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A Reflection on "Obama and weed"


ICMag Donor
So to counteract this "mess" we spend (money we don't have) and run up a deficit (in less then 6 mos. I might add) that's larger that the last three cabinets combined ?

Who the hell knows if that's the right way, or if it's even possible to fix everything that needs fixing. Who knows? I sure don't. And I don't think any of us are competant or experienced enough to figure out the answers. Multi billion dollar deficits, wars, collapses and the such are pretty heavy, intricate issues.

Randude, what I do know is people have the right to vote for who they trust. And to make comments that this majority group of people "must feel so bad they should eat shit sandwiches", is only going to incite arguments. See, you mistakenly think your comments are deleted because they are anti Obama, when in truth they are deleted because they always have an innuendo that whoever voted for Obama is stupid. You didn't know that did you?

And another thing. Fuck your "JJ will ban me" bullshit. That is as lame as it gets.......


Active member
ICMag Donor
So to counteract this "mess" we spend (money we don't have) and run up a deficit (in less then 6 mos. I might add) that's larger that the last three cabinets combined ?

That's history for ya' right there....and the ink will run out before that story is done being written.

Not the kind of change people had in mind when they voted for a bumper sticker I'm sure.

Let's see where this new czar on drugs of his goes with the MJ issue

I believe we would have seen the same deficit spending with McCain as president (Ron Paul was not running remember?). The only thing that might have been different is how it was spent with a Democratic controlled Congress and a Republican White House bickering back and forth. Either way, the deficit is from decades of incompetence and over spending.

To blame it squarely on Bush or Obama does a disservice to them both. Its every President since....Johnson? FDR? Ever?...that is responsible for this mess we are in today. All those policy decisions that sounded good at the time are coming due and well, we are coming up well short of the tab.

I think a total collapse of the US is inevitable with this debt burden and our diminishing standard of living. But as it was pointed out, none of us here are really qualified to give an expert opinion. We just have to wait and see how it all turns out!


The Hopeful Protagonist
Well, I myself am smart enough to know I don't have all the answers....That being said, there are many, many economists who were once on Obama's side (they bought the slogan as well) who are now speaking out against the (mis) appropriation of the stimulus spending....Those are the guys I look to for answers...And no relief in site for our beloved MJ.
I don't think a president ever has been light on illegal drugs, so Obama has pressure to resolve far more than what he built up. Johnson really put a strangle hold on the drug issue, after helping whack his boss. I can't see Obama wanting to risk his legacy for peoples freedoms, it isn't cannabis's freedom it's ours. Perhaps as Obama is walking out of the door, but how can he effect us in a way that won't change right back? (I didn't mean effect us more strictly either, it appears to be very heavy drug laws in place at this time).

Remember, he has a lot of McCain votes to deal with this first term. I like McCain in some respects, he runs a fine campaign website. But I bought a ticket for the Obama show and enjoy his speeches. I just hate what Johnson has done, I think he is a sick bastard and many illegal presidents need to have their effects on this nation wiped clean of the face of the earth!

I would of thought that Cannabis decriminalization would be like brewing your own beer or distilling your own booze. You can make as much as you want, but don't sell any without a license. Remember, there are some old stuck up Christians that run the western "free world". Being anti-drug is the new racism, it's all the rave among church going people.


Active member
Two words...


The man that ran ads in High Times!!!, still is over looked..lol
America is not smart enough to elect Ron Paul. His agenda doesn't include buying auto makers with the money of future generations then giving half the stock back to the unions that helped elect him. He's just not that insanely chicago style corrupt.


Active member
You have posted comments like this over and over again since the election. That's why they keep getting removed.

Never in the history of America has a President inherited so many major problems. He inherited a recession, a war in Iraq, a war in Afghanistan, a wall street about to collapse along with banks and major corporations in shambles, along with many other things. I'd have to say all the shit sandwiches were eaten years ago......

Sorry JJ but that's a bunch of hooey. Now, you can say because of the crisis we face as a nation MJ is low on the list- I agree with that. But you cannot say Obama was forced to do what it is he's doing. He is doing it just because of who he is and what his real agenda is. We did not need him to waste close to 4 trillion dollars. We did not need him to make the Bush spending spree look like a walk in the park. Hard to believe that we will possibly soon be looking back at the Bush corruption as "the good ole days".

They sold you a bill of goods, that if they don't spend all this money the world as we know it will die. The irony is that because we bought their bill of goods the world as we know it may die.


all praises are due to the Most High
it is important to get one thing straight:

because in the world there are bigger issues than cannabis legalization, this does not mean that ending prohibition is not important and that it CAN be overlooked.

such reasoning is simply unreasonable... that is like saying: "hey! i cannot worry about what you eat, there are bigger problems out there like pollution!"

the fact is, cannabis is a HUGE issue, and if solved, since it is an ENTHEOGEN plant, freeing it will have a greater impact upon the whole world than some ridiculous economical stimulous.



