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well, i meet my probation officer tomorrow


livin my way the high way
that pretty much says it but i am worried cause ive never been in any trouble with the law before except for a speeding ticket. im most worried about not being able to toke because i just started harvesting my first grow that actually finished and i wont get to smoke it if im getting tested :fsu: :badday: hopefully i just get a warning but i have no clue wat to expect


Moon-grass farmer
What are you on probation for? If it's drug related you can pretty much count on U/A's.


i had to be tested every month, but i knew the day i COULD be tested.

all i did was smoke lightly for three weeks then i would quit smoking for a week before the test.

for the three weeks i could smoke i made sure to get plenty of exercise. this helps remove the THC from the fat cells where it is stored. your metabolism makes a difference! high metabolism will rid the body of THC while a low metabolism wil not.

one week prior to the test i quit smoking AND stopped exercising (now you DON'T want to stir up the THC!!!!)

2-3 days in a row prior to the UA test Eat red meat and get a creatine supplement. They test your level of Creatine to see if you are diluting your piss, PLUS if you have too much Creatine then they think you are trying to mask. So DON'T take any Creatine the day of your test, you already bulked up so it doesn't matter.

On the day of the test, drink a half a gallon of water and a couple of cups of coffee as a diuretic. Piss three times before the test. then test your own piss with a THC test kit. go on the internet and buy a dozen THC piss tests. test your piss so YOU KNOW that you will be clean. Keep doing your routine until you have it down, then you don't need a test kit. (NOTE: I ALWAYS tested my piss, it was too fucking important and i could afford it)

That IS HOW you beat a UA. i know. i did it for three fucking years.

FUCK THE man! get the fuck off my medicine. get the fuck outta of my life you useless piece of shit.

Raistlin Majere

i would quit growing and smoking
just my humble two cents

P.O's can show up at your home 24/7
snoop around and random UA
my PO brough a drug dog twice in 6 years, because she though she Knew

good luck


Moon-grass farmer
Raistlin Majere said:
i would quit growing and smoking
just my humble two cents

P.O's can show up at your home 24/7
snoop around and random UA
my PO brough a drug dog twice in 6 years, because she though she Knew

good luck
I don't know about everywhere, but as far as I know that's only with felony probation.


Registered Cannabis User
hopefully he passed...doesnt look like he stopped in to let us know whats up...hopefully he's just busy!


livin my way the high way
yep i was just busy um i dropped dirty but i made a good impretion sp so she said she would give me another 30 days to get clean and if i was i would just have to take a drug class and no probation so im just gunna suck it up and not blow for 4 weeks so i can after that. anyway im looking forward to being a light weight cause i was having to smoke like an 1/8 to 1/4 to actually get pretty stoned and its not that bad of bud. now hopefully this will just make my jar curing easier to deal with.


Face: Same here, bro. Not sure what happened.

BUT...my original post was about bring on probation, promised random tests, and not being tested once. It costs them money to test you. It's amazing how many places say they'll test but never do.
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livin my way the high way
shes an ugly bitch and i have to pay for the tests 25 dollars a pop, sucky

thats weird i dont know why ur post were deleted

daisy jane

I was given probation for a year for a cashed bowl. Yeah. My best advice for you is just to NOT smoke while you are on probation. That seems like a "no-brainer" to me, but people always risk it. It's not crack, you can stop for a little bit. I got a Class B Misdemeanor and under my probation terms my PO could come to my house and search the premises. They could also show up at my job. Every time they drug tested me it cost me $40. I ended up getting my probation reduced to only 3 months because I knocked out my community service, drug classes, pissed clean and paid all my fees quickly. The judge even hit on me when I showed up in court again :muahaha: Seriously the best advice is just to not smoke and get rid of your grow ASAP.

What are you in trouble for anyway?


Registered Med User
Id went and got a drink when I was being tested, drink it, 2 glasses of water, and piss three times, then your good for 4 hours...


livin my way the high way
i was taking a kid to school and he found a bag in his pocket and put it in my car without telling me and of course they found it so yea

just so no one freaks out im 18 i was in my senior year with a month left to go FUCK
o well
Your best bet and the absolute smartest thing to do is to not smoke. Its not that long.

That being said..

Those drinks are entirely dependent on body type and arent guaranteed to work, yeah, even the double your money back bullshit.. go ahead, call Im sure they'll send the check right out pfft.

So anyway, I wouldnt put any stock in those unless you have personal success with them. Even then its sketchy cause they send it to the lab and dont mess around with "stick tests". They will be supervised, mine were, so sneaking something in is out of the question. UNLESS, you buy a whizzinator. Not the #1 but the whizzinator, the one with the realistic cock. I have one and have had repeated success for many years. Use fresh clean piss right before you go in or buy a very good synthetic urine. spend some money and test them.

Good Luck.


New member
Thanks bighogg, I really needed your plan, thanks for the outline- I am going to have to try it. Been out of touch for a while- got to get me a job. I am going to use your plan fo' sure!


bighogg said:
i had to be tested every month, but i knew the day i COULD be tested.

all i did was smoke lightly for three weeks then i would quit smoking for a week before the test.

for the three weeks i could smoke i made sure to get plenty of exercise. this helps remove the THC from the fat cells where it is stored. your metabolism makes a difference! high metabolism will rid the body of THC while a low metabolism wil not.

one week prior to the test i quit smoking AND stopped exercising (now you DON'T want to stir up the THC!!!!)

2-3 days in a row prior to the UA test Eat red meat and get a creatine supplement. They test your level of Creatine to see if you are diluting your piss, PLUS if you have too much Creatine then they think you are trying to mask. So DON'T take any Creatine the day of your test, you already bulked up so it doesn't matter.

On the day of the test, drink a half a gallon of water and a couple of cups of coffee as a diuretic. Piss three times before the test. then test your own piss with a THC test kit. go on the internet and buy a dozen THC piss tests. test your piss so YOU KNOW that you will be clean. Keep doing your routine until you have it down, then you don't need a test kit. (NOTE: I ALWAYS tested my piss, it was too fucking important and i could afford it)

That IS HOW you beat a UA. i know. i did it for three fucking years.

FUCK THE man! get the fuck off my medicine. get the fuck outta of my life you useless piece of shit.

Well said, Completely. + karma :wave:

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