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Why does everyone hate McDonalds?


Hi ho here we go
It's all about Moderation

It's all about Moderation

Years ago I was a Director in a Public company which bought and manage Drug Trials businesses.

One of our biggest was the "pharmacological Research Center of Chicago" one of the biggest in the U.S.

The Doctor who ran this shop could prove just about any Drug was Safe if used in Moderation.

So he used to say "you could eat Dogshit and it would not harm you as long as you consumed it in Moderation.
:party: So party on at Mac Donald's


if it smells like fish
I can proudly say I haven't eaten at mcdonalds in years ... my guess would be 3 years...yeehaw.. there aint one within like 30 miles of me now I would guess.....yeehaw ....I prefer to kill em and grill em myself..that reminds me I need a meat grinder..my old one got misplaced in the move the ex bitch got it.....my burgers have around 15 percent pork....better than mcdonalds ever made


Active member
@skwirl I posted bout wealth distribution bc of what LEF posted.. thus my original statement"I'm not sure I follow what you're getting at".

Anyways you are correct its much easier to lose fat when youre obese vs if are near peak fitness, one could call it diminishing returns... But thats due, to being them being obese much easier to lose something if you have a ton of it vs not alot... The general safe zone for losing fat while being healthy metabolically is generally accepted at 2 lbs a week or 7000 kCal. If he had problems doing that, then Idk what to tell ya, dude was a lazy shmuck or purposely didn't achieve what he could in a reasonable time frame in order to push his agenda. If he just reduced his intake at 500-700 cal a day( just 1 big mac less everything else being the same) he couldve still lost a lb a week np, 20 lbs in 4-5months while still eating MCd's and being sedentary


mickey d's got the fast down but needs to work on the food...just getting rid of the white bread and substituting with an organic whole grain bun would make a big difference in nutrition...also add some lettuce and a slice of tomato

that 80/20 diet thing is a good guideline with 80% of the diet being healthy food and 20% not so healthy...I'm been smelling skunky mexi brick schwag waffing thru the air lately and wouldn't mind scoring a bit...also enjoy a snack of mickey d's two cheeseburgers, a small fry and and an apple pie once in a while...


cant re Member
I'm not saying I've never eaten fast food or will again, I try to avoid those places for sure....I do eat unhealthy food some times but try to balance my diet with all kinds of food, fresh fruit, grains, fish and not too much red meat...everything in moderation. Cept maybe cannabis hehehehe

I don't think too much red meat is bad for you. humans ate red meat predominantly for millions of years. its the saturated fat in it that's the problem. just eat lean meat. fish is bad to eat more than once a week (try getting blood tests done for dangerous metals after you eat fish for a week lol)
but yeah like you say, varied diet, everything in moderation, plent of fresh veg, fruit is pretty nutrient rich but high in sugars. most people don't realise that a banana is as sugary as most sweets.


Active member
Because it´s a symbol of american corporative greed.

I think has become a Tradition to smash a Mc Donalds in Anti-Capitalist demos.

I don´t hate Mc Donalds, I don´t go and that´s all.

The last time I was in one like 15 years ago, a drunken night-out with another chef at around 05:30 AM We asked Araceli ( that was the name of the girl) if the cows were raised with grass or another kind of feeding.
The poor girl didn´t really know.


I don't think too much red meat is bad for you. humans ate red meat predominantly for millions of years. its the saturated fat in it that's the problem. just eat lean meat. fish is bad to eat more than once a week (try getting blood tests done for dangerous metals after you eat fish for a week lol)
but yeah like you say, varied diet, everything in moderation, plent of fresh veg, fruit is pretty nutrient rich but high in sugars. most people don't realise that a banana is as sugary as most sweets.

I saw an interesting documentary recently about meat. They claimed that fat was actually the most healthy thing in meat. Offcourse the factoryfed cattle won't have quality fat but if they can graze naturally it should contain healthy fats. Saturated fat in itself isn't bad, it depends which fatty acids it's holding. Good fats are way more important in our diets than we know. We mostly know it as bad but that's because the food industry has used a load of cheap, crappy fats to add to our food or animal food, or chemically altered, which aren't even natural.

