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★ Snypette's World ☆ In the life of a female grower

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Active member
did you ship the frames back ? or are you keeping them in storage for later .

thats alot of soil to have to haul back outta the woods.

Lol the vanishing trick works better when you dont leave a trail of purchases and make a thread about them .

A UFO was above the farm and beamed up all the cold frames and some other things. We made a mountain out of the soil and put a Slip and Slide on it.

Not sure what you mean about a trail of purchases. Do you think we are really that stupid?


hey come on now blueberry i liked the UFO story

did snypette get abducted too? aint seen her on here in a bit


Active member
hey come on now blueberry i liked the UFO story

did snypette get abducted too? aint seen her on here in a bit

Snypette has been working her ass off. She's just trying to be safe for a few more months. I'm sure that she'll be back on when she feels that the time is right. This is a big project for her and she doesn't want to mess up a great thing. I'm sure she'll take a few pics sometime when she feels like showing something. Personally, I don't feel comfortable showing too much right now.

what time is it on the east coast right now lol . shouldnt you be asleep ? its wayyy past my bed time right now .

was just wondering what happened with that stuff .

It's 2:44 am. The indoor turns on at night and that's when I do my work. I work better when everyone is sleeping.


Active member
yea me 2 . so you should hurry and go to bed . lol.

You might not know this about me but I eat, sleep and shit trees. I think about growing 24 hours a day. My mind never stops thinking about growing techniques, planning grows and the best one of all, data! I can't forget about Hash Oil as well. When I meet most other growers, I get really annoyed because they have nothing to say about growing techniques or anything to offer. The subject is not even interesting to most people on the outside. I've met 2 people in my life that can carry on a conversation for hours about growing. Those experiences are always priceless to me. Someone the other day told me, "why would I want to do anything with you, all you talk about is growing".


Active member
no i noticed that pretty quickly . can tell by the way you talk about your relationships with other people . indoor growing addiction is harder to treat then heroin addiction cause its a longer withdrawal cycle. everytime u see empty room it hurts and every time you get to the point in the year you would be harvesting the empty room it hurts even more ....lol.

That's a good point! In our bedroom, there's 3,000 watts still hanging from the ceiling and no plants because Snypette wanted the bedroom back. I liked it better with plants. I'm trying to at least get the tent going again but not sure. Thinking about what you just said, I'd be harvesting 3,000 watts in a couple weeks if I was allowed to.

I guess it's better to have some time off from that room though. Summer harvests are always very stressful because of the heat. I do have the vacuum oven and MKIII in the room to have something else to do in the place of those plants.


Active member
And some of you guys say that I have issues! Lol! Like I said, when Snypette feels like she wants to come on and contribute to this thread, she will. It's not like I tell her what is going on here. We don't sit around talking about IC. Some of you think that we owe you something. LOL! Snypette is safely cooking dinner at the moment. Some type of chicken dish. I'm sure she's taking tons of pictures with what she's up to. We hardly see each other because she's working days at the farm and I'm out marketing products to various stores during the day and doing hydro work at night. Anyways, you guys should focus more on your grows so you can be successful and catch the end of the green rush before it's too late. And why would she be in jail? If anyone is going to go down for something, they'll be after me.


Active member
It's going to be ok guys! Let's all roll something nice up and enjoy the summer! Positive energy to you all.


$$ ALONE $$
What up Snypette!
Your fan base of loyal gawkers are still here.
I fucking have such a huge crush on you. Your Beautiful!
........but taken...........until then........What up Snype? LOL


LMFAO! OK guys I have missed you. I didn't realize how much i needed a laugh. Alllll business over here. Snype broke his toe and can't do shit. I think i might be dead form exhaustion. Oh and yesterday I got my super soil in my eye and rinsed it out and today my eye is all infected and puffy. GREAT! :D

But for real crooked 8, you just need to chill. The weed fairy kindly asks you to stop the rants you are on while in the weed kingdom.

you don't think people are worried about snypette because she was nice and interesting? has to be just because they aren't getting laid?




New member
Super soil in the eye ahhhhh...whats worse trimming and rubbing your eyes or super soil ahaha?

Ask hobbles to PM me, im under the 50 post BS I have some questions about his rdwc setup and wondering about some stock tips! Thanks Snypette I enjoy reading your posts, your dedication and loyalty are rare.


$$ ALONE $$
Damn...alot got deleted....LOL
Sorry about the soil in the eye. That sucks. Shit has all kinds of microscopic nasties in it.
A good eye wash and some antibiotics should help stop any infections in their tracks.
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