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A Reflection on "Obama and weed"


St. Elsewhere
Excellent, Paz.

Everyone should remember that it's the same fear-mongering and ominous drum-beat they use to make people to agree to things they normally wouldn't. They use it to convince people that Cannabis causes madness and other nonsense. They use it to breed Islamophobia and justify war with other nations.

There have always been wars, as long as there have been greedy politicians/businessmen to start them. At the very least, no one is being forced to go to Iraq. The Drug war affects us AT HOME.

(And if anyone wants to come my way with one of those "You try serving your country then come talk to me", I've been in the Army. I never went to Iraq, though. I wouldn't have if they tried to send me. I might rethink that if I were in the situation now, though. Because we're fixing shit now, rather then blowing it up like we were before.)



The Hopeful Protagonist
So, your motivation to join the military was based on ...

Never having to blow shit up, or just a different time in your life i.e no war at the time?

I believe blowing shit up is in the job description./


Active member
I believe blowing shit up is in the job description./


Forget about fixing shit, especially other people's shit. If somebody wants to fix shit, then they should become a fucking plumber instead, don't join the freakin' military. I want the US military to be blowing shit up like crazy and killing stupid mofo's whenever necessary, and it is indeed damn necessary every once in a while.


Active member
I read he didn't want to waste any political capital on MARY JANE! WWWEEEEAAAAAKKK that is what I think so far...... Not gonna continue w/ FED raids in CALI! BS, he continues to waste money or THE DEA IS JUST A HUGE SUCUBUS ON AMERICA ANYWAY!
I would think that an anti-Democrat is someone against free and equal democratic elections. The Democrat Party itself is anti-Democrat, especially in Obama's home of Illinois.

Barack Obama is an anti-Democrat, he does NOT believe in free and equal and elections where all human beings should have the same opportunity to be on the ballot. Illinois' election laws were so bad (a subject Obama taught at U of C) that they were ruled unconstitutional in Lee v. Keith a few years ago. No independent candidate has been able to get on the ballot to run for the Illinois General Assembly since 1980, when current Governor Pat Quinn's new election laws went into effect. It was harder for an independent candidate to get on the ballot in Illinois than it was in ANY democracy in the WORLD. After Lee v. Keith, Obama and Friends changed the law, so instead of Illinois being the worst democracy in the world, it is tied for the worst. That is some kind of positive change.

70% of state senators and representatives have ran unopposed the past 20 years in Illinois. 70% unopposed AND Illinois anti-Democrats still feel the need to be the worst democracy in the world. During his 10 year term in the Illinois State Senate Barack Obama was well versed on Illinois election law. In fact, Barack Obama voted for special legislation just for George Bush and Dick Cheney to allow them to ignore the rule of law that sets the Illinois deadline for certifying names on the ballot. While the Illinois Democrats were bending over backwards to let Bush on the Illinois ballot, they were also spending state resources kicking Ralph Nader off the ballot. Barack Obama first made it into office by kicking his opponent off the ballot. Illinois is the only state in the country with such a process to remove opponents from the ballot. Joe Smith isn't Joseph Smith, strike the signature, 114 Main isn't 114 Main Street, strike the signature. That was the content of Obama's character the very first time he got elected. Anti-Democrat. Don't let the people vote, use power to control the ballots. And he's done that ever since.

Politicians, businessmen, and union thug socialists start wars. North Korea isn't a businessman haven, its being run by union thug bosses. Union thugs took over the Soviet UNION and China also. In fact, union thugs have started a lot more wars than businessman. Religion is the biggest justification for war. Business not so much. When blaming people for starting wars you really shouldn't leave others out or it will look like you are biased or ignorant, one of the two.

Obama is not new folks. Obama has been voting to put human beings in cages for possessing cannabis for 13 years now. Get used to it, because he won't change. In fact, in Illinois Obama led the charge to start locking human beings in cages for having an ephedra plant or ephedrine. His legislation didn't proposed they be given treatment and helped, his legislation locked them in fucking cages for fucking ephedrine. That is the content of his character plain and simple. Barack Obama locks human beings in cages that have done nothing to harm anyone else.

As for the pot isn't a priority arguments, let me just say on behalf of all the people in jail or who have been in jail for cannabis FUCK YOU! Freedom is priority one. Nothing is more important than an individual's freedom, NOTHING! That truth was suppose to be held self-evident.

Barack Obama = Barely Better than Bush and getting worse every day.
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Ok I think it is time to cut some of the non sensical ramblings in the thread people!

Bobble - Obama wasnt even in office during the time you are talking about ballot changes/issues! So he should be responsible for the bad choices made 10 years before he got to the senate?

