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~Kief Junkie & QueenKief's 250w Organic Medi-Cab (soil) Grow!~ ~Pure & Blue Mystic~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
wow so thats only 23 days of flowering. wow they look real real nice.

What up #1cheese? Yeah, it's amazing how far they've come in only 23 days of flower time (actually, since the switch). We're real happy with things right now!

We just fed them a light guano tea last night (high P Jamaican and P. Seabird, with some added kelp). It will be interesting to see how they reacted when I open the cab up shortly.


wow! Looking really nice there! day 23 of flowering? :jawdrop:

can't wait to see em in full bloom!

keep it up!



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
teerull: Thanks for dropping in! I guess we must be doing something right, because they're looking healthy and hearty so far. See you around.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Day 31 in flower; new pics

Day 31 in flower; new pics

The garden is running like a well oiled nature machine. No pests, no disease to speak of, only a few yellowing old growth fan leaves, temps are cooler than I'd like but manageable, the cab is working near perfect.

The only concern I have is that the plants seem to be spending tons of time beefing up those flowers, but not alot of time stretching to fill the cab up. I figured they'd be a good 6" taller than they are right now. Is this something we should be concerned about? If they don't grow taller, it will seriously affect our harvest. Is there something about our environment that's keeping them short and stocky? I've gone through all of the usual suspects and can't come up with anything we're doing wrong.

Before I get to the pics, I also want to mention that the cab is getting it's first true stealth test in the next few days. Yep, we have a visitor coming by that we'd REALLY prefer didn't know about our medi-garden. So we've taken some precautions to control a tad more of the sound and to make the cab blend into its environment better. I can only hope it goes unnoticed. We're legal patients in our state and well within our limits, but there are non-legal ways to make our lives hell too, so we'd rather keep it on the mums as it has been. Wish us luck!!

On to the pics! I apologize that I took them under the HPS, and for their so-so quality (it's hard to differentiate the girls). Also, I didn't turn their name tags around, so I can't say for sure which is which. See if you can spot the differences!

Group shot, Day 31 in flower (4 6 09)


Group shot (2), Day 31 in flower (4 6 09)


Purdy's main cola, Day 31 in flower (4 6 09)




What's up buddy? it's funny you say you have your first guest and I wish you luck. I had my father in-law sitting about 10-15 feet away from my box in my basement over the weekend watching a boxing fight on pay per view and it's completely silent and ZERO smell which I think is the most concerning from any grow IMO! Also my box is by the boiler room so the boiler masked the low noise the fan makes, and my art table is next to the box so I have a whole bunch of art suppliers on it like it's a storage cabinet for art supplier.
little did he know what was in there lol.....started flushing for 2 days now this is the last week.

Anyway a lot of things come into play when it come to branching out and getting fat, large colas.

#1 Genes (Indica usually short & stocky and fast to finish, Sativa genes are tall, lanky slower finishers)
#2 Vegging Time
#3 Pruning & Topping

All the above come into play. I've done short and stocky from going from clone into 12/12 with no veg time.

The Bogbubble above vegged for 2 months and was trained, topped and bonsai then SCROG style so you can see the results and how many tops if formed.

Good luck!!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
What's up buddy? it's funny you say you have your first guest and I wish you luck. I had my father in-law sitting about 10-15 feet away from my box in my basement over the weekend watching a boxing fight on pay per view and it's completely silent and ZERO smell which I think is the most concerning from any grow IMO! Also my box is by the boiler room so the boiler masked the low noise the fan makes, and my art table is next to the box so I have a whole bunch of art suppliers on it like it's a storage cabinet for art supplier.
little did he know what was in there lol

I sure hope I'm as lucky as you. Our cab is rather loud, even with our muffler, but I think I can mask it well enough for the short time our visitor will be here.

Anyway a lot of things come into play when it come to branching out and getting fat, large colas.

#1 Genes (Indica usually short & stocky and fast to finish, Sativa genes are tall, lanky slower finishers)
#2 Vegging Time
#3 Pruning & Topping

All the above come into play. I've done short and stocky from going from clone into 12/12 with no veg time.

Well, I think that at least Petunia is more on the sativa side of the Pure profile, while Purdy is a bit more indica. Peanut (the male) was very sativa leaning. That said, both Purdy and Petunia are about the same overall size/height so I'm wondering why at least Petunia isn't getting taller.


