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New 8x7 ROOM. Help please 1400w


I bulit an 8x7 room 1000w hps on the left and 400hps on the right. great circulation w 6in fan in the top center of the room exhuasting. inline 4in. is this enough lighting for this space and if so, im running AN 3 part and bloombastic. what kind of results am i looking to see??


Thanks for your input. nice nugs. im just trying to set up some sort of perpetual.. figure out plant numbers and such, strains. I have Purple thunder,snowdog and asshole. not too sure what to go with.


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Premium user
optimal watts per quare foot is 50 but I.ve seen nice results with less.

the 400w will not have the penitration of the 1000w so if you are going to go perpetual start under the 400 and as they mature get them under the 1000w

good luck


Purple Thunder and also Snowdog bx1. im looking for a fast turn and a bit of wieght not super important but i want the most out of my space. Im running AN 3 part tarantula, pirana, overdrive, and Nirvana.


Active member
I'm kind of in the same pickle here

I have a 400 watt in a 4x4 room right now
Getting upgraded to a 1k light soon
I was wondering how could I put the 400 to use with the 1k, I was thinking two separate flowering rooms and doing the smaller ladies in the 400 then as they get bigger into the 1k
Since I will be doing a perpetual grow and adding 8 plants every week that have been vegged from clone for about 7 days.

I think i could do the first 8 into the 400 watt flower room, then in 2 weeks when the next 8 girls go in, move the last 8 up to the 1k light.

Eventually I would have a constant flow there, that and I have 5 mothers ready for clones any fuckin time


im still trying to dial this setup in. im having a hard time. my temps are fine i just want to use my space up well. im on the hunt for a good mom myself.