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Advanced Nutrients is a horrible brand

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:elf: Yup. I haven't had any troubles with the Advanced nutrients line either. Seems all it takes is following the directions, dropping some of the recommended amounts and I've gotten some sweet results. LIterally.

Eh, but there's always someone out there who knocks other brands for fun. Have to admit, adding the pictures helps tho. Too often, you hear people talk about stuff and then not back it up.

Me? I'm too paranoid to post pics. Too much to lose, you know? Gotta respect those with balls to post thier grows tho.



people take nutes srsly

people take nutes srsly

haha yes provoking indeed. My fault, but it did succeed in getting everyone's attention. The original title was "Advanced Nutrients Sucks my Nuts off", which would have gathered even better conversation no doubt.

So how hard do you squeeze out the rapid rooters after saturating them? Like gently, or a real good squeeze?

I triple-dog dare you to use that title for the next posting. Oh, the boards would explode.

I've actually never used the rooting gel from Advanced Nutrients, so I can't really vote on this discussion. I have friends who've said it works great and others who swear they don't need help with rooting. Meh.

Thanks for getting the party started AGrow...:thanks:


Well-known member
Im growing different strains, all with the same feeding regimen, La Confidential, Red Cherry Berry, and LSD .. I will try my best to get pictures up as soon as possible, they are at 25 days, currently lights off until 8:30 pm holland time .. I have several personal matters that i have to deal with this eveining, but soon i'll give you some pics, hopefully tonight.
p.s. - was just a little too much hoopla over one company, when in a lot of aspects all the companys do that the same, one company makes this and the other that and they copy and try to make it better, i hope your not only comparing products through NPK?? .. dont they use superiour ingredients in their products or is that also BS??

ITS TOTAL BS! Do you want to know who their scientists are? YOU!
They do not have a 100 light test lab. they have Remo, and they have people who pay for the stuff and use it. then they get the complaints. While most of the problem is user error, AN has not stepped up their efforts to make people better understand their program or even why their buying this product or that..


Registered Non-Conformist
Toohighmf did not read some of the posts....

Glad you know all about AN... I am sure one would find the same things wrong with any company.. You should hear the things people say about Fox Farm Soils around here....

I had incredible results with Connoisseur and most of the regimen.. AGAIN... I never got above 75% of the LIGHT feed schedule... My Yield did increase at least 33%... Maybe 50%. I DID admittedly, also add CO2, but I found out that my ppms were not above 1000... In the past have employed GH 3-part, Fox Farm, and other companies. All majors except Botanicare, although I DO use SWEET, and occasionally CLEAREX.

My Buds have won 1st prize Cannabis Cups in one of the Emerald Triangle Counties - two out of the two years we had a blind judging. Also took 2nd one year, and 3rd the other, along with the 1st prizes... Chosen by seasoned smokers, Fo SHo...!!

What would anyone else know...??? Dudesickle, there are plenny able growers on this thread, I surmise.

You want pics...? You want strains..? Read my sig.... Quit the pissing contest..

Rapid rooters are the problem... I have had them not work so well. But had almost perfect success with Rockwool, for years.

Like roots in 7 days...? That's what happens with this formulation. Rockwool is more dependable, and easy to work with IMHO - in cloning.

ROOTECH did not work for me, either...

Dip and grow, plus OLIVIA'S a touch of cloning gel... Then Dipped once every 4 days in Olivia's Cloning Solution... That ;s my formula. Except the damn OG Kush clone - takes 15 days plus..!

Good Luck w/all - Y'all..!!


Well-known member
AN? I know plenty about everybody, I managed and owned a grow shop. It was my job to know. Am I having a pissing contest? If I am Let me know so I can win it! RW, coir, plugs, oasis cubes, Aero all root just fine if you know what kind of enviro they like. most my OGs root in 5-10.


New member
AN? I know plenty about everybody, I managed and owned a grow shop. It was my job to know. Am I having a pissing contest? If I am Let me know so I can win it! RW, coir, plugs, oasis cubes, Aero all root just fine if you know what kind of enviro they like. most my OGs root in 5-10.

people are pretty attached to their particular nutes, i get it.

but i think we might be getting off topic here, dontcha think?

pissing contests or not, the guy just wanted to talk about his experiences with AN, that he didn't like it, other peeps chimed in that they like AN, and that's that. pretty normal stuff, nothing to get defensive about...

i think we'd all rather hear about the experiences we have, not whether or not one person is right. IMHO