IIRC they claimed the red part contains the carnitine proteine which feeds a specific bacteria in our gut that creates toxic byproducts.
And that is why red meat should be eaten more cautiously than white meat(bird meat) or fish. I'll tell you one thing no way will I eat one more factory produced bird. Not in my life. If I want to digest some antibiotics and hormones I'll go to a doctor or bodybuilder store, lol. Yet it is considered the leanest meat and thus de facto the healthiest? Never mind the quality how it's produced... Same with fruit and vege's. I'd rather eat organic DIRT than a sprayed down apple or whatever.
I always figured the meats with nice fat marbling were more natural and healthier. Not to mention tastier. The way they feed cows to bulk up can't be good.

Not trying to be argumentative, but this line of thinking is pretty common in the canna world. Big biz=automatically bad, especially if its one of the big dogs... Also pretty common with alot of the younger crowd, they use emotional appeal to justify their standing, use confirmation biases, etc.. Now if you want to hate McD's thats your prerogative, and I will never judge based on that, me myself i personally hate their food. I'll stop in at a local mom&pop while traveling, prefer the service, attention to quality(small batch, made to order cooking), and like discovering new favorite spots. Its along the lines of automatically discrediting GMO's as useful advancement of science and tech... Huge part of this and lots of perpetuating ideology in the more "progressive" mindset is this scientific illiteracy, hardly progressive if you automatically demonize something without first considering everything...

I'm a skeptic by nature, and that includes both sides of the spectrum

I think it's common in the canna world because, after realizing cannabis isn't bad enough to be illegal whereas alcohol is, it made me research the why and the how. If you look at how nearly all the established industries were afraid of the competition of this plant and lobbied cannabis into illegality it makes you wonder how fucked up the world really is. And if you do some more research you realize you can't grasp how fucked up the world really is and how people always try to manipulate and control other people. It's a lesson no school ever taught me. If that's common in the canna world it's because of a good reason I guess.

No one's automatically discrediting GMO's, but anyone who can read between the lines sees that GMO in hands of corporations with nothing but greed and domination as driving factor is way ahead of naively thinking "wow they can really help humanity with this" and will maybe even think "how are they going to use this to profit from us, to control us and to make us sick" and the answers are already there.


Well-known member
this thread has brought some memories, werewolf in human form waking up beside a deer carcass
that is the essence of a McDonalds orgy, the shame unbearable
but on the eating of meat and the health consequences thereof
some CNN health snippet mentioned a large clinical study of veg/no-veg
results being a 5 month increase in life expectancy, not spectacular
i guess it just seems longer that you're alive

Green Squall

Well-known member
I don't think too much red meat is bad for you. humans ate red meat predominantly for millions of years. its the saturated fat in it that's the problem. just eat lean meat. fish is bad to eat more than once a week (try getting blood tests done for dangerous metals after you eat fish for a week lol)
but yeah like you say, varied diet, everything in moderation, plent of fresh veg, fruit is pretty nutrient rich but high in sugars. most people don't realise that a banana is as sugary as most sweets.

I eat fish 2 or 3 times a week. I should prob ask my doctor to check for heavy metals next time I get my blood work done.


Well-known member
I eat McDonalds because i was raised to. Tons of people got McDs as a treat. And that's what it should be, a treat.

Unfortunately quality of mcdoubles has gone down over the years, but a mcchicken every once in a while is great. Plus the fries!


Well-known member
I eat fish 2 or 3 times a week. I should prob ask my doctor to check for heavy metals next time I get my blood work done.

the apex predators in saltwater are the worst- shark, swordfish etc. in fresh water, it is much the same-IE- BIG catfish, striped bass are REAL bad, in certain polluted waters (read Great Lakes etc) , oily fish like trout/salmon are bad for you. generally, the larger the fish, the more crap it is loaded with from its cumulative diet...


