, it may pop if they are both started at the same time. upgrading to a 20a breaker would be better.

if you have never opened a panel box before, I would suggest watching a you tube video, or having a friend show you how, its not a hard thing to do, but if its a new experience for you, its not difficult to make a mistake.
i quickly glanced the last three pages, and i did not see any mention that jgrow had 14g wire in the walls. Most places come with 12 gauge installed on power circuits, its the older houses that used 14 gauge on lighting circuits.

if he kept a 15 amp breaker for both 600's it should be alright, however, it may pop if they are both started at the same time. upgrading to a 20a breaker would be better.

if you have never opened a panel box before, I would suggest watching a you tube video, or having a friend show you how, its not a hard thing to do, but if its a new experience for you, its not difficult to make a mistake.

This is true depending on the age of the work and who did it it may have 12/2 ran for the 15a circuit. However since 14/2 is the required size for a 15a circuit MANY houses and apartments have it. Around here, the far majority. Recommending just switching the breaker and making no mention of the wire is in very bad taste IMHO.


Active member
my bad... bud a rental should be updated with 12g wire... So I neglected to mention that. It's good that you brought it up.


80% of amperage draw is all 1 circuit will carry safely without potential fire hazard.......especially on older homes.......

20 amp breakers runnin 12/2 with ground , or 14/2 w/g on 15 amp breakers is all relative as long as you don`t overlook rule # 1 above..........

Volts times amps equals watts.....don`t exceed 80% of em on any circuit...simple...babyshit.......I ran 20 amp individual cirsuits for each 600 watt bare bulb I ran.....Can we say safety ?....and hey.....supersmall.......don`t jump in so quickly to criticize without explaining your concern more in depth......

Know many many folks that run nultiple 1000 watters on individual 14/2 circuits....You`ve just gotta have a copy of the rules....Bobble`s as knowledgeable a mutherfucker as I`ve found EVER cuz he cares and absorbs shit like a sponge to come as far and as fast as he has with yet so far to go.....

Overkill rules the day ....and safety first with our lil hobby , or it`ll come backta bite yas in the ass.......literally....now back to our regularly scheduled Bobble program........



Is running 2 6s on a 20 amp circuit safe? Fairly new house (10 years old)


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
i do it dude. i ran 12/2 wire from a 20 amp breaker, to a double 20amp plug. been running two 600s every single day since jan2010. works like a charm, never flipped a breaker.



Active member
80% of amperage draw is all 1 circuit will carry safely without potential fire hazard.......especially on older homes.......

20 amp breakers runnin 12/2 with ground , or 14/2 w/g on 15 amp breakers is all relative as long as you don`t overlook rule # 1 above..........

Volts times amps equals watts.....don`t exceed 80% of em on any circuit...simple...babyshit.......I ran 20 amp individual cirsuits for each 600 watt bare bulb I ran.....Can we say safety ?....and hey.....supersmall.......don`t jump in so quickly to criticize without explaining your concern more in depth......

Know many many folks that run nultiple 1000 watters on individual 14/2 circuits....You`ve just gotta have a copy of the rules....Bobble`s as knowledgeable a mutherfucker as I`ve found EVER cuz he cares and absorbs shit like a sponge to come as far and as fast as he has with yet so far to go.....

Overkill rules the day ....and safety first with our lil hobby , or it`ll come backta bite yas in the ass.......literally....now back to our regularly scheduled Bobble program........


Thanks Freds... and on this page, we've covered safety with electricty... ha ha...

Is running 2 6s on a 20 amp circuit safe? Fairly new house (10 years old)

All you have to do is read the label on the ballast, and find out how many amps it draws. 16A used on a 20A circuit is within the margin of safety.

I've been running 3 600w Lumateks on 1 20A circuit... They draw about 5A each, so that puts me right at the limit on that circuit. What I need to do is build a sub-panel...

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