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is anyone getting ready for IC Mag 420 in 2009 ???


Karma Genetics

I hope to do a entry again. Learnt a lot from last year. and hope to do better in 2009. I also hope there are more entry's from differn't people.

I have been thinking to judge in 2010. If it all still rolling then....

Capt. Crip That sound realy good would love to see that fire og in real life. I will be there for a few days. I will make sure to bring some nice goodies from myself and the southern cannabis scene in holland.

I am happy i got another cup in december because its still a longgggggggggggggg time till 4.20


I'll be there for sure this year. I'll have a couple of entries also. Don't know for sure but one will be entered for sure. I'll have a most sativa to enter and maybe a couple others. Will have to wait and see.

Looking forward to meeting allot of IC friends and other guess. Will have some goodies to share with everyone also. Can't wait for April. This is going to be a long a waited vacation that I haven't had in years.
Can't wait,
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Karma Genetics

JamesChong. Last year there where no entry fee's.

PS. you should not say what your entering as its a blind test. Dont want people nowing what you enter. Its in the rule's.

Hoping to meet you there JamesChong


Karma Genetics said:
JamesChong. Last year there where no entry fee's.

PS. you should not say what your entering as its a blind test. Dont want people nowing what you enter. Its in the rule's.

Hoping to meet you there JamesChong

The year before there was a fee, but I guess will see with this up coming event. As for the blind test. There's nothing wrong with saying what I will be entering. Since the event is blind voted. Each sample is numbered and no one knows what they are smoking.

Each sample is numbered and you have to wait till the end of the event to know what you smoked and who it was from, so there isn't a issues about breaking rules. I know one rule that was broken by Kiwi seeds. They had a employee enter a sample in the grower's section. When it should have been under the seed company section. The event has been back and forth with grouping. Hopefully, this year the rules are laid out more clearly. Either way, I'll have a few entries. Either in the grower section or seed company section.

Good luck to everyone and can't wait to meet everyone.
Take care,

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
a lot of people know herb by strain alone and it is still supposed to be kept to yourself what you plan to enter so noone know you have say Buba Kush entered..Because friends could easily "vote for the Bubba,it's Billygoats" see what I mean....

You just get that gear over there and I will help ya smoke it up!!!!
Talk soon.............................CC


Morning Capt, made the changes to post. I'll get it over there and the party will be set. Man, I've been looking at some dates and I can't believe how much time and shit that has pasted since my little run in. WOW, it's finally going to happen and life is going to get back to normal.

I'm hoping I will have enough time to grow out a few new things and get them there, but I know I will have a couple of good entries to enter. Looking forward to meeting up with you Capt. It's going to be a blast. See you soon.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Looks like you and I will be living within just miles of each other BG!!!!
No need to go further!


Capt. Crip said:
Looks like you and I will be living within just miles of each other BG!!!!
No need to go further!

I think I might have heard something along those lines. Congrat's, it's not a easy move. God, knows I've been stressing the whole time. Glad it's about over and I'll be back to my old self.

Good luck with everything.
Take care,

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
I can only imagine the grief you have been feeling over the last 2 years...
You have stuck in there well I must admit...By coming to the site and chatting with FRIENDS I'm sure it has helped time go by...Just think of the new flavors to try out...That alone should have you smiling...
I will try to send as many little samples as I can....Although I'm sure friends will smoke the majority of it as I have to find me as many different import hashes as possible over 2 weeks...Thats all I really care to smoke there as I have no access to import hash here...All the different presses of Morroccan..From the,rock solid, hard(cold) and goooey(warm) Caremella and
Whack!stani...........To the ultra light press Polms.....If you look hard ultra-pure import resins can be procured!!!You may have to burn up the sidewalk or bike tires but it is there......Also once in a while other super-clean imports show from other countries but this is a once in a while thing......

Oh those wonderful hashes!!!
Will definitely have to get you a bike so we can go on the hunt......Talk soon BG...........................................CC

Also,are you planning to visit Spain during your cup trip??