Well-known member
white castle is deffinitly the most overrated.there burgers are bland too.the fries,onion rings suck.chicken sucks.Atleast krystals puts mustard on there sliders.And there chicken is pretty good.white castle is way overhyped and expensive.


Active member
I saw an interesting documentary recently about meat. They claimed that fat was actually the most healthy thing in meat. Offcourse the factoryfed cattle won't have quality fat but if they can graze naturally it should contain healthy fats. Saturated fat in itself isn't bad, it depends which fatty acids it's holding. Good fats are way more important in our diets than we know. We mostly know it as bad but that's because the food industry has used a load of cheap, crappy fats to add to our food or animal food, or chemically altered, which aren't even natural.

IIRC they claimed the red part contains the carnitine proteine which feeds a specific bacteria in our gut that creates toxic byproducts.
And that is why red meat should be eaten more cautiously than white meat(bird meat) or fish. I'll tell you one thing no way will I eat one more factory produced bird. Not in my life. If I want to digest some antibiotics and hormones I'll go to a doctor or bodybuilder store, lol. Yet it is considered the leanest meat and thus de facto the healthiest? Never mind the quality how it's produced... Same with fruit and vege's. I'd rather eat organic DIRT than a sprayed down apple or whatever.
I always figured the meats with nice fat marbling were more natural and healthier. Not to mention tastier. The way they feed cows to bulk up can't be good.

I think it's common in the canna world because, after realizing cannabis isn't bad enough to be illegal whereas alcohol is, it made me research the why and the how. If you look at how nearly all the established industries were afraid of the competition of this plant and lobbied cannabis into illegality it makes you wonder how fucked up the world really is. And if you do some more research you realize you can't grasp how fucked up the world really is and how people always try to manipulate and control other people. It's a lesson no school ever taught me. If that's common in the canna world it's because of a good reason I guess.

No one's automatically discrediting GMO's, but anyone who can read between the lines sees that GMO in hands of corporations with nothing but greed and domination as driving factor is way ahead of naively thinking "wow they can really help humanity with this" and will maybe even think "how are they going to use this to profit from us, to control us and to make us sick" and the answers are already there.

I read the same too about the fat content of red meat, supposedly increased the thinking and brain capacity of early humans..

The Gmo's already has helped humanity to the nth degree.. Norman borlaug and the green revolution.. I would say too many are focused on what's natural vs not, rather looking at whats good for you period. You can have natural thats bad (arsenic) or you can have "non-natural" thats good (clean, sterile lab enviroments) just as you can have clean healthy organic chicken or chicken thats been mangled and pumped, as long as you are a discerning customer, this whole I hate/distrust this guys, shouldn't matter right?

I disagree if its for a good reason, I see the same reasoning among huge different social groups. "They broke my trust and marginalized us and made us outlaws, we can't trust those guys" How would it be any different to turn the same gun on them? I say, screw all of that, just live your life, and tell anyone blowin smoke up ya ass, to do likewise...

Don't take it for me sticking up for these guys off rip... I'm just trying to get you guys to see my perceptive, that any and all groups play the tribalism game, the us vs them shit.. My main position is on personal freedom, always.. I'll be damned if someone, anyone, tells me how to live my life, whether I'm dirt broke, growing pot, or somehow managed to make good money.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I had McDonalds today...dollar menu mcchicken and double cheeseburger. $2. Still haven't pooped, see what happens. Hopefully I don't cough outside in the city while smoking and shit my pants.

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
That would be hilarious doober, look like chocolate syrup everywhere lol.
Armedoldhippy: you're right about the great lakes the one ten minutes from my house you're not supposed to eat fish out of more then once a month due to heavy metals. Wich sucks ass


Active member
Anyone ever eaten a mcgangbang ?

I would be embarassed to ask for it, and not because of the name.

Im not sure they even make it for you or you gotta make it yourself.

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