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"Botanigard" anyone have any experience with it?


It's a product based on the fungus Beauveria bassiana, which attacks a lot of harmful insects and then sporulates on them in optimum condition, limiting the need for multiple applications.
I just ordered the Botanigard 22 WP to Europe from an American site, with shipping it was still cheaper than if I bought it locally.

I was just wondering if anyone used it before and how succesfully, I can't seem to find much info on it and it's mostly aimed at professional farmers I get the impression.
It seems more useful to me than beneficial insects as I've got a small surface to work with and most such beneficials are sold in way bigger quantities than necessary.



I finally received it a couple of days ago, it was quite an investment with shipping overseas and paying extra taxes to customs, you greedy bastards, but I think it'll last for a long time. Also got some humic acid and seaweed concentrates so shipping and taxes(almost €100 together) weren't solely for the Botanigard.

I got the Botanigard 22 WP, I added some to the watering rather than spraying it as I want to get rid of fungus gnats/root aphids/sciarid flies. I didn't dare add too much as it contains petroleum distillates and actually smells a bit fuelly, but I guess it won't hurt the roots?

Will update when things progress!


ballplayer 2

Active member
Please let me know how it goes. I have the Botanigard ES, but I have not used it yet. I am planning to add it in my rotation of products to hopefully fight off Root Aphids. I was planning on using it as a root drench (unsure what dilution rate yet, because of the Pet. Distillates). Also, if you use it as a foliar please let me know if you have any phytotoxicity issues.

Please update your progress with Botanigard, whatever the results are.


I can order all the typical live beneficials at a supplier nearby, problem is those things can't be kept for longer than a few days, weeks max... This stuff can be kept for 2 years at least, I don't need to use much of it, it has a broad spectrum, so all considered is very cost effective.

So I added it 6 days ago and 2 days ago, I only added half a gram maybe, guessing by sight... Not much anyway.
It did strike me that no bugs came flying out my tent as I opened it 2 days ago, and even when taking out the pots and inspecting the plants, I had to look to find just a few!
Didn't expect it to be that effective so fast actually.
I will redose a few more times and keep you guys updated.

Biggs I contacted a dealer of "Koppert" in Europe but it was double what "Tampa Agricultural Products" asks. With shipping and taxes at customs the last turned out to cost a bit more -_-


It doesn't kill off the population completely but keeps them under control very well, a one time small application(I just add the wetting powder to the watering as the bugs emerge from the soil) seems to be effective for a long time too. There's still some critters crawling around here and there but I grow organic and it feels to me as if my plants are feeling really good even with a few around.