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Fucking Apartment living



Got a notice under my door today that they are coming in on Monday to spray pesticide for "Bed bugs" , wtf eh?

It says put your clothes in plastic bags, move everything into the open so they can get behind my bed, in my closets, in my dresser drawers..etc

Sounds like invasion of privacy to me , this is fucking gay..

I had to take apart my veg cab tonight and throw it in the dumpster. (Im still gonna keep my seedlings (going to put them in a sealed box for one day in the dark when they are here.)

And my 3 big mothers im gonna have to harvest on sunday, They could of went another 7-10 days but whatever..

ugh this sucks, im glad im buying a house soon, at least I'll have all the equipment for when I move.


Registered Med User
Damn bro... you dont know nobody with a spot u can keep everything for a day?
I thought they banned the only pesticide that kills bed bugs ahwile ago.I suppose they made a new one ofcourse.Atleast you have something to harvest.

EDIT:When killing a bed bug infestation you have to get rid of ALL your clothes,sheats,ect.Thats what I hear alot so why would they even bother spraying?
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Let's see if I can help you out constructively here. I don't know what they've got a "right" to do in terms of entering your apartment, but, here are two options:

Get on your bike and visit your local exterminator. Ask for brochures on bed bug pesticides, etc, and take them back with you. Call up whoever is managing the building, tell them that you did your own spraying a month or so back. If they start asking what products you did use, etc, throw the whole fact sheet in their face, give them the name of the company that did it, etc, and hope they realize spraying an apartment twice is overkill.


Check the pesticides used for bedbugs (active ingredients), check online medical dictionaries for exemas, allergies or respiratory problems or any kind of possible hazardous effects from these products. Then work out a medical condition for yourself, call up the building manager, tell him you've got a severe allergy or likewise against these products. They risk a law suit if you fall seriously ill and will probably back down.

You should clear out your apartment anyway, for safety's sake. Isn't there somewhere you can put your stuff, just for a day or two?


i grew in apts for 5yrs. i had a dr write to the apts and state i was allergic to all pesticdes. no bug guy ever.

bed bugs dont only stay in bed do they. idk crap about a bed bug.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Bed bugs have become a major problem I've heard & if every apt isn't sprayed they're like mites to us growers. You'll never get rid of the infestation. Never bring in old furniture off the street unless you want bugs.


Active member
Rent a van, fill it up, park it somewhere cool and shady.

I second this. Harvesting a stinky crop the day before the exterminators come is not the best idea.


New member
NPK said:
I second this. Harvesting a stinky crop the day before the exterminators come is not the best idea.

The pesticide guys probably have horrible olfactory sense unless they wear their masks properly.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Tell them your an eco warrior and all beings have a right to life...and buy a new lock for you apartment...nobody should have a key to the house buy the people that live there...


her dankness
Unfortunately most leases have a specific clause about changing locks without consent of the landlord. That could make your problems worse.
I third the van thing. Just make sure to park it at a friend's house, not in a public place where some cardigan-wearing, PTA meeting attending, do-gooder might call the cops about a pedophile lurking in the parking lot.


I got a notice from my Landlord once. He wanted to inspect the building.. ok..

well i hid the plants in the cellar of a friend. His grandma found it and hid a babymonitor nearby.

when we came to pick them up she came with the Grandpa (a VERY mean oldtimer..). He didnt have a clue what was going on.. he scrammed and called the cops.

we hid the plants somewhere outside (winter.. -10 C ) and left all the grow equip.

well, things could have run alot smoother on so many different occasions that night.. it was just not meant to be..

now i moved and its allllll goooodd..


Best of luck with this..
