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i think someone paid too much for a baggie of beasters and then got mad cause his head was too big to fit through the doorway............
........way to show so much intelligence on one of your first few posts.......


Active member
there is a lot of comersh in california too buddie, look up rene or the strain highend by legends. There are too many canadian genetics to list. stuff grown for quantity is usually a lot different than stuff that is grown for quantity. So if you see pounds and pounds of crap chances are your dealer is making shitloads of money off you. Id say grow your own and save some cash in the long haul. I remember being 17 and figuring out bc sucked or so I thought. till I got uhh older.


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Why would we pay 4k a pound of og kush when we can grow it ourselves... :S


Occasional User
I'll start it off with Legends Ultimate Indica.

Here's proof

As far as I know this is 100% made in Canada. Thanks Legends

anyone else wanna show the man proof?


Occasional User
Perdismal ...clearly a typo ... although it could be some ultra new cool way to say Medicinal? maybe it's Per Dismal ...that would make more sense maybe...his dismal pot?

I just wanted to jump in this thread and give a little respect to our friends in BC. I guess it wasn't really needed since most if the civilized world knows BC and Canada can grow and does grow bud just as good and sometimes better than anywhere else in the world. Kinda like downhill skiing. Once your up there in world competition, only a few seconds seperate the top of the pack.

Morning everyone.


hahahhaha, yea i have nothing to back it up...Theres has got to be genetics in Canada that grow good shit if not better as well as in California(bay area, humbolt) Im looking to grow some better indica then this OG Kush and Urkle right now! THAT IS THE MOST TRICHROMES ON A PLANT THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN....yea and im a dumbass, I was trying to think of "Medicinal"....that ultimate indica just made me stfu
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Active member
a lot of comersh grows goin on in the farmlands. Fresno,Kings, mexicans really grow big but dont know how to dial in quality yet. alot in the mid california area that is going unnoticed. Basically any place that can pull off a lot of electricity without being noticed.


Active member
Supacalabala said:
Where does it come from??

Anywhere there's huge low quality grows, all over america, all over canada, not sure about mexico.. there's organized crim growing mj all over the planet, and alot of it is the same.. poorly grown, early harvested crap that has some of it's trics removed for further profits and costs to teh cosumers..

anywhere the greedy live..

fact is the US has alot of the same style grows/productions, nothing dif.. by the time it hits the street it is gonna look the same and get called the same shit.. also, there's usualy a fixed price for 'beasters' all over the US, and when US growers have a shitty grow or fuck up their shit they may and sometimes will pass the US grown off as beasters jus to offload it and avoid embarassing themselfs.. or, they don't sell it as beasters, but again, by the time it hits the dealers they're all callin' it the same thing..

There's alot that comes outa canada, don't get me wrong, but I guarantee you most of the US grown indoor mersh gets passed off as beasters all the time. It also looks better for the DEA to say it's all comin' from canada..

it's crap tho, but what can you do besides not buyin' it and growin' yer own.


Ill put this canaidian grown bud up against any cali strain please wake up good weed is everywhere
Lemon swiss-Sativa

-electric haze xKGB-sativa

-Indica..Timewarp/paki indica/st3/st3



Occasional User
Exactly^^^^^^^^^ as if the godzilla couldn't compete with any bud anywhere.... Nice Work Breeder Brad...that outa show him....when I posted the first pic I was kinda hopin the thread would just get flooded with canadian bud. Oh well...that's typical of canadians...we're too nice and I bet most canadians that read this just chuckled to themselves and though...ha...think what ya want buddy...I'm just gonna sit back and smoke this kind bud.

Peace eh


I love this site! the shit i smoke doesnt have nearly the amount of that godzilla.....Whats the THC% of that? I've got OG Kush grown outside as well as some afgooey any tips on outdoor INdica?.................I stand corrected not ALL bc bud sucks...as it may not come from BC or called BC Bud....theres good weed and bad weed all over...My first time growing shit this year and hope to get a yeild of a P off a kush plant outdoor
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Ill put the Texas Grown Sharon/White Widow against any Canadian or Dutch grown strain. When is the next contest?


im down....im getting CCC to so I'm looking to find a S.A.G.E or Hash Plant clone or a grandaddy purple or New York Sour Diesel Against that Indica....I'll put a thread from another growers OG Kush against that plant. THIS SUMMER!


The "BC Bud" you're referring to is also known as "Beasters" which is the nickname for commercialized chronic that comes from Canada (or thats what they say)

It is usually still a little moist/wet, but still smokable. I have also heard it is not cured, it usually smells like hay or a farm.

Although I have smoked stuff that they call BC Bud and it's very good, tastes good, gets you high.

It just depends what you get, The "Beasters" are everywhere... whoever the hell started the beasters trend is not a winner in my book... yeah it's better than mids but god damn I honestly do not think beasters are worth what they cost.

But if you actually travel to BC, you can find amazing weed, just as good as California's selection... they keep all the good stuff in BC, and ship out the crap to us americans ;)

Live and learn

By the way, be careful what you say on these forums, some people take this shit way too seriously.


Oh and don't forget that the person you got this "BC Bud" from could have just put the label BC Bud on it to make more money...

Meaning they could just have regular buds, then say it's BC Bud to charge more money.

Happens a lot, no big deal, if the bud gets you high... whatever ya know.

The only problem with this is that it leads to false impressions, but who cares, if the shit gets ya high... whatever.

Just grow your own then all will be good, right? :)
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