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World Health Organization: Swine flu could spread globally

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Active member
I said she DOESNT wipe ass fool... "all the old folks wipe there own asses".... its in your quote. Assisted living is different than convelessent homes.

You are the one that is really a FOOL if you really believe an ALF is not rife with bacteria. Read and come back as you are too ignorant to teach anything.:moon:


Active member
OH thank God Hawaii Nurse is here to back me up.....granny is tired of teaching the unteachable. DUH!!!!!


Active member
Very good Hawaii Nurse.......hope you are having a good night on the big island over there. We sure need more nurses here in Florida. But she pretty much covers the technical side of it.

We are just trying to educate ppl to prevent spread of disease and it seemed a good idea here as we currently facing this flu scare.


Pull my finger
I know what I know about microbiology and hell, I even learned ACLS when I was 12. There might some folks that are naive enough to think that scrubs dont carry germs.

At least I know that the doctors and nurses that frequent my social life have enough sense (and respect [morality]) to get rid of the germs before coming close to my kids. Hell, even scabies can hitch a ride home.

Glad I dont have to come close to the germ infested scrub wearing people mentioned in this thread.

And to those who think you can not get MRSA from cotton, it's not a matter of if, but when. Hope you had your orange juice.

We just had a case of MRSA where the girl touched one of the knobs on a patient monitoring system and contracted the staph. She lost over 80 pounds and is on her death bed. NO THANKS! A simple mistake led to her sickness and she lost the lawsuit because she was not authorized to touch the machine. ALL nurses know to wear gloves when touching anything (including equipment). Ya know, it really does scare me that there are folks in the medical field that think scrubs are always completely sterile. That is SCARY!


Panic stations here in Newzealand.
As Iron Maiden Say,Pick up your tamiflu and run to the hills.


ben ttech

Active member
once you understand the concept of the sterile feild...
you can start sending you bud through the mail with impunity...

you suddenly realize FOOL news for what it is...
and what idiots your idealisms protagonist are revealed to be...

not such a becoming understanding


Active member
once you understand the concept of the sterile feild...
you can start sending you bud through the mail with impunity...

you suddenly realize FOOL news for what it is...
and what idiots your idealisms protagonist are revealed to be...

not such a becoming understanding

Well first you need to be able to SPELL "sterile field".....LOL

Scrubs worn out of the hospital is definately violating the sterile field.....LOL

WTF has that got to do with bud?????

FOOL NEWS is WTF "you" read as I read medical journals daily and do CEU's to keep up on things.

Then I suggest you see your mental health professionals to help you with your condition.

ben ttech

Active member
correctt spelling is for nazis....

and itts unfortunate to see what 19th century scientific understanding passes of authority around here... LET alone in the 21st century...

ANY object 'rains' a shower of its constituent elements as it passes over anything...

ie, you could draw a symbol over a clean sheet with a piece of bud...
and a properly trained dog... could REcreate the symbol... simply by judging WHERE on the sheet... it odorous cast off elemental products fell...

this isnt just a fact for those trying to send pot through the mail...

jr. nurses and their help are train to know that you NEVER reach across a 'streile field'....
unless your hand and arm have been properly STERILIZED before hand...

ANY retired nurse who DOESNT know this...
probably killed more patients than the taliban has EVER managed to blow up...


Active member
hmmmmm IMPOSSIBLE FOR nurses to sterilize their hands.
Proper handwashing and sterile gloves with sterile technique is the only hope.

But it does look like a lot of Taliban got WHACKED today by Pakistani forces....but honey child we are talking BACTERIA AND VIRUS. Not world atrocities made by MAN!!!!!!!!!

But BTW bite me!!!!! te he you ain't too bright my dear.


Hands and arms that touch sterile fields have sterile gowns and gloves on. Anything non sterile must be at least six inches away. Non sterile gloved hands drop sterile items onto the sterile field all the time...so as a matter of fact they DO pass over the sterile field, but always at the proper distance. Of course, this is what is practiced in the USA. In other areas of the world, they may not have sterile gloves and gowns...so they do the best that they can. I would hope that at least sterile technique is practiced everywhere. Proper hand washing is the most important part of breaking the chain of infection. Use antimicrobial hand rinse if your hands are not soiled and rub hands together until it is dry. If they are soiled, wash your hands for at least 15 seconds with antimicrobial soap and clean water. Dry your hands with a paper towel and either turn off the water with that towel or get a new one. I always open the bathroom door going out with my elbow if possible. The door handles and flush handle are the worst....ewww! Hope that clears that up....Cheers.:joint:

ben ttech

Active member
medical institution who take the proceedure to heart INSTALL their plumbing and doors to prevent the practicioner ^^^^ from having the oppertunity to violate the CLEAN FEILD their role in medicine is supposed to ensure...


Ben are you okay? I am worried about you. I was speaking about bathrooms outside of the hospital. I guess I didn't make that clear. The pathways from the scrub sinks to the area that is sterile is either a clear pathway or with swing doors. I can tell that you don't work in a hospital, so I can understand why do don't understand what I am talking about. Assuming that the hospitals don't care about a sterile field and sterile technique by forcing empolyees to break said field by blocking thier way with "plumbing and doors" is just silly and totally untrue. I can only guess that you do not live in the US and/or English is not your first language. I don't mean that in a rude way. It might explain some things about you that people don't understand.

ben ttech

Active member
i merely was notin the distinction between spaces which surgical groups are forced to opperate in...

and spaces built to facilitate them in their work.

we have both in opperation in california... and the fact of the second being a status quo outside the battlefield is a pox upon one of the largest economies in the world...

AH but we just purchased 20 news prisons IN THE FACE of having to cut back on education and the helplessly handicapped among us...

in order to PAY for our appitite in CONTINUING to ramp up our STATE OPPRESSION of the non violently person ILL at rolling over correctly...


Active member
Damn Ben.....take your psych meds and go to bed dear.....it is gonna be OK and we will save the world tomorrow!

California is one of the most Non "OPPRESSION" states in America. Get a grip man!


Active member
Pork prices are dropping and pork is a $15 billion a year industry here in America.

The swine flu can't be spread by eating pork. But pig prices are dropping. ppl are having second thoughts about"the other white meat"

The Swine Flu is a strain never before seen hybrid and a combination of swine and bird flu.

But it has depressed the pork industry already. China....Russia...Ukraine are now boycotting Mexican ans American pork.

Unfortunate misuse of words.

Pigs don't give it to humans so KISS YOUR PIG not your wife te he....

U.S officials may rename it.....
The European Union's Health Commisioner suggested "Novel Flu" WHAT!!!!!!!!

World Health Org....WHO says they have no plans to change it.....

So I know what I am gonna do......

Go to Wal Mart and stock up on some nice pork chops while they are cheap.....

while the world gives up Pork in paranoia! LOL
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