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digital ballast?


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
can anyone explain or provide a link to an explanation on what digital ballasts are all about? are there any advantages ect... thanks :D


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i tried, searching that yields thousands of results, none specific. i was hoping someone might have a link to a thread with some good info instead of tons of sifting......thanks :D


Using electronic ballasts comes with some advantages as well as disadvantages as apposed to the traditional magnetic ballasts.

Electronic ballasts will generate less heat, noise, and supposedly waste less electricity. Therefore, we may say that electronic ballasts are more efficient than their magnetic counterparts.

On the other hand, electronic ballasts have a reputation for breaking. This could mean that they are not lighting the bulb correctly, they could be breaking the bulb, or on some occasions the ballast itself begins to "leak resin."

Magnetic ballasts are reliable
Electronic ballasts are efficient

This being said, if you are interested in getting an electronic ballast my recommendation would be to get the newest Lumatek model. They come with the best features, and most importantly, the best warranty.


I just got a Lumatek 250w. I like it.

If there's no air movement around the ballast it does get hot. I took a pc fan and placed it on top of the ballast (it's just sitting there for now--I'll attach it later) and the ballast case temp went down to nothing. The fan keeps it at room temperature to the touch. Supposedly they are able to accommodate the heat they generate (the manual does say if it gets so hot it leaks resin it should be given some airflow) but I figure it it's kept cool it will only help its longevity.

The only think I don't like about electronic ballasts is they cannot run ceramic metal halide bulbs, so I'm told. But it is nice to be able to switch out between normal metal halides and high pressure sodiums.


Active member
Check out the link in my sig before you do any shopping. It's not the most up-to-date, but it's still a functional guide.


Using electronic ballasts comes with some advantages as well as disadvantages as apposed to the traditional magnetic ballasts.

Electronic ballasts will generate less heat, noise, and supposedly waste less electricity. Therefore, we may say that electronic ballasts are more efficient than their magnetic counterparts.

On the other hand, electronic ballasts have a reputation for breaking. This could mean that they are not lighting the bulb correctly, they could be breaking the bulb, or on some occasions the ballast itself begins to "leak resin."

Magnetic ballasts are reliable
Electronic ballasts are efficient

This being said, if you are interested in getting an electronic ballast my recommendation would be to get the newest Lumatek model. They come with the best features, and most importantly, the best warranty.
Pretty much ditto but the e ballasts are not as efficient as the manufacturers would like you to believe. They also properly fire a narrower selection of bulbs.


Active member
Beyond being able to fire up the bulb quicker... it's very quiet and generates less heat and takes up less space, and that's enough for me. I've been running a blue 600w Lumatek for over a year, and a new purple 600w for a few months and no problems yet.


Active member
But I also read that they give more light (brighter) than magnetic ballasts of similar size. I think that was from an ad for digital ballasts. Hope that's the case because I just got a Lumintek 250 (purple). Haven't fired it up yet.

edit: hey this was my 50th post! Now I can use PMs! Contact me by PM...
I'm interested in all "illegal" activities! drugs, sex, gambling etc LOL
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But I also read that they give more light (brighter) than magnetic ballasts of similar size. I think that was from an ad for digital ballasts.
Like I said earlier and will expand on it...They are more efficient with electrical use but not by much, they do extend bulb life and this is definitely noticeable over a magnetic but still not a major difference. The output is improved but not like the manufacturers would like you to believe. Bottom line is I'd still pick an e ballast over magnetic in most applications. If I want to run halides for flower, such as a warm halide for sats and sat doms, I'd go with a magnetic.

I've run a LOT of hours (about 70,000 total) on Lumatek 600's and overall I really liked em but they're still not what Lumatek would like you to think they are.


future-brite jsut got a new line of ballasts and they are very slimline and on cantrary to what i said, they DO NOT have resin in them like i thought just the fans and the case has something on it that stops RF a little better than the older style FB's

i think futur brite ballasts are the best e- ballasts on the market, and no i dont worrk for them, just a very stisfied customer. they dont need fans to blow on them to stay cool, they stay cool on their own with their own fans built in.

there is virtually no difference in the temps of a 600 watt future brite ballast, whether it is running (in use lighting a bulb) or off (night time).

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