In doin reserach I found that you are making things up and arent even close to correct! Why did those 70% run unopposed? You must know the answer! I do and it isnt what you are making it out to be at all! Are you making crap up cause it is a 70% Dem. majority in the state senate and that hurts your conservative veiws? Or maybe it was the redistricting of the voting areas your are talking about that changed the shady way the Republican lawmakers were garrunteed to win elections before 2001? You see Bobble you are not the only reader out there! If you want to look into voter fraud and scream bloody murder ask yourself how Bush got elected in the first place. He stole the entire state of Florida's votes and used his brothers power as governor to do it!! Didnt even count the votes of our military overseas who make up some 500k votes! And won by how many votes? Dont use inuendo and bad info to scare people or try tear down another! It looks biased!

Union bosses run China, N Korea, and Russia? What are you talking about? These are 2 of the most repressive countries for any kind of biz first of all and the other one is like the wild wild west(Russia)! Again you are making things up that have nothing to do with the thread at all!

Again I will ask as I have in other threads like this.....Who?, if not Obama has given you a better outlook on herb today? You cats can pick anyone you want and we can squarely and evenly look at the progress made by each and decide. Obama said he was not for legalization but allowing states to decide for themselves. Who else ever said that as a sitting Pres? He would stop all raids that didnt break state laws! He did that as well! I will take this guy over Ron Paul, Any Bush you want(except maybe Jenna cause we know she can prolly roll a phatty while drivin, drinking a Mickeys and rubbin my lap while she shows me her thong!!), Cheney, Reagan, or anyone else you wanna throw out!! My reflection on Obama and Weed is that he is doing exactly what he said he would! That makes some of you upset cause it isnt what you want him to say but he is sticking to his word! When was the last time a Pres did that?


I would think that an anti-Democrat is someone against free and equal democratic elections. The Democrat Party itself is anti-Democrat, especially in Obama's home of Illinois.

The correct term is "DemocratIC Party", not "Democrat Party". It might help your argument if you stop being a fucking dittohead for a few minutes.


all praises are due to the Most High

Forget about fixing shit, especially other people's shit. If somebody wants to fix shit, then they should become a fucking plumber instead, don't join the freakin' military. I want the US military to be blowing shit up like crazy and killing stupid mofo's whenever necessary, and it is indeed damn necessary every once in a while.

honestly speaking, greenhead's opinion on the issue is very popular amongst americans, and so I read it and can't help but think if that is not like the wahabi interpretation of jihad? to defend islam and all, although in the american case is to defend freedom and democracy; each define their own labels as the true and good and reject the other as the false and the bad



ignore obama, and ignore all debates conserning weed is my advice. Govt is so efficient in using psycology in media against us now that you cant even trust that your oppinion is actually your oppinion anymore.

i see alot of people belching out "facts" and using ill considered terminology with complete lack of of appriciation for logical reasoning and different perspectives... they are repeating what they have heard somewhere without really questioning it. the obama craze is a good example.

its like.. the new religion or something. i think with the destruction of the religious dogmas in the 20th century, the lack of "empty promice of nirvana" has lead people to worship.. yes worship... govt institutions as the "new heaven".

ie.. retirement homes as opposed to your family taking care of you when you grow old.

and parliament is the new "God" .. all seeing and all knowing, mythical!

... HI PAZ!!! :wave:


The revolution will not be televised.....
To say that our obvious favorable opinions of Obama is like a new religion or a craze shows the obvious lack of respect, education, and a clear lack of reasoning. Why is it a new fangled religion or craze if we find the new leadr a stand up guy? You still have nothing to spout off but inuendo and opinion based in blatant ignorance. That type of thinking is why we cant take any of you haters serious on the issues. It must be mass hysteria or complete brainwashing of us since we dont agree with your veiws and dont want to have the guy pushed out of office right away. Who is worshiping gov. on any level or sees the parliment(which we dont have) as a GOD? If you knew my family you would choose the retirement home also but that has nothing to do with the thread again!! And as for the military and Wasibi interpretation of Jihad........I was in the military and in Desert storm. Your comments make no sense and you obviously have never been in either. I joined to defend my country against all enemies foreign and domestic! We didnt attack Iraq for any reason other than they had invaded their neighboers sovereign territory. Islam is not the enemy but those who use it much like our own leaders to destroy or subjegate others. The whites in this country did it to minorities in the name of Chrisitianty, The Muslims in Turkey did it to the Christians there, The jews(who are the most persecuted people on the planet) are doing the exact same thing to the Palestinians that they themselves endured for how many hundreds of years! And in the name of what? Judaism! Kinda Ironc in my eyes. But still has nothing to do with Obama and weed.


