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~Kief Junkie & QueenKief's 250w Organic Medi-Cab (soil) Grow!~ ~Pure & Blue Mystic~



awww that sucks buddy, but most times the big ones are the males:mad:
have a great weekend and take care of the ladies!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
2 out of 3.. its not all bad ... happy growing both...looking forward to the next installment



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Luv2Blaze and JamieShoes: Thanks for sticking around with us! Can't wait to put up new pics.


Well-known member
once I scroged a plant till it got 1 1/2 square feet all around it. then around 15 days into 12-12 it turned male. and it was my only plant at that time so I was pissed off.
then I started over with many more plants. but that was long ago.

so yah the feeling sucks. but 2 out 3 is great in my book. cant wate to see them flower.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Thanks for jumping in cheesebuds! Yeah, two out of 3 isn't bad at all. It turned out okay because now Peanut is enjoying what's left of his life as a nice houseplant in our living room. Love it!
Well it's been confirmed, Peanut is a male. Fortunately both Purdy and Petunia are females! Ironic, given the names we gave them. So we will be culling Peanut this weekend; unfortunately we don't have the space to keep him around. It's too bad because I really liked his structure; he was the most sativa of them all, had the most vigor and growth, and was certainly the most pungent at this stage. Oh well, you gain some you lose some.

Now hopefully the two Blue Mystic's pull through as females (and thrive as best they can considering that they share a pot).

Pictures this weekend!

Oh the humanity!

On my very first grow I'll never forget the big BOGbubble that looked like the big, badass Sat pheno everyone was talking about in those days (5-6 yrs ago). I was just learning the differences between the look of early flowers, male and female.

The disappointment was so heavy when I realized HE was a male. It was quickly forgotten however, as the three girls ended up kicking my ass! :joint:



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Here are the promised new pics, a day late. I didn't feel like dragging them out and taking individual shots, so all I have to share is a group shot of the flowering girls and a shot of Peanut (the male) after we took him out of the room. As you'll see, we're starting to get an even canopy on the Pure ladies (I tied them back down this weekend). I will try and take some closeups next time so that you can see the pistils on the Pure's (and hopefully the BM's by then too!).

Petunia, Purdy, BillieJean and Baby in flower, day 10 (3 16 09)


Peanut (male) was taken out of the cab on 3 14 09



New member
Hey, just read through the thread...quite impressed by the setup. I've got something similar going (no permanent construction, but same soil mix and lighting, etc.) with a link in my sig. Anyways, I've seen you mention CFL lighting many times over. I've considered something similar for my grow, but I think I'm going to install a bank of flouro tubes on my next grow instead, for two reasons:

1) I think it'll leave more horizontal footprint for plants.
2) I think that having long bulbs (say t8 or 12) would spread the lumens more evenly across plants, which I would think is the general purpose of supplemented a top-oriented HID.

I would warn you about the smart pots--I haven't moved my babies since they were originally "installed," mainly because the soil moved so goddamn much the first time, I had to resettle each one after it went in. Now, hopefully, the root ball would now be strong enough to support them, but with the cloth pots there is definitely a sturdiness issue. I've actually been looking at moving to air pots as a result of this problem :). As far as a supplier goes, I got a quote from a woman from a website which has now been replaced by her "transgender friendly homepage." Odd shift, but oh well. Please post if you find a supplier.

Anyways, other than that, can't say I have much to add. Your self-described "scramble" seems to be going pretty damn well. I'll definitely be checking back by. I'm trying to keep my diary updated (although it's getting a lot less traffic than yours :p) at least every couple of days, feel free to stop by :).



New member
Heynow KJ, things are looking nice.

Im curious if youre taking cuttings at all. Seems like you have some good genetics goin with those 2 strains, why not take some cuts from the plants that are confirmed female? Its ridiculously easy and you wont have any more males crashing your party. Ive just finished my second batch of clones ever and had a 100% success. :)


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!

Thanks for dropping in! Appreciate all the great feedback. I've heard negatives and positives about Smart Pots, so I thought I'd just test them for myself. If they work, they'll be a great solution for us. If not, we'll stick with the Airpots (I prefer the AP's, but I can't find the 3 gal. size we need and the 5 gal.'s are just too large for our setup if we want more than 4 plants).

Also, when I say CFL I'm actually referring to the remote ballasted CFL tubes (there's a great thread here about them). We plan to use them vertically on all of the interior walls (2 per wall, ideally).

I'll stop by and check out your thread.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Heynow KJ, things are looking nice.

Im curious if youre taking cuttings at all. Seems like you have some good genetics goin with those 2 strains, why not take some cuts from the plants that are confirmed female? Its ridiculously easy and you wont have any more males crashing your party. Ive just finished my second batch of clones ever and had a 100% success. :)

Thanks Fouke!

We aren't taking cuttings just yet, but we will eventually. Although I do love growing from seed. It's just that right now we still need to finish the PVC light traps between the veg and flower rooms in order to have the light on in the veg room; we didn't want to do that in the middle of our current grow. So once we pull these down, we'll finish up the cab 100% and then both sides will be fully operational and we can consider taking cuttings.


