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In related news, GSP's corner received a warning for "greasing". It doesn't appear to be intentional, but it was spotted by NSAC officals. Whether any further action is to be taken against GSP's team, is yet unknown. BJ's legs did a lot of slipping during the match, but I think that had more to do with GSP's posturing than supposed dubious amounts of vasoline.




I am a huge fan of MMA (mixed martial arts) and I was wondering how many MMA fans we have on ICmag. So post up your fav highlights or fight stories.
i was gonna chime in here eventually sensi.

coldone, yea theres plenty of us around here chime in and join up.

i apologize if the fight club is a bit out of date...life kinda gets in the way LOL


MMA seems to be a bit of a fad. I wonder if it will last. It has a bit of a WWF feel to it.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (later renamed UFC 1: The Beginning) was the first mixed martial arts (MMA) event held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), occurring at the McNichols Sports Arena in Denver, Colorado on November 12, 1993. The event was broadcast live on pay-per-view, and later released on home video.

wow 16 years and counting. short lived fad.


Well compared to Wing Chun, and other ancient forms of self defense. Yes, MMA is a fad. Whether it has staying power, will be determined over a period longer than 16 years. Of course, it has only become exceedingly popular in the past 5 years.

I have a feeling, it was spawned from Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun Do, which is a MIX of various styles of Chinese Kung Fu.

Not meaning to offend anyone, but this is a very new, hot thing.

Big D

MMA is not a form of self defense, it is a sport and has nothing to do with Bruce Lee (no offense to the legend of Mr. Lee who is one of my all time heroes).

MMA is here to stay!


Well compared to Wing Chun, and other ancient forms of self defense. Yes, MMA is a fad. Whether it has staying power, will be determined over a period longer than 16 years. Of course, it has only become exceedingly popular in the past 5 years.

I have a feeling, it was spawned from Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun Do, which is a MIX of various styles of Chinese Kung Fu.

Not meaning to offend anyone, but this is a very new, hot thing.

Are you sure about that??

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]In 648 B.C.E., the Greeks introduced the sport of pankration into the Olympic Games. The word pankration is a combination of two Greek words, pan, meaning “all,” and kratos, meaning “powers.” This is an accurate depiction of the sport itself, as it was a potent mixture of Hellenic boxing and wrestling. The sport only truly had two rules: no biting and no eye gouging, though even these techniques were allowed by the Spartans. The bouts could end only when one competitor was knocked unconscious, or submitted to his opponent by raising his hand. Often times, these matches would last for hours, and sometimes ended with the death of one, or even both competitors. The sport became the most popular event in the Olympic Games, and across the Hellenic world. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The matches took place in an arena, or “ring” which was a square approximately 12 to 14 feet across, which the Greeks hoped would encourage close-quarter combat. The matches also featured a referee armed with a rod or switch he used to enforce the rules, which were often broken by opponents that were overmatched. Common techniques included punches, joint locks, choke holds, elbow and knee strikes, and kicks. Kicks to the legs, groin and stomach were quite commonly used. Standing strikes such as these were common, though the overwhelming majority of pankration bouts were settled on the ground, where submission holds and strikes were both accepted practices. Pankratiasts were renowned for their grappling skills, and would employ a variety of grappling techniques, such as takedowns, chokes and joint locks, often to great effect. Strangulation was the most common cause of death in pankration matches.[/SIZE][/FONT]

It's not a new idea... it existed before UFC... there are so many more leagues than just the UFC... the only thing you're right about is that UFC has within the last couple of years started to be taken seriously as a sport in America... And no, it was not inspired by Bruce Lee, no, it's not "very new", no, it's not a fad...

Mixed Martial Arts = boxing + greco-roman wrestling + american wrestling + muay thai + kung fu + ju jitsu + kickboxing any other form of defense/physical combat you can think of

It's really not a revolutionary idea... who is the best and baddest fighter of them all, regardless of their fighting style? Can a boxer beat a black belt in ju jitsu? Can a wrestler beat a kickboxer? etc etc

MMA is a man's sport... period.


New member
Well compared to Wing Chun, and other ancient forms of self defense. Yes, MMA is a fad. Whether it has staying power, will be determined over a period longer than 16 years. Of course, it has only become exceedingly popular in the past 5 years.

I have a feeling, it was spawned from Bruce Lee's Jeet Kun Do, which is a MIX of various styles of Chinese Kung Fu.

Not meaning to offend anyone, but this is a very new, hot thing.
Hey man, I see youre a fan of martial arts as I have been most of my life. I am a huge Mixed martial Arts fan and have been for the last 7 years, since I first stumbled upon it. I think what mostly appeals to me is the 'Mixed' element as there are fighters employing many different styles. MMA shows us which traditional martial arts are effective and which are not.

I think if youve done much reading about the Wing Chun style of Kung Fu you know that its far from ancient, popular accounts have its origin in the 17th century Kangxi Emperor period at the earliest. The argument can be made that it was born of Shaolin Kung Fu which is said to be significantly older, but you can say that many traditional forms also stemmed from the Shaolin style; Tae Kwon Do, Okinawan Karate, Akido, etc.

