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Hashberry smoke report



:wave: First of all sorry i aint got any dry bud pics..i smoked em all! Got camera sorted so took a pic of the selected hashberry for re veg and then clones

Found several phenos in the pack of mandala hashberry ...some minty some berry..and this unbelievably blackcurrant jam smelling pheno! It really does have a blackcurrant jam odor! :jump: Anyway the report....once cured and dried the buds lose the blackcurrant odor slightly and a very hashlike smell comes forward , if the bud is broken up a beautiful smell of blackcurrant and hash hits the nose....rolled in a pure joint the taste is pure charas!...Not overwhelming but very very smooth to smoke no lung expansion..slight fruit after taste after a few minutes the high felt like a warm body massage like you can feel all your muscles in your body relaxing while the mind seems to be functional but relaxed, its a very chillled old school high good for evenings puts a smile on my face but in a laid back sense rather than the insane grinning that comes with original haze! Its a very well rounded smoke..gives you an appetite but not ridiculous munchies which can be a good thing ...you can feel the landrace genes in the high...very different...no burn out just chilled! :rasta:
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BTW was harvested on day 65 vegged for 4 weeks grown all organic under a 400w mixed spectrum HPS and a 250w HPS....revegging under 110w of flourescent. Credit to mike and jasmin at mandala seeds all the strains ive tried by them are unique and quality genetics!


New member
Great report! Think Ill be heading over to the mandala shop when I´m home from partying tonight =)


hashberry is a true favorite for me, I like sativas too so it's rare for me to dig on anything with a bunch of indica in it.

One I kept is the jelly smelling one, I always said it smells like a fruit basket full of hash, but your description fits it too. Prolly better than mine.

rock hard buds on mine, how about you?


mexilandrace said:
hashberry is a true favorite for me, I like sativas too so it's rare for me to dig on anything with a bunch of indica in it.

One I kept is the jelly smelling one, I always said it smells like a fruit basket full of hash, but your description fits it too. Prolly better than mine.

rock hard buds on mine, how about you?
I think your hashberry sounds like the same pheno , it gets dense! a fruit basket full of hash is definitely a good description of it man! Since i quit tobacco a while back, im more into my sativas now..helps keep me awake and focused...but the hashberry just has that something, the buds from this pheno had purple hues and a silvery sheen of resin on them, i used this pheno to cross with a kalichakra male a while ago with good results.


madgravity34 said:
That looks good. Makes me remember when I grew the HB.
Thanks , get another pack now they are re stocking!


Ssweet said:
Great report! Think Ill be heading over to the mandala shop when I´m home from partying tonight =)
Yeah man mandala seeds are worth it, while your at it id get kalichakra and white satin aswell!


deathtosoapbar said:
I think your hashberry sounds like the same pheno , it gets dense! a fruit basket full of hash is definitely a good description of it man! Since i quit tobacco a while back, im more into my sativas now..helps keep me awake and focused...but the hashberry just has that something, the buds from this pheno had purple hues and a silvery sheen of resin on them, i used this pheno to cross with a kalichakra male a while ago with good results.

how you like the kali? I won some off seedbay but they never got here, I didn't worry about it cause I was so happy with my hashberry, and my sativas. Mandala's strains intrigue me though. I have been hoarding my hashberry, I only have shared em with one really great friend. It's not overwhelmingly "put you on your ass" strong, just good pot that makes me smile. I really like it. Taste is exactly what I think pot should taste like.


Active member
Nice report, sounds real good. The thing about Hashberry is some people seem disappointed with it and I believe it's cause they don't grow good plants or are looking for a knockout stone and seems like you have to find the nice qualities in it, not expect to get punched in the face by it.


VirginHarvester said:
Nice report, sounds real good. The thing about Hashberry is some people seem disappointed with it and I believe it's cause they don't grow good plants or are looking for a knockout stone and seems like you have to find the nice qualities in it, not expect to get punched in the face by it.
spot on...i believe Hashberry is a terrific plant when ALL qualities are considered...i like narcotic indica's and am hoping that the Sadhu is a bit stonier on the body...HB was a great plant with very unique flavors but for me the potency was only a 5-6 on the scale...has any1 found a nice heavy pheno in any of the mandala seeds range, i got Satori, Hashberry and Sadhu and they've been sitting for years and due to space limitations i'm stuck on which plant to grow...Satori is probably the strongest and i've always dreamed of crossing my Aurora Indica mom with a short stout Satori male to help uplift the buzz while keeping the pain relief qualities of the AI...think i may search for a good Sadhu girl and Satori boy for some breeding projects


