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334,000W running on Aptus nutrients


How about all the Aptus "haters" start their own thread so some of us can learn from dt and jack. Not just about aptus but how to have a nice clean prof set up. If you dont like aptus cool but there is more to these grows than that. And for these guys to actually spend time posting to help others just for people to say their 2 cents and havent even used aptus. sorry for the rant just would hate to see jack or dt not post due to aptus negativity...many blessings


Active member
Proving it would require I buy the products and send them to a lab. While I might do it one day I have no interest right now.

I don't know how to feel about adding pgrs. Tricontanal, gibberilins, auxins, and cytokinins are all found in plants naturally. That's how they get away calling it all natural, just like snow storm and bushmaster were labeled as kelp extracts.

Whenever you see " stimulant" in the advertising, (without explanation) you can be fairly sure they are hiding something.

Again I'm not knocking aptus, really don't know how many times I need to say it.

And fasilator Says it has silicic acid, boron, and molybdenum. All cheap and readily available, so 250$ a bottle seems a bit steep.

From wiki

Sodium silicate, and pottasium silicate are both silicic acids once nuetralized by acids in the resivior.

In other words U don't know what's in there, U just guessing.


Active member
of course anyone of us COULD send out specs and make our own nutes, but I am pretty sure 99% of us will never do such a thing.



Enough with the hater bullshit...

No one here said aptus sucks or doesn't work.

In fact I've made very clear that it works great, as demonstrated by many people.

I'm trying to teach people a little. Since I've learned the science of plant nutrition all these exceptional claims become glaringly obvious as just that.

Near three pounds per light with medium yielding strains begs the question, if all it takes is some salts and co2 why don't we see that more often?

Surely jack isn't the only ones seeing those numbers. Lots of folks have dialed ass setups with co2 in hydro pulling only 2# running basic salts. What's the difference?


Active member
Prove there are PGR
If its so easy then copy it and I will test it. If you find a PGR in Aptus I will be the first to stop using it but its not going to happen. And let me guess Fasilitor is just silica? Yawn....

Different classes of PGR exist. Daminozide and Paclobutrazol are two examples of toxic PGR's we are all familiar with.
The classes of PGR's are as follows

Auxins - Shoot elongation
Gibberellins - Stimulate cell division and shoot elongation.
Cytokinins - Stimulate cell division
Ethylene Generators - Ripening
Growth Inhibitors - Stops growth
Growth Retardants - Slows growth

Your results are very impressive Jack/Dutch Touch and I have upmost respect for you both. What I suspect is that inside the Aptus bottles are a potent mixture of cutting edge PGR's like BAP, Abscisic Acid, Carboxymethyl-Chitosan, and a few others. Probably ethylene as well.
Along with medigo sativa(alfalfa), ascophyllum nodosum(Kelp), Chelated metal ions, and root stimulators, most likely a PGR too.

By no means am I poo-pooing Aptus or insinuating each of your impressive achievements and successes are associated solely to Aptus products. Quite the contrary, the "nutes" don't make the man. But I am in agreement with Architect here, although his delivery may have put you off his point should have been received. What I heard him say is how is it 2 highly intelligent and skilled individuals, such as yourselves, cannot explain what components make Aptus successful and instead meet any inquiry with cryptic and uninformative responses?

If they contain mineral salts they can only concentrate so much salt

With all due respect Jack if you are indeed serious about your assertion regarding discontinuing use if PGR's are present in Aptus bottles, it should be a priority for you to find out. If its not your responsibility to know this, or find out, then who's is it? You must have a negative preconceived notion about PGR's to make such a statement.

I understand Architects point. For $30USD I can make 208L of bloom booster @ 1:500 dilution with all the accoutrements i.e. PGR's, amino acids, etc..
In all seriousness the question is; what ingredient(s) justifies the price? And if you know what is in it, then why not make it yourselves?

Great work gentlemen, Respect.


Active member
Enough with the hater bullshit...

No one here said aptus sucks or doesn't work.

In fact I've made very clear that it works great, as demonstrated by many people.

I'm trying to teach people a little. Since I've learned the science of plant nutrition all these exceptional claims become glaringly obvious as just that.

Near three pounds per light with medium yielding strains begs the question, if all it takes is some salts and co2 why don't we see that more often?

Surely jack isn't the only ones seeing those numbers. Lots of folks have dialed ass setups with co2 in hydro pulling only 2# running basic salts. What's the difference?