Hey KJ,

Just wanted to drop by and say that it looks like things are going well! I love it! Your plants look healthy and you must really be enjoying your grow! Amazing, isn't it...from seed, to flower, to bud. Good job brother!!!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Just wanted to drop by and say that it looks like things are going well! I love it! Your plants look healthy and you must really be enjoying your grow! Amazing, isn't it...from seed, to flower, to bud. Good job brother!!!

Thanks Banjo! Yeah, it really is amazing to tend them through the whole process. Things are looking healthy and happy!


Looking good K.J:joint: I'm also running the blue mystic right now, about 12 days ahead of yours.



Best of luck man, take care.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Wow Seismic, those are some gorgeous plants! Only 12 days? Wow, mine won't even come close to that size. What are they basking under, a 1k? Edit: Seriously, a 400 watt?


Thanks K.J. Yeah, I was kind of surprised too at how big these blue mystic are getting, seeing as I didn't see that many grows on this strain before hand. But yeah, I am using a 400w cmh, although I was using a 400w HPS for all of veg and the very start of flower.


wow your plants are sure turning out great :wave:
I am looking forward to your harvest, i am very curious as to what your dry yield will be like.

Rep+ again :joint:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
wow your plants are sure turning out great :wave:
I am looking forward to your harvest, i am very curious as to what your dry yield will be like.

Rep+ again :joint:

Thanks rave420! We're as curious as you are to see what we yield in the end. We can only hope it's decent because monthly medicine bills are getting ridiculous!


yeah, i know what you are talking about :(
If i had to buy my medicine every month i would pay around 200$ for it. So every little bit that i can grow myself is a great relief (for me AND my wallet :D). I just don't think about it when paying for weed, you know? If i was thinking about constantly paying for stuff that you can grow yourself... man it makes me mad. But hopefully, our cabs will work out just fine and provide us with some fine herb :rasta:


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
yeah, i know what you are talking about :(
If i had to buy my medicine every month i would pay around 200$ for it. So every little bit that i can grow myself is a great relief (for me AND my wallet :D). I just don't think about it when paying for weed, you know? If i was thinking about constantly paying for stuff that you can grow yourself... man it makes me mad. But hopefully, our cabs will work out just fine and provide us with some fine herb :rasta:

Indeed they will! I have faith that they'll bring in just about what we need to get us through until next harvest.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
So I just got done watering the girls and though they're looking good, they still seem on the short and stocky side to me. I'm starting to think the LST is actually going to reduce our harvest on the Pure ladies due to the fact that it's kept them too short and stocky. Should I release the bonds, or is it too late? What might be keeping them short (besides the genetics)?

I also noticed that many of the pistils are turning orange/brown...maybe 25% of those that are on the main colas of both Pure ladies. And they smell wonderful! Nice and rotten!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Day 39: More pics!

Day 39: More pics!

It's day 39 in flower and all is well...mostly. The buds are starting to really thicken up and the bud leaves are getting frostier every day (particularly Petunia's...real sticky looking in some spots on her). There is some slight yellowing on the earlier growth fan leaves, and I'm not sure what it's from but my first thought is lack of light since they're somewhat (or totally) shadowed by the upper part of the plant. Thoughts?

The one major problem, as I see it, is that all of these ladies are on the stuby side. I expected that from the Blue Mystic girls due to the double potting and early flower start time. But the Pure girls should be taller by all estimations; the light is on the good side, if not a perfect watts/sq. ft., the soil and organic teas seem to be working, the temp has been on the low side but not below 60 for the most part, and there is plenty of headroom between the plant tops and the light. I've seen Pure's get plenty tall, especially the sativa leaning pheno's, which is what both of them seem to lean towards in structure (though Purdy is much more indica in fan leaf structure).

So what went wrong here? Their lack of height is going to seriously affect the harvest. Is there still more stretch to come? Is there anything I can do to assist their growth into the light? Any ideas?

The visitor never showed up, though could at any time. So for now we're good, but I'm sure tired of being on high alert!

On to the pics! I apologize for the poor angle on Petunia, but the rest turned out pretty good.

Baby & BillieJean, Day 39 of flower (4 14 09)


Petunia, Day 39 of flower (4 14 09)


Purdy, Day 39 of flower (4 14 09)



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
wow, these are some super quality buds!:jawdrop:

Thanks Teerull! I agree...now if only they can grow up to become super tall, super fat, super quality buds then we'll all be happy!