Well, if you guys, in the primaries, would have selected the right guy we would not be having this conversation. He is a Chicago politician, the worst place in the whole country for corrupt politicians, and that is a fact. Even getting his seat in the senate was a form of cheating. He is a fast talker and I can understand the pride a lot of you have to swallow to admit such a fuck up, but you picked the wrong guy and then Had to elect him.

Ran I usually agree with your opinion but would you honestly think that McCain would have been better?

I didn't see any gold in Obama's shit I voted for him because I thought he was the lesser evil of two snakes. Politicians are politicians when its all said and done so what did you expect from him. Shit I'm African-American and would have voted for a republican if he presented a view that I liked but I'd rather take one small step forward than take a 2 foot hop back which is what I believe would have happened if I would have voted for McCain. Voting for somebody based off their stance on mj is pretty stupid when we have bigger fish to fry and I'm only 20 and I have this stance.


America is not smart enough to elect Ron Paul. His agenda doesn't include buying auto makers with the money of future generations then giving half the stock back to the unions that helped elect him. He's just not that insanely chicago style corrupt.

Ron Paul's agenda goes something like this..

You're on your own. And if you fail, even through no fault of your own, you're fucked. Shut up and die already.

He is for zero government.. No fire departments, no public education, no police, no social security, nothing. It used to be called anarchy, now it's called RW libertarianism.

Fuck Ron Paul.


Well-known member
high all!

sounds all "good" but, could it be, obama is just a muppet, who is put in place to raise "hope", while the companies and the suqaz runnin em (also all of our governments), still have the saying? i mean, come on how is a single human aka the "prezzy" gonna change shit, when it's 1000nds of lobbyist, "experts", counselors, etc. having them fingaz in the pie, any normal "voter" think, his vote counts? (not really...)... ah fuq it, yes he can ....



I find it so incredible that people really believe 'this' should be at the forefront of Obama's decision making. We cant have lost that much of a grasp on reality? And the old 'he's just another politician' quote from the usual suspects. Your right in that there isnt anything new to tell. Still alot of sore losers and lost potheads who believe Obama should immediatly change 60 years of policy and law for you and go immediatly to the back of the bus. When people are actually saying that McBush and Palin would have been a better deal for our cause, I know all reason has left the building. Im moving to Palau.
More important things like ending the war in Iraq?


ICMag Donor
which all but a hand full of troops will be out by the start of 1010. Sounds like it ended to me.

Maybe you need to read the news.

And to those that think that legalizing pot is more important at the moment than ending the war, maybe you need to go do a tour and see if you think so then. My son will be heading back next month for his third tour. I'm sick of laying in bed at night worrying I may never see him alive again.......
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I just heard the FDA is going to have some control over the tobacco companies regarding the nicotine levels in cigarettes and advertising and what not........I wish President Obama would do more but at least this is some change....


Maybe you need to read the news.

And to those that think that legalizing pot is more important at the moment than ending the war, maybe you need to go do a tour and see if you think so then. My son will be heading back next month for his third tour. I'm sick of laying in bed at night worrying I may never see him alive again.......

Should take your own advice.


"Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end," Obama said in a speech at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.


stone fool
These threads are good to see which of us is paying attention, and which have no clue. I watch cspan, and this last season has been busy. If bush had not helped the banks, our money would have just been paper before xmas, that has never happened in my lifetime, and I am a senior citizen. It was the 4 dollar gas that fucked our economy, but the pols let it happened. Big O is just trying to clean up the mess.

What is important, is happening right now. Some new smart people are looking at the laws, and evaluating costs and the consequenses of the wod. It is economics that are driving now. There willl be no forward movement for us this year, if you expected that you do not see the picture. After health care is legislated, and the other real priorities, only then will our cause come to the fore, and it will not come from big O, that ain't the way he works, anybody is watching will see that. He will let it happen, not sponser it.

God be with your son JJ.



ICMag Donor

What does that have to do with anything? If you read the news you'd know the reconstruction will go on for years. On top of that, Obama is going to keep military in Afghanistan. The war in Iraq may be ending, but Afghanistan will be a priority for years.....

Regardless, my post was to let people know to some there are bigger priorities.

Thank you Haps....


which all but a hand full of troops will be out by the start of 1010. Sounds like it ended to me.
Ummm .. 2010?

"Well come on over baby .. step into my time machine."

Nixon pulled the same thing in '68. He pulled the anti-war vote to get into office. Then in '72 just four days before the next election, he made an announcement that there was a new agreement that would end the war. "This is not a political move."

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