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2017 tester run - KC x Zamaldelica fem


Well-known member
Now I got a little mixed up...Since you feed constantly,why the need to amend the soil?Sorry about the noob question :eek::

Can't wait to see them!:tiphat:

Not at all a bad question; The coco mix has a million beneficial mycos, ewc, calmag, micronutes and PK in slow release formats instead of immediately available like liquid. It'll be a small boost of all, mainly to give a new flush of microbial life and alternate nute sources. After 2 months in their medium, they should have exhausted what was available by now and are depending on liquid nutes. Anyway, nutes not a problem, canopy/heat management more of one;) Got to get the Hid out.

Nice job on the bubba/kali! good looking smoke, and again, QM is a real winner.


Well-known member
OK-now the room's getting tight. I've got the 240cfm intake running 24/7 and got the 440cfm exhaust sitting on top sleeve of the tent, exhausting through the skylight. I cut holes in the cardboard and the blackout curtain for the ducting and it fits quite well. Room is definitely a little cooler, bumped hid back up to 600w.

Stretch has definitely slowed to a crawl, thank the gods, 21st day of light change tomorrow. Going through around 4-5 gal a day w heavy feeding in morning, light in afternoon. I get about a half gal runoff that I either pull out with a turkey baster, or they suck it back up if I don't get there for an hour, which I'd like to avoid, but hey, they're healthy;)

Will have to do minor defoliation in a week. hope all are well and enjoying yourselves, dsd


Well-known member
21 days since light change

21 days since light change

Hey DWD.....sounds as though the girls are cooperating. Congrats.:tiphat:
I use the following to remove the excess water....also helpful for keeping things clean....and the best feature......inexpensive. Assuming you have a 5 gal bucket.

Awesome, and cheap! After basting for a half hour, I'll take it.

Two part day 21 update; girls are fine, some still stretching a bit. First up, the tent itself, Miss Perfect, Lady S and Zammy Tammy.


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Well-known member
Day 21 part 2

Day 21 part 2

Lady S continued, Beast and 5-top. I think the pics exhibit the differences between the girls pretty well. I'll take the two 3 gals out of the tent for pics at 4 weeks, so we can also see the Trough in more detail. Lady Straight is up to my neck @ around 5ft.


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Looking extra perky and lush! :bow: Fantastic variety of expressions!I'm getting mine down at 9 weeks max,i.e. one of the next days :yay:


Well-known member
Why thank you fellas, can't take credit but for paying attention. OT, I'd gladly swap you one of these for one of your PH;0)
In week 4 of 12/12 (now 11.5/12.5) the girls are steaming along. All healthy, no burn, just gave them a stronger feed w/snowmelt at 1.8EC base nutes and no worries. I'll start adding Liquid Koolbloom very lightly at beginning of week 5, reducing base feed to do so.
SO what excited me about growing 5 of the same strain was seeing how many different types I'd get in a small selection, as syd noted. I'd say there are three here; the puffball indica types who shoot parallel fuzzy dice at each node, with varying bud densities and stretch but similar structure-Miss P, Beast and 5-top, in ascending order of squatness, and then Zammy Tammy has her own, more alternate, less puffy structure in her clusters that still adhere to the stem, whereas Lady Straight is her own thing, not really similar to ZAmTam in her style or structure, super stretchy, purpler, buds similar to ZAmTam but farther from the stems, younger than the others by a week and tied to every corner of the %#@ tent. Don't get me wrong, I dig her wildly, but she's a pain in the arse.


Well-known member
Zammy Tammy must be the Z pheno plus 3 gal. of coco no wonder she reaching for the stars ,they are all set now time to relax and post lots of pics for us. B


Well-known member
Zammy Tammy must be the Z pheno plus 3 gal. of coco no wonder she reaching for the stars ,they are all set now time to relax and post lots of pics for us. B

Hah, try 16 gal of coco :biggrin:she's sharing with Miss Perfect and Straight Lady;) She's the one stretching the most these days. Also, much smaller buds in the beginning of flower than the puffballs, which leads me to believe she's one of those that really set to flower in week 5, Straight Lady same. Great to have such difference. Photos soon:tiphat:


Well-known member
Upped EC to 2.1 for this feeding, see if I can't finally get some tip burn. Dubi recommended to others growing KC to feed more heavily from week 4-5 until week 7-8, so I'm giving it a shot. Added one teaspoon per gal Liquid Koolbloom (0-10-10) and same CalMag to the tune of 100-150 ppm each. They're on day 24, looking just fine.

