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Advanced Nutrients is a horrible brand

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Weed Robot
<reason I use AN>
I stared using Foxfarms organics and switched to AN about 3 years ago. I haven't seen any reason to switch again. The products always perform and while they may "stress" the plants (which I don't agree with), they sure do produce buds which is what I'm after.

So the first picture is my plants at the first day of flower, just entering the flower tent for the very first time. Second picture is of my "stressed" plants growing, and the rest are harvest pictures. Those were not trees, they were ALL grown under a single 600w HPS lamp. It was 6 or 7 plants (that was last grow, my current one is just about ready for harvest) in a 4x4 tent. Nothing fancy, no games were played, just grew them straight up. Haha, I still didn't count how many it was, but you get the idea. They flowered 8 weeks...

1) Day 1 in the tent. Certainly not monstrous are they?
2)Stressed Plant
3-4) Harvest/Results

</reason I use AN>

thats right man..i use AN and i have huge colas too..everyone tripping in here..saying AN is not worth it..you go to a dealer and got money to buy a bently or a chevet you's are telling me that you'll pick the chevet..wow its a chevet and it drives..people will never accept success


Well-known member
You guys are just like every AN ad I see.. Growin huge yielders. lets see what Elites look like. Base is Base, and thats pretty hard to screw up. everyone here with good yields seems to run generic strains and Base ferts. I want to see what usin the + program looks like with some seriously good low yielders.. I can grow All that NL-5, Big bud, HP, and shit with my tap water and get similar results!


Well-known member
Someone really needs to do a DM Gold vs AN Connoi. They both have good NPK ratios and I like the price of the DM Gold, but I hate the idea of having to break out my pH pen again.

There is a shootout on clc by a a long time contributor to the ol AN med forums, and very humbly does very well with everything he touches. I believe the Conni actually beat Gold by a little bit, but I think he uses gold now..


You guys are just like every AN ad I see.. Growin huge yielders. lets see what Elites look like. Base is Base, and thats pretty hard to screw up. everyone here with good yields seems to run generic strains and Base ferts. I want to see what usin the + program looks like with some seriously good low yielders.. I can grow All that NL-5, Big bud, HP, and shit with my tap water and get similar results!

That's Dutch Passion's White Widow and Big Bhudda Blue Cheese. I don't know their reputation for yield, but it's not Big Bud or NL-5, it's quality dank sir. Don't be angry and hate, take the time and grow your buds big if you want big buds.

You guys do what you want, but for those reading this forum looking for which nutrients to buy, I would suggest AN. That's my official position and I'm ready to defend it. If someone would like to show some pictures of their shitty quality grows that they produced with AN I'd like to see them. This thread is about how horrible AN is, not how great any other brand is. That debate could go on for centuries. I'm just here to defend that it's a quality brand of nutrients. They are overpriced, over-hyped, and they sell a "dream", but so does Nike and Calloway, Oakley and every other successful business with a good quality product and the ability to market their brand. You can buy reeboks, they still just cover your feet, it doesn't make Nike a "horrible brand".

I'm growing Fucking Incredible right now with AN and I'll try to remember to post up the results on this thread when it's done. They are just starting so it won't be for months, but it's not a tremendous yielder by any sorts.


Overkill is under-rated.
Hey Moldy, I can't PM you and you don't allow visitor messages, I got no way to give you more info bro!


Well-known member
Laserbrn, Cheese & Widow Are good yielders, bud. both are decent strains, but they are generic.


Laserbrn, Cheese & Widow Are good yielders, bud. both are decent strains, but they are generic.

What the fuck are you getting at? Blue Cheese is a Cheese x Blueberry (not a big yielder) and I don't see the relevance of what strains I choose and AN Nutrients being a HORRIBLE brand.

Do you have anything to actually contribute? Do you have any disaster stories from your experiences with AN? How does attacking my the validity of my buds (through some lame ass logic about strain selection) contribute to the discussion about how horrible this brand is?



Laserbrn, Cheese & Widow Are good yielders, bud. both are decent strains, but they are generic.
I will have to agree, but still, even low yielders you can get yielders out of .. Just have to get them buds dense and hard, and there is a way :)


What the fuck are you getting at? Blue Cheese is a Cheese x Blueberry (not a big yielder) and I don't see the relevance of what strains I choose and AN Nutrients being a HORRIBLE brand.

Do you have anything to actually contribute? Do you have any disaster stories from your experiences with AN? How does attacking my the validity of my buds (through some lame ass logic about strain selection) contribute to the discussion about how horrible this brand is?




Color me gone
I have to totally disagree with this thread AN products ARE GREAT and I have gotten amazing results using there products on 25+ different strains. I do admit you don't need to by all there products to end up with top notch bud but if you use the right ones you will have a hard time switching to anything else.


It is rather common for disgruntled ex-employees to bash their former employer. Objectivity often ends when the job ends. Most people that have actually used AN nutes are very pleased with the results. AN hating reminds me of Green House Seed Company hating. It has no rational basis but is instead based on the overt success of the company and a dislike of their marketing. It is rather comical that some growers making huge profits from their harvests have a problem with successful companies making huge profits from their products. If the products were crap, they would have already failed in the marketplace.


AN and GH do take some shit but i can kind of understand why

But until they are truly challenged and shown up or not shown up they both will continue trading and to be fair they both have some good things they bring to our hobbies!
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