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SoCal Hippy

Active member
First of all, as to the question of where exactly hell and the Buddha
exist, one sutra states that hell exists underground, and another sutra
says that the Buddha is in the west. Closer examination, however,
reveals that both exist in our five-foot body. This must be true
because hell is in the heart of a person who inwardly despises his
father and disregards his mother. It is like the lotus seed, which
contains both blossom and fruit. In the same way, the Buddha dwells
within our hearts.

(WND, 1137)
New Year's Gosho
Written to the wife of Omosu on January 5, year unknown

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Faith is light. The hearts of those with strong faith are filled with
light. A radiance envelops their lives. People with unshakable
conviction in faith enjoy a happiness that is as luminous as the full
moon on a dark night, as dazzling as the sun on a clear day."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
You are already a lay practitioner and therefore one of the “good men” described in the sutra. One who listens to even a sentence or phrase of the sutra and cherishes it deep in one’s heart may be likened to a ship that crosses the sea of the sufferings of birth and death. The Great Teacher Miao-lo stated, “Even a single phrase cherished deep in one’s heart will without fail help one reach the opposite shore. To ponder one phrase and practice it is to exercise navigation”.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 33
A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering
Written to Shiji Shiro on April 28, 1961

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"The essential teaching of Buddhism is that the life of the Buddha resides in every plant and tree, even in the smallest dust mote. It‚’s a philosophy founded on a profound reverence for life."

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The Lotus Sutra of the Correct Law says that, if one hears this sutra
and proclaims and embraces its title, one will enjoy merit beyond
measure. And the supplemented Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law says
that one who accepts and upholds the name of the Lotus Sutra will enjoy
immeasurable good fortune. These statements indicate that the good
fortune one receives from simply chanting the daimoku is beyond

(WND, 143)
The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written on January 6, 1266

SoCal Hippy

Active member
We practice this Buddhism to make our prayers and dreams come true and
to achieve the greatest possible happiness. The purpose of Nichiren
Daishonin's Buddhism is to enable us to realize victory. The fact that
our prayers are answered proves the correctness of this teaching.

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Zange — Buddhist Apology

Zange — Buddhist Apology

experience from: http://www.gakkaionline.net/Experiences/PersonalZange.html

Zange — Buddhist Apology

In 1976 the idea of "Buddhist apology" was circulating through SGI-USA.

Everyone was talking about it, but none of us knew what it was. Little sheets with different formulas for "Buddhist apology" appeared on altars everywhere. Some of these formulas had as many as 16 steps. Many Buddhist went down their checklist each time they chanted. I was not one of them.

The idea of apologizing sounded more Christian than Buddhist. Who am I apologizing to? Da Big Benevolent Buddha in Da Sky? What am I apologizing for? Being a Baaaaaad Boy?

Inscribed on the Gohonzon is the phrase "For now and the future." Isn't apology dwelling in the past?

Did we need another layer of ritual separating us from the Gohonzon?

Would you believe that a top SGI leader once accused me of having a criticizing mind?

I had suffered from allergies since my pre-teens. Every spring and fall, my eyes would itch, get red, and sore, my nose would run constantly, and occasionally, I became asthmatic, gasping for breath.

My dad and siblings have the same condition. It must be hereditary. Can't change your genes. Can you?

One fine spring day I had rubbed my eyes until they were puffy, my nose and upper lip were red and sore. I was aggravated to the core of my being.

I was so angry, I visualized chopping off my nose to keep it from dripping.

I sat down to chant to get some composure. I noticed the little Buddhist apology list next to the incense burner. I stuffed it under the Butsugyo table so I would not be distracted by seeing it. I wanted to connect to the Gohonzon. I did not want to go through a stilted apology ritual.

Each time I touched my Rudolphian nose with a tissue, it stung. Aggravating. Aggravating. Aggravating.