Smells range from red fruits to sweet garlic, veeery nice.

Meditating on timing of next bean pop for the indoor summer grow. If I wanted to go same size, I would have had to pop beans last week, as we can't be more than 6-8 weeks out from harvesting even the last (famous last words) of this bunch. Anyhow, I DON'T need them to be so big and can flower much earlier than I did this time. I'd say around 3-4 weeks veg max in coco, or else they go nuts and me with;) Beans I've got, never grown and am considering for 6-8 plant run indoors: Jarilla de Sinaloa (CBG), Caribe (CBG), Malawi, and the Panama Diosa x Zamaldelica testers. Beans I DON'T have and am considering; Panama Haze, Malawi x Green Haze, Mangobiche Kush and Michoacan Cream (both CBG, both almost out).

Just picked up my last two spiders from the post office, need to grab 2 8 pks of LEDs. Dat's da nudes, dwds


Well-known member
Where u getting those spiders and what size bulbs DWD ?2.1 EC OK I READ WHAT WEEK I bet your getting your pics together for an update sorry if you already mentioned it late to the party as usual .Oh ya grow the Malawi and the pan cross just my humble opinion ..B


Well-known member
Where u getting those spiders and what size bulbs DWD ?2.1 EC What week you in? I bet your getting your pics together for an update sorry if you already mentioned it late to the party as usual .Oh ya grow the Malawi and the pan cross just my humble opinion ..B

Mornin', Budd, I get the spiders off of ebay for 10$ per with free shipping. They get here in 5 days. You could order them direct from China for 1/3 of the price, but 1month shipping;) The leds I use are a mix, from 17w GEs down to Phillips 14w. The GEs are badass, but real expensive, min 8$ per bulb. I get WalMart 4 packs of 14w daylights that are excellent for 20$. I ordered the Phillips off of amazon, but they were supposed to be 15w so not doing again. I like the brightness of the cheap 14w I get down the road;)

I agree with the strain choices, can't not do malawi;) and the Diosa x Zam goes without saying. I can probably do the Jarilla and Caribe outdoors with a couple others.

The girls are at day 25 12/12 (11/13 now) and haven't shown any tip burn since I've started feeding. This AM was 3rd drench with stronger soup and they look better, I think. Dubi says in other threads to feed KC pretty strongly from this point and no one seems to be reacting badly, maybe tiny tip burn on ZamTam but no clawing anywhere. It's early to go full on PK boost so I go light, but I'm still below 2 tsp gal full feeding.

I took some pics I'll post in a minute.


Well-known member
Pic update 25 days-Part one

Pic update 25 days-Part one

It's May 1st so I'm spamming in celebration, and because the girls are happy and gorgeous and because I've been good dammit.


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Well-known member
Day 25-Part deux

Day 25-Part deux

Alrighty-so Buddler, you can make your own conclusions as to who's what; ZAmTam and Lady S have super sativa structure, although I've seen ZT's type of top on a KC. The smoke'll tell, but I can see ZT's got potency, as does Lady S, who's also the most purple. I've never grown Zam before, so don't know what's a comin' on the Ace train.:biggrin:

It's gonna take me a week or so to assemble the new spiders (buy the bulbs and fixtures) and that's about the time they'll be appreciating less heat. I'm going to add some 2way splitters to get more lateral light.