St. Elsewhere
iGro, I joined during the war, right after highschool. I think it's a bit immature to say that "blowing shit up" is "in the job description", but that argument is hardly worth my time. Just seems a little glib, imo. My motivation was to go to college, just like 80% of the Armed Forces these days. (Another piece of conditioning, I've since changed my mind) But to elaborate briefly, when it was a possibility that I could have gone to Iraq, I would have refused because I would have been a part of the damage that we are now undoing. So today, I might actually consider going. (Luckily I don't have to, though)

ArticSun makes a good point about YOUR opinion not really being YOUR opinion. K+

As far as Jews being the most persecuted people on the planet... Yes and no. We musn't forget that the "Jews" who are responsible for the Gaza Strip right now, are representatives of the same "Jews" who sacrificed their own (less devout) people in order to establish the State of Israel. And don't go whipping out the word "Anti-semitic', either.

The idea was spread within the past ten years by the Kabbalah Research Center of L.A. (think Madonna) that the Ashkenazi (European Jews) died in the Holocaust while the Sephardic (Mediterranean Jews) survived because the latter (Sephardic) studied the Zohar. (The Kabbalist Bible)


The Hopeful Protagonist
I wasn't really trying to make an argument, just some clarification on some over-simplification on exactly what our military does, using your own terminology.

Of course it's not the only thing they do, but it's a huge part of it.

I would think if folks were that opposed to what the military does exactly, they'd find other means to attend school....as to not have their sensibilities offended in case they were called upon to do their job.

I'm also curious as to where you gleened that 80% of the current Armed Forces ranks joined just for the college tuition.



Im chiming in before the lock comes in.

How has obama bennefitted anyone? He bailed out major car manufactures and banks.
The "war on terra :( " is still going on.

California dispensaries are still being raided by the DEA.

I dont see any changes other than negative ones.

George Bush is looking like a decent president lately.
cal dispenseries no longer being raided by dea,just na fyi to


St. Elsewhere
The 80% was an admitted exaggeration. My point is that nowadays most members of our Armed Services join not for a Military "Career", but as a means to an end, usually higher education. That was my experience, care to share yours?

The job of our military is to defend the U.S. Constitution. That's the Oath you take. Killing innocent Iraqis is in NO WAY fulfilling that duty.


St. Elsewhere
It's for every person to decide whether or not they want to be a part of it. Whether that decision be made after the decision to join the service, or before it ever crossed the individual's mind.

And you're right Greenhead, those 10 - 20,000 (We don't even know, really) civilians that were killed every year since the war in Iraq started, they were probably mostly guilty. I don't believe that and neither should you.

Some estimates are at 1,000,000 Iraqi civilian deaths, though I do think those are a little far-fetched. But you can't honestly believe those people deserved it, can you?

This is getting a little off topic. If you guys could quit targeting me I'd appreciate it.


Active member
But you can't honestly believe those people deserved it, can you?

I'll keep it short, since the people who are bringing up war are straying off topic, and I know the mods don't like that. I'll simply say that most of the deaths are at the hands of other Iraqis and foreign terrorists. They're responsible for the deaths. And I don't think that anybody's targeting you. I didn't bring up the subject of war. I'm here to discuss marijuana and Obama.


all praises are due to the Most High
To say that our obvious favorable opinions of Obama is like a new religion or a craze shows the obvious lack of respect, education, and a clear lack of reasoning. Why is it a new fangled religion or craze if we find the new leadr a stand up guy? You still have nothing to spout off but inuendo and opinion based in blatant ignorance. That type of thinking is why we cant take any of you haters serious on the issues. It must be mass hysteria or complete brainwashing of us since we dont agree with your veiws and dont want to have the guy pushed out of office right away. Who is worshiping gov. on any level or sees the parliment(which we dont have) as a GOD? If you knew my family you would choose the retirement home also but that has nothing to do with the thread again!! And as for the military and Wasibi interpretation of Jihad........I was in the military and in Desert storm. Your comments make no sense and you obviously have never been in either. I joined to defend my country against all enemies foreign and domestic! We didnt attack Iraq for any reason other than they had invaded their neighboers sovereign territory. Islam is not the enemy but those who use it much like our own leaders to destroy or subjegate others. The whites in this country did it to minorities in the name of Chrisitianty, The Muslims in Turkey did it to the Christians there, The jews(who are the most persecuted people on the planet) are doing the exact same thing to the Palestinians that they themselves endured for how many hundreds of years! And in the name of what? Judaism! Kinda Ironc in my eyes. But still has nothing to do with Obama and weed.

good afternoon Rainman,

it may be the case that arcticsun's english as well as mine have led to some sort of confusion.

if you were to re-read what was said you would see we are just saying the same as you.

regarding Obama and Weed, it is my opinion that prohibition will still be in place after the this presidential term is over. it is not because i am negative or anything, really, it is just that it would be bad for business, that is my reason for believing that...

and about God and the State, i tend to agree with arctic's view, but i would throw money in the mix as a major god of today too.

because putting one's faith and hope in another human being in the way as it is expected of us to do in regards the whole political game is unreasonable; and all these hope is placed on the political parties because the expected result is that these characters are supposed to bring more money into your bank accounts.