New member
Just a quick FYI, I took my girls out for a topdressing and trim last night and so had to move the Smart Pots for the first time. It wasn't so bad, but I did have to exercise extreme caution to not disturb things too much. I also lost a decent amount of each pot's topdressing to the cracks in the sides which appear when the sit of the bag is unsettled.

Anyways, other than the mobility, the smart pots are going great for me. Can't say I've got any complaints except that I don't have an AC reflector, so it's always a little bit toasty for my tastes, but hopefully they'll come through.

As far as getting the right size, I'm under the impression that one requires 20-30% less mix if using air pruning, why not go for slightly smaller pots with more plants? If you can fit an even *insert number here* of 2 gal. plants vs. *fewer, but a bit bigger* of the size closer to the one you originally wanted, why not try out the single most touted part of an air pot and squeeze the space down? Anyways, just musing. Don't want to upset any carefully laid plans which I haven't seen :).

Good luck.
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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
As far as getting the right size, I'm under the impression that one requires 20-30% less mix if using air pruning, why not go for slightly smaller pots with more plants? If you can fit an even *insert number here* of 2 gal. plants vs. *fewer, but a bit bigger* of the size closer to the one you originally wanted, why not try out the single most touted part of an air pot and squeeze the space down? Anyways, just musing. Don't want to upset any carefully laid plans which I haven't seen :).

Good luck.

That's exactly what we'd like to do; use a smaller Airpot. Unfortunately my regular supplier is out, which is why we went with the 3 gal. SmartPots. Our goal is to have 6 plants in flower at any one time.


Active member
It might be a better option to reveg your girls after harvest. Clones from a seedgrown mother are always more vigorous. Just trim the rootball down and put it in a smaller pot so you dont take up too much space in yourveg room. Good Luck


New member
Thanks Fouke!

We aren't taking cuttings just yet, but we will eventually. Although I do love growing from seed. It's just that right now we still need to finish the PVC light traps between the veg and flower rooms in order to have the light on in the veg room; we didn't want to do that in the middle of our current grow. So once we pull these down, we'll finish up the cab 100% and then both sides will be fully operational and we can consider taking cuttings.

I hear ya, seeing that unassuming little bean open up and sprout greatness seems almost magical. However, when you have grown an exceptional young lady that is clearly better than her sisters you MUST attempt to keep her...... forever, if possible.

Dont be intimidated by cloning/taking cuttings, it is so frickin easy its shameful. I was very nervous taking cuts but I just did it and learned. Seeds are tough to come by, and even then you may have a male. Cuts will keep your cabinet chock full of vegetation and allow you to choose only the finest girls.

OK rant over, Ima burn some homegrown, be safe.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Dont be intimidated by cloning/taking cuttings, it is so frickin easy its shameful. I was very nervous taking cuts but I just did it and learned. Seeds are tough to come by, and even then you may have a male. Cuts will keep your cabinet chock full of vegetation and allow you to choose only the finest girls.

Nah, I'm not afraid of taking cuttings. It's just that right now there's nowhere to put them. I find seeds very easy to come by, as I'm a legal patient and I have no problems ordering them with my CC right to my door. But I assure you that some day we'll do cuttings. One other issue with cuttings is that I like variety, so growing the same strain over and over doesn't immediately appeal to me (unless of course it's the Holy Grail of cannabis, then I'll likely switch to 100% cuttings!).


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
It might be a better option to reveg your girls after harvest. Clones from a seedgrown mother are always more vigorous. Just trim the rootball down and put it in a smaller pot so you dont take up too much space in yourveg room. Good Luck

I love the vigor. Right now we have plenty of space in the cab, so I'm not afraid to let them go nuts a bit.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Time for another picture update!

Time for another picture update!

Well, it's time to post another set of pictures of our ladies!

We're now on day 17 of flower and things are looking very nice indeed. It's amazing how much they've changed in 7 days (since the last set of pics). You can actually see the buds now. They're shaping up to be quite nice if you ask me. These were taken just before their weekly watering. I should have pruned first as you can see the very few yellow leaves quite prominently in the pictures; I plucked off about 3 older fan leaves total after these were taken. So all in all, they look mighty healthy and green!

On the sex front, it looks like Baby is a girl! We'll be able to confirm that in a few days I think. BillieJean still hasn't shown sex, but I'm almost willing to bet that it's a male. Pray I'm wrong! If correct, I'm not sure what we'll do as culling one of the two, or cutting it off at the stem (which would cause the roots to rot), just aren't good options. I guess we could always be vigilant and cut off every single male flower as soon as it appeared. What do you all think? If BillieJean ends up male, how should we handle it being that they're in the same pot?

On to the pics!

Baby & BillieJean, Day 17 of flower (3 23 09)


Petunia, Day 17 of flower (3 23 09)


Purdy, Day 17 of flower (3 23 09)



Active member
you can cut the second plant at the stem. the roots dont rot they just die and decompose into the soil and feed the other plant.

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