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Faber seems like a good guy. He seems to have fun with it all though, and who can blame him? I agree with EvilRaven1031 Faber was winning that fight, but Brown caught him. Everybody gets caught, it's not a matter of if, but when. That's just the nature of the sport.

Any picks on the GSP vs. Penn fight Sat. night? I'm leaning GSP, but regardless it should be good...
BJ has pissed off GSP too much this time...it will be fun to watch, but GSP is gonna work BJ over. After that is done, BJ is gonna go back to 155 and get beat up by Florian. im all for superfights, but the real losers here are the rest of the 155ers. they have to wait until all this is done....THEN wait for Penn to heal before they can get their shot.


Yeah, Penn seemed to talk quite a bit of smack on this and I'm not so sure he can back this up. GSP's not the same fighter he was a few years ago. He's much better. Much more focused.

Florian, old Ken Flo', I kinda like him, and I would like to see that fight, meaning Ken and Penn...
Jens is another one i feel for. i mean seriously, what kind of prick comes into the cage for a post fight interview and asks "Do you think that you're still relevant in the division?". I had wondered why Mir wasnt doing the fighter interviews....im sure he would have used a little more tact in that situation. Jens has had a really horrible start to 2009. He lost a good friend in Justin Eilers, has to deal with a newborn baby, and then gets fed to the wolves (IMO) with a Faber rematch. lets hope he gets back on the horse and comes back with some fury!


Jens is another one i feel for. i mean seriously, what kind of prick comes into the cage for a post fight interview and asks "Do you think that you're still relevant in the division?". I had wondered why Mir wasnt doing the fighter interviews....im sure he would have used a little more tact in that situation. Jens has had a really horrible start to 2009. He lost a good friend in Justin Eilers, has to deal with a newborn baby, and then gets fed to the wolves (IMO) with a Faber rematch. lets hope he gets back on the horse and comes back with some fury!

Ya, I would like to see him go out on a win, tomatoe can or not.
Theres a sad bit of news that i felt i needed to pass on to IC's mma community today.

It pains me just a bit to write this, but we have lost one of the baddest old men on the planet. Grand Master Helio Gracie, patriarch of the Gracie family passed away last night in his sleep. He was 95. If you call yourself a fan of mma, you better respect this guy....because without him and his family mma would not exist. RIP Grand Master...



I'm looking forward to the fights this weekend.....going to be some decent action at the very least, at best there will be a historic'ish match. Whos got what on who for the card this weekend? Im refering to the UFC match here....lol. I see there are some biased, know it all haters in the crowd...I hope you guys broaden your view to take the bigger picture into thought....:jerkit: In all seriousness, to each thier own as there is a differnt scene for everyone....me personally, I perfer the more well rounded events. Pride and UFC are my favs simply for the probability of it being anyones fight from debut all the way to title bouts. There should be something fun to watch on this card even for those who dispise the UFC, regaurdless of blind know it all ness......lol.:joint:


GSP is gonna kick some ass I can't wait .

I damn sure hope so. Someone needs to give the 'helo kid' something else to whine about. I really cannot believe some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth. If he did not constantly bad mout other fighters in his 11 year old voice I would be a big fan of him in general, but as it stands I am a fan of his ability to morph into gumby while in gaurd...lol. " Talk is cheap, *Holds up fist* This is real" Buuuwaaahahaha...I peed a lil when I saw that. I cannot wait to see this one, I've got some clones and a bit of mullah on GSP...... You readin this Georgee, you better make that guy crap out some pinapples!!!!!
Theres a sad bit of news that i felt i needed to pass on to IC's mma community today.

It pains me just a bit to write this, but we have lost one of the baddest old men on the planet. Grand Master Helio Gracie, patriarch of the Gracie family passed away last night in his sleep. He was 95. If you call yourself a fan of mma, you better respect this guy....because without him and his family mma would not exist. RIP Grand Master...


He trained many of the most elite fighters in modern and past times. I will have to say though, he certainly lived a full, rich, and acomplished life. So he certainly was at center with himself and worthy of the afterlife. He will be missed, rest in peace bro.
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Enormous honor and respect to Grand Master Helio Gracie. A true man and champion. Thank you for the news.

Not sure about the hater, know it all comment, but to each their own...

I'm pulling for GSP, he's classy and a hell of a fighter,

Machida vs. Silva should be good - Silva is powerful, yet Machida frustrates opponents with his awkward style. I'm rolling the dice and going with Machida.

No guess on Bonnar vs. Jones...