I'm not hating ! Just pointing what i understood from ur post. Lot of growers with bad ass set up do indeed pull 2#, but with OG's is not usual. What make Jack get those numbers it's not only APTUS or CO2, it's APTUS + HEAVY 16 + CO2 + COCO + more than 20 lights + hours of work to get this kind of room dialed ... Then take a huge yielder in that set up and U might hit 3#, who knows...


I'm not sayin your hating,

I'm saying everyone is jumping down my throat calling me a hater, or anyone else who questions how aptus, or any other nutrient for that matter, get "better" results.


Active member
I'm not sayin your hating,

I'm saying everyone is jumping down my throat calling me a hater, or anyone else who questions how aptus, or any other nutrient for that matter, get "better" results.

I think ppl who claims that APTUS are pgr's need to come with strong evidence that proves APTUS is indeed pgr's. That's all I'm saying, and it should goes like this for anything.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I'm almost starting to wonder if Aptus is sponsoring large scale growers to use their products. Kinda like Nike with tiger woods.

not seeing too many threads looking like "400w aptus grow" lol.. just sayin. :D

Ding ding ding!

We have a winner, give it to people with an online presence and boom! Hot new nutrient with buku price tag starts flying off the shelfs.

Not that it doesn't work, but for a few hours research on plant nutrition and plant growth regulators you could cut your nutrient cost down at least 90% and get the same results, which if you spend 2000 on aptus a run, means saving 1800 bucks x 5 runs means a savings of 9k a year. It's no million dollars but it is a decent amount of saving.

I receive nothing from Aptus other than big yields. They're super cool dudes. Why not just call them and have a talk about the products.

I talk to them once every 2 weeks about different ways to use the product for my set ups.
Send it to the lab then and create it for pennies if you think it's that easy. Please tell me why you have not already done it and please explain why advanced , GH, canna , Atami, yellow bottle, H&G have not yet done it ?....

Pratt !!!!!! If you don't know what a Pratt is, send your self to a lab and they will tell that you are one !
Prove there are PGR
If its so easy then copy it and I will test it. If you find a PGR in Aptus I will be the first to stop using it but its not going to happen. And let me guess Fasilitor is just silica? Yawn....

Proving it would require I buy the products and send them to a lab. While I might do it one day I have no interest right now.

I don't know how to feel about adding pgrs. Tricontanal, gibberilins, auxins, and cytokinins are all found in plants naturally. That's how they get away calling it all natural, just like snow storm and bushmaster were labeled as kelp extracts.

Whenever you see " stimulant" in the advertising, (without explanation) you can be fairly sure they are hiding something.

Again I'm not knocking aptus, really don't know how many times I need to say it.

And fasilator Says it has silicic acid, boron, and molybdenum. All cheap and readily available, so 250$ a bottle seems a bit steep.

From wiki

Sodium silicate, and pottasium silicate are both silicic acids once nuetralized by acids in the resivior.

Does coca cola put all their ingridents on the label or made public ?

From what I gather after speaking with the developer is that sillic acid is very unstable but they ( Aptus ) patented the process to make it stable so it can be used in agriculture
Enough with the hater bullshit...

No one here said aptus sucks or doesn't work.

In fact I've made very clear that it works great, as demonstrated by many people.

I'm trying to teach people a little. Since I've learned the science of plant nutrition all these exceptional claims become glaringly obvious as just that.

Near three pounds per light with medium yielding strains begs the question, if all it takes is some salts and co2 why don't we see that more often?

Surely jack isn't the only ones seeing those numbers. Lots of folks have dialed ass setups with co2 in hydro pulling only 2# running basic salts. What's the difference?

You obviously did not pay enough attention in class if you did you would understand why Aptus beats synthetic salts.

Before barking at people on here study the word Bioavailability !!!!!!

By looking at jacks pics I can say from my experienced eye that he does pull 2-3p per light. His rooms look dialed in as do mine but at the end of the day it's still down to the grower

You can buy a Ferrari but that doesn't make you a good driver
Good shit I will be watching!! Im so sick of hearing about what I could do with a $5 bottle of nutes compared to Aptus but that $5 Bottle wont get me #49 off 20 lights of OG that tested at 30% so read it twice and then go mix your own nutes I will keep crushing it with Aptus..:biggrin:

Let the haters carry on jack.