Looking forward to the trip for sure. Been many years since I've been back in the damn. Think it was 85-86. When I spent the summer with my uncle. It will be nice to return. Even though, I'm sure everything has change over this long period of time, but it will be nice.

As for Spain and this trip. I'd like to and that was the plan, but I'm going to be in the middle of a very big project and will only have time to head over for a week for Adam. I am planning to head over to spain. Sometime around the beginning of summer. I'm getting with a agent and going to plan about a full two week trip. Should give me enough time to find a house and do a little bit of surfing while there.

PM me, don't want to HiJack this thread and take it off course.
jus wonderin

is this onli open to long time members?

do i hav 2 compete 2 be there?

not that i fink i cud compete wiv u lot

not realy lukin 2 enter

but it wud be cool to have a smoke wiv sum like minded peeps

and maybe jus maybe(in my most optomistic frame of mind)
get to sample a little USA elite genetics
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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
It is an open party for ICmag members...You do NOT have to compete..It's up to you...And you can enter the contest without being there...It is a very relaxed get-together...You can even purchase a judges pass and judge the varieties entered..

It's all up to you what you want to do or how involved you want to be...Take care..............................CC
Hmm april 20th.. I might be ready for my trip around that time.. It's a lot cheaper to get to holland from the UK too :D

If my cash flow is sorted by then, which it should be, I'll be there, just as a stoner. Not competing or anything like that.. Will meet ya'll there



lives on planet 4:20
smoketilluchoke said:
capt crip- nice 1 bro sounds cool

as for the sticky at the top isnt that for 2008????

yes...but you can get a good idea about what Ic Mag's rules are concerning entries...and how its all done in reality
south florida- thank u sorry 4 my stoned reactions- i did learn a little bout how it works

i noticed the swamped members thread and it made me think wether or not newbies to the forum would be welcome

but it seems like its cool


lives on planet 4:20
smoketilluchoke said:
south florida- thank u sorry 4 my stoned reactions- i did learn a little bout how it works

i noticed the swamped members thread and it made me think wether or not newbies to the forum would be welcome

but it seems like its cool

there are some threads...especially....ojd does the cup....where he shows all the bags of weed he got as a judge...and plus what he bought from a known source.....nice bags of pot and hash

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
If we treated every noob like the plague we would never have a fresh flow of growers to help and to grow with on all levels..
The 420 cup is an eye opener...It's not a commercial party like the HTCC with huge entry fees and that feeling that you are just a blind tourist trying to follow signs...
You actually get to sit and chat with fellow growers and have a good time smoking in a free society...Very strange feeling walking to Central Station smoking a big fat hash joint walking with the throngs of people..And not a single person bat an eye or give you even a slightly funny look...Just a natural thing..
We had morning get-togethers so we could all meet and get to know each other a little if you wanted..
It's a trip with everyone running around trying to hook up in the same place with SO MANY places to sit and chill...
Lots of really good people living there and many very coool expatriots from the US..
Only way to describe what is going on outside is as Mr.Haze said,,,organized chaos!!!With bikes,cars,scooters ,pedestrians,3 wheel scooters,trucks Motorcycles and minicars all intermingling in some places...
Really a cool experience and I like it because it's not so damn crowded with a bunch of teenagers..LOL
I met some of the coolest growers during my stay and everyone is exactly the opposite of what you expect........Take care.....................................CC


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
smoketilluchoke said:
south florida- thank u sorry 4 my stoned reactions- i did learn a little bout how it works

i noticed the swamped members thread and it made me think wether or not newbies to the forum would be welcome

but it seems like its cool

been there 2 times for a day...just going over when judging day is there...ohw man always had a blast.....very very nice people you can make convo's with ....not to mention smoking a big one with them....Like Capt Crip here...he's a swell guy!.....i realy need to talk some more with him and some other people .next timethey are there though hehehe...the day woz to short for me actually,pitty i had to go home early that evening...
Nway hope to see you there smoketilluchoke ^^