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you should have gone to rehab Amy



RIP. I always hate it when musicians do this to themselves. Kurt still stings...


Active member
What a dumb crack head, good riddens and lets hope we dont see anymore junkies like her on tv influence our children.

Do you know how many kids who listened to Amy Crackhouses music actually turned into Junkies?? Plenty so lets be happy she is gone for good.

Thats the most ignorant comment I've read since her death....so pot must be the gateway to dope then right? friggin moronic.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Shame on all you guys passing judgement on someones death.
Even the name of the thread is starting to get on my nerves.
I hate the kind of " i told you so" comments. Just shows lack of compassion and a damn cold heart in my humble opinion.
Even if you don't respect her death please respect a fellow grower&toker that might be over sensitive when comes to bad life management...i myself had issues on that field so i dread people talking out of their asses without any kind of positive input to the question.
Please if you don't feel for the ones that miss her shut the hell up.


Active member
never even heard her music. it does seem a shame that people with talent and a bright future fuck it up. i wish i could sing


Do you know how many kids who listened to Amy Crackhouses music actually turned into Junkies?? Plenty so lets be happy she is gone for good.

Yeah you gotta watch out for that music...it's a gateway drug.

I had a bad trip on a dose of Michael Jackson's Thriller and I'm left with a permanent moonwalking disability :comfort:

Famous or not it's always sad to see someone die so young :2cents:


Active member
All I know is you shouldn't pass judgement on others when you don't even know them, or even when you think you do!

Paulo73 is right on!!!!

What do any of you get acting like you have a clue what that women lived through or had in endure! I am ashamed that many of you think this is cute or that she deserved it some how......I know not everybody has been rude but come on gang! This was somebodies DAUGHTER!!!


I realise she was a young and troubled individual and it was a waste of talent, but...

Anyone who becomes famous for a song describing how they smugly ignore the pleas of loved ones to seek treatment for hard drug addiction... and then dies as a result of that addiction pretty much begs for schtick.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
All I know is you shouldn't pass judgement on others when you don't even know them, or even when you think you do!

Paulo73 is right on!!!!

What do any of you get acting like you have a clue what that women lived through or had in endure! I am ashamed that many of you think this is cute or that she deserved it some how......I know not everybody has been rude but come on gang! This was somebodies DAUGHTER!!!

I understand how you feel.. but each of us deals with bad news in different ways. Some cry, some punch holes in their walls, and some make jokes.

Jokes are a mechanism for dealing with pain. Just try to remember a truly FUNNY joke that doesn't involve someone getting hurt in some way (physically, mentally or emotionally).

I mean, same day she died 90+ people died because a lone nut decided to try to start a holy war. Shouldn't we all be discussing THAT instead of a pop star who couldn't control her impulses?

I feel worse for all those children dying of famine in Somalia now than I do for Amy Winehouse. (And they all have/had parents too.)


Game Bred
no sympathy for self induced suffering....

no none of us understood how haaard her life was,what with that ~10M~ net worth.

remember bleeding hearts she was one of those eeeeeevil rich people you rail against ;)

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Not exactly unexpected is it...
Its sad for her family.
I really dont get why people rated her so much though--she could sing, granted but all she did was knockoff old motown and soul-nothing innovative there.
the thing that pisses me off about junkie popstars is with their money, they can pay for a dr feelgood so theyre never without, and flit into rehab whenever they feel like it and not have the consequences that that your average jimmy 10 bag gets.
Legalise ALL drugs
shame on anyone who would put her in the "27 club". her name should NEVER be associated w/ the lasting memory of Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison. ms. winehouse, even if she would have lived to be 100yrs. old, would never come close to the type of artists that the "27 club" contains.

what the fuck is wrong with you? were you droped on your head?every person you just named had the same tragic kind of story, all used drugs and alcohol to excess all were talanted artist's and so was amy !!! you need to grow up, by the way Amy was 5 x the singer Janis was..........hendrix and morrison were 2 of the most over rated musicans ever......Cobain only knew 3 chords!!!!!!!!!!
ignorance like yours is a choice.......And I despise it........
I think it's going overboard saying she joins the list of musicans like Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison of died at 27... I mean she is a one hit wonder. The hit was all about being a druggie and that became her persona. Those other guys have at least lasted the test of time, regardless of your opinion of their talents.

And stumpy Mcgee, If you want to play the "those guys were just mainstream acts that didn't know music" card you have got to be kidding. If you want to say Whinehouse knows her stuff... I would like see her write some jazz or something. LOL

regardless RIP AMY


ICMag Donor
...and i was not alone at the time:ying:
It's very easy to forget how fucked up we once were...sadly that way we risk missing any lessons needed to grow up:)

Sad but true ,its often knowing where the fine line is and making the choice to get help,before its too late.This story reminds me of Lane Stanley,they have all the money in the world .Know their condition ,And just continue on until its too late.RIP Amy .i will rip one this afternoon in your honor....The only real winner, out of this dangerous game ive seen is Kieth Richards..Never in my life ,will i judge anyone for the drugs they decide to take...cause im too guilty myself...


ICMag Donor
what the fuck is wrong with you? were you droped on your head?every person you just named had the same tragic kind of story, all used drugs and alcohol to excess all were talanted artist's and so was amy !!! you need to grow up, by the way Amy was 5 x the singer Janis was..........hendrix and morrison were 2 of the most over rated musicans ever......Cobain only knew 3 chords!!!!!!!!!!
ignorance like yours is a choice.......And I despise it........

The other were good,but i don't think its possible to "overrate" hendrix.He's one of those once in a lifetime kind of people...

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