The revolution will not be televised.....
MarquisB - One last thing on the military. Most join out of patriatism and desire to serve not for education. Most people I served with are still in or served enuff to retire. No matter what capacity you serve the real possibility to kill another human is plainly a possibility in the military. If you cannot do that/reconcile killing then you sould not be in. I knew what my job was, which was a diver, and what that could possibly be(killing others). I also knew and understood that my politics didnt belong in the battlefield and once there, asking questions about why and should we, would get people killed. I am glad you did not serve in a wartime theater because your attitude is what would have gotten others killed or missions scrubbed. You are a patriot but not all patriots belong in the military. And the reason you hear so much about civilian deaths is most enemy combatants use them as sheilds and hide among them. So are they really innocent? Plus countries like Pakistan and Iraq love to make you think your gov/GOD is killing innocents instead of enemy combatants. Why would they want to report it any other way? Also think about this. The only people who are killed are in some way involved in the their effort. The innocents and non-combatants flee the area as soon as bombs and bullets let off. No one is hanging around in the area unless they have something to do with support. Either as child fighters or women hiding comabants from us. Dont speak on it unless you been there and seen it first hand. Even if you served its not the same. Now can someone please give me a reason not to like what I am seeing from Obama and weed?

Paz - It may have been my reading and your English! Either way I understand what you are saying now. I also must disagree with one aspect which is the faith in which we must have in our system. It is what we call the Amercian Dream. Obama represents that to so many and on so many levels. I dont exspect more money but 'Leadership' that shows the rest of the world that we still believe in human rights, equality, doing good when others have given in to evil, saying what you mean and following through, and yes hope! Our last Pres did his best to destroy that good will and respect the people had for the office. I simply believe he can help put some of that back for us as a nation.


ICMag Donor
This is funny, lmao....... Did somebody forget about Bush and Florida

I would think that an anti-Democrat is someone against free and equal democratic elections. The Democrat Party itself is anti-Democrat, especially in Obama's home of Illinois.

Barack Obama is an anti-Democrat, he does NOT believe in free and equal and elections where all human beings should have the same opportunity to be on the ballot. Illinois' election laws were so bad (a subject Obama taught at U of C) that they were ruled unconstitutional in Lee v. Keith a few years ago. No independent candidate has been able to get on the ballot to run for the Illinois General Assembly since 1980, when current Governor Pat Quinn's new election laws went into effect. It was harder for an independent candidate to get on the ballot in Illinois than it was in ANY democracy in the WORLD. After Lee v. Keith, Obama and Friends changed the law, so instead of Illinois being the worst democracy in the world, it is tied for the worst. That is some kind of positive change.

70% of state senators and representatives have ran unopposed the past 20 years in Illinois. 70% unopposed AND Illinois anti-Democrats still feel the need to be the worst democracy in the world. During his 10 year term in the Illinois State Senate Barack Obama was well versed on Illinois election law. In fact, Barack Obama voted for special legislation just for George Bush and Dick Cheney to allow them to ignore the rule of law that sets the Illinois deadline for certifying names on the ballot. While the Illinois Democrats were bending over backwards to let Bush on the Illinois ballot, they were also spending state resources kicking Ralph Nader off the ballot. Barack Obama first made it into office by kicking his opponent off the ballot. Illinois is the only state in the country with such a process to remove opponents from the ballot. Joe Smith isn't Joseph Smith, strike the signature, 114 Main isn't 114 Main Street, strike the signature. That was the content of Obama's character the very first time he got elected. Anti-Democrat. Don't let the people vote, use power to control the ballots. And he's done that ever since.

Politicians, businessmen, and union thug socialists start wars. North Korea isn't a businessman haven, its being run by union thug bosses. Union thugs took over the Soviet UNION and China also. In fact, union thugs have started a lot more wars than businessman. Religion is the biggest justification for war. Business not so much. When blaming people for starting wars you really shouldn't leave others out or it will look like you are biased or ignorant, one of the two.

Obama is not new folks. Obama has been voting to put human beings in cages for possessing cannabis for 13 years now. Get used to it, because he won't change. In fact, in Illinois Obama led the charge to start locking human beings in cages for having an ephedra plant or ephedrine. His legislation didn't proposed they be given treatment and helped, his legislation locked them in fucking cages for fucking ephedrine. That is the content of his character plain and simple. Barack Obama locks human beings in cages that have done nothing to harm anyone else.

As for the pot isn't a priority arguments, let me just say on behalf of all the people in jail or who have been in jail for cannabis FUCK YOU! Freedom is priority one. Nothing is more important than an individual's freedom, NOTHING! That truth was suppose to be held self-evident.

Barack Obama = Barely Better than Bush and getting worse every day.

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