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World Health Organization: Swine flu could spread globally

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Active member
Theres a cure for it and all flu,but big Pharm does'nt want you to know.The cure is elderberrys.Look it up!!! I make wine out of them,but have a bunch in the freezer,for just such things.Its also effective on Avian flu,or any flu.3 days and its gone.Theres a product sold at drug stores called sambuccol.Buy some before its all gone.Its elderberry extract.Also look for elderberry,or elderflower tea.It will do the job. ...........Dont worry,be happy!!:joint:

Have you put that hypothesis through the "Scientific Method" or is it just an opinion? Should I invest in elderberries as the new miracle drug? :hotbounce

El Vexilix

Its like my U.S born friends getting sick fom the food in Mexico but my border-town ass doesn't .

sorry but the sentence should of gone with my previous post but this damn Playstation3 text box won't let me write Moby Dick .

Stay safe people .


Active member
Not Haiti...but you are getting closer...actually I am in the state of inebriation. A state that I obviously should not post from...if karma strikes me with the swine flu, well guess I have it coming. I actually ignored the point about this particular virus striking the young moreso than the old and feeble...but that would have not allowed me to rant about the medical community. My bad.

I think that zombies somehow got mentioned earlier in this thread...and I was just saying I was more worried about zombies than swine flu. I find it irritating that stuff like this gets all this press...bet ya cigarettes are killin more people today than the swine flu.

Well it is OK to rant to me ...I rant myself a lot these days,

Us old geezers do that
But enjoy your night and it was a really fun exchange actually....I really do have a very weird sense of humor that sometimes pisses ppl off....but I was just playing around.

Ruby Ridge is a bunch of anti government survivalist and I was poking fun only. Haitians believe in zombies so I had to deal with that as lots of Haitians swim to Florida for a better life.


Well half of Canada is here and the "Snowbirds" are currently heading home and guess WTF they are bringing with them???

Not swineflu atleast...

And btw confirmed swineflu in: uk, spain, canada, israel and new zealand, aside from mexico and the US ofcourse.


I am an old grumpy geezer myownself mad...I am not anti govt totally like the ruby ridge bunch. Swimming from Haiti to FL...that is pretty impressive...unless a zombie be chasing you.

PS...I also believe in Big Foot and I will serve no swine before its time.

If thousands or millions of us die over the next few days I will come back an apologize further...or maybe not


Active member
I am an old grumpy geezer myownself mad...I am not anti govt totally like the ruby ridge bunch. Swimming from Haiti to FL...that is pretty impressive...unless a zombie be chasing you.

PS...I also believe in Big Foot and I will serve no swine before its time.

If thousands or millions of us die over the next few days I will come back an apologize further...or maybe not

Well those Haitians and Cubans don't excactly swim over but those rickety water crafts are not very safe,...

My daughter is married to a Cuban who came over on a boat to Key West to be free 10 years ago....and he kissed the ground when he made it alive. But he has not seen his parents in 10 years as Castro has spies in Miami and Tampa and it is a well known fact. 2 were prosecuted recently here. But Ricardo and his brother are Cuban dissidents and Castro won't let them return for a visit.

A hard price to pay to be free....something us Americand take for granted INDEED! Nice to meet you grumpy old geezer....I kinda like your attitude.:joint:


Active member
Not swineflu atleast...

And btw confirmed swineflu in: uk, spain, canada, israel and new zealand, aside from mexico and the US ofcourse.

The World Economy will improve as more jobs available with all the deaths.

It will decimate the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!! then the Dems will legalize WEED!

Say your prayers guys.....LOL....just kidding!!!!


Active member
A suntan, a case of oranges, a plastic snow globe that contains only water and says "Florida Snow Man", and a case of gonorrhea?

Well at least gonorrhea is curable......HPV and HIV is not....those are VIRUS FROM HELL. And currently epidemic in American teens here. 25% of American girls have HPV and will get cervical cancer......SOOOO keep your pecker in your pants OR WRAP IT!!!!!!!!


Have you put that hypothesis through the "Scientific Method" or is it just an opinion? Should I invest in elderberries as the new miracle drug? :hotbounce

Actually there are scientific studies that prove elder helps with Influenza A and B.
Check it out.


the crazy thing i seen on the news today is they were saying they obviously have a vaccine for this, but what they were saying is they can't make enough because a flu vaccine takes 6 months to make, so if they start making enough of the swine flu vaccines they wouldn't be able to make enough flu vaccines for the elderly in winter (they already start making them for the following winter due to it taking 6 months), so it's a double edge sword if this thing gets out of control, i never caught the whole interview but this was the jist of it, i never even knew a vaccine takes 6 months in total to make



what happened 1976

what happened 1976

On February 5, 1976, an army recruit at Fort Dix said he felt tired and weak. He died the next day and four of his fellow soldiers were later hospitalized. Two weeks after his death, health officials announced that swine flu was the cause of death and that this strain(H1N1) of flu appeared to be closely related to the strain involved in the 1918 flu pandemic. Alarmed public-health officials decided that action must be taken to head off another major pandemic, and they urged President Gerald Ford that every person in the U.S. be vaccinated for the disease. on Oct. 1, 1976, the immunization program began and by Oct. 11, approximately 40 million people, or about 24% of the population, had received swine flu immunizations. That same day, three senior citizens died soon after receiving their swine flu shots. there was a public outcry linking the deaths to the immunizations. There were reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing neuromuscular disorder, affecting some people who had received swine flu immunizations. This syndrome is a side-effect of influenza vaccines, As a result, the public refused to trust a government-operated health program that killed old people and crippled young people. Overall, about 500 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), resulting in death from severe pulmonary complications for 25 people, which was caused by an immunopathological reaction to the vaccine.


Active member
"collateral damage" EVERY MEDICINE in the PDR will kills some percetage of ppl including aspirin. But I guarantee you more ppl are saved by vaccination than killed by them.


"collateral damage" EVERY MEDICINE in the PDR will kills some percetage of ppl including aspirin. But I guarantee you more ppl are saved by vaccination than killed by them.
not true... cannabis is medicine, and hasn't killed anyone yet, that i know of.... how many died from 1976 swine virus...1 and from the vaccine, at least 25, and 500 cases of gbs

ben ttech

Active member
nobodies buying the assurance of brain dead capitalis fluffing swine anymore...

do your religious tracks give response for those who tell you christ to go eat the shit hes made out of???


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Hey Benny...Just a heads up..Politics and religion aren't allowed on IC, so yer gonna haveta find something else to moan about :D


the crazy thing i seen on the news today is they were saying they obviously have a vaccine for this, but what they were saying is they can't make enough because a flu vaccine takes 6 months to make, so if they start making enough of the swine flu vaccines they wouldn't be able to make enough flu vaccines for the elderly in winter (they already start making them for the following winter due to it taking 6 months), so it's a double edge sword if this thing gets out of control, i never caught the whole interview but this was the jist of it, i never even knew a vaccine takes 6 months in total to make


That is always an issue with flu vaccines. The vaccine that comes out is just a best guess several months before the actual known strain pops up. And I would wager that guess is wrong way more than it is right. Plus flu viruses tend to mutate fairly quickly...this one would be an example...it mutated when it crossed the border apparently and is not nearly as dangerous in the US as it was Mexico...at least yet.

Intelligent people argue both sides of the vaccine debate...but there is enough "collateral damage" showing up these days that ain't nobody ever gonna vaccinate me again for anything.

Now...off to the bar to tempt fate and be social.
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