Guest 18340

I dip my clones in EJ Rootstock cloning gel (make sure to make a little verticle cut on the bottom of the stem to encourage rooting). Then I always soak the Rapid Rooters in EJ Rootstock root hormone (w/water) then squeeze them till they stop dripping wet. I water every couple of days with more Rootstock. The clones are kept in a humidity dome and sprayed with a Rootstock hormone foliar mix once every day. Then I spray a couple of times a day with plain water to keep humidity up. I don't even monitor humidity and it works for me every time. :joint:
By my count, that at least 3x a day spent spraying. None of that is needed and youre making things more detailed than they ever need to be. Does it work? It better, for all the time you spend spraying them lol!
When it comes down to it, anyone who is having success rooting clones is doing it right, no matter what method they're using.
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Sounds to me like my hydroponics store messed with my head, it looks like my first attempt at cloning went much better than this attempt and that's because I saturated the rapid rooters when he told me that was what my problem was.

He also said that rock wool cubes hold waaay too much water and not to use them, well according to everyone here, including Stasis theres no such thing as waaaay too much water. Well there probably is, but not in the terms im speaking of.

So the question remains, do I continue using RR and just wet them more consistently, or change over to Rock Wool. It seems Rock wool is more popular around these forums.


some pictures of the clones progress and the failure would of helped .


AN is not as good of a value as GH... GH sells good 1-part hydro nutes like maxigrow that pH stabilize the water.. that makes it so easy to grow, just adding a 1/4 teaspoon/gln of GH maxi bloom or maxi grow will give insane results.. top if off with floralicious plus and koolbloom which arent even necessary... and that will supoosedly make it even better, but it aint neccessary.. maxi series nutes cost 10$ and will grow many pounds.. compare that to an AN line of nutes setup.. ur lookin at a couple hundred just to get what GH can do with 40$


Active member
I used AN Sensi last grow. I really didn't see much difference between that and my previous ones using Miracle Grow or Peters. I think as long as the plant get's all the food it needs...the rest is subjective...any additional gains from one fert over another.

Otherwise...EVERYONE would be using "the" fertilizer...
By my count, that at least 3x a day spent spraying. None of that is needed and youre making things more detailed than they ever need to be. Does it work? It better, for all the time you spend spraying them lol!
When it comes down to it, anyone who is having success rooting clones is doing it right, no matter what method they're using.

OMG 3 times a day spraying... so much work... lol. I mean come on you are just nit picking for no reason, and you make a point to say it's unnecessary when you don't even know my growing conditions. Maybe I have low humidity so it requires more spraying. People who have trouble getting their clones to root could use that info to help. It's not like i said anything that isn't found in almost every rooting guide.


Is cloning in straight water too much water? That's how 3 generations in my family have rooted cuttings, in a shot glass with ... WATER.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
The AN Conny is some amazing shit. I have seen people get super rock hard dense frosty buds with it, very high calyx to leaf ratio compared to the GH 3 part running alongside it the conny was the clear champion had bigger buds, denser, funkier, more potent. 900 ppm is all you need with some beni's, big bud, and carbo load. A little "Gravity" 3 or 4 weeks before finish never hurts either, talk about stacking out the calyx's! Yowsers! :joint:

What can you tell everyone about AN's connection with a company called Applied Ag Science. And perhaps you would know why Applied Ag Science "scientists" are the same "scientists" that are featured on Advanced Nutrients website?

And who are these "scientists" anyhow? The primary one cited by both companies, Dr. Ram Kaw, who's academic qualifications supposedly include a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture, a Master of Science, and a PhD in Agricultural Botony, and who also has supposedly had an "...illustrious career as a plant scientist and educator, Dr. Kaw has worked at prestigious agricultural research/development institutions in several countries, including the Rockefeller Foundation and Cargill Seeds."

Pretty famous sounding guy, this Dr. Ram Kaw. So why is it when I Google his name in any fashion whatsoever, the only 2 web entries associated with him are the Advanced Nutrients website and the Applied Ag Science website.

Are the scientists real? Love to know.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Potheads believe everything "elite" lol

Whatever. Buy what works for you, all the rest is white noise. :joint:


Well-known member
A.A.S was Fat mikes attempt to come out with a line that used the same formulas at the + program for commercial agriculture at a heavilt discounted price through cheaper packaging and running from their Cannabis specific line when they thought they didnt want to be pro pot while sponsoring weeds and Pineapple express. When AN was in serious financial trouble, this was plan B. I had almost used my recources to print the new catalog as I have done in the past before. that's how I got my formulas and rec's on the last 3 pages. just so you guys know I had to know how consistant batches were, and had to measure TDS per ML of all products that had an NPK or was a mineral salt fert in almost 10 different batches. every batch was significantly different. I had a bit to do with product development as well as marketing. it was no easy task. as a member of the mod team, it became so difficult to tell people how to use their product as every batch code was different.
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