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Well-known member
My one conclusion damn beautiful plants there Mr DWD you got it all under control. Im just gonna hang around and get in your way and watch lol, and check out those spyders ! Bud


Well-known member
My one conclusion damn beautiful plants there Mr DWD you got it all under control. Im just gonna hang around and get in your way and watch lol, and check out those spyders ! Bud

Good conclusion;) Thanks bro, they's lookin sweet this morning. Gonna take em outta the tent tomorrow for a photo shoot. Very different in natural light;)

Just bought 14 and 16w LEDs and one of the two fixtures I need, so I'm seeing where I can stick this 5th spider to best advantage. Brand is Great Value, and they're VERY bright and compact. GEs kill but are twice as expensive.

Starting to smell like a serious grow in there; dark fruits and angry pot plant smell, no better description.:biggrin:

I'm having a spliff of Big Pink from last outdoor season. I haven't touched these buds since harvest in October as they have almost no evident smell except for earth. When I grind it, there's a bit of deep bass lemon in the earth/dirt smell, not treble sugar like the lemon soda Panama. This was a pink pistiled Panama with FAT calyxes, but had trouble finishing with the cold. I actually found her a few times with a layer of ice on her in the AM that had probably protected her from freezing more thoroughly; no leaf or flower matter was harmed in the experiment;) Unbelievably.

I just dropped off a zip of my first GT and another of Big Pink to see if a pal can't extract some resin with butane. If he gets a good result, I'll run all but a zip of both. Anyway, so far, Big Pink's gorgeous spears of bud are quite nice, mellow, much better taste than smell, heavy lidded, open chested stuff. Her mom was great for music/da arts, and should I get a gram or two of earwax from her, it should be top quality effectwise. The herb is emotionally calming, I'd say, with hints of excitement around the edges.

The next grow with the Panama Diosa x Zam and Malawi, I'm thinking of copying LevitationofMe's badass 12/12 from seed grow. Same coco mix, probably in 3 gals. Tempted to use the trough again, but methinks outside;)

Dats da nudes, photos of Beast and 5 top in natural light tomorrow, and a gander at the long legs of the back wall ladies. Thanks fer looking in, dwd


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi deepwaterdude,

Your Zamaldelica x Kali Chinas are looking great in their first month of flowering :)
The hybrid is very KC dominant, slightly more sativa, but showing many traits from our selected KC mother from latest generation: the purple 'veins' under leaf, the thick stretchy stems, the rounder indica flowering structure, early flowering, etc ...

Next month of flowering is going to be really interesting! Thanks for keep us updated :yes:


Well-known member
4 week closeups - revelations-Part 1

4 week closeups - revelations-Part 1

Hi deepwaterdude,

Your Zamaldelica x Kali Chinas are looking great in their first month of flowering :)
The hybrid is very KC dominant, slightly more sativa, but showing many traits from our selected KC mother from latest generation: the purple 'veins' under leaf, the thick stretchy stems, the rounder indica flowering structure, early flowering, etc ...

Next month of flowering is going to be really interesting! Thanks for keep us updated :yes:

Thank you, sir, glad to hear they look on track to you and that you don't see any extreme mutants;) In hopes of not crushing that good impression, here are some closeups.

It looks to me like I left MUCH too much lower branching on Zam Tam, which means I may go nuclear and break out the big tent OR, as the trough is soft, hence difficult to move, just move the two three gals out and put 4 spiders on them, sliding the trough to the middle of the tent and opening up the 3 girls under the 600w and a spider here, a spider there. "Thinking" out loud (put that in quotes for you, OT:biggrin:) it looks like option one is cleaner, all plants in one space, max light + room, but option 2 is probably more doable and probably even better for the trough girls.

Anyway, here's what I'm talkin about. Plus a little clone starting to grow.


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Well-known member
4wks - Part 2 - Beast and 5-top go for a walk

4wks - Part 2 - Beast and 5-top go for a walk

Unhappy with the photographic rendering, but no fault of the plants;) Here are the three gallon girls, standing within 10in of the 3 ft mark, too lazy to measure;)
Anyhow, I bet you guys agree about spreading em out. Could only benefit the babes. Better than massive defol. Just stresses me and not the plants, heh.


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