Active member
curious101 said:
spot on...i believe Hashberry is a terrific plant when ALL qualities are considered...i like narcotic indica's and am hoping that the Sadhu is a bit stonier on the body...HB was a great plant with very unique flavors but for me the potency was only a 5-6 on the scale..
Also wonder if HB is a nice breeding strain with a strong sativa to mellow it out without dominating it. I love the idea of Deep Chunk crosses but everyone I've seen so far reminds me more of DC than the mother plant used in the crosses.


mexilandrace said:
how you like the kali? I won some off seedbay but they never got here, I didn't worry about it cause I was so happy with my hashberry, and my sativas. Mandala's strains intrigue me though. I have been hoarding my hashberry, I only have shared em with one really great friend. It's not overwhelmingly "put you on your ass" strong, just good pot that makes me smile. I really like it. Taste is exactly what I think pot should taste like.
The kalichakra is definitely one of my favourite strains to smoke and grow there seems to be 2 phenos 1 with quite airy buds and one slightly shorter in height but denser both produce amazing sativa highs...its daytime weed but very very strong daytime weed..its a hard strains to describe ..the only way i can put it is...its like your whole life has been enhanced when smoking it...the pheno i tried to reveg died :bashhead: ...and the male has also gone...so will be getting another pack of those..get some you wont regret it! Agree with you on the hashberry the taste is amazing and not overly strong stone :rasta:


VirginHarvester said:
Nice report, sounds real good. The thing about Hashberry is some people seem disappointed with it and I believe it's cause they don't grow good plants or are looking for a knockout stone and seems like you have to find the nice qualities in it, not expect to get punched in the face by it.
Totally agree with you on this people get disapointed by hashberry when it doesnt knock them on their arse..their failing to notice the subtleties in the highs of some strains....its probably teenage kids who are are like "its weak shit it dont knock me out"....these people should stick to just plain couchlock thc strains....if they cant appreciate a strain in its own right....im realising im sounding like some kind of pot snob here :bashhead: ...but i dont mean it that way its just as a daily smoker for years i want something more than just sheer strength...tho its nice to have a bit of rhino for pain and sleep :joint:


curious101 said:
spot on...i believe Hashberry is a terrific plant when ALL qualities are considered...i like narcotic indica's and am hoping that the Sadhu is a bit stonier on the body...HB was a great plant with very unique flavors but for me the potency was only a 5-6 on the scale...has any1 found a nice heavy pheno in any of the mandala seeds range, i got Satori, Hashberry and Sadhu and they've been sitting for years and due to space limitations i'm stuck on which plant to grow...Satori is probably the strongest and i've always dreamed of crossing my Aurora Indica mom with a short stout Satori male to help uplift the buzz while keeping the pain relief qualities of the AI...think i may search for a good Sadhu girl and Satori boy for some breeding projects
Curious....a satori x aurora indica...sounds like itd be an amazing cross! Grew the auora indica...and had a pheno so couchlock i cant even begin to describe it! lol amazing stuff! :jump:




i thought the sadhu was the lokdown stone, after 8.5 - 9 wks of flower, yo the pix are killer and so is the description sounds like some grade A, complex effect, not for everbody, buzz up cron... and so does the chakra, the chakra sounds like a good version of the ice but more productive :smokey: and maybe stronger... wow


i thought the sadhu was the lokdown stone, after 8.5 - 9 wks of flower, yo the pix are killer and so is the description sounds like some grade A, complex effect, not for everbody, buzz up cron... and so does the chakra, the chakra sounds like a good version of the ice but more productive :smokey: and maybe stronger... wow

Cheers! Unfortunately i no longer have that hashberry pheno though i did make a cross with it to kalichakra , the seeds were stolen but a few people recieved them before the theft so hopefully might see a grow report on it one day or maybe someone would be decent enough to pass me a cutting of it eventually. Though i only know 1 or 2 people who have the seeds.


If anyone here bought the hashbery x kalichakra or ERSB X kalichakra that i sent to seedbay auction a while back id like to hear from you and your personal opinions on it.




yo thats really effed that somebody would do thatbut somebody will get backwith you about a cut, dont worry, some good has to come unless you have been a real jerk an you dont seem to be(giving out seeds), and its going to be a awesome cut, and some awesome males for crossing. best of luck on all of your future endeavours...

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