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sour diesel ibl

i got the seeds for free in a contest...i think they are old stock but im not sure....im not a test grower for rez just growing the ibl...i am impressed with the ibl so far...she is non problematic what can i say...i have bigger babys in my garden...she seems to be a real trooper with a good amount of vigor....thanks for stopping by and for the kind words....more to come when ic mag fixes there upload problem...peace

hidingtree said:
hey upgrade ! your grow looks great ! i wish i was here earlier when everybodt was tellin you how to grow . that was kind of entertaining . well, to a bystander anyway . just wondering what batch or how recently those seeds were obtained . like is it a test grow of
REZ's new ibl's ? not really my biz if you tell me so . but they look great . some of the more original sour type pheno patterns (from the pics anyway . ) i haven't grown the ibl yet . iwas offered some seeds once upon a time and haven't taken the opportunity yet . i've really got alot of sorting to do while still trying to fit 10 gallons of water in a 2.5 gallon hat .... damn keeps spillin over . well when the hat spilleth over ......many blessings , ~hidingtree
well i cant update ic mag is screwed up again...they are looking great and are just @ a foot tall...and ready to clone...i love her so far...and carbon fillter gets upgraded today...rez people hate on this strain and i dont really see why...she is easy going and vigorous...if she throws a nut or two i dont care...as long as she is top notch smoke...i have never had the privilege of smoking the sour diesel yet...peace


Active member
Upgrade,it sounds like you know how to grow pot.
Lots of people with SD IBL 'issues' are rookies. Look at JLP's award-winning SD IBL grow,hell,his was issue-free,as many others have been. Mucha Lucha just finished Alpha Diesel,that grow looked insanely good.
I'm looking forward to your new pics,bro!



lol I read this whole thread, the flamers were funny in the beginning... it was QUITE obvious to me the stretch was because you did 12/12 from seed, and diesels at that. People just open their jabber cause shit don't look like their own...I wonder if they have ever done 12/12 from seed cause... plants will stretch like a BITCH.... and the HPS comment...HPS will make them stretch a lil more but nothing thats REALLY going to have a huge factor in determining the outcome... lol funny.

Nice grow man despite the fools in the beginning of the thread. Diesel is great to grow but sure as hell isn't worth the 85-90 flowering time, at least IMO... and taking them lesser than that just isn't the same...looks like you got a 'hazy; room though so you may be used to it.
yes i have almost all long flowering strains...i wont do 100 days no more though...but perpetually growing after the pipeline is full i harvest every month any way....so it dont bother me much unless it is a really sensitive strain...sd ibl is doing great for me so far....thanks for stopping by...i took clones yesterday and will flower them this weekend....cant upload pics or i would update...peace
well that is the show so far...took two clones off of each...and will take 4 more off each in a couple of days before i flower....peace
so i keep these in veg cabinet for 6 hrs a day and under the big lights for twelve hrs a day...they will be flowered today or tomorrow...i will put a few more pics up today...i believe i have the sour phenol...what is the difference between the sour pheno and the diesel phenol potency wise?...well rez congratulations you have a grower that is going to grow at least 1 half pound plant of your sour diesel in this grow log......you can take that to the bank.......this is fun............peace.....people just dont have the patience it is all about the veg man....i love your ibl thus far rez
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well i have decided 1 more week of veg...i want to insure that i have a couple of trees for the first run of sour d...thanks for stopping by man....peace
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thanks im hoping so on the huge part not the envy....one of the two is starting to really eat now....my veg and flower room are packed to the max so they are getting one more week to get a good foot hold on their quest for bud porn domination lol....peace

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