As I chanted, I tried to think of what cause I made to deserve this. I imagined that I may have suffocated, or oppressed someone. I couldn't think of anyone, but maybe I did in another life. Looking back on history, the odds are that we all did stuff that was less than pleasurable to others.

From the bottom of my heart I felt that if I did cause anyone the anguish I was enduring, I was truly sorry.

As I chanted unreservedly for the happiness of anyone that I have ever caused to suffer, my eyes and nose cleared up.

I have not had allergies since. That was more than 20 years ago.


Have you ever studied the Mahaparinirvana sutra? Socalhippy?

Your testimony is inspiring, and altough I belive it with all my heart becasue of similar experiences, I wish I could retain the faith that you display.
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"The Lotus Sutra is the king of sutras, the direct path to enlightenment, for it explains that the entity of our life, which manifests either good or evil at each moment, is in fact the entity of the Mystic Law. If you chant Myoho-renge-kyo with deep faith in this principle, you are certain to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime."

On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 4)




"When we revere Myoho-renge-kyo inherent in our own life as the object of devotion, the Buddha nature within us is summoned forth and manifested by our chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is what is meant by "Buddha." To illustrate, when a caged bird sings, birds who are flying in the sky are thereby summoned and gather around, and when the birds flying in the sky gather around, the bird in the cage strives to get out. When with our mouths we chant the Mystic Law, our Buddha nature, being summoned, will invariably emerge."

How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra
(The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 887)


2009 - The Year we Grow Overcome and ROLL!

2009 - The Year we Grow Overcome and ROLL!

PassTheDoobie said:
"Mr. Toda said: 'If you have faith in the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, you need to exert yourself just as the Daishonin instructs. That's what would please the Daishonin.' 'Just as the Daishonin instructs'--this is the crucial point. If you strive for kosen-rufu, the three obstacles and the four devils will arise, and opposition will be inevitable.

"Mr. Toda also said: 'Nichiren Daishonin boldly propagated the Lotus Sutra unafraid of persecution by the Kamakura military government. We also need to rouse our courage, unite, and forge ahead on the great path of kosen-rufu!' Courage and unity are vital.

"He further stated: 'We possess the Gohonzon. The Lotus Sutra says that wherever people have strong faith, their land [remains safe and tranquil] (LS16, 230). What have we to fear? We mustn't be overly swayed or troubled by the passing tide of events. If we're fainthearted, we won't be able to accomplish the great undertaking of kosen-rufu.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 7670, EXECUTIVE LEADERS CONFERENCE--PART 1 [OF 2]. Challenging Our Human Revolution, from the Nov. 14th, 2008, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, translated Dec. 9th, 2008.

Let's keep going, together continuing to shine as beacons of hope in our groups and district. Chanting Growers Thread Members are Leaders in our respective communities via our diligent practice. We should all strive to make the most advancement and best possible environment in 2009, WHO'S WITH ME! I'm chanting for kosen-rufu without fail, we will bring more peace and accomplish our personal missions accordingly. This method has been proven in my life (over the past 3 yrs.) as a three (3) year member of this thread.

I salute all the members with us and those whom are not regularly posting and participating. May the new year offer you time to chant in front of your Gohonzon more than ever or Finally Get your Gohonzon into your home/sanctuary/room/place you stay! Thank you for all the amazing support!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo
Im with you Easy sitting side by side throughout the year !!
Nam myoho renge kyo
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Active member

Lets do this!!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!



SoCal Hippy

Active member
Bulénath said:
Have you ever studied the Mahaparinirvana sutra? Socalhippy?

Your testimony is inspiring, and altough I belive it with all my heart becasue of similar experiences, I wish I could retain the faith that you display.

Never have and probably never will. If you read this thread we are practicing Nichiren Buddhism based on Shakymuni's Lotus Sutra. Our faith comes from the tremendous actual proof from the practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

I hope you continue to read more of this thread and have a seeking mind to find out what this is all about and just try chanting as it does not require any 'blind' belief. Welcome!

