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what do you feel you do particularly well as a grower

Hmmm... this is an interesting topic choice. I think... I'm good at research and development. (This is what I do at my day job, anyway.) There's nobody around that can help me day to day. I'm also in a State where there's absolutely no support culture. That is... there are no clones to be had, no MMJ ID cards or legal status, etc. However, in the space of 4 years I've gone from an absolute noob to where I am now. I crank out some nice dank for myself and close friends. I'm proud! :dance013:

These days I'm working on hybrid organic/chemical growing in an ebb & flow (hydroton) set up. (Some say the FloraNova that I use is "organic", but I say it ain't.) Anyway, I got damned good at this in hempy buckets. It was to the point that I even had earthworms hatching and growing to 4 or 5" in length. That's pretty darned interesting considering that the mix was perlite, vermiculite + some EWC.

Obviously I'm not going to cultivate higher life forms like this in my 35gal reservoir, but it's still fun to see it bubble and froth. Mor importantly, I don't ever add any sterilizers like H2O2 or bleach. The microherd takes care of that for me. Taste and aroma are damned close to what I see from 100% organic outdoor grows. I know the food web is complete because I go to straight organics during the "flush" period and the plants stay energized and happy. :smokeit:


I feel I'm good at cloning. i dont have any tips or tricks just lots of practice and good lessons from an oldtimer commercial grower. I lose about 1:100 clones. I can't grow the rest of the plant for shit(yet,getting better) but I think I could take cuttings from spaghetti and get roots!!

one Q

Most efficient at changing things in hopes to do better and never TRULY dialing in ONE system and setup. Just knowing that if I did ONE thing it would improve DRASTICALLY. After so many runs and only TINY actual improvement and LOTS of changes... lol.

I also Collect the fuk out of RM tubs of different sizes and brands... haha most of which i never use and just end up holding household stuff...


Well-known member
I don't know. I don't think you can really specialize in 1 facet of the trade. to be good is to understand and be able to work with any situation on any occasion. I build nice rooms. I understand plant nutrition. However I been called an NFT savant. lol!


Well-known member
NFT works if you build em right and sog.


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I am new so I am still trying to figure out my strengths. I would like to say growroom design, but the implementation has been rough lol.


Well-known member
I saw some videos of people building NFT systems out of rain gutters (both aluminum and vynil, though if it were me I would probably go for the aluminum just for durability). Is it really involved to work with something like that?

Shit no! thats what I love about it. takes me about 3 hours to build a system that covers 10x16 grow. thats cutting the fencepost, post caps, plumbing, drainage, pump, irrigation etc. once the plants are in place, and trellis is up (if you need it)you dont touch anything til harvest. Its just too easy and productive to try anything else again. I've run E&F tables, top drip, DWC, Aero, and this is like aero without BS... I use smaller cheaper cubes and they all seem to fit in a single trash bag. its convenient. the system is totally modular. you can grow 1-1000,000 plants. :tiphat: