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Why is medical marijuana so expensive?


Out of the slime, finally.
And if the Caregiver gets busted...the Patients are all gonna pay for his Legal fees??
Before you go quoting Obama's statement, I mean by local cops--
They do it all the time-- Bust you, take your plants and equipment...and let you hash it out in Court--
$20,000 later....you are found not guilty--
Don't believe me?? Ask the Babba's...they had to go through it--
Are the Patient's willing to put their % into an Insurance Fund??
I think not--
How do you screen the Patients, to make sure they are not just reselling it for the much higher street prices??

Good point. I am helping someone through this now to avoid the fees. They are going self-represented.

IMO, it is a choice for the caregiver to make if they want to help a person under the law. It is their own personal choice and they do not have to do it. I do it, regardless, of the consequences and I will bare them alone.


Out of the slime, finally.
REASONABLE COMPENSATION for services rendered per contractual obligation can not include the sale of marijuana. The caregiver is contracted to grow the plants for the patient.
Please tell me how the very language you cite allows for the sale of 1/8 ounces for $50-80.

I do not want anything for free and I resent your constant implication that I and other do.
Why is it so hard for you to understand, the patient is paying the caregiver for the time involved as well as the expenses.

Those costs should be spread over ALL patients being serviced.
If the actual expenses for one complete crop, servicing 5 people equals $500. Why should the caregiver charge EACH patient for the entire cost of the grow, then charge them black market prices also.
That $500 in expenses should be equally divided between the five patients.

The only reason caregivers insist they own the plants is due to patients on a limited income can only afford very little med. This leaves the caregiver to make their PROFITS by diverting the rest of the patients plant out the back door.

Even if the caregiver were to charge a flat hourly fee plus expenses, should the patient pay for time spent on other patients plants too?
Should a patient pay for the caregiver who sits in their flower room for hours on end?

Each patient should receive an itemized list of charges and pay this amount when they take possession of their entire plant(s).

As it is now, caregivers are charging each patient the full amount of expenses, even though those expenses cover five patients crops.

At most, it should take approx. 25 hours of time for each 100 day grow.
You mention the cost of energy. Should EACH patient pay the full charge for the electric bill? Should the caregiver receive the full amount of the electric bill from each patient or should that bill be split five ways ?
A bottle of nutes cost $50 and is used on ALL five patients plants.
Should each patient be charged the full $50 for a bottle that is used between all five patients or should that $50 be divided by five patients?

I do not believe I am being unreasonable.

Oh, let's also do away with this false notion of RISK.

Obama Administration Issues New Medical Marijuana Policy
Obama Vows to Protect State Medical Marijuana Laws


Obama MJ Policy - What Does it Mean?

BUMP ^^^

I find the question reasonable. All I have read are answers skirting around the primary-direct questions or claims that they are not worth answering.


Freedom Fighter
Good point. I am helping someone through this now to avoid the fees. They are going self-represented.

IMO, it is a choice for the caregiver to make if they want to help a person under the law. It is their own personal choice and they do not have to do it. I do it, regardless, of the consequences and I will bare them alone.

But that has been the whole argument here...only the other way around-- Growers have overhead, and also need to make a wage from it...compounded with the Risks-- Patients do not have a Right to have a Caregiver, however they CAN shop around for one that meets their requirements--
Face it...most MMJ Rec holders are not bed-ridden, and the Market has already proven that they are willing to pay the existing price--
I'm not saying that is "Good" or "Bad"...just "Is"--




OK-I have an idea. Let's see how many growers roll with this:

Find a dispensary-or a hospice center, etc. that has folks who are IN NEED of good medicine. Not a dispensary that commands outrageous donations, but a place that truly offers compassion to those who need it most by giving deep discounts, or if needed, free meds. Or, find someone who is truly ill...and you know is in need.

When you go to harvest, set aside ONE plant. Take the meds from that ONE plant and donate it.

If even half of those who grow did this with just a single plant, imagine all of the folks who are too sick to grow-who could be helped?

After you've done this, post your experience...
I can almost guarantee it'll make you feel good, because you've truly done something awesome and selfless, to help your fellow man...



Freedom Fighter
OK-I have an idea. Let's see how many growers roll with this:

Find a dispensary-or a hospice center, etc. that has folks who are IN NEED of good medicine. Not a dispensary that commands outrageous donations, but a place that truly offers compassion to those who need it most by giving deep discounts, or if needed, free meds. Or, find someone who is truly ill...and you know is in need.

When you go to harvest, set aside ONE plant. Take the meds from that ONE plant and donate it.

If even half of those who grow did this with just a single plant, imagine all of the folks who are too sick to grow-who could be helped?

After you've done this, post your experience...
I can almost guarantee it'll make you feel good, because you've truly done something awesome and selfless, to help your fellow man...


I already do way more than that my friend-- I think that most of us who are on "this side" already do that...from what I have read here, it seems the ones who want it all, and for "their" interpretation of "Affordable"...they seem to be the ones doing the least--
But Charity is freely given, and should be appreciated as such--
I don't stick up for the D's, per se...but I do stick up for their Right to charge what they want-- If they were charging too much, I would think that they would soon be out of business...not flourishing as they are now-- The Market dictates the Price--


I already do way more than that my friend-- I think that most of us who are on "this side" already do that...from what I have read here, it seems the ones who want it all, and for "their" interpretation of "Affordable"...they seem to be the ones doing the least--
But Charity is freely given, and should be appreciated as such--
I don't stick up for the D's, per se...but I do stick up for their Right to charge what they want-- If they were charging too much, I would think that they would soon be out of business...not flourishing as they are now-- The Market dictates the Price--

I know ya do, and it's people like you who make a difference!

Dispensaries are free to charge what they want-yes, but my issue is with most of them using the word "compassion" in their advertisements, etc. when they have no intention of helping anyone at all.

Growers I have no issue with, they are free to do what they want to, but I'm just sayin', imagine if just half the growers out there did what I've suggested. That would be just awesome!!


Not true. A newbie grower can definitely get lucky. But with experience comes consistency. But you're just trying to fight so FU.

A newbie can do his homework and grow "Grade A meds" from the start, with little investment and effort.

There's a crowd here that tries to make it sound difficult and esoteric; some to pump up their Internet image, and others to justify the current scheme that puts money in their pockets.


A newbie can do his homework and grow "Grade A meds" from the start, with little investment and effort.

There's a crowd here that tries to make it sound difficult and esoteric; some to pump up their Internet image, and others to justify the current scheme that puts money in their pockets.

I tend to agree with that statement. I felt sort of alienated about growing my own meds because I thought it would be too difficult. Looking back, it's because a lot of what I've read by some who do grow. Some make it sound like rocket science. I didn't even try for a long time because of that. Finances basically forced me into trying.

Now that I'm doing this, I've found it is not difficult, it just takes doing some reading, some patience, and not much money really. If it was so expensive to do, I certainly wouldn't have tried-I don't have money to just flush down the pot, so to speak...

Following the basic guidelines worked for me. If anyone would have failed at this, it would have been me. If I can do it, just about anyone can-AND get good results.


Patient Grower
A newbie can do his homework and grow "Grade A meds" from the start, with little investment and effort.

There's a crowd here that tries to make it sound difficult and esoteric; some to pump up their Internet image, and others to justify the current scheme that puts money in their pockets.

...or maybe we're just stupid, compared to all the geniuses who swear it's easy. Though I wonder why everyone isn't doing it, it being so easy for all but morons like myself. But I guess I'm just a moron, and will remain in suspense.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I have been growing for over 5 years and I am always learning something new. Not to say a newbie can't do well, but like anything it takes practice. Here in BC veggie hothouse growers make more than doctors or good lawyers and most of them come from Holland where generations of growing experience exist. So ya if in over 5 years I am still learning and I feel LEARNING ALWAYS GOES ON. So the best way to learn is by asking questions and hands on experience.
Did anybody else learn by making mistakes I did. It's a tough way to learn and in this biz the only way to learn.


Patient Grower
So what do you do when you get spider mites? Lots of newbies run to the Home Depot and buy really nasty pesticides that have a half life of 94 years so the plant is still systemically permeated with them at harvest. Yeah, give them a 'Hot Shot'. It works. It's easy! Just a trip to the local hardware store.

I recall the first time I opened my res in a hydro system and found some errant elephant had ejaculated a wad into it.

Fungus gnats are such a minor annoyance. Just live and let live! Hah!

Whiteflies are actually kind of cute to look at.

Thought I'd seen it all, until Oakland introduced me to Powdery Mildew.

Outdoors we have rabbits, deer, the wonder of spittle bugs, etc.

Overwater, underwater, over feed, under feed, medium too dry, medium too moist, lack of drainage, optimal PH, temp controls, if they aren't too fucking hot they're freezing at night, humidity too high, humidity too low. A week from harvest find your buds molding. Sigh, I wish I wasn't a moron. Everybody else says this shit is easy.

Now a good cure is easy too. Just preheat your oven to 170 and pop those buds in. This keeps the buds from molding and no need to wait.

Easy as slapping a burrito in the freakin' microwave, no doubt.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
for mites i use the same product 2 ways. Neem Oil i use first as a foliar feed and then i use in my restank as a soil drench. Do them at the same time or in a couple days of eachother.
Use a sulphur burner at night for 2 hours to get rid of mildew which is very bad to smoke for your health. I use the burner from start to finish.


Out of the slime, finally.
Face it...most MMJ Rec holders are not bed-ridden, and the Market has already proven that they are willing to pay the existing price--

^^^ That is true. We have seen them drive the spawn and proliferation of the dispensaries.


Freedom Fighter
So what do you do when you get spider mites? Lots of newbies run to the Home Depot and buy really nasty pesticides that have a half life of 94 years so the plant is still systemically permeated with them at harvest. Yeah, give them a 'Hot Shot'. It works. It's easy! Just a trip to the local hardware store.

I recall the first time I opened my res in a hydro system and found some errant elephant had ejaculated a wad into it.

Fungus gnats are such a minor annoyance. Just live and let live! Hah!

Whiteflies are actually kind of cute to look at.

Thought I'd seen it all, until Oakland introduced me to Powdery Mildew.

Outdoors we have rabbits, deer, the wonder of spittle bugs, etc.

Overwater, underwater, over feed, under feed, medium too dry, medium too moist, lack of drainage, optimal PH, temp controls, if they aren't too fucking hot they're freezing at night, humidity too high, humidity too low. A week from harvest find your buds molding. Sigh, I wish I wasn't a moron. Everybody else says this shit is easy.

Now a good cure is easy too. Just preheat your oven to 170 and pop those buds in. This keeps the buds from molding and no need to wait.

Easy as slapping a burrito in the freakin' microwave, no doubt.

Seems that that is all amplified...as plant numbers go up!!
It is easy to go leaf by leaf looking for Mites...when you have 3 plants!! Try it with 800 in a greenhouse...then discover a "Mild" case of PM....then wonder what that splotchy shit is, that is showing as a deficiency in one strain...is showing as a Toxicity in another???
C'mon ppl...Growers are not the ones that should be the "Bad Guys" here--
Let it be on the Politicians and the Laws themselves--
BTW...even if it is Legalized, it will still take the same work to produce top quality bud, on a large level-- :tree:


Freedom Fighter
^^^ That is true. We have seen them drive the spawn and proliferation of the dispensaries.

And so has the Govn't!! They have done all the studies about Tax Generation at the existing prices...when it becomes Legal...I would not expect to see a huge drop in price--


Patient Grower
I also forgot to mention about when your girls decide to 'take a walk on the wild side' and fertilize themselves.

"Jackie is just speedin' away
Thought she was james dean for a day
Then i guess she had to crash
Valium would've helped that bash
She said hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
She said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
And the colored girls sing
Doot, doo doot, doo doot, doo doot doo doot
Doot, doo doot, doo doot, doo doot doo doot"


I love my life
BUMP ^^^

I find the question reasonable. All I have read are answers skirting around the primary-direct questions or claims that they are not worth answering.

WTF!!!!!!!!!!! 3L You were directly challenged in post #1018 but you bumped this post without addressing the question asked to you. I am guessing that you will not be sitting for the CA bar.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
OK-I have an idea. Let's see how many growers roll with this:

Find a dispensary-or a hospice center, etc. that has folks who are IN NEED of good medicine. Not a dispensary that commands outrageous donations, but a place that truly offers compassion to those who need it most by giving deep discounts, or if needed, free meds. Or, find someone who is truly ill...and you know is in need.

When you go to harvest, set aside ONE plant. Take the meds from that ONE plant and donate it.

If even half of those who grow did this with just a single plant, imagine all of the folks who are too sick to grow-who could be helped?

After you've done this, post your experience...
I can almost guarantee it'll make you feel good, because you've truly done something awesome and selfless, to help your fellow man...


why should growers have to do this?

i've been unemployed due to illness and market conditions. i haven't had a vacation in three years. i do not have health insurance.

i could use a flat screen TV (i'm sure most of you have one. you can all chip in for one for me), health fund, a nice vacation.

i bet if each one of you donated some of your hard earned cash you would feel better about yourselves.

thanks and Happy Holidays!!!!

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