The Daishonin writes: "Once this great Law has spread, I am sure
neither the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings nor the theoretical teaching of
the Lotus will provide even the slightest benefit.

The Great Teacher Dengyo said that when the sun comes up the stars
hide themselves. And the preface written by Tsun-shih says that, at
the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law, [Buddhism will rise in the
east and] illuminate the west"

(Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, pg. 213-14).

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The Lotus Sutra is the king of sutras, the direct path to
enlightenment, for it explains that the entity of our life, which
manifests either good or evil at each moment, is in fact the entity of
the Mystic Law.

(WND, 4)
On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime
Written to Toki Jonin in 1255

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"Prayer is the foundation. But at the same time if we fail to make
concrete efforts, no matter how much daimoku we chant, our prayers will
not be answered. Buddhism is reason if we just chant without doing any
work we cannot succeed in our jobs."

"When we plant the seed of happiness that is faith and carefully tend
its growth, it will produce fruit without fail. We have to bear in
mind, however, that we cannot plant a seed today and expect it to bear
fruit tomorrow. That's not reasonable and Buddhism is reason. If we
persevere in the practice of "faith equals daily life" in accord with
reason, then our prayers will definitely be answered. This is Nichiren
Daishonin's promise to us. And his words are true beyond any doubt."

Quotes: Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Nam myoho renge kyo

Selection Source: SGI Newsletter No. 7679, EXECUTIVE LEADERS
CONFERENCE-- PART 2 [OF 2], Valuing Each Person to the Utmost (At an
Executive Leaders Conference commemorating the 78th anniversary of
the Soka Gakkai's founding, Nov. 11th, 2008) From the Nov. 15th,
2008, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun. Translated Dec. 26th, 2008

"The deeper the darkness that shrouds society, the brighter Nichiren
Daishonin's Buddhism shines--for it teaches us how we can transform
anything negative into something positive, in accord with the
principle of changing poison into medicine."

"My mentor, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda, often
said: 'Unless we make earnest efforts to develop a foundation of
strong faith, we will readily be swept away by the ever-changing
tides of the times.' He also said: 'Let's do our best! Stand firm,
no matter what happens.' The important thing is to forge ahead
decisively with the heart of a lion king."

"The Daishonin writes: 'When the dragon king's daughter attained
Buddhahood, it opened up the way to attaining Buddhahood for all
women of later ages' (WND-1, 269). In other words, the victory of a
single individual opens the way for others. That is why we need to
value each person to the utmost."

"The votary of the Lotus Sutra is certain to face attack by the
three powerful enemies, by all kinds of negative and destructive
forces. Explaining the spirit of shakubuku in his treatise 'The
Opening of the Eyes,' the Daishonin cites [the words of Chang-
an]: 'One who rids the offender of evil is acting as his parent.
Those who reproach offenders are disciples of the Buddha' (WND-1,
286). Battling the manifestations of overbearing arrogance is the
mark of one who genuinely follows the Buddha's teaching."

"The realm of Buddhism is fair and impartial, and the law of cause
and effect is exact and uncompromising. That is why it is crucial to
be strict when it comes to dealing with corruption and wrongdoing.
Our organization will collapse if people who are only concerned with
increasing their own influence and preserving their popularity rise
to top leadership positions."

"The British author George Orwell (1903-50) wrote: 'Nothing ever
stands still. We must add to our heritage or lose it, we must grow
greater or grow less, we must go forwards or go backwards.'"


Active member


"As I chanted, I tried to think of what cause I made to deserve this. I imagined that I may have suffocated, or oppressed someone. I couldn't think of anyone, but maybe I did in another life. Looking back on history, the odds are that we all did stuff that was less than pleasurable to others.

From the bottom of my heart I felt that if I did cause anyone the anguish I was enduring, I was truly sorry."

there is a lot of power at work here...

i may not post much, but i read a lot...

thank you for posting your allergy story...

happy new year everyone...

you are all inspirational at one time or another, i am happy to know you.

peace. :redface:
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