I think the Diaz vs. Guida fight might be entertaining. Diaz is actually a pretty talented kid, not a lot of power in his punches, but he peppers his opponents with bunches of them, and he's another with that "gumby" like flexibilty, that being said Guida is no slouch and usually has a no quit attitude. I'm favoring Diaz in a good test for him against a veteran...

Last but not least Fitch always brings it when he fights...

That's not all of the fights, but enough to matter, any other opinions please jump in...
i think Bonnar takes Jones. Stephan has had ample amounts of time to heal and train. Im not saying that Jones is a can, but this is as close to a tailor-made fight as Bonnar can ask for. Jones is a bit of an unknown though and we have seen what underestimating your opponent gets you...

Fitch vs. Gono.....to tell the truth, im smelling upset here. Im not going to go out and actually pick Gono here, but i think he has a better chance than some people are giving him. Personally, i think this fight is more about sending Fitch a message than anything. For those who dont remember Fitch was actually fired for a day because of a little snafu over the UFC's new video game. (coming out this summer before you guys ask 6\2 i think) Most mma insiders believe that is exactly the reason that this fight is on the undercard.

Diaz. What can i say about this kid. His hands are marshmallows, but he has proven that he doesnt need them to win so far. Guida will have a major edge in power, but Guida's style usually involves alot of ground-n-pound. This plays right into Diaz's strategy because Diaz works exceptionally well off his back. If Guida doesnt smash Diaz's face in very early, i see Diaz taking this fight.

What surprises me most with all the talk of UFC 94, is there is little to no mention of the Armenian delegation. Both Karo Parisyan and "Manny" Gamburyan are on this card as well. Karo is fighting an up and coming fellow judoka in Dong Hyun Kim. This is as close to a "must win" for Karo as we have seen. While Kim didnt impress me in his last fight against Matt Brown, i wouldnt count him out either. While i dont necessarily like Karo, id like to see him win here.

As for Manny, he faces off with Thiago Tavares. This bout has serious implications for both fighters. Tavares is on a two fight losing streak, losing three of his last four. Manny is coming off a lightning quick KO at the hands of Rob Emerson. The UFC has something invested in Manny and im sure they want him to win this fight. Tavares on the other hand is in a "win or go home" situation. History has shown us what three consecutive losses in the octagon get you....walking papers usually. I have a feeling that this one will be a barnburner. Look for these two to lay it all on the line.
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i think Bonnar takes Jones. Stephan has had ample amounts of time to heal and train. Im not saying that Jones is a can, but this is as close to a tailor-made fight as Bonnar can ask for. Jones is a bit of an unknown though and we have seen what underestimating your opponent gets you...

Fitch vs. Gono.....to tell the truth, im smelling upset here. Im not going to go out and actually pick Gono here, but i think he has a better chance than some people are giving him. Personally, i think this fight is more about sending Fitch a message than anything. For those who dont remember Fitch was actually fired for a day because of a little snafu over the UFC's new video game. (coming out this summer before you guys ask 6\2 i think) Most mma insiders believe that is exactly the reason that this fight is on the undercard.

Diaz. What can i say about this kid. His hands are marshmallows, but he has proven that he doesnt need them to win so far. Guida will have a major edge in power, but Guida's style usually involves alot of ground-n-pound. This plays right into Diaz's strategy because Diaz works exceptionally well off his back. If Guida doesnt smash Diaz's face in very early, i see Diaz taking this fight.

What surprises me most with all the talk of UFC 94, is there is little to no mention of the Armenian delegation. Both Karo Parisyan and "Manny" Gamburyan are on this card as well. Karo is fighting an up and coming fellow judoka in Dong Hyun Kim. This is as close to a "must win" for Karo as we have seen. While Kim didnt impress me in his last fight against Matt Brown, i wouldnt count him out either. While i dont necessarily like Karo, id like to see him win here.

As for Manny, he faces off with Thiago Tavares. This bout has serious implications for both fighters. Tavares is on a two fight losing streak, losing three of his last four. Manny is coming off a lightning quick KO at the hands of Rob Emerson. The UFC has something invested in Manny and im sure they want him to win this fight. Tavares on the other hand is in a "win or go home" situation. History has shown us what three consecutive losses in the octagon get you....walking papers usually. I have a feeling that this one will be a barnburner. Look for these two to lay it all on the line.

Any pick on Machida vs. Silva?
I hope you arent laying out money based on my picks....i dont wanna have that bad karma hovering over my head if im wrong. LOL

You asked for it though. T. Silva is known for coming out aggressive. Machida is, as you said elusive. The way i see this playing out goes kinda like this. Machida will get on his bike and pick his shots. For being as slippery as he is, he is an amazingly accurate striker. He also has good submissions. That being said, Silva has shown us some significant power in his hands and pretty good takedowns to boot. I feel that the longer this fight goes, the more it favors Machida. So, its either going to be Silva by first round stoppage or Machida by decision.