JKD was principally founded on Wing Chun but also borrowed significantly from Western Boxing and European fencing. There are successful MMA fighters whom employ this style such as Tim Boetsch. Bruce lee's intention with JKD was not to create a new style but smash the mind set of being restricted to one single style or discipline. Something it shares with modern MMA.

Pankration however, an ancient ancestor of Mixed Martial Arts was introduce to the Greek Olympic games in 648 BC. A no rules, (no holds barred) full contact, unarmed blend of boxing and wrestling, regarded as the first true fighting system in human history.

MMA champions are among the greatest atheletes in the world and could rival if not dominate any traditional martial arts 'master' in my humble opinion.


Count me in..

Here are my fav 5 fighters for what its worth

Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, can u remember those slams back in pride? One word... Vicious

Kazushi Sakuraba "The Gracie Hunter", check any of his fights against the Gracie boys, awsome

Anderson "The Spider" Da Silva, what can i say that hasnt been said already....

Fedor "The Last Emperor" Emelianenko, A one man wrecking machine, would love to see him fight in the UFC. No one could touch him in Pride

Randy "The Natural" couture, A true pro, and inspiration. Has anyone seen his bio on tv? So many knock backs in his life and he keeps coming back like the warrior he is.

Anyone willing to step in the cage or ring is a warrior in my book.


Hey any one who likes to follow mma or wants to Cagepotato.com is a awesome Place to check out. I check it a couple times a day always new stuff


Active member
Hear about the "GreaseGate" when BJ Penn loses to George St Pierre and BJ Penn crying foul because GSP was all greasy with Vaseline..and BJ Claims NONE of his defenses Worked....

I personally dont think BJ Penn would have won at all...GSP Just over-powers him and Wins the fight..

I Also think that Vaseline should'nt even be inside the cage unless to stop a bleeder. Come on !! This isn't a boxing match!! rub it all over ~ and the gloves too.

That is kind of bad when performing athletic moves in competition because the skin doesn't breath and overheats the body faster.

Penn is getting old...old in competition style...He finally got to the top but the brain doesn't want it anymore.So he loses.Sort of like Muhammad Ali once he got to the top and a heavyweight.But he has been boxing for a long time.Nothing is there anymore.It took a long time to get to the top and once there,takes alot more energy to stay on the top rather the climb there.

That separate the boys from the men.Staying power baby !!


Hear about the "GreaseGate" when BJ Penn loses to George St Pierre and BJ Penn crying foul because GSP was all greasy with Vaseline..and BJ Claims NONE of his defenses Worked....

I personally dont think BJ Penn would have won at all...GSP Just over-powers him and Wins the fight..

I Also think that Vaseline should'nt even be inside the cage unless to stop a bleeder. Come on !! This isn't a boxing match!! rub it all over ~ and the gloves too.

That is kind of bad when performing athletic moves in competition because the skin doesn't breath and overheats the body faster.

Penn is getting old...old in competition style...He finally got to the top but the brain doesn't want it anymore.So he loses.Sort of like Muhammad Ali once he got to the top and a heavyweight.But he has been boxing for a long time.Nothing is there anymore.


Its GSP response to the whole thing once it was said and done. its a funny ass video he said he cheated but not how you would expect..

Dana white told penn to stop fucking around and start training for Florian. GSP is training with florian like mad trying to help him win also.


New member
Count me in..

Here are my fav 5 fighters for what its worth

Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, can u remember those slams back in pride? One word... Vicious

Kazushi Sakuraba "The Gracie Hunter", check any of his fights against the Gracie boys, awsome

Anderson "The Spider" Da Silva, what can i say that hasnt been said already....

Fedor "The Last Emperor" Emelianenko, A one man wrecking machine, would love to see him fight in the UFC. No one could touch him in Pride

Randy "The Natural" couture, A true pro, and inspiration. Has anyone seen his bio on tv? So many knock backs in his life and he keeps coming back like the warrior he is.

Anyone willing to step in the cage or ring is a warrior in my book.
Well said bro, solid list of fighters too. Based on your list I would recommend the following fights if you havent seen them yet.

Quinton Jackson vs Kashushi Sakuraba
Jacksons Pride debut, he later stated that he was approached by Pride officials with an offer of cash in exchange for him to let Sakuraba submit him. He refused the offer and the rest is history.

Anderson Silva vs Ryo Chonan
Close fight with a finish that has to be seen to be believed.
You can watch it here
Many say that Silva was clearly on his way to a decision win, I personally disagree. Especially considering the history of Prides judging bias. Chonan absorbs everything that Silva could put on him, and lands his own as well. Chonan hasnt been the same tho, since losing via 1st round KO in two consecutive fights in 2005.

Randy Couture vs Chuck Liddell 1
I just friggin love Randy Couture, what he did to Chuck in this fight, while Chuck was at the top of his game, cemented Randy as a world class warrior.

Chuck Liddell vs Quinton Jackson
Chuck had no answer for the 'caveman club' of an overhand right that Quinton used with impunity. Again, Chuck in his prime gets dominated.

New fighters to look out for

Gerrard Mousasi
Junior dos Santos
Cain Velasquez
Thiago Alves
Terry Etim
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