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CC did this include the AMER Ag? You mention shit assembled in a garage and I instantly thought of their nutes and control wizard shit. :D The spokesman for the PP made his career off the knock and talks that came from the AM AG wire taps.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
CC did this include the AMER Ag? You mention shit assembled in a garage and I instantly thought of their nutes and control wizard shit. :D The spokesman for the PP made his career off the knock and talks that came from the AM AG wire taps.

Halide of Oregon (established 1983) morphed into American Ag at some point in time during the 1990's and you're right about wiretaps on their phones from a warrant by a multi-agency strike force.

Fun guys, eh?



Howdy humble1,

Which version of the Bible do you have?

The full-color version released in 2005-6 had been extensively edited and fixed up by a professional editor...Previous editions may have had some errors, but Jorge/George and the rest of the crew worked very hard to make sure all mistakes were taken care of.

If you haven't upgraded yet, you should get a copy of the new full-color Bible, it has 512 pages of glorious colour photographs, charts and diagrams to help you grow better!

Yes We must give a big Raspect to Payaso for the EXCELLENT cover and graphics design!


Active member
Jorge(van Patten) Is a Legend, he's helped the "WorldWide MJ Community" more than You or Me, 'Get over it all who dont Agree!
Peace & Happy Reading..........Scroger!


Some harsh comments....

Some harsh comments....

Can't believe there's any hate directed towards George...really baffles me...his book helps people...jay:)

Here. Here. Jorge is a legend. Sounds like he got caught up in that Op Green Merchant, just like the rest of them dudes.

He isn't a grass, maybe his security wasn't what it was supposed to be.

If the old bill wanted to be arseholes in the UK, I'd imagine they could do the same thing.

Growell is the main company by me, loads of peeps use it. All they would have to do is seize records and quite a lot of peeps would be fucked.

Those that had equipment delivered or those who used there credit card would be at risk, just like the guy in a few posts before me who got caught up in the Jorge shop sting.

No one wants to get caught in this business, or go to jail. I'm sorry people did get jailtime, I wouldn't wish that on any one.

Jorge your book was priceless to me, thank you!

Peace all :tiphat:


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I´ve met Señor Cervantes :D .I think he´s a cool kat and we had a great time!
Here´s my Indoor Bible :)



donut engineer
I've learned not to trust him too. I think he's a writer, not a grower. He'd publish less theory and more practice if he was a grower who writes about growing.

Jorge said in this interview that he went to school in Mexico, and that he basically learned how to grow from locals there. Whatever growing knowledge he has written in most of those books, then, is basically what some grower or a group of growers thought about growing.

He said on the interview that Jorge is his persona, his Doctor Gonzo, and that he is very much a character he brings out when needed. He's a marijuana media darling, though perhaps not the most experienced of a grower.

Too bad, seems like a nice guy!


I've got one of his medical grow bibles and it has some good info in it, but IC has so much more.

Blue Dot

Before MMJ and the internet, there were limited sources of info like Jorge and Ed so that's what a lot of us had to go on.

Now with the internet we don't have to rely of mediocre growers who know a little but substitute text book answers for the stuff they don't know.

The bible is good for basics but once past that you could learn more on this site in a day then any of his books.

Wait, so is Dick Van Patten his dad? lol


They even have the same fake dreads. lol


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