I know it isnt much of a pick, but whenever "The Dragon" gets into the cage i get a bit puzzled.

Mr. Nut

New member
Helio Gracie was a great man and was very honored by the mma world. Although fighting spawned long before his time, he definately added a different element to it. His teachings are practiced not only in Brazil, but all over the world. Using Jiu-Jitsu Ive compiled a 10-7-1 professional record in mma. I started off a dumb kid (bar room brawler) and lost my first three pro fights. Kinda lost hope for awhile, then I started training more with Jiu-Jitsu and my career took off. I fought in seven different states and was the main attraction in alot of those events. I gave it up two years ago, I wasnt training as much as I would like and the guys I was fighting trained full time. Through trying to keep a full time job and training on the side, it started to be to much. Since sitting on the sidelines, Ive watched pasted oppenents and teammates make it to the UFC and WEC. Its still in my blood and it makes me wonder what could have been? Im thinking of giving up everything and making one more run at it. Fighters dont make as much as you would think, a teammate of mine only made 8,000 to fight and 8,000 to win in the UFC. It seems like alot considering how long your actually in the ring, but compaired to your training and gym fee's ect. its not much. Although the sport has come along ways, the fighters are fighting for pennies on the dollar. You see the guys like Chuck Lidell with a nice house and cars ect. thats not because Dana was paying him so much, his money comes from sponsers and fight gear ect. that he sells. It would be nice to see Dana put some of that money back into the fighters hands, but thats not likely since he now has a monopoly after buying out Pride. Thank you for this thread, I needed to get this off my chest.

Much props Mr. Nut, im well versed on the UFC payouts. i kinda follow this sport like religion. Heres hoping that things go well for you, no matter if you're fighting or not. I feel its my duty to add though (as im sure you're aware) that much more information about your fight career would be a security risk. I dont want anyone getting busted just cause they're a fight fan. With that said, welcome to the thread man. I hope to hear more of your opinions.

other than that, keep rolling man! if theres one thing that anyone can learn from Grand Master Helio, its that BJJ is good for your health. (95 years is a long ass time) im not a practitioner, but i study the fight game rather closely...if that counts for anything


Kudos, Mr. Nut. Many props for your career in the fight game and if you decide to go at it again then I wish you all the best. As for me, I'm a mere amateur. Only began practicing a couple of years ago and already into my thirties, the pro game has already passed me by, but the workouts are incredible and I enjoy it enough to practice into my elder years (come on 95!).
On the flip side as a fan, I respect any fighter that steps into the octagon, ring, or what have you...that being said, I like Dana, but I commented in an earlier post that after he called the Henderson vs. Franklin fight "epic" (might not have used epic, but it was an adjective that absolutely did not fit that fight) I'm getting kinda concerned. Dana's beginning to show signs of a car salesman. You know the kind. Every sale they have, even though last week was the biggest sale ever, forget that, this week's sale is now THE BIGGEST EVER! Dana, you're starting to kill me man. No disrespect to Franklin or Henderson, they would kill me. I'm not even going to pretend. Every fight the UFC puts on is not the biggest, best, most "epic" fight in history. If Affliction dies, and thus UFC's competition, that could be big time trouble for the quality of fights, let alone any chance for these fighters to get what paydays they deserve.


N7, id like to know what you mean by "biased, know-it-all haters"

Was not pointing that at you bro, your spot on with it, if you were in the yeah area I'ld invite you over for some suds 'n' buds for sure.
A person or two has said some pretty crazy shieeeot on another forum.... I wont tell, tokers honor :joint:

I love the UFC, have from the get go way before Rogan or iceman....lol. It just seems like alot of folks talk down about guys they don't like. I wiould never dis any of the UFC fighters unless they talk shit themselves and are disrespectful, it's really that cut and dry for me.
I should add that i wasnt pointin the nasty at anyone specifically, just never been the type to judge by the cover. I've rolled around with shoot fighting for a while now for fun on the weekends and have nothing but respect for anyone who eats em for the same reason or for a living.

I remember that og sheet from when I was like 12 (and from before that)....like the one with "the wall" (the 800 lb monster when it was open class) that gets smacked up and submitted strike style by Dan sev...I think it was severn, I cannot remember. Im stoked bout tonight, I'm hookin up with some friends I havent seen in a minute for a lil par tay....wooo:friends:
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