Let's just wait to see which one of them comes out with their new Aptus copy in the future

Trust me We will be waiting a long time

Much respect !


youre not getting what im saying, maybe there is a language barrier?

i know what bio-availability is, and ionic salts are the most bio-available nutrition to plants.

i dont get the rest of your post. i know he yields well. what i am saying is that many other people have just as good of setups as you, and have them just as dialed yet never see 2.75# per 1k. im asking what ingredient makes that possible. my belief is that it is likely some naturally extracted plant hormones, or pgr's.


and by the way im not barking anything or hating(you are turbo posting though) so you folks should chill with the accusatory bullcrap.
I receive nothing from Aptus other than big yields. They're super cool dudes. Why not just call them and have a talk about the products.

I talk to them once every 2 weeks about different ways to use the product for my set ups.

I got your back on this one ! Super cool people

Don't be too nice vag or you will get accused of being sponsored by Aptus

What makes me laugh is these haters actually make this shit up in their own tiny heads

So Im running 334 lights risking my freedom and risking my families future just so I can advertise Aptus?... ! Maybe if I had 2 lights that would be a little bit more Realistic

Good work by the way your product looks bomb !


Active member
Let the haters carry on jack.

Let's just wait to see which one of them comes out with their new Aptus copy in the future

Trust me We will be waiting a long time

Much respect !

You know what GUY, save the "much respect" comment. I have seen more Kw in the last 24 hours than you have in 24 years. Its crystal clear you have no respect.

If its a bad day your having, or a "snickers moment", we could understand. But it's not. Your a condescending pratt.

Aptus copy...pfft! Really!?

Since when did asking questions constitute hating? You must enjoy beating down the so called "little guys"?

I have forgotten more about plant nutrition than you will know.

Pratt!!. The nerve of some people.

How did this thread become so vituperative??

Rude Pratt!

My apologies for the s**t but I'm a little perturbed at all this.
You know what GUY, save the "much respect" comment. I have seen more Kw in the last 24 hours than you have in 24 years. Its crystal clear you have no respect.

If its a bad day your having, or a "snickers moment", we could understand. But it's not. Your a condescending pratt.

Aptus copy...pfft! Really!?

Since when did asking questions constitute hating? You must enjoy beating down the so called "little guys"?

I have forgotten more about plant nutrition than you will know.

Pratt!!. The nerve of some people.

How did this thread become so vituperative??

Rude Pratt!

My apologies for the s**t but I'm a little perturbed at all this.

I love you :thank you:
Different classes of PGR exist. Daminozide and Paclobutrazol are two examples of toxic PGR's we are all familiar with.
The classes of PGR's are as follows

Auxins - Shoot elongation
Gibberellins - Stimulate cell division and shoot elongation.
Cytokinins - Stimulate cell division
Ethylene Generators - Ripening
Growth Inhibitors - Stops growth
Growth Retardants - Slows growth

Your results are very impressive Jack/Dutch Touch and I have upmost respect for you both. What I suspect is that inside the Aptus bottles are a potent mixture of cutting edge PGR's like BAP, Abscisic Acid, Carboxymethyl-Chitosan, and a few others. Probably ethylene as well.
Along with medigo sativa(alfalfa), ascophyllum nodosum(Kelp), Chelated metal ions, and root stimulators, most likely a PGR too.

By no means am I poo-pooing Aptus or insinuating each of your impressive achievements and successes are associated solely to Aptus products. Quite the contrary, the "nutes" don't make the man. But I am in agreement with Architect here, although his delivery may have put you off his point should have been received. What I heard him say is how is it 2 highly intelligent and skilled individuals, such as yourselves, cannot explain what components make Aptus successful and instead meet any inquiry with cryptic and uninformative responses?

If they contain mineral salts they can only concentrate so much salt

With all due respect Jack if you are indeed serious about your assertion regarding discontinuing use if PGR's are present in Aptus bottles, it should be a priority for you to find out. If its not your responsibility to know this, or find out, then who's is it? You must have a negative preconceived notion about PGR's to make such a statement.

I understand Architects point. For $30USD I can make 208L of bloom booster @ 1:500 dilution with all the accoutrements i.e. PGR's, amino acids, etc..
In all seriousness the question is; what ingredient(s) justifies the price? And if you know what is in it, then why not make it yourselves?

Great work gentlemen, Respect.

You and